Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 350 The first move

Chapter 350 The Second Move


The situation of the world changed, only that huge spiritual power, as if it existed forever, shone in everyone's eyes, the strong sense of oppression made countless people present, except Xiao Renlong, Chi Yanlang Except for Wang He Cangge, the Xuanwu Realm expert, few of the others can maintain a calm posture under such power!
"The judgment of the common people, the seal of the heavens!"

A strong light surged out from Ni Cangtian's hands. In an instant, a huge amount of spiritual power condensed and formed under the envelope of the strong light. Finally, it turned into an illusory light seal!

The light seal is not big, only a few feet, but derived from the transparency, it is an extremely terrifying aura of destruction. Because of this aura, the entire mountain range where Yanyangzong is located makes all the creatures in the mountain feel instantly Come, is the end coming.


Looking at the transparent light marks formed in the midair, streaks of silver light, at this moment, flashed out of Ye Chen's body without reservation. The opponent was Ni Cangtian who was stronger than Yang Jun, and Ye Chen would not be able to fight again. No reservations.

"The Canglong Army!"


Countless fighting intentions, like the soaring air waves, surged in the void. With a movement of Ye Chen's body, he appeared directly in the numerous fighting intentions. Immediately, the silver light flickered, absorbing all the fighting intentions with ease. .

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many masters present, including the master of the Xuanwu realm in Cang Pavilion and the Chiyan Wolf King, jumped.

As long as there is an army, there is a fighting spirit that can be borrowed. However, not everyone can absorb the fighting spirit so perfectly like Ye Chen.

Generally speaking, to achieve this step, one must have a sufficient degree of fit with the sergeants under his command.

But the time when Ye Chen rose, but in the last two years, before that, he was not the commander of the Canglong Army, let alone the young master of the Great Desolation. How could he achieve this level in such a short period of time?
You must know that even these masters present may not be able to achieve this level after years or even decades of experience.

As long as you are human, you will have selfishness!

How could they know that, including Cang Pavilion, although they paid close attention to the Great Desolation, the things that happened in Burial Soul Valley, Lord Taichung, and the purification of Changfeng City not long ago are still beyond their comprehension .

During these processes, Ye Chen completely conquered everyone in the Great Wilderness with his own performance, including his former enemies. Even Xu Baxian admitted that when he was alone, if he could get Ye Chen's help, Perhaps, the Lord of the Great Wilderness, he can get it at his fingertips!

Especially the Canglong Army has an unshakable loyalty to Ye Chen, this loyalty far exceeds that of King Xiao Ming!

Under such circumstances, if Ye Chen could not perfectly accommodate the fighting spirit of the Canglong Army, Ye Chen would have failed too much.

The majestic fighting spirit poured in, making the silver light streaks more dazzling, and the number was naturally above the limit, increasing again!

The streaks of light are connected end to end, entrenched in the space. From a distance, it seems to have turned into a huge silver dragon. The domineering power is not as powerful as the destructive power emitted by the plundering transparent light seal, but , has never been buried.

"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

Since the opponent is Ni Cangtian, of course Ye Chen must go all out.

The streaks of silver light, which seemed to have turned into real dragons, quickly melted into Ye Chen's right arm!
At the same time, at the moment when the silver light streaks melted into Ye Chen's body, there was a ray of light that he hadn't seen for a long time. At this moment, it was extremely dazzling. The light is even hotter and more dazzling.

This ray of light came from that mysterious jade bone!
Although the power of Canglonghuatianjin's display is terrifying, this method is almost a self-mutilating attack for the current Ye Chen. Its requirements for physical strength are too harsh. Long Jue has reached the blood-melting state, and most monsters can't match it, but now, to Ye Chen, it is still self-mutilation!

The opponent is Ni Cangtian, it is impossible for him to use this stance to make the opponent retreat. Therefore, after this stance, he still has to maintain the fighting power equivalent to the heyday.

The only way for Ye Chen to achieve this level is the mysterious jade bone!

It has been a long time since the mysterious jade bone was obtained. After the mysterious jade bone was fused with his own bone, Ye Chen never did any research on it.

However, Ye Chen knew that the curative effect that the mysterious jade bone could exert was far from reaching its limit!

Today's battle with Ni Cangtian also forced Ye Chen to forcibly stimulate the ability hidden in the mysterious jade bone when he felt that his strength was insufficient.

Every streak of silver light melted into his right arm, making Ye Chen feel as if he had received a severe blow. His arm was split open, and blood continued to seep out. In a short period of time, Ye Chen was already like a savage.

But today, the fresh blood has just emerged, the light from the inside out, swept out from the body, and immediately covered the gap on the right arm. Not only did the blood not continue to seep out, the gap was also healing rapidly.

Although this kind of healing does not mean that Ye Chen is fine, but compared to the past, it is still much better.

Such a scene is naturally known to everyone who pays attention to the battle. However, the speed of the silver light pattern is too fast, so the light will return to the body quickly and silently, even if Xiao Renlong and the three major Xuanwu realms Experts cannot clearly capture it.

All the silver light patterns merged, and Ye Chen's right arm was covered with a layer of bright silver scales. Others may not feel it deeply, but the Chiyan Wolf King, who is a monster, felt an extremely pure feeling from it. Longwei.

At this moment, the Scarlet Flame Wolf King really understood why the Demon King would take such good care of Ye Chen!

In Ye Chen's palm, at this moment, there is a small silver rune, which appeared after integrating all the silver light patterns and condensing them to the extreme. Before this, Ye Chen had never achieved this level.

A monstrous fighting intent suddenly swept out of Ye Chen's eyes, and the next moment, he clenched his palm tightly, and immediately, he punched like a mountain, and swung heavily towards the oppressive transparent light seal.


The sharp and ear-piercing sound of piercing the air made everyone present feel the pain in their eardrums. A mountain-like punch pierced through the void. The silver rune in the fist, like a bolt of lightning, hit the transparent light seal. superior.

The two attacks looked extremely disproportionate. Under the transparent light print, the silver runes looked like ants. However, the domineering power swept out at this moment was not much weaker than that destructive momentum.


The shocking impact caused all the space in which it was located to be turned into nothingness. Although the bright silver light was always under the transparent oppression, it did not show any tendency to collapse quickly.

This made everyone have to sigh, the suspicion of Ye Chen in their hearts no longer exists, the rumor that this young man once defeated Yang Jun is indeed true.

But today is different from the past, the fifth level of Linghai, the Cangxuan Hualongjue Melting Blood Realm, all of which gave Ye Chen more confidence when he fought against the martial arts masters again.

Of course, no matter how much confidence you have, Ye Chen is only a martial artist in the spiritual realm after all. The thickness of spiritual power, as well as the use of power, especially the use of the power of spirit by martial arts masters, are not within the reach of Ye Chen .

Therefore, after a few seconds of stalemate, the bright silver light was completely occupied by the transparent color, and with a shock, the silver rune quietly cracked open.

Ye Chen's body retreated violently immediately, and at the same time as the silver rune was defeated, a mouthful of blood gushed out uncontrollably. On the other hand, against the sky, he remained motionless. Obviously, the outcome of this blow was already very obvious.

However, although the transparent light print is still floating in mid-air, it is obvious that it has lost its once powerful destructive power, and at this moment, it is no longer enough to continue chasing and killing Ye Chen.

In the depths of Ni Cangtian's pupils, a gloomy look could not help but quickly passed by.

He has never underestimated Ye Chen. All the rumors about Ye Chen, including the battle with Yang Jun, are regarded as true by Ni Cangtian. Therefore, he did not show any mercy and tried to test it out today.

With that blow just now, Ni Cangtian thought that even a master of the same level would at least suffer some injuries, but Ye Chen just vomited a mouthful of blood, what kind of injury is this?Although the sergeants under his command looked a little sluggish, they were far from being seriously injured!

The blow that had the upper hand could only achieve such an effect. It was unexpected and at the same time, it also caused the coldness in his heart to surge.

Such a young man can achieve such a level now, once he has reached the state of martial arts, but he has not yet broken through to the state of Xuanwu, and the two of them face each other again, I am afraid that the situation of the battle will not be controlled by him!

Thinking of this, Ni Cangtian's peaceful eyes suddenly became extremely cold at this moment, and spiritual power surged out of Ni Cangtian's body again, and the thickness of the spiritual power was even more terrifying.

It seems that Ni Cangtian has a real killing intent towards Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, the next step is the second trick. You can use it to your heart's content, because this may be the last time you will shine your own light on the stage of the northern mainland."

The icy sound, coupled with the icy aura, made this Yanyang Sect suddenly feel like winter was coming. Everyone felt the strong coldness. Those with weaker cultivation bases, at this time, could feel the coldness. You need to use your own spiritual power to dissolve the chill from outside your body.

Ye Chen, who was in it, naturally felt the coldness more clearly, and the impact he received was of course even greater!

However, the blood in Ye Chen's body is hot now, even if it is icy cold, it can't cool him down. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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