Chapter 353
"Ye Chen, you are an ant, how can you fight me!"

Ni Cangtian is really like a god, looking down at Ye Chen from a high position, and said indifferently: "Of course, if you admit defeat, kneel down and beg for mercy, or I can spare you!"

Of course, Ni Cangtian didn't have such good intentions. If he wanted to spare Ye Chen from dying, he didn't mention how much impact it would have on Ye Chen's life after kneeling down to beg for mercy. With Ye Chen's character, he would never do this.

Ni Cangtian wanted to force Ye Chen to once again start a terrible battle with him in his so-called Common Life Realm. Only then could he kill Ye Chen legitimately.

"I want to beg for mercy, but how can you bear my kneeling?"

Ye Chen said something in a condescending way, but his figure, at this moment, seemed to be much taller in an instant.

The audience suddenly laughed violently, and looked at the two of them again. Since then, it has changed a lot!
Ni Cangtian is undoubtedly extremely outstanding, but at this age, he rushed to the realm of martial arts as early as two years ago, and has always been No.1 among the younger generation. His reputation is so high that there is no need to question it.

But today. . . .Pursuing the one you love is against the heavens, but in order to get Mei Aoxue, he did not hesitate to indulge the Yanyang sect to capture Mei Aoxue's mother and force her to agree to this martial arts competition to recruit relatives. This kind of character seems too bad Some.

And now in the battle with Ye Chen, no matter how solid his excuses are, it makes people clearly understand the fact that if Cang Pavilion is not too powerful, Ni Cangtian would never dare to have this excuse.

On the other hand, Ye Chen, knowing that this is a trap, still came here for love, and even more so that Da Huang and Mo Yuanshan would not be forced by Cang Pavilion to fight Ni Cangtian alone.

With such a stark contrast, perhaps the strong are respected, and everyone respects Ye Chen even more!

This can be seen from the laughter of the bystanders.

Ni Cangtian's complexion, involuntarily, once again had a faint livid color. His original intention was just not to let Ye Chen gain more respect, or sympathy, in the eyes of everyone.

He just wanted the girl who had been paying attention to Ye Chen to pay attention to him because of her excellence, and her requirements were not too high. Not angry!
Over the years, Ni Cangtian seems to have never been ignored like this, so, under the wrath, the Cangsheng domain is turned upside down!

The Cangsheng Domain controlled by Ni Cangtian is more perfect than the domain controlled by Yang Jun, and the realm of Ni Cangtian is also perfect. Therefore, when the Cangsheng Domain starts to exert its power, Ye Chen can feel that he, as if With a weight of ten thousand catties of iron and stone on his back, not only is it difficult to move an inch, but his breathing is even more difficult!
The spiritual power in the body is still driven by Ye Chen. Unexpectedly, the spiritual sea is like a stream, and the speed of the spiritual power in the spiritual sea is not as fast as one of the ten in the past!

Ye Chen couldn't help but took a deep breath. The difference between a real master of martial arts and Yang Jun, whose realm was no longer perfect, was so big.

Of course, when he chose to challenge Yang Jun that day, he knew that Yang Jun's realm was not perfect and he could not display the full power of a martial arts master, so he had great confidence.

Today, Ye Chen chose to challenge Ni Cangtian again, so Ye Chen was naturally mentally prepared, but when the Ni Cangtian domain was launched, Ye Chen realized that the so-called psychological preparation was actually useless at all!

The Cangsheng Realm is separated from the sky and the earth, and being in the realm, others can't feel the breathing of Ye Chen and Ni Cangtian, but they can clearly see that Ni Cangtian is really like a master, and Ye Chen is no different from an ant!
Mei Aoxue, who had always had great confidence in Ye Chen, couldn't help it at this moment, and gently put her delicate hand on the long sword in her hand.

At the same time, except for Xiao Renlong and Ye Chen, a ray of sword intent that was unfamiliar to everyone else quietly echoed in this world.

"Ye Chen, since you are so stubborn, then I will beat you until you are convinced!"


As soon as the voice fell, the overwhelming terrifying power swept over from all directions. Few of the people outside could feel that kind of power, but everyone could guess that it would definitely destroy a mountain.

In such a powerful situation, even before he was close to him, mouthfuls of blood had spewed out from Ye Chen's mouth, which could be seen with the naked eye, even his face burst open, and the blood permeated by itself.

Ye Chen at this moment was undoubtedly extremely embarrassed.

However, in Ye Chen's expression and pupils, there is no trace of panic. He has encountered countless crises in his life. Although this time is the most terrifying, it is not the most dangerous. What is there to be afraid of?

Seeing Ye Chen's unchanging expression, Ni Cangtian couldn't help but sneer, at this point, if there was anything good about Ye Chen, in Ni Cangtian's eyes, he would think it was very hateful.

"See how long you can last!"

In the Cangsheng Realm, Ni Cangtian is confident enough that even a master whose cultivation base is one or two levels higher than him would never try to break through the Cangsheng Realm by force.

Cang Pavilion has stood on the northern mainland for many years, and it is known as one of the two most powerful forces. The resources it possesses are so rich. Cang Pavilion has been cultivated for many years. Law, martial arts, etc., are all the best on the northern continent.

So at this time, Ni Cangtian didn't worry at all that Ye Chen would have a moment of rebellion. Since the latter was so arrogant, he would make all the latter's arrogance, here, a complete joke, and let Ye Chen Since then, it has become a laughing stock on this continent.

Ni Cangtian is not in a hurry, he will torture Ye Chen to his heart's content when Ye Chen really falls down!

So Ni Cangtian didn't act too radically, he just shook his palm lightly in the space, however, this is always the realm of common life, he is the master of this realm, even if it is just a thought, he can dominate many people life and death, not to mention the grip of the palm?

With the falling of that grip, the entire space seemed to be moving, and then tightened, squeezing heavily towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen at this moment was undoubtedly under terrible pressure, and the invisible force rushed over. Even though his physical body has surpassed many ordinary monsters, even some spiritual beasts, and even the physical body of mysterious beasts cannot compare , but now, the physical body is still on the verge of bursting, and blood is constantly seeping out from all parts of the physical body.

The spiritual power and the Nether Demon Fire surged and appeared one after another, but they were unable to completely resist these forces, and even the Nether Demon Fire was forcibly suppressed, making it difficult to release its former power.

In other people's domains, the only way to survive is to forcibly break them. Facing Yang Jun's domain that day, Ye Chen was able to draw him, that's the reason.

However, Ni Cangtian is not Yang Jun. It is impossible for him to forcibly break this Fang Cangsheng Domain by relying on his own strength and all the trump cards he has.

Since it can't be broken, it can only avoid the impact of these forces as much as possible, reduce the impact on itself to the lightest, and then think of other methods.

At this point in thought, Ye Chen's figure suddenly became unreal, and disappeared in the same place in an instant like fluttering catkins. When he reappeared, he was already on the other side of the common life domain.

This kind of movement is exactly Fengshen Jue!

Everyone, including Ni Cangtian, moved their eyes. The level of movement skills is not too high in the level of martial arts, but it is so exquisite.

After a while, Ni Cangtian couldn't help but sneer: "Ye Chen, this is my common life domain, every inch of the domain is under my control, it still depends on how exquisite your body skills are, if you want to avoid You are dreaming when you launch an attack from the Cangsheng Domain."

As his words fell, Ni Cangtian didn't see any move, and the pressure was overwhelming, enveloping Ye Chen again.

However, under such pressure, Ye Chen disappeared once again.

"Sure enough, it's exquisite enough!"

Someone exclaimed, there was a shock in the eyes, this is the second time, but still no one noticed how Ye Chen avoided it, obviously, the speed of movement has surpassed their sight.

"I'd like to see how subtle and fast your movement is!"

Ni Cangtian shouted coldly, and shook his palm directly towards Ye Chen, as if there were overwhelming spear shadows, and shot towards Ye Chen violently.


Ye Chen's eyes were slightly cold, his hands immediately formed seals, his body trembled, and he disappeared again.

His figure appeared a thousand meters away again, but this time his figure had just appeared, and gun shadows all over the sky had already appeared around him.

"Shh, shh!"

In the Cangsheng Realm, a figure moved lightning-fast with the ultimate exquisite movement, constantly changing its position, and as he kept moving, those thousands of gun shadows always followed him, like a tarsus. Maggots of Bone!

Seeing Ye Chen perform like this, even those ordinary martial arts masters all looked dignified. If the opponent is not Ni Cangtian, or if Ni Cangtian didn't use the Cangsheng Domain, just relying on this body method, I'm afraid, he It's hard to get Ye Chen.

Today's confrontation does not have an earth-shattering momentum, but the terrifying speed chase is still shocking to watch.

"Ye Chen, you've had enough fun, and you've had enough trouble. Now, everything should be over."

Ye Chen, who reappeared in figure, had an extremely dignified expression on his face. After all, he was in the space of Cangsheng Realm. No matter how exquisite his body skills were, he could never leave the Cangsheng Realm. attack.

But the dodge just now had almost used up all the spiritual power he could use.

Ni Cangtian was obviously aware of this, so he had played around enough, this time, it was time to really deal with Ye Chen.

The entire Cangsheng domain trembled suddenly, as if it was shrinking continuously in an instant, and Ye Chen, who was in it, had less and less space to move, and finally, there was no room to move at all, as if he was imprisoned.

Faced with these, Ye Chen naturally had no strength to resist, so he subconsciously used Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue again. . . .

The gazes of countless people were suddenly dull at this moment, including Ni Cangtian, Xiao Renlong and other three masters of Xuanwu realm!
(End of this chapter)

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