Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 355 Bloodbath

Chapter 355 Bloodbath

"Everyone, the Martial Arts Tournament and Marriage Recruitment Festival no longer exists, and I think Yanyang Sect must not have the energy to entertain everyone. Why don't you leave first, how about it?"

After Ni Cangtian and the old man disappeared completely, Ye Chen looked at the many people from all major forces who came, and said flatly.

Even if Ye Chen is seriously injured now, he may not even be able to display half of his strength, and no one dares to object to his words, not to mention, there are still two masters of the Xuanwu realm by his side.

"Haha, there are talents from generation to generation, and each generation is stronger than each generation. Young Master Ye, you have opened our eyes. Today you have something to do, so we don't want to disturb you. If there is a chance in the future, I will have a good meeting with you." a while!"

Dahuang, who has a master of the Xuanwu realm, is naturally worthy of other people not being friends for no reason, and the strength shown by Ye Chen, as well as Mei Aoxue, these two people are enough to make many forces fear him.

They are not Cang Pavilion, the most powerful, at best they are similar to Dahuang, but they don't have Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue.

In the future of the Northern Continent, as long as Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue grow up, no one can guess whether the situation will remain the same as it is now, but one thing everyone knows, if you can make friends with Ye Chen now, it will definitely be the same in the future. There are great benefits.

So at this moment, in the eyes of the masters of these forces, Ye Chen is by no means a junior!
"Okay, if there is a chance, I would also like to have a good get-together with all the seniors!" Ye Chen said with a smile, it is naturally impossible to become friends with Cang Pavilion, although there are two great forces in the hands of Dahuang and Moyuanshan, But if these forces in front of you can lean towards him, then of course it would be best,
Everyone also knew that Ye Chen had an important matter to attend to, and after a few words of politeness, they immediately left one after another. It didn't take long for the huge Yanyang Sect to seem to have become much quieter.

While quieting down, a solemn depression gradually enveloped the hearts of Ying Huatian and all Yanyang sect members.

"Ye Chen...No, no, Young Master Ye, everything is my fault. What happened back then, and what happened today are all the fault of a certain person. You can kill me, please don't Indiscriminate killing of innocents..."

There was a battle with Ni Cangtian before. At this moment, even if there are no two masters of the Xuanwu realm around Ye Chen, Ying Huatian probably doesn't have much resistance.

"Indiscriminate killing of innocents?"

There was an extremely ferocious arc on the corner of Ye Chen's mouth: "When you sent people to my Ye family to persecute my parents, it seems that you never thought about killing innocent people indiscriminately, right?"

"For more than two years, I was also in the Ye family. When you Yanyangzong masters wanted to arrest me by force, it seemed that you didn't have the so-called benevolent thoughts in your hearts. Am I right?"

Ai Ai, Yinghua Tianqi period, couldn't utter a word for a long time. Back then, the Yanyang Sect was powerful, and in front of the small Ye family, he was naturally like a ruler. There was no so-called kindness, and some people only prospered if they obeyed me , Those who oppose me will perish.

Just these, how dare you say it in front of Ye Chen!
"Ha ha!"

Ye Chen chuckled and said: "You are not too stupid after all, you know that the treasure is on me."

The black glow flickered, and the Demon Emperor Bell stood quietly in Ye Chen's palm, and then Ye Chen said: "This is the treasure that you Yanyang Sect has been thinking about for so many years, Ying Huatian, do you want it?"

"Don't dare, dare not, where can I ask for Young Master Ye's things!" Ying Huatian smiled flatteringly, he naturally wanted it very much, but how dare you!

"Do you know, it's called the Demon Emperor's Bell, and it's the most precious treasure in the Demon Realm!" Pointing at the Demon Emperor's Bell, Ye Chen said with a faint smile.

As soon as the words came out, the faces of all Yanyang Sect members changed drastically.

It's not that he feels extreme regret because he didn't get such a treasure, but that Ye Chen actually told them such a treasure in detail.

Although the Great Wilderness is very powerful, it is enough to dominate one side on the Northern Continent and become one of the few great forces. Ye Chen also has unlimited potential. Perhaps in the distant future, the Northern Continent may not be the world where Ye Chen lives. .

However, compared to the Demon Realm, whether it is Dahuang or Ye Chen, they seem to be insignificant, but the Demon Realm is like a giant in the whole world.

With the strength of the Demon Realm, not to mention destroying the wilderness, even if it is to flatten the entire northern continent, it is a piece of cake.

The treasure of the devil world, which naturally belongs to the devil world, Ye Chen got it now, he hasn't fully grown yet, how dare he say it openly?

Now that I said it, it means that after today, there will be no living person in the Yanyang Sect. Only the dead can keep the secret for Ye Chen.

"Young Master Ye, please be merciful, we will let Aoxue's mother go immediately, Aoxue, please, let us live because of years of cultivation!"

"It's not necessary, the opportunity has already been given to you, but you didn't grasp it yourself, so now, it's time for me to wash the Yanyang sect with blood." Ye Chen said coldly.

Ying Huatian hurriedly said in horror: "I am the only one who knows the whereabouts of Mei Aoxue's mother. If you kill me, her mother will die too."

Ye Chen suddenly had a weird smile: "Ying Huatian, you people from the Yanyang Sect have been to my Ye family many times anyway, don't you know that my Ye family has a unique method called Soul Search?"

"Soul search?"

Ying Huatian's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and when he looked at Ye Chen, he felt deep despair, but at the same time of despair, a touch of madness quickly spread from his pupils.

However, before Ying Huatian made any other moves, a black light enveloped him. At the same time, the Scarlet Flame Wolf King appeared beside him. It is impossible for Ying Huatian to continue to act aggressively.

"My lord, this is a true martial arts master, his flesh and blood must be delicious." Chiyan Wolf King said with a grin.

"After asking about the whereabouts of Aoxue's mother, the entire Yanyang Sect, you can eat as much as you want!"

Ye Chen replied indifferently, he has never been a benevolent person, and it is normal for monsters to eat people. If there is no Chiyan Wolf King today, and he is knocked down by Ni Cangtian again, the Yanyangzong gave him The end will inevitably be even more tragic.

"Hey, thank you, young master, but I'm not interested in the others!"

"Since you're not interested, City Lord Xiao, let the Yanyang Sect disappear!" Ye Chen said coldly, with his current blood covering his whole body, what he said was undoubtedly extremely cold, making people extremely scared. .

The Yanyang Sect is naturally very large. The mountain range where it is located stretches for dozens of miles. It is like a giant, standing between the sky and the earth. Even after the battle between Ye Chen and Ni Cangtian, the mountain range has been destroyed a lot, but the terrain is still intact. .

However, under the shroud of the soul power of Xiao Renlong and Chiyan Wolf King, two masters of the Xuanwu realm, any inch of the huge Yanyangzong mountain range is under their soul perception.

No one can escape. Those who try to escape will end up in a more miserable end. Not only will their bodies perish, but their souls will also perish!
A strong smell of blood gradually started from here and slowly spread out.

It's just that Ye Chen hasn't really killed Yanyangzong after all, and hasn't let the real blood here become a river!
After all, there are many people, after all, they are innocent. Although Ye Chen is not a soft-hearted person, he can't kill innocent people indiscriminately!

What Ye Chen wanted to kill was the people he saw in Ye's house back then. Those people were the ones who forced his parents to death. Their hands were stained with the blood of his parents. Therefore, these people , should be killed!

At the end of the fight, although Yanyangzong's blood did not flow into rivers, they were killed all over from the inside to the outside. If you look down from mid-air, you will see that there is a dark red light covering the mountain range. It was bloody.

"Aoxue, I'm sorry, maybe in the future, you will bear a bad name!"

After all, this is the place where Mei Aoxue has lived for many years. She is still a disciple of Yanyang Sect, but today, she accompanied him and became an executioner for a while.

Ye Chen had to do this for revenge, but Mei Aoxue, if she didn't like her, why would she bear such a big infamy? In this world, although profit comes first, ungrateful people have never It is very difficult to be recognized by others, especially since Yanyang Sect is her teacher.

Mei Aoxue smiled softly, and said softly: "If you become a god, we will be the couple of gods and immortals. If you become a demon, I am willing to accompany you to kill all directions and perish forever!"

After a moment of silence, Ye Chen slowly looked forward.

Now, the only ones who have not been killed are Ying Huatian and the white-haired old woman. These two are the only two masters of the Yanyang Sect who are at the real martial arts level.

Ye Chen knew that one of them was Mei Aoxue's mentor!
Although it is said that the Yan Yangzong accepted Mei Aoxue as their disciple, they also had the intention of taking advantage of it, it was not that they were really kind and loved talents like their fate, if they really loved their talents like their fate, they would not treat Mei Aoxue as a pawn, as a It is a pawn for Yan Yangzong to climb the big tree.

Not to mention arresting Mei Aoxue's mother to threaten her!
But no matter what, Yan Yangzong has always taught Mei Aoxue, her mentor, presumably, at the beginning, he also tried his best to cultivate her, otherwise, Mei Aoxue would not be able to stay in Daluo City. It may not be what it is today.

Of course Ying Huatian will die. If that white-haired old woman is Mei Aoxue's mentor, then this person's life and death will depend on whether she has treated Mei Aoxue sincerely over the years.

If there is sincerity, Ye Chen can save her life. A real martial arts master may be a threat to imprison her in the wilderness for the rest of her life, but it doesn't matter. Mei Aoxue can't be charged with killing her teacher for herself. Although Mei Aoxue will not be the last one to do it!
But if it was purely for use, this old woman would die too!

(End of this chapter)

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