Chapter 360

"Sister Mei!"


Even someone as outstanding as Mei Aoxue, after holding Zi Xiao's hands, his mind was in a trance. The coldness did come from Zi Xiao himself, but it didn't seem to belong to her!

The terrible cold feeling, if it were another person, I'm afraid she would be frozen into an ice sculpture. Although Zi Xiao is fine, but why don't I know, if Zi Xiao didn't have other means to suppress it, maybe she is now. . . .
She said she couldn't, and she didn't dare. . . .Mei Aoxuehui has a blue heart, so smart, even though she still doesn't know anything, she already understands something in her heart.

Therefore, Mei Aoxue's heart throbbed a little, and if Zi Xiao didn't call her, she might still be in a trance.

Zi Xiao gently withdrew her hand, and said again: "Sister Mei, I'm leaving the northern mainland, but I really can't bear to part with Brother Ye, so I can only come to you, I hope I won't disturb you !"

"No, how could it be!" Mei Aoxue said again and again, she may not be a kind woman, but she has some inexplicable affection for Zi Xiao whom she just met, maybe it's because both of them care about Ye Chen. !

"Sister Mei, there are some things I want you to tell Brother Ye, but you must not let him know, I said it."

Mei Aoxue's heart tightened again, why did the tone of her words sound like last words?

Zi Xiao said to herself: "Brother Ye's Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art is now considered a real introduction, but after all, he is a human being, not a dragon. If he wants to practice to the extreme, he must have more real dragons." Therefore, if you have time in the future, you must let him go to the Dragon Clan."

Speaking of this, Zi Xiao spread her hands, and a drop of blood slowly floated out of her palm.

It was just a drop of blood essence, but when it first appeared, the surrounding world seemed unable to withstand this drop of blood essence, and unexpectedly shook violently, Mei Aoxue could clearly sense that the blood essence contained the extremely Pure, and at the same time, extremely terrifying energy.

Zi Xiao handed this drop of blood essence to Mei Aoxue, and said: "If you go to the Dragon Clan in the future, if you are made things difficult, or because of Cangxuan Hualong Jue, what will the Dragon Clan do to Brother Ye, Sister Mei, you can take this Take out a drop of blood."

"Brother Ye's cultivation is already in the fifth level of the spiritual sea. With his talent for cultivation, it won't be long before he can reach the peak of the spiritual sea, and then go to the realm of martial arts!"

Zi Xiao said solemnly: "Sister Mei, when the time comes, tell Brother Ye that the way of heaven has never been able to care about the will of others. Therefore, the way of heaven is high above. What has it to do with me?"

Mei Aoxue's expression was shocked when she heard the words, after digesting the words in her heart, she immediately cupped her fists and said, "Xiaoxiao, thank you!"

This thank you is not to thank Zi Xiao for Ye Chen, there is no need for this, what Zi Xiao did for Ye Chen is her willingness, she can do something, that is also happiness, so, between her and Ye Chen , no need to say thank you.

This thank you was said by Mei Aoxue for herself.

Zi Xiao's experience in guiding Ye Chen to enter the realm of martial arts. . . .No, it should not be an experience, but a kind of understanding and feeling.

This kind of understanding and feeling, every martial arts master will have it, but there are very few who can express it clearly. The time for Zi Xiao to enter the martial arts is obviously not too long, but he said such a thing The remarks.

Her own excellence can be imagined!

But, this is not the point, the point is that Mei Aoxue is already qualified enough to attack the realm of martial arts, but she has been unable to succeed in more than a year. What is lacking is precisely this kind of perception. This opportunity.

I believe that Mei Aoxue will become a master of martial arts in a short time!
This thank you, Mei Aoxue naturally wants to say it!

Zi Xiao said softly: "In the future, Sister Mei will take care of Brother Ye's family forever, and it will be Sister Mei who suffers. I am very happy that I can do something."

Mei Aoxue shook her head, ignored the coldness, held Zi Xiao's hands in hers again, and said: "It is my happiness to be by his side and take care of him for the rest of his life. Xiao Xiao, what happened, tell me , okay?"

"I won't tell Ye Chen, but you must let me know, maybe I can't help you, but I don't want, in the future, you will disappear from our lives forever, in that case, Ye Chen will be unhappy, I wouldn't be happy either."

Zi Xiao smiled sweetly, she was so beautiful, she was really happy, no matter how much she felt reluctant, at least, Mei Aoxue did not have the natural defensiveness and jealousy towards her because of this.

But after a while, the smile disappeared, and she was deeply lonely. She could not stay by Ye Chen's side all the time.

"Sister Mei, there is one more thing that is very important. You must take good care of Brother Ye." Zi Xiao restrained all her emotions and said solemnly.

"What's the matter?" Mei Aoxue's expression also turned serious, it really wouldn't be too simple to make the expression of a genius girl in front of her like this.

"Demon Realm!"

"The Demon Realm?" Mei Aoxue was taken aback, and said, "You mean, the Demon Emperor's Clock?"

"It's not just the Demon Emperor's Bell!"

Zi Xiao said in a deep voice: "Sister Mei should be very clear about how Ye's brother and father became enemies with Yan Yangzong."

Mei Aoxue nodded and said: "When the Moyuan Mountain Castle was opened, Ye Chen's father also entered the ancient ruins. The imperial bell is only one factor."

"Not bad!"

Zi Xiao said: "Back then, Uncle Ye probably didn't know about the Demon Emperor Bell. His actions were only for that person from the Demon Realm. Now, the Yanyang Sect is no longer there, but the Demon Emperor Bell is in the hands of Ye's elder brother, and in the hands of Ye's brother." In my brother's heart, I still have a brood on that past event."

Mei Aoxue couldn't help but let out a heavy breath, and said: "Ye Chen has always wanted to find that person from the devil world. He wants that person to give an explanation for the death of his parents."

"This is exactly a troublesome thing!"

Zi Xiao said: "That person from the Demon Realm, named Mohe, is now one of the four major demon sons of the Demon Realm. The so-called devil sons are just like the status of the Ye family brother as the young master of the Great Wilderness."

Mei Aoxue's beautiful eyes suddenly tightened, which means that Mo He is the successor of the Demon Realm, at least one of the four!

Even in the end, Mohe did not become the master of the Demon Realm, but his previous identity as a devil was still shocking enough. The entire Northern Continent, even the master of Cang Pavilion or Zhoutian Pavilion, unified the Northern Continent and became the leader of the continent. The sole overlord, with such an identity, is not enough to compare with Mohe.

The Demon Realm is one of the most powerful forces in this world!

In other words, the Demon Realm is no longer a force, it is an inheritance, an origin, and an interface!
"If Mohe wants to remember the kindness of the Ye family brother's father for helping him back then, and the Ye family brother's brooding, it can be resolved, but..."

Before Zi Xiao finished speaking, Mei Aoxue frowned tightly, she is a smart person, she naturally understands, many things, I'm afraid, even Mo He can't decide, because of Mo Huang Zhong.

The most precious treasure of the devil world is in Ye Chen's hands, how can the devil world tolerate it, the treasure of the devil world has been wandering outside?
But there is one thing that is doubtful. Mo He must know about the Demon Emperor Bell. Later, he should know that the Demon Emperor Bell is in Ye's house. Why has no one from the Demon Realm come to Da Luo City for so many years?

As if seeing the confusion in Mei Aoxue's heart, Zi Xiao said: "According to my investigation, Mohe has not planned to take it back immediately in order to consolidate his position in the demon world and his own cultivation over the years. Demon Emperor Bell."

"Because he doesn't have enough strength yet!"

Hearing this, Mei Aoxue nodded silently. The Demon Emperor's Bell is the most precious treasure in the Demon Realm. If it is retrieved, Mohe's status in the Demon Realm will rise in a straight line. But now, the forces around Mohe are not enough for him to He is above the other three devils, so he dare not act rashly.

But, sooner or later, no matter what the reason is, Mo He, or a master of the devil world, will come to Ye Chen!
Zi Xiaoning said: "Sister Mei, you don't have to worry too much. I will send people to restrain people in the devil world, and I won't let a large number of masters from the devil world come to brother Ye. My only worry is that brother Ye will I can't help but go to the Demon Realm by myself, if that's the case, it's too dangerous."

"Don't worry, I will stay by Ye Chen's side. Before he has enough strength, I will never let him rush to the Demon Realm."

At this point, Mei Aoxue was suddenly startled, and looked at Zi Xiao as if she didn't know her.

She will send people to contain most of the masters in the devil world. . . .What kind of confidence is needed to be able to say such a thing?
Mei Aoxue didn't doubt Zi Xiao's words, because of Ye Chen, it was impossible to speak big words.

And Zi Xiao's affection moved Mei Aoxue, no matter how powerful the forces behind Zi Xiao were, the Demon Realm was, after all, one of the most powerful in this world.

No matter who Zi Xiao is, the price she has to pay to restrain the Demon Realm will definitely be huge!

But for Ye Chen, she never turned back!
"Sister Mei, I really have to leave. Take good care of Brother Ye for me. In this life, we will never see each other again, so don't blame me for being so selfish. Let you know that there is still someone like me in this world!"

The voice drifted away, that extremely beautiful figure was also outside the cliff, in the boundless thick fog, gradually disappeared, but in Mei Aoxue's eyes, she could always see, in that beautiful figure, The bleakness contained in it, as well as the endless yearning for Ye Chen, and the reluctance to part with him for the rest of his life!
The full moon is above, the full moon should be affectionate, but it illuminates the saddest night in this world!
"Xiaoxiao, take care of yourself!"

That back figure still hasn't disappeared from Mei Aoxue's eyes. She looked at the front tightly, and seemed to use all her strength to shout: "I promise you, I will take good care of Ye Chen, but I won't help you hide him." For a long time, I will definitely let him find you!"

"So, please live well and wait for Ye Chen to find you!"

In the boundless thick fog, there seemed to be a figure, so he paused for a while. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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