Chapter 362

Da Luo City is too far away from the northern mainland, and Da Luo City is also located in a remote place. It is impossible to attract the attention of those people who can make Da Luo City tremble if any force from the northern mainland comes out.

Back then, if it wasn't for the Demon Emperor Bell, Yan Yangzong would not have come here even though the mainland where Da Luo City is located is very close.

Nearly three years later, Da Luo City is still the same and has not changed much. Of course, with the passage of time, a lot will change. For example, some people grow up, and some people get older.

Da Luo City is still dominated by the three major forces. This situation has not changed because of Mei Aoxue, but the Mei family really wants to change, but unfortunately, without Mei Aoxue's support, this change is very difficult to achieve.

Walking in Da Luo City, everything here feels familiar to people. In the past three years, although there have been changes, it is obvious that there are not too many changes in Da Luo City.

From every building, Ye Chen could feel the familiarity of the past, as well as the footprints he left here before.

Of course, no one would be unfamiliar with Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue, the two most famous people in Da Luo City. No change.

It's just that Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue moved forward so fast that it made people feel that the two people they saw just now were not an illusion?It feels very unreal.

But no matter what, quite a few people felt that the atmosphere in the space had quietly changed.

This kind of change, if someone has been following them, they will find that when they go to the only way to Yejia Mountain Villa, it will become very obvious, because it is not just a feeling, but a real existence .

The sky and the earth, because of Ye Chen's arrival, suddenly had a kind of extreme coldness, as if this day, a strong wind and heavy snow were about to fall, and when the extreme coldness enveloped the sky and the earth, I suddenly discovered that all the plants in this space , are withering rapidly, as if winter has really come.

"Marven Ye!"

Mei Aoxue gently held Ye Chen's hand, as if she wanted to warm him up. As she got closer to Ye's house, her heart became colder.

"I'm ok."

Ye Chen shook his head lightly, and said: "When the Ye family's matter is resolved, I will seek justice for your mother. At that time, we can live in the Great Wilderness City, so you don't have to worry, your mother will die. people took care of."

"I, I can take care of myself, you don't need to worry about me." Mei Aoxue's mother said suddenly again.

Along the way, Mei Aoxue's mother sometimes wakes up, which is naturally very happy, and Mei Aoxue's mother also likes Ye Chen very much, and treats this future son-in-law better than Mei Aoxue .

"Mother, you are my reliance for the rest of my life. Of course I have to take good care of you." Mei Aoxue is undoubtedly extremely happy now. Her mother's sanity may not have fully recovered, but at least she has recognized herself .

Mei Aoxue's mother shook her head, and said: "Xue'er, Ye Chen is your husband, he is your god, and he is your reliance. From now on, you must serve him well, you know?"

This was a very ordinary sentence that a mother said to her daughter before she got married, but when Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue heard it, they felt extremely sad.

Perhaps it was such a disposition that during Mei Aoxue's mother's waking hours, the two of them never saw her hatred and anger towards the Mei family and Mei Aoxue's father from her expression.

Marrying to obey her husband, marrying a chicken to follow the chicken, Mei Aoxue's mother maintains the traditional virtuous and virtuous virtue of women, but it makes people feel emotional.

Perhaps, if it wasn't for such obedience, Mei Aoxue's mother might have died long ago.

So Ye Chen quickly said: "Auntie, I will take good care of Aoxue. If I am her god, then she will be my whole life."

"I know, I know you are all good boys!"

Mei Aoxue's mother tightly held the hands of the two of them. Perhaps, for so many years, this woman's real happiness is only on the day of becoming a mother, and now at this moment.

God, sometimes, it is indeed too unfair.

The road up the mountain is not too long, even though it is very slow, it has finally arrived. Of course, the distance behind, the space where it is, the coldness has not dissipated, like ice and snow covering the sky, everything is not growing.

When I saw the four big characters of Ye Family Villa on the huge iron gate, the coldness became even colder. The whole villa seemed to be frozen at this moment, and everything in the space was no longer in circulation. , except for time.

In the sky, it seems that ice and snow are gathering. . . .
In the Ye family, there are many warriors who are practicing. Perhaps, compared to Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue, the cultivation of these people is nothing, but they are still very clear about the changes in the world.

When Ye Chen came to the gate of the villa, figures shot out from there quickly.

"Who dares to trespass on my Ye Family Villa?"

The piercing sound resounded through the sky, and figures, like arrows, landed around the three of them, surrounding Ye Chen and the three of them.

However, after seeing the person coming clearly, their gazes froze in an instant, and even many people were already terrified.

"Iron Guardian!"

Hearing someone yelling at the villa, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, and said to Mei Aoxue: "In Yanyangzong, I searched all over, but I didn't see this iron guardian, so it turned out that he was still in Daluo City. "

"Since you left back then, Tie Hufa has been living in Ye's house in Da Luo City. They want to wait for you to throw yourself into the trap!"

"Travel yourself?"

Ye Chen couldn't help but sneered, now that he came back again, some people were already terrified, it was obviously because the strength he showed before he left the Ye family made them afraid.

Coming back now, they naturally thought of it, how dare they come back if they are not sure enough?I don't know where to talk about the so-called self-inflicted trap, Yanyangzong may not be too despised of people in the world, right?

Mei Aoxue also smiled contemptuously: "Ying Huatian and others, sometimes, are indeed short-sighted. They think that you always missed the best time to practice. There was a window of three years. In any case, the achievements are extremely limited."

When Yanyangzong took her mother away, Mei Aoxue no longer had the slightest affection for Yanyangzong. It was because her teacher had really done her best, otherwise, she would have followed Huatian and the others.

"So, never underestimate anyone. No one knows how this person you underestimated will change in the future because of your attitude."

Ye Chen smiled indifferently, ignoring the people around him, and stepped into the Ye Family Villa with big strides.

The Tie Guardian came very quickly, because he also felt the changes in the space, and with his cultivation base, it was naturally deeper than what everyone else felt.

Behind Tie Hufa is the Ye family, the Ye family that Ye Chen is very familiar with.

The Patriarch Ye Xiong followed closely behind Tie Hufa. It seemed that Jiang was still hot and his Patriarch position was not snatched away by Ye Tianling. Of course, Ye Tianling was the one behind Ye Xiong.

Nearly three years have passed, and the wind and frost of the years did not seem to have left too many traces in front of these three people, and the cultivation of the three people, compared with that day, has naturally improved a lot.

Among the three, Ye Tianling, who has the weakest cultivation base, has now reached the sixth level of Linghai. In this remote Daluo City, it is considered very good to be so diligent.

"Ye Chen, you are back as expected, you made us wait so hard!"

It wasn't Tie Hufa who spoke, nor Ye Xiong and Ye Tianling, but, after that, the leader of another group of people, this person, Ye Chen is also no stranger, Ye Tianling's son, Ye Xuan!

But like this, Ye Xuan has truly become No.1 among the descendants of the Ye family.

Of course, in this Ye family, Ye Xuan also has this qualification, it's just his current cultivation. . . . .It is really difficult for people to have any interest in him in the eighth level of spiritual source.

"It's been a long time, everyone!"

More and more people came, and almost everyone in the Ye family was crowded into the huge open space at this moment.

Ye Chen glanced around, and after a while, his eyes suddenly became colder. Among these people, many people who were familiar with him did not appear.

For example, the fifth grandfather Ye Chong, and for example, Ye Tianpu and Ye Mengxin father and daughter. . . .

It's just that no one paid attention to what he was thinking, so Guardian Tie's gaze shivered slightly, and he said in a stern voice: "Ye Chen, since you're willing to come back, you must have made a reasonable plan, right?"

"Of course!" Ye Chen nodded slightly and said.

"very good!"

Tie Hufa's eyes immediately passed Ye Chen and looked at Mei Aoxue's mother and daughter behind him. His expression suddenly changed. If it wasn't for him, Yan Yangzong would not be able to find the location of Mei Aoxue's mother.

Now, Mei Aoxue and her mother return at the same time. . . .For Ye Chen, the Tie Guardian will not have too much fear. Maybe this young man is not what it used to be, and with the help of the treasure, but there are too many people here who want Ye Chen to die. There are many people and great strength. Where can it be scary?
But Mei Aoxue!
As a member of the Yanyang Sect, and her status is not too low, Tie Hufa clearly knows what kind of terrifying power Mei Aoxue will have when she strikes with all her strength, and said bluntly, if the sword in her hand is intact Appeared, then, slaughtering the entire Da Luo City was no problem.

Seeing the fear in Guardian Tie's heart, Mei Aoxue said indifferently: "This is the Ye family, everything is dominated by Ye Chen and has nothing to do with me, so Guardian Tie doesn't care about me. Of course, after the incident, I will personally talk to you Accounting."

Tie Hufa couldn't help but smiled wryly, he had no choice but to follow orders to take away Mei Aoxue's mother, who would want to offend her?
This account will be settled sooner or later, Tie Guardian knows it well, and is not too afraid.

He didn't know about the Yanyang Sect, so he thought that Mei Aoxue could bring her mother back now because she had fulfilled the requirements of the sect, and it was only right for her to suffer for the sect!

Without Mei Aoxue's intervention, when she looked at Ye Chen again, a look of ferocity suddenly appeared in the eyes of Tie Guardian!

"Ye Chen, what you didn't explain more than two years ago, let's hand it over completely today, lest life be worse than death!"

(End of this chapter)

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