Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 367 The Future

Chapter 367 The Future
"Ye Xiong, do you really think that I won't be able to do anything to you if you are not afraid of losing your soul?"

To put it lightly, Ye Xiong, who was wrapped in the magic fire, looked at Ye Chen as if he had seen a ghost at this moment. He didn't believe Ye Chen's words, his soul was scattered, and he would never be reborn. The most unwilling end to face.

Impossible, there is a more cruel way than this.

However, what Ye Chen said was so firm and confident, thinking of all the shocks Ye Chen brought, Ye Xiong couldn't help but not believe it.

"In my Great Deserted City, there is a master craftsman. Although he is a master craftsman, what he is best at is not crafting crafts, but playing with other people's souls."

Ye Chen said indifferently: "I will torture you until you can't stand it anymore, then hand over your soul to this master, and let him use your soul to create a gadget for me!"

"By the way, Ye Xiong, use your soul to create something. Do you understand this concept?"

Ye Xiong's face was already pale, even the burning pain from the magic fire was not comparable to the terrible pain caused by the fear in his heart now, how could he not understand the meaning of Ye Chen's words.

The so-called use of spirit to create things means that his spirit will never dissipate, because it has been forcibly imprisoned in a certain container.

His soul will be combined with such a container, and from now on, there will be no distinction between each other!
This is a process of refining. Every master of refining will use the power of heaven and earth to lead spirituality into the created thing. According to the size, strength and weakness of the spirituality, the level of the created thing is distinguished. baby.

That is to say, Ye Xiong's soul will become a treasured spirituality from now on!
It sounds like this is nothing to be afraid of. After all, the soul is scattered, and the end is the same as being imprisoned forever. What are you afraid of?
But don't forget, when your soul is gone, there will never be any trace of you in the world, which is equivalent to this world. You have never been here. If they broke up, Ye Xiong didn't know anything.

However, when his soul is integrated into a gadget, even though it has become the spirituality of the gadget, it still retains Ye Xiong's thoughts.

That also means, eternal life, as long as this gadget is not destroyed, Ye Xiong will always exist in the world, but in another way.

To exist forever, that is to say, he will endure eternal torture!
I can't die if I want to die, I can't get away if I want to scatter, how can this not make Ye Xiong feel scared!
Hearing Ye Xiong's fate, Tie Hufa couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't do anything radical, otherwise, after the fate fell on him, he would understand what life is worse than death, and that fate is worse than death. Life is worse than death, which makes people even more afraid!
"Ye Xiong, in front of my parents' grave, are you still willing to kneel down and sincerely repent?"

"Yes, I will!"

In fact, there was no need for Ye Chen to remind, Ye Xiong had already knelt down in front of the grave, and then, the most sincere words, no money anyway, kept coming out of Ye Xiong's mouth.

Ye Chen smiled sarcastically, looked into the distance, and said, "Fifth Grandfather, in a few days, I will leave Da Luo City."

"So fast?"

Although he also knew that Da Luo City was no longer attractive to this young man, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"I have a lot to do!"

After several years, the vengeance has finally been avenged. The grievances here have all been resolved, but other places will not calm down so quickly. The Yanyang Sect has already turned against Ni Cangtian. The alliance of great powers may not be the opponent of Cang Pavilion, not to mention, Cang Pavilion also has allies.

This is the first thing Ye Chen faces!
"Fifth Grandfather, with me here, the Ye family doesn't need to be very powerful, let alone use power to show their strength. What the Ye family needs now is tranquility."

Ye Chong nodded, the Ye family really couldn't bear the torment, and from then on, even if there was only one person left in the Ye family, no one would dare to provoke them in Da Luo City, and there was indeed no need for that.

"The uncles of the Mo family will live in the Ye family in the future, please take good care of the fifth grandpa."

"The brothers of the Mo family are all good men who value love and righteousness. It is my wish for them to live in the Ye family." Ye Chong said.

"Apart from these, there is nothing else, Grandpa Fifth!"

Ye Chen said solemnly: "You spread the news of my return, the news of the reorganization of the Ye family, and the news of my being in the wilderness of the northern mainland as much as possible. The ancestral grave is always guarded. If Shuang'er comes back..."

"Don't worry, as long as Shuang'er comes back, the old man will definitely know!"

After pausing for a moment, Ye Chong said again: "Chen'er, you are the dragon among men, your stage is the whole world, so you have to take good care of yourself, leave the Ye family to us, you can rest assured, you will be free in the future If so, come back and see more!"

"Most definitely!"

Ye Chen smiled gently. After many years, when he heard about Ye's family, Ye Chen could finally show a sincere smile.

"Seventh Uncle, Sister Mengxin..."

Ye Chen looked at the people left behind by the Ye family, and said: "If you have something to pursue, and you want to make further progress on the road of martial arts, then it's okay, you can go to the Great Wilderness to find me, after all, Da Luo The city is too small, and the Lingcang Continent is too small."

In the entire Lingcang Continent, on the surface, there is nothing more than a master of true martial arts, so he has become the undisputed master of this continent.

Such masters, not to mention catching a lot, are often seen on the northern continent. Compared with the northern continent, this place is really insignificant.

"After I break through to the Spirit Sea Realm, I will definitely go to the Great Wilderness to find you."

Ye Mengxin said sweetly: "I'm your elder sister. When I go to the Great Wilderness, you can't use your status as the young master of the Great Wilderness to bully me."

"Ha ha!"

Ye Chen laughed out loud, very heartily, for many years, in this Da Luo City, he had never laughed like this before.

"Father, mother, this kind of Ye family must be what you want to see, right? Although the boy killed many people, he was sorry for many people, and let you down, but the boy has finally rectified the Ye family. Family, this is considered to have lived up to your expectations, please stop worrying about your children from now on."

The matter of the Ye family has ended, and what happened to the Ye family has also spread throughout Da Luo City, and is still spreading to other parts of Lingcang Continent at an extremely fast speed.

Maybe not too many people know about the identity of the Young Master of the Great Wilderness, but the news that the Yanyang Sect, which is comparable to the Eagle Sword Sect and even more powerful, has been destroyed, is terrifying.

Therefore, the little Ye family, because of Ye Chen's appearance, has become a powerful existence that even the Yingdaomen dare not provoke!
After worshiping their parents, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue took the latter's mother down the mountain immediately, and the place they went was Mei's house!
Another big dominant force in Da Luo City, after hearing that Mei Aoxue and Ye Chen had come back, lived in panic all day long, because the Yanyang Sect was destroyed, and they had lost their biggest backer.

Mei Aoxue is a member of the Mei family, but this identity, not only did not make the Mei family feel proud, on the contrary, each of them felt incomparable fear in their hearts.

Mei Aoxue's mother's madness was personally organized by the Mei family. She was arrested in the Yanyang Sect, and there was also Mei Aoxue's shadow.

Originally thought that they were all a family, no matter what Mei Aoxue would do, she would not embarrass the Mei family too much, at worst, if she brought out some people to dispel the anger in Mei Aoxue's heart, then the matter could be settled.

But after knowing that the Ye family held up the butcher knife and killed Ye Chen from the inside out, the hearts of the Mei family couldn't settle down.

Ye Chen can ignore even the Ye family, so why would he care about the Mei family?And expecting Mei Aoxue to say some good things, if she doesn't add insult to injury, and doesn't do anything herself, then it's already very good.

Of course, in Mei's house, Ye Chen did not start the killing ring, but only punished some necessary people. This was not because of Ye Chen's kindness and worries, but because of Mei Aoxue's mother's words.

This woman, who had suffered so much in the world, came to her senses at that moment. She looked at everyone in the Mei family, at Mei Aoxue's father, and said to Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue: "Back then, I was willing to be with him. Because I really like him, even though he is sorry for me, and the Mei family is also sorry for me, I have hated him over the years, but I know that my heart will always like him."

"Even if I don't pay attention to these things, I still have Xue'er as a daughter. This is already happiness and comfort to me. It doesn't matter whether I kill these people or not."

Ye Chen did not expect that Mei Aoxue's mother would be so generous, and he could not ignore the latter's request. This woman used her whole life to explain what is called a wife, what is called a mother, and what is called love. Chen was moved.

Since this is the case, it doesn't matter whether these people in the Mei family are killed or not. It is better to keep them alive, and maybe let them be condemned by their conscience, which is better than killing them.

After leaving Mei's house, Ye Chen stayed in Ye's house for a few more days!
The past few days have been the most peaceful days in his life. In this new Ye family, there are no more intrigues and intrigues. Some are mutual friendship and love from the bottom of the heart. This is truly a home!

After a few days, Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue and her mother quietly left. . . .

For the Ye family and the people of Da Luo City, Ye Chen is going to a wider world. For Ye Chen, leaving this time is when he has to face a stronger time.

On the northern mainland, there are Cang Pavilion, Zhou Tian Pavilion, Ling Jianzong and so on. . . .These powerful forces one after another, among these forces, the outstanding peers are the ones Ye Chen is going to confront next!
(End of this chapter)

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