Chapter 369
"Ye Chen, don't do this!"

Mei Aoxue came behind Ye Chen and gently put on a coat for him. The Fire City under the night sky undoubtedly has a very beautiful night scene, but neither of the two of them is in the mood to appreciate it now.


Turning his head to look at Mei Aoxue, Ye Chen held her hand tightly, because of Zi Xiao's matter, he did neglect her.

"I believe that Zi... that brother Zixiao will be fine, don't worry too much." Mei Aoxue said softly, she still didn't understand why Zixiao had to choose leave.

Ye Chen shook his head slightly, and said, "You don't understand..."

"Tell me, how is her matter? I want to face it with you." Mei Aoxue said softly.

Zi Xiao may have left the Northern Continent by now, and I believe she has been far away. Even though the so-called old man that Nie Guan talked about would come back to take a look at it after a while, but that time is obviously still a long time away.

Ye Chen just waiting here is not the right way after all.

Zi Xiao said, don't tell Ye Chen that she has appeared, but it is difficult for Mei Aoxue to keep this secret. Seeing Ye Chen's worried expression, she knows that something terrible must have happened to Zi Xiao.

"After leaving Daluo City, I wandered aimlessly in Lingcang Continent. One day, I came to a small town and met Brother Zixiao who was dressed as a beggar!"

"I don't know why, I hit it off with him very much, and he has helped me with a lot of things, so in the end, I found out that in fact, he actually harbors the rare Sky Profound Poison Body!"

"Sky Profound Poison Body?"

Mei Aoxue couldn't help exclaiming, she never thought that that beautiful girl with a shocking appearance and absolute talent for cultivation would actually have the most terrifying Tianxuan Poison Body in this world.

No wonder, the girl said, she couldn't, and she didn't dare to see Ye Chen. She didn't want Ye Chen to worry about her, and to worry about her Tianxuan poison body, because she knew that there was no solution in the world for the Tianxuan poison body!
"Do you have a way to dissolve the Tianxuan poison body?" Mei Aoxue asked softly.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "I don't have a solution for the time being, but maybe I can delay the onset of the Tianxuan poison body, so I want to find him as soon as possible."

"Even if he will still die in the end, I will stay by his side and not let him die alone."

"Aoxue, you don't know that Zixiao wandered alone in the world at a young age. He has a home, a big home, a big, big home, but he doesn't get any warmth at home. Everyone in the world regards him as a scourge, and he only has me as a friend in this world!"

"The two of us have also experienced misery in this life, but at least, when we were young, our parents loved and cared for us, but Zixiao, because of the Tianxuan poison body, his parents wanted to hug him, It's all impossible!"

Ye Chen smiled silently: "There are too many misfortunes in the world, and the sky is too unfair, but Zixiao is like an outcast from the sky, and has got all the misfortunes!"

Mei Aoxue was silent, she really wanted to say that if Zi Xiao knew that Ye Chen cared so much, Zi Xiao would feel very happy.

"Marven Ye!"

After being silent for a long time, Mei Aoxue's expression turned serious, as if she had finally made a decision, she immediately said: "I met Zi Xiao, and it was not long ago."

"What, when?" Ye Chen suddenly turned around.

"Not long ago, Yanyang Sect!"

"Zi Xiao went to Yanyang Sect, how is it possible?" Ye Chen couldn't believe it. Didn't Nie Guan say that Zi Xiao had already left a year ago? How could he appear in Yanyang Sect?
"Ye Chen, actually you don't know too much."

Mei Aoxue just thought it was a little funny, the man she loved, in some respects, was so belated, and after being with Zi Xiao for so long, even though the latter deliberately concealed her gender, how could he None noticed.

"A year ago, Zixiao left Lingcang Continent and went directly to the Northern Territory Continent. Since then, she has been secretly watching and protecting you until, after you fought Ni Cangtian, Cang Pavilion had no excuse to intervene. Regarding the matter between you and Yanyangzong, she left after watching you recover from your injury and returning to Daluo City with me."

"Brother Zi..."

"Ye Chen, she is not a man, she is a girl! You are so confused!"

"A daughter?"

Ye Chen was taken aback, Zi Xiao is actually a daughter?Ye Chen recalled the years when the two got along, but he didn't feel at all that Zi Xiao was a daughter, but. . . .
Compared with her peers, Zi Xiao is indeed much weaker. She always thought that it was caused by the torment of Tianxuan's poison body. It turns out that she is a daughter, so she looks thinner than men of her age.

"By now, you should understand why she left without saying goodbye, and didn't want you to know, where did she go?"

"Ming? Understand what?" Ye Chen was still at a loss, he really didn't know, Zixiao's departure was nothing more than his worrying about her. What does this have to do with being a man and a woman?

Mei Aoxue tapped Ye Chen's forehead, and said softly: "If she didn't love you, but just treated you as a friend like you, then why did she avoid you? She loves you, so don't I hope that before she dies, with your company, she only hopes to keep her best side in your heart."

"Ye Chen, Xiaoxiao not only did a lot of things for you in secret, she even made enough preparations for your future, you see..."

In Mei Aoxue's hand, a drop of essence and blood suddenly floated out.

The space vibrated violently, and a powerful energy breath was released from the blood essence without reservation. Even when the energy breath came into contact with himself, Ye Chen could feel the throbbing in his body. move.

"She said, you must go to the Dragon Clan, so that your Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art can be refined to the Dacheng state, and this drop of blood essence can protect you from being made things difficult by the Dragon Clan."

Mei Aoxue said softly: "Before Xiaoxiao left, she kept begging me not to let me tell you the truth."

"Ye Chen, Xiaoxiao's heart is all on you. She hopes that you will be well. In the future, when you can reach the peak, she is leaving now. Even if you deliberately let Yingdaomen encounter a big enemy, she and her people, It's impossible to come back in a short time..."

"Then I should find her sooner!"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at the endless night sky. He closed his eyes tightly, recalling the little things after the two met, especially those after they had a trust in each other. . . .

It turned out that before she knew it, there was a person who was silently watching her, guarding herself like a patron saint. She was giving silently, leaving the endless misery to herself, but she did everything for herself. Many, many!
If Mei Aoxue hadn't said it, Ye Chen wouldn't have known that Zixiao was a daughter, but it was precisely this that highlighted her deep affection for him. Ye Chen suddenly knew that he had a crush on that boy. . . .No, it's that girl. I have not cared enough for that girl all along.

If she wants to leave silently and quietly wait for her end to come, then I will find her faster and tell her that even if the Tianxuan poison cannot be resolved in the end, she still has to accept the established plan. However, I will accompany her and accompany her through the whole life.

Even if she wants to leave this world, she should leave with a smile instead of leaving alone!
"I know, only by finding her as soon as possible and staying with her can you feel at ease, but Ye Chen, have you ever thought that she doesn't want to see you at all now."

Mei Aoxue also knew what Ye Chen was missing, but she also knew how determined Zi Xiao was that day, otherwise, with the latter's feelings for Ye Chen, how could she be willing to leave alone!

Having said so much, telling Ye Chen the truth is to let Ye Chen know that instead of waiting here for Zi Xiao, it is better to do other things, so that Zi Xiao will be more at ease when she knows.

Ye Chen calmly smiled and said: "Aoxue, I understand what you mean, and I also understand Brother Zi... what she means, it's just that you think that now let me pretend that I don't know anything and leave here and go to the northern mainland , continue to pursue my martial arts path, can I do it?"

Not to mention knowing about Zi Xiao's daughter and what she has done secretly for him, even if he doesn't know anything, just based on the friendship between the two of them in the past, it is impossible for Ye Chen not to get the exact news of Zi Xiao. , leave here pretending nothing happened.

Mei Aoxue smiled wryly, but the love in her beautiful eyes was even stronger. It was this kind of love that made her fall in love with Ye Chen unreservedly. If at this time, he listened to his persuasion and left , maybe my heart will feel disappointed, and I will also feel a little sad for Zi Xiao!
"I'll wait here with you, but you must promise me one thing!" Mei Aoxue said immediately.

"what's up?"

Mei Aoxue said: "In a year, if we don't know the exact news about Xiaoxiao, no matter what, we have to go back to the Great Deserted City."

"What's important?"

Ye Chen frowned slightly, Mei Aoxue had never talked to him in such a rigorous state, and whenever she used this state, it meant something important.

The last time, it was Mei Aoxue who left the Great Wilderness alone, now!
"You will know when the time comes. There is no need to tell you now. In short, you have to promise me that within a year, you will return to the Great Deserted City with me."

"it is good!"

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen agreed.

If no one came over for a year, even Zigan didn't show up, then maybe Zixiao has already noticed her true intentions, and it might be useless to wait.

And when that time comes, it's time to make arrangements for Da Huang and set off to find Zi Xiao.

Although the world is very big, and I don't know where Zi Xiao's home is, but no matter what, I have to find her!
(End of this chapter)

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