Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 371-Awakening

Chapter 371-Awakening
Under the night sky, it was extremely quiet, and even breathing seemed to have stopped. That was because, under the aura of a powerful master in the Xuanwu realm, even a person's heartbeat almost stopped, let alone breathing?

The majestic momentum swept over the sky, and even if the defensive power of the Great Yu God Cauldron was released to the extreme, no matter how powerful the sword intent from Mei Aoxue's hand was, it could not resist that momentum.

In the sky, looking at Ye Chen and Ye Chen who were resisting with all their strength and still feeling depressed, Nan Cheng sneered coldly and said, "Now, there should be no one to save you, why, do you feel very hopeless?"

Ye Chen had no expression on his face, but he just clenched his hands tightly, wanting to kill him, even a master of the Xuanwu realm, would not be able to do it easily.

This kind of behavior made Nan Cheng look slightly sideways: "It's a pity, it would be a great thing if the two of you could be loyal to my Cang Pavilion, but you made the wrong choice, so you have to , to accept the fate after making a wrong choice.”


After Nan Cheng's voice fell, the sky seemed to move, and an extremely terrifying pressure swarmed in. The space around Ye Chen and the two of them collapsed at this moment. , has been overwhelmed and is on the verge of collapse.

"The Demon Emperor's Bell, the Immeasurable Magic Mirror!"

Two beams of light, one black and one yellow, burst out from Ye Chen's body without any concealment. At the same time, in this night sky, countless stars evolved and turned into a huge galaxy.

In the very center of the galaxy, a long bow suddenly appeared!

"Aoxue, let's go!"

"No, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. If you want to live together, if you want to die, we will die together!"

Sword lights, like indestructible sharp blades, spread all over the two of them, because of the terrible pressure, it was extremely difficult for Mei Aoxue to even lift the sword in her hand, but the long sword was still out of its sheath!

When the long sword was unsheathed, the whole world seemed to be shaking, sword intents frantically gathered in front of Mei Aoxue, and when the azure light was in full bloom, it seemed that a divine sword capable of opening the sky was taking shape.


When Mei Aoxue's palm touched the sword body with difficulty, drops of blood essence covered the sword body, and then melted into the long sword impressively.

"Buzz, hum!"

As a result, the terrifying sword intent became extremely violent, with Mei Aoxue as the center, the surrounding tens of miles seemed to have turned into an ocean, heaven and earth of sword energy!
"Use the sword to transform the world!"

Nan Cheng's old eyes couldn't help tightening up. Right now, although Mei Aoxue has not yet successfully stepped into the realm of martial arts, she has succeeded in releasing the domain that can be owned by martial arts masters ahead of time. .

This also means that Mei Aoxue is only because the spiritual power in the spiritual sea in her body is not thick enough, otherwise, she is already a veritable real martial arts master.

And the arrival of this day, with Mei Aoxue's current background, it won't be long. A conservative estimate, one month is enough!
Nan Cheng couldn't help screaming inwardly, it's a pity, if Ni Cangtian can get this woman's heart, then now, Cang Pavilion will get a young man with unlimited potential, and to a certain extent, Mei Aoxue His future may be even more terrifying than Ni Cangtian.

There is no other reason. Ni Cangtian practiced in Cang Pavilion since he was a child. Can the resources and background of Cang Pavilion be comparable to that of the little Yanyang Sect?However, what Mei Aoxue did was much more shocking than Ni Cangtian.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

Ye Chen didn't say anything more immediately. At this time, the hearts were connected, and it was impossible for anyone to leave first. In this case, let's face the enemy together, even if the enemy is a master of the Xuanwu realm.


The Heaven-shocking Dragon Chant resounded immediately, and streaks of silver light burst out continuously, and in an instant, there were a total of forty streaks.

"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

With Ye Chen as the center, even under the strong pressure of Nancheng, there are still countless energies in the tens of miles of land, and they begin to surge towards Ye Chen quickly.

After these energies entered the body, the number of silver light streaks had reached a terrifying 48!
"The Canglong transforms into the sky!"

All 48 silver lines of light poured into Ye Chen's right arm in an instant, and a sense of tyrannical power swept out immediately.


Ye Chen shouted loudly, in the galaxy, a longbow came over and stood in front of Ye Chen, and the galaxy all over the sky turned into sharp arrows, floating on the longbow.

Xuanwu realm masters are so powerful, they haven't done anything yet, the mere release of momentum forced Mei Aoxue and Ye Chen to use the most powerful power they can use now.

It was Ye Chen's first time to wield the sword of falling stars with the strength of Canglong Huatian, and it was also the first time for Mei Aoxue to unleash a field that only martial arts masters could use.

But what a pity!

Nan Cheng's pupils tightened suddenly, and the world seemed to move by itself. In an instant, whether it was the domain created by Mei Aoxue or Ye Chen's best use of it, at this time, accompanied by the sound of clicking, Immediately, it disappeared into space like ashes.

The attack of the two of them was not even released halfway. . . .
It can only be seen that the bodies of the two people, like birds with broken wings, retreated violently. After several thousand meters, they fell powerlessly to the ground, and during this time, the blood had already Dye the sky and the earth red.

This is the strength of the top experts in the Xuanwu realm. You don't need to use anything. Just a single movement of momentum can make the two most outstanding young people on the northern continent feel so powerless at the moment.

"In front of this old man, you are like ants!"

Nan Cheng smiled sarcastically, and did not hesitate to make a move. Although there will be no rescuers here, he is also afraid of nights and dreams. As a master of Xuanwu realm, Nan Cheng has always been cautious and cautious, so today, even if the opponent is Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue are two juniors, and he also wants to end it as soon as possible.


This was Nan Cheng's first strike. It seemed that he hadn't tried his best and was just a random strike. However, in the eyes of others, it was undoubtedly a world-shaking blow.

When that old palm just pressed lightly in the sky, it was impressive to see that this void no longer existed, and what remained in the void was an extremely terrifying force.

The earth below couldn't bear it at this moment either. Abysses appeared shockingly under the old palm. The entire land turned into an unfathomable lake in an instant!

Only the masters of the Xuanwu realm can create such power and influence. Others, even the peak masters of the true martial arts realm, may not be able to change the original appearance of mountains and rivers in an instant.

The breath of power spread, even with the protection of the three great treasures, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue's bodies could no longer stand upright. No matter what method is used, he will die immediately.

Such a powerful force has far exceeded the limits of what the two of them can bear!
The two of them now are undoubtedly in an extremely embarrassing situation. When they bend down like that, blood is constantly gushing out. However, in the eyes of the two of them, especially Ye Chen's, there is a touch of madness, and they are gathering at a rapid speed. with.

Even if he died today, no matter what, he would send Mei Aoxue away, and let Nan Cheng know that if he wanted to kill him, he would have to pay a certain price.

"Let you see how far I can do it!"

Ye Chen showed a silent smile, but this smile seemed extremely cruel, streams of energy were being forcibly taken out by him in the body, those were the forces of yin and yang!
He has never maximized the power of the Three Great Treasures because he is not strong enough, but now, with the power of Yin and Yang, I believe that even if he cannot reach the peak of the Three Great Treasures, at least , can surprise Nan Cheng.

By then, they should be able to buy some time for Mei Aoxue's departure.

However, at this moment, a loud and clear eagle's cry suddenly came from his body. After only a moment, the eagle's cry spread directly from his body. In this world, the loud and clear sound thorough!

The cry of the eagle, perhaps because of Ye Chen's current embarrassment and tragedy, is extremely cold and violent, and at the moment when the cry of the eagle appeared, Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue were shocked to find that The breath of power that they couldn't resist at all was rapidly weakening.

In just a few seconds, it had disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.

Such an accident directly made Nan Cheng's expression tense. Just one voice prevented him from killing Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue. I really don't know what kind of strength the owner of this voice possessed. , The attack just now was just done at will.

Ye Chen was also stunned, and his expression was a little dull, but immediately, an unbelievable expression appeared in his expression. He was very familiar with the sound of the eagle's crowing, because it belonged to the Nether Demon who was always evolving. eagle.

Unexpectedly, at such a critical moment, the Nether Demon Falcon would wake up.

"I said son, you can really provoke, but this time, you even provoked the masters of the Xuanwu realm."

A slightly familiar voice sounded in Ye Chen's body. Immediately, Ye Chen clearly sensed that where the Nether Demon Falcon was located, the mass of Nether Demon Fire that wrapped it quickly disappeared.

Disappearing like this does not mean disappearing, but being absorbed by the Nether Demon Fire.

The moment the magic fire was absorbed, Ye Chen saw a once very familiar figure, at the moment, in his body, waving his wings lazily, this appearance was completely the appearance after successful evolution, and it did not It wasn't because he sensed that Ye Chen was in danger and had to wake up.

In the next moment, the magic eagle waving its wings disappeared directly in Ye Chen's body, and the white light shone in the sky. In the light, a huge figure covered the sky and the sun!
(End of this chapter)

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