Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 382 Fighting

Chapter 382 Fighting

In this catastrophe, the protagonists are Nether Demon Eagle and Mei Aoxue, there is no such thing as Ye Chen!

However, just now, Ye Chen forcibly made a move, which obviously aroused the attention and anger of Heimolei, so at this moment, Heimolei was divided into three, including Ye Chen!
Although the black magic thunder is divided into three, and the corresponding power has dropped to one-third of the original, but the ghost magic eagle is seriously injured, it is impossible to take over, even if Mei Aoxue's condition is better, it will be difficult , to resist this black magic thunder.

"Aoxue, protect the magic eagle!"

Ye Chen's pupils turned cold, and he shouted in a deep voice, his figure swept away, and immediately appeared in the midair. Immediately, the Dayu Divine Cauldron vibrated thousands of feet, covering the space where Mei Aoxue and the Nether Demon Eagle were located. .

At this moment, only Ye Chen can exert his strength to the peak moment. Although the strength at this peak is much weaker than that of Nether Demon Eagle and even Mei Aoxue, this is the only way.

At such an urgent time, even though she was extremely worried about Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue did not stop her, she just used her long sword to dance quickly in front of her, one after another sharp sword intent, once again turned into a huge sword net, separating her and Nether The magic eagle guarded it.

It is impossible for Ye Chen to resist the attack of the three black magic thunders by himself. He does not have this strength. What Ye Chen can do now is to weaken the power of the three black magic thunders as much as possible.

In the end, this sword net became the last protective barrier for her and the Nether Demon Eagle.


The Great Yu Divine Cauldron turned into a thousand feet in size, blocking the Black Demon Thunder's attack on the Nether Demon Eagle and Mei Aoxue. Therefore, although the three black magic thunders did not merge into one place again, at the same time, they fiercely moved towards Dayu Divine Cauldron bombarded down.

On the Dayu Divine Cauldron, within Ye Chen's body, suddenly a dark white flame quietly emerged, and in an instant, it turned into a boundless sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire, Ye Chen stood tall. If outsiders could see it, his whole body was already in harmony with this flame. Melt in one place.

This is the method Ye Chen learned from the Nether Demon Eagle. He also focused on himself, turning himself into a flame, and this flame is no longer the Nether Demon Fire, but the Nether Demon Flame!
He is connected with the Nether Demon Eagle by blood, and even concluded a more cruel contract. Ye Chen can also display the accompanying means of the latter.

The sea of ​​flames transformed by the magic flames shrouded the Dayu Divine Cauldron, forming the first barrier. The defensive power of the Dayu Divine Cauldron could not resist the Black Demon Thunder!

After the magic flames turned into a sea of ​​flames, the mysterious jade bone in Ye Chen's body, at this moment, shone with light in his body, protecting his body with the greatest possible.


The astonishing dragon's anger resounded through the sky, and the Chaos Yin-Yang Jue immediately started to operate. In the surrounding tens of miles, endless energy surged madly and entered Ye Chen's body.

In the end, 48 silver lines of light blatantly appeared on top of Ye Chen's head, turning into a huge silver real dragon. Ye Chen's own spiritual power, with the power of yin and yang that could be used, was desperately injected into the real dragon at this moment.


The real dragon was furious, and with its huge body winding and entangled, carrying astonishing domineering power, it rushed towards the black magic thunder without hesitation.


Three black magic thunders arrived as promised, and slammed heavily on the silver real dragon's body.

Ye Chen thinks that the real silver dragon formed by 48 silver light lines and the power of yin and yang is enough to make him look down on all the masters of the spiritual world, even Lin Yifan and others need to fight against him to lose both. , Fang is able to crack it.

Ye Chen is more confident. With his current cultivation of the sixth level of Linghai, plus this silver real dragon, it may not be so difficult to fight Yang Jun that day.

However, it was the Black Demon Thunder after all, and even the Nether Demon Eagle and Mei Aoxue would suffer greatly from the Black Demon Thunder.

The three black magic thunders fell, even though they were not as powerful as before because they were divided into three, but that huge silver real dragon just collided with the black magic thunders, it immediately turned into silver light spots all over the sky, and gradually disappeared in the sky. in the space.

Before, I used the Demon Emperor's Bell and the Infinite Mirror to face the Black Demon Thunder, but that was not a face to face in person. This time, Ye Chen felt that the Black Demon Thunder This is unparalleled power.

Defeating the silver real dragon in one fell swoop, the three black magic thunders never stopped, and continued downward, facing the huge forest of white flames transformed by themselves, still rushing fiercely.

The speed is still fast, and the power is equally astonishing. However, Ye Chen, who has been paying attention to the Black Demon Thunder, has noticed that although the impact of the real silver dragon has not formed any effective power, it still melts away the power of the Black Demon Thunder. up.

Although the degree of ablation is very small, almost negligible, it is still ablated, and the power of the black magic thunder has been weakened a little.

That's great!Ye Chen was really afraid that after trying his best, it was still useless, so he really couldn't help Nether Demon Eagle and Mei Aoxue.

In fact, even though the two of them and one eagle teamed up just now, although they did not destroy the Black Demon Thunder, the power of the latter was also weakened a lot because of this. It was still astonishing, so Ye Chen didn't realize it at all.

It's different now!


The black magic thunder slammed down, and the huge forest-white sea of ​​flames, like the remnant snow being directly illuminated by the scorching sun, melted away quickly. The huge sea of ​​flames collapsed completely in just a few seconds. In the end, only Ye Chen himself was left, facing the three black magic thunders.

"Marven Ye, get out of the way!"

"Young master, leave quickly!"

Mei Aoxue and Nether Demon Eagle couldn't help shouting, Ye Chen wanted to help, but they didn't stop him, but the so-called help didn't mean that he used his body as a wall to resist the black magic thunder!
Ye Chen laughed, but he didn't try to be brave. He moved immediately and quickly moved away. However, a crazy arc appeared on the corner of his mouth, because he knew that even if he dodged Come, there will always be a black magic thunder following.

Sure enough, the three black magic thunders finally changed direction, two of them still fell, and blasted towards the huge God of Yu Cauldron, and the other one, like a poisonous snake, came chasing after Ye Chen!

With the sea of ​​fire that he transformed into was defeated, Ye Chen would inevitably be seriously injured. Even if it was blocked by the sea of ​​fire, the power of the black magic thunder was weakened again, and now it was only one, and Ye Chen's pressure was much reduced. However, that black magic thunder The power is enough to make Ye Chen disappear in this void in an instant.

For the other two black magic thunders, Ye Chen believes that with the resistance of Dayu's divine cauldron, even if the divine cauldron collapses in the end, it can greatly weaken the power of the black magic thunder, that is, to kill Mei Ao The power of Snow and the Nether Magic Falcon.

So Ye Chen is not worried about the safety of one person and one eagle below!

Fengshenjue and Yunshuangjue were constantly displayed under their feet, dodging the continuous black magic thunder at an extremely fast speed. pull away.

Xinghe suddenly, a long bow immediately appeared in the very center of Xinghe!

"Falling star arrow, the arrow breaks through the sky!"

At a certain moment, Ye Chen suddenly turned around, holding the longbow in his hand, and the sky filled with stars turned into long arrows. Strands of spiritual energy with the power of yin and yang quickly melted into the long arrows. After a moment, the arrows came out like mountains and shot at the black magic thunder!

Two rays of light, silver and black, collided in midair, and the ground below burst open endlessly, and an abyss forcibly appeared on the ground because of this, which was shocking!

Although the power shook the world, the silver light was completely defeated after a while, and the rest, still dark and extremely dark, swept away with an incomparable force, hitting Ye Chen's body. On the chest, this time, Ye Chen cannot avoid it!

"Boom, boom!"

When Ye Chen was hit by the black magic thunder, the huge Dayu Divine Cauldron couldn't withstand the attack of the two black magic thunders, and finally collapsed completely, the light overflowed, and countless fragments floated in the explosion in the void.

But the Dayu Divine Cauldron is still a treasure. Although it was completely disintegrated, those fragments did not fall powerlessly to the ground and turned into dust. , blending together extremely quickly.

Of course, Dayu Divine Cauldron has already collapsed, so the so-called fusion is naturally not fused into its original appearance, it does not have such great supernatural powers, and countless fragments are just gathered together in one place, as if waiting for someone in the future to recreate it. They are refined to restore their original form.

Those two black magic thunders continued to bombard the sword net set by Mei Aoxue mercilessly with outrageous power.


Under the sword net, Mei Aoxue couldn't help spitting out blood. When her breath quickly weakened, the sword net was torn apart. Afterwards, two black magic thunders penetrated the ruptured sword net. Finally, they respectively It bombarded the Nether Demon Eagle and Mei Aoxue.

So far, the three black magic thunders have all completed their tasks and hit their respective targets without any mistakes. Therefore, in the sky, the palm-sized black clouds began to slowly disappear.

The appearance of Heavenly Tribulation was originally to destroy the creatures that should be robbed.

Of course, the people who should be robbed or the monsters who should be robbed have their own means to resist. When it is unstoppable, the catastrophe will fall and hit the person who should be robbed. No matter whether the person who should be robbed is alive or dead, only three waves of heavenly punishment will be needed. When the thunder calamity passes, the sky calamity will dissipate.

The black cloud dissipated, and after the black magic lightning hit the two and one eagle, the task was also completed. The rumbling thunder echoed in this void, and it was immediately annihilated. This huge area, after an instant, seemed to be It was extremely quiet, not even the sound of breathing.

Everything is silent, only three figures, each wrapped in an extremely dark ray of light, it is not known whether it is death or life. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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