Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 386 The Difference of Five Years

Chapter 386
"It will take another five years before we can meet again, Zi Xiao, please take care of yourself!"

Zigan had already left. Before leaving, Ye Chen asked Zigan to bring back a large bottle of pills to Zixiao as quickly as possible. In this large bottle of pills, each pill contained With the power of yin and yang!

Perhaps these yin and yang forces cannot last forever in Zixiao's body, but as long as they exist, they can definitely suppress the Tianxuan poison body a little bit. When Zixiao finishes taking this big bottle of medicine, I believe that it can produce great effect.

In that way, the five-year period will definitely be extended a lot!
But what was extended was only the time for the Tianxuan poison body to attack, not the time for Ye Chen to go to Zixiao's location.

"Marven Ye!"

Mei Aoxue's hand was always tightly holding Ye Chen. It was extremely difficult to reach the realm of Tianwu in five years, and the greater difficulty came from Zi Xiao's family.

When they heard that the Zixiao family was in the Xuantian Continent, Mei Aoxue and the Nether Demon Eagle understood how powerful the Zixiao family was!

Xuantian Continent is a super continent in the midst of this universe!
On that continent, there are really masters like clouds, who can become famous in Xuantian Continent, at least they are masters of Xuanwu Realm, and even masters of Martial Realm, in Xuantian Continent, they dare not say that they can have their own. enough protection.

On this northern continent, martial arts masters are the pinnacle, but in the super continent, martial arts masters are just at the beginning, and the gap between them is so obvious.

Although it is not clear what status Zi Xiao's family has on Xuantian Continent, but being able to establish a family on a super continent is already a strong guarantee.

Without enough strength, how dare you establish a sect on the super continent?
"Aoxue, I'm sorry!" Ye Chen said softly, looking away.

Just now he was worried about Zi Xiao, what Ye Chen showed should be human nature, but he ignored Mei Aoxue's feelings, in front of her, he made no secret of his feelings for another woman, maybe that kind of feelings are not between men and women. Love, and always don't respect her very much.


Mei Aoxue shook her head with a smile, without any blame, because she knew that if it was her, he would be equally nervous.

"Don't worry too much, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. If Xiaoxiao finds out, she won't miss you like this."

Ye Chen's eyes trembled slightly, and he said: "In the past, I only knew that with my own talent, I enjoyed the attention of everyone in Daluo City. Back then, the name of Double Dragon made me enjoy it a lot. I think, at that time, I, In the eyes of many people, he is actually no different from a dandy."

"After that, the masters of the Yanyang Sect came to commit crimes, my parents died, and my body was sealed and I was not allowed to practice. During those years, I was thinking every day, even when I was sleeping, how to restore my cultivation talent, so as to serve Parents revenge."

"To this day, I have accomplished what I once wanted to do. The vengeance has been avenged, and the Ye family has also been reborn. Moreover, I have you by my side, and behind me are the powerful Moyuan Mountain and the Great Wilderness. Life, in the eyes of countless people, is considered perfect!"

It is indeed very perfect, with amazing talent and potential. As the young master of the Great Desolation, his future can at least become the overlord of the northern continent. That level of height is far from what Nie Guan can compare. aloof.

Looking up at the sky, Ye Chen said: "But when I came to Xuanhuo City again and knew that Zi Xiao had left, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten a promise, or rather, it wasn't that I forgot, it was just that I was in the wilderness. For the past two years, I've put that commitment behind me."

"Now, this promise came to my mind again, and I realized that I have already let her down!"

This she is Zi Xiao!
After a year of secret protection, Zi Xiao did too many things, but never let herself know. Perhaps, at that time, Zi Xiao must have been very happy in her heart. How could she not be happy to be able to protect the person she wanted to protect? .

It's just that after knowing this, Ye Chen became angry with himself, and he blamed himself, why, he didn't realize earlier, that girl paid for him!

"I don't have any pressure. In five years, I will achieve Tianwu Realm. That's just my promise to her, so I'm worried..."

Ye Chen shook his head violently. As long as we meet again, with his cultivation base of Tianwu Realm, he can activate the power of yin and yang, even if he still can't dissolve the Tianxuan poison body, but I believe that he will definitely be able to have an extremely powerful effect on the Tianxuan poison body. Great suppression, at that time, Zi Xiao will no longer have to worry about her life, she can, like an ordinary woman, enjoy family affection and happiness!
"Are we going back to the northern continent right now?" Mei Aoxue asked softly. She knew that what she had to do now was to let the man she loved relax as much as possible and not put any pressure on him. .

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen said: "Go to Xuanhuo City first, stay in the city for a few days, Nan Cheng is dead, there is no guarantee that Cang Pavilion will not send masters over again, we have to wait, and it is also necessary, Shock the Lingcang Continent."

"Magic Eagle, I will leave this matter to you!"

The appearance of a master in the Xuanwu realm, and a monster that already possesses a trace of divine beast aura, is enough to shock everyone even if it is placed on the northern continent. Here, the effect is naturally even better!

Ye Chen just wanted to let everyone know that there is a top expert behind the Yingdaomen of Lingcang Continent. Anyone who wants to challenge the Yingdaomen and Nie Guan's position as the master must weigh it carefully!
"Don't worry, son!"

The huge Nether Demon Falcon stretched out the wings of the hanging clouds, almost covering the sky and the sun. When the wings fluttered, it seemed that there was no distance for a hundred miles.

The sky above the majestic Xuanhuo City was suddenly enveloped by an extremely huge figure. Under that figure, even Nie Guan felt extremely heavy pressure, and even his breathing was suppressed to the point of almost cut off.

As a real martial arts master, Nie Guan can naturally tell that the current aura is a little bit stronger than the so-called Cang Pavilion master back then.

And the owner of this aura is even a monster, whose deterrent power makes everyone in Xuanhuo City tremble with fear!
"Master Nie!"

Just when countless people were startled, a familiar voice came from the huge monster.

"Young Master Ye!"

Nie Guan was startled for a moment, then seemed to understand something, couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly clasped his fists and shouted.

The two figures floated down from the back of the eagle, like a couple of gods and gods, envious of others, and what is even more touching is that the monster that the Lord Nie Guan could not resist, at this moment, turned out to be like a guard. Usually, the shrunken figure followed behind the two of them.

Lowering the city wall, white light flickered on the Nether Demon Falcon. After a while, under the eyes of everyone, the demon body dispersed, and the one who took it was a young man in his twenties!
This young man's figure is not very tall and straight, but his whole body exudes a cold aura, and the surrounding space seems to be frozen because of this.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the demon body turned into a human body, and the strength of the Nether Demon Falcon is no longer doubtful!
"Who is this senior?"

Facing the Nether Demon Eagle, Nie Guan quickly cupped his fists. Although he is the master of Lingcang Continent, his strength is the most important thing. The former brought him an extremely great sense of danger, which made Nie Guan know that the former's strength is far from what he expected. can handle it.

The Nether Magic Falcon said: "My name is Ye Ming, and I am the body of the Nether Demon Falcon. I am the son's guard. Hehe, I have just achieved the Xuanwu Realm, and I just succeeded in surviving the catastrophe not long ago, so all expressions are still a little different from human beings. Brother Nie Damn it!"

Ye Chen's surname is Ye, and he is now a human being, so he naturally follows Ye Chen's surname, and the name Ye Ming suits him.

And these words, the Nether Demon Falcon has never suppressed it in the slightest. This appearance was originally a shock, so why do you need to dodge it!
When the words came out, the entire Xuanhuo City was in turmoil. No one dared to imagine how powerful the Xuanwu Realm monsters were, and what was even more shocking was that such monsters were actually just guards.

Who is the so-called young master? There are not many people in Xuanhuo city who don't know, and they know that this young master has an extremely good relationship with Nie Guan, so. . . .

"Master Nie, we will stay here for a few more days. If you have nothing to do, don't bother us. But if you have something to do, you can leave it to Magic Eagle to handle it. I believe that he will handle it properly. become!"

Ye Chen also conveyed these words clearly, what the meaning is, I believe even a pig can figure it out.

In the Yingdaomen headquarters, in a secluded courtyard, Ye Chen sat cross-legged.

Ye Chen did not dare to forget the promise of five years. Zi Gan's telling already let him know that without enough strength, he would never see Zi Xiao again in this life.

The calamity of the black devil has given Ye Chen enough benefits. Whether it is spiritual power or physical power, he is still in a state of absorption. In a short time, if he wants to cultivate In order to improve, it is obviously impossible.

However, the manifestation of strength is not only based on cultivation!

In Yanyangzong's battle with Ni Cangtian, Ye Chen miraculously left the Cangsheng Realm in his Cangsheng Realm. Thanks to a flash of inspiration, in that instant, Ye Chen actually defeated Fengshen Jue with Yun Yun. Frost decided to fuse together.

The aura flashed so quickly that Ye Chen was just subconsciously acting. After that, when he recalled the battle that day again, he wanted to capture the flashing aura, but after so long, in countless In the first practice, Ye Chen never possessed that spiritual light for the second time no matter what.

One domain, especially the domain against the heavens, is absolutely extraordinary. Fengshen Jue and Yunshuang Jue are fused together, and they can leave from Cangsheng domain.

If he can fully master it, his own strength will definitely skyrocket. At that time, even Ni Cangtian will not be able to pose the slightest threat to him!

(End of this chapter)

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