Chapter 394
In the depths of Yunshan Mountain, the heights are extremely cold!

Surrounding the mountains are layer after layer of faint air currents, which look like clouds, but these are not clouds, but, after the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so strong that it is terrifying, it is like a cloud that gives people the world's tranquility. Feel.

With such a strong aura of heaven and earth, there is no doubt that if you practice in it, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and even this is only the initial effect.

However, the aura of heaven and earth is too strong, which also causes the pressure in this place to be filled, which is also extremely shocking and terrifying. Ordinary people, even real martial arts masters who have stepped into the martial arts realm, may not be able to stay in it for too long For a long time, otherwise, the body will be squeezed out of the body by these rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

However, a petite and somewhat weak figure, whose cultivation level is only at the third level of true martial arts, has been cultivating for a long time in such an environment.

The blue hair is like a waterfall, the yew is stunning, and the face is shocking to the world, the girl just sits so quietly, as if it has been like this since ancient times!
"Little Lord!"

Suddenly, the void was forcibly torn open, and an old figure slowly appeared, standing behind the girl, with deep respect in his eyes.

This respect is not because of the identity of the young girl, but because the old man believes that at his age and with the same level of cultivation as the young girl, he could not, and dare not, in this space, once Cultivation can last for more than a month.

His respect for the girl has nothing to do with her identity, it is the girl's own persistence and perseverance, and this persistence and perseverance, he has also seen it from another person not long ago, the two are so amazing resemblance.

"Lingcang Continent, Nie Guan and the others, did anything happen?" The girl asked calmly without turning around.

"There were some accidents, but they were resolved. Young Master!"

Looking at the girl's back, the old man hesitated a little, and then said: "Ye Chen, Mr. Ye stayed in Xuanhuo City for half a year..."

Before the old man finished speaking, the girl suddenly turned around when she heard Ye Chen, and then, with a trembling voice: "Brother Ye, how is he?"

"Master Ye is very good, really good!"

Seeing the girl's sudden change of expression, the old man couldn't help laughing bitterly.

In this extremely huge area, the girl in front of her is undoubtedly the most honorable person. Even if you look at the whole world, there is no more than the number of hands that can compare with her.

Her delicate appearance, her talent in cultivation, and everything else have made her so high since she was a child. Others can only look up to her, and because of her body, over the years, even her parents and her are the same. It is impossible to be as warm as the parents and children of ordinary people.

I never thought that a young man who hadn't been together for too long would make this person who can be called a princess in the whole world fall in love with him so much!

if. . . .If there is no Tianxuan Poison Body, then the girl should be the happiest person in this world!

In the old man's heart, he couldn't help laughing bitterly again. Without the Tianxuan Poison Body, it would be impossible for her and him to know each other. How could this happiness appear in the depths of the girl's soul?

"Brother Ye Family!" The girl couldn't help murmuring softly. The reason why she wanted to return to the clan, and why she still had enough perseverance to persevere, was all because of him. He is now well, and this is the best thing news.

Seeing the girl's lovesickness, the old man couldn't bear to hide it, and quickly told the girl what Ye Chen wanted to tell the truth. Although he knew that this was from within the clan, there were some things that shouldn't be said, but now, he had to say it.

"Five years, five years!"

Even though the young girl had no extravagant hopes, when she heard the words brought by the old man, she couldn't help but glistening tears flowed down from her beautiful star-like eyes.

Ye Chen has not stepped into the realm of martial arts yet, even though he is already a master of real martial arts, he wants to reach the realm of heavenly martial arts in five years. . . .Not to mention only in the northern continent, even in her clan, it is difficult to do with the huge resources that ordinary people can't imagine.

It is conceivable that for the promise made in these five years, what kind of effort Ye Chen will put in during these five years.

All these make the girl feel distressed!
She left precisely because she didn't want Ye Chen to be troubled by her affairs, but unexpectedly, the result was still the same. At this moment, the girl suddenly had an impulse in her heart, she wanted to go to Ye Chen, no matter what happened in the future, Even if he couldn't escape death in the end, he still had to accompany Ye Chen in the few years he had.

"Little Lord!"

As if seeing the impulse in the girl's heart, the old man hastily shouted in a low voice.

The girl's eyes were suddenly cold, and in the end, she could only feel helpless, even if she was one of the most noble people in this world, so what, she still couldn't help herself and was helpless about many things. .

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry!"

The girl looked far away, and seemed to see Ye Chen who was on the northern continent, she murmured in a low voice: "Because I can't help myself too much, and because I don't have the strength to resist, so now, I can only be here. But Brother Ye, please believe that I will persevere."

"Five years is not only the promise you gave me, but also the promise I want to give you. No matter how the Tianxuan poison body deteriorates, no matter how life is worse than death, I will persist until you come to see me in five years!"

"Perhaps at that time, I will die, and I must..."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was no longer any weakness in the girl's eyes, but rather an extreme coldness, and thus, an inherent nobility and aura burst out spontaneously.

"Gan Lao, pass on the order. From now on, I will truly exercise the rights of the young master of the Purple Holy Land, which belongs to me, and let those people return all of them. All matters, big or small, are within my scope. Order, anyone who does it without authorization, will be killed without mercy!"

This was the first time Zigan saw the girl making her own voice. However, Zigan didn't feel the slightest bit of jerky, because he knew that the girl in front of him was born to be a king.


Zigan left quickly, holding the bottle of medicine that Ye Chen gave her in the girl's hand, feeling the familiar breath coming from the medicine, the girl's eyes gradually surged with infinite lovesickness Come.

In the small cave, a ray of light was faintly wrapped around Ye Chen's body. This is the scene that appeared after the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art was used to the extreme. Only in such an environment can Ye Chen be inspired, or in other words, be inspired. The potential of this miraculous technique.

The Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue, which was used to the extreme, gave Ye Chen a great surprise in an instant.

The power of yin and yang is in the body, following the route of the exercises, walking quickly, and helping Ye Chen to resolve the terrible impact here with the greatest ability.

Not only that, in the spirit, at this moment, there is also a new yin and yang power, which slowly enters into itself, and then is absorbed and refined by itself. . . .Increase Ye Chen's resistance and adaptation to the surrounding environment.

However, no matter how miraculous the Chaotic Yin-Yang Art is, how unparalleled the power of Yin-Yang is, it is impossible for Ye Chen to survive here like a fish in water.

Here, after all, is where the essence of Fenglin Volcano is located, and all the horrors in Fenglin Volcano come from this passage. It is conceivable how terrifying the high temperature and strong wind here are.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the protection of King Xiao Ming, Ye Chen wouldn't be able to stay here for a minute and a second.

Now, although King Xiao Ming's energy has been taken away, there is still some protective power left.

Before that, what Ye Chen got from King Xiao Ming, which was also the absorption of the essence energy of Fenglin Volcano, was just an opportunity.

This opportunity can only allow Ye Chen to stay here as long as possible. During this time, if Ye Chen cannot absorb energy from this place and convert it to himself, and cannot adapt to this place, then, so the cultivation, It's just a dream, he can only leave as soon as possible, otherwise, no matter what cards he has, he won't be able to escape a dead word!
So cultivating here is not only extremely difficult, but also a race against time, and it is a test of oneself.

Fortunately, the preparations were sufficient, and years of experience also gave Ye Chen a different persistence than ordinary people, and the ability to adapt to various environments.

Although this passage is extremely scary, it is not deep after all. In the limited time, Ye Chen may not be able to extend this time.

Of course, this process is very dangerous and very scary.

The Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue is running to the extreme, with the integration of the new Yin-Yang power, helping Ye Chen absorb the energy here as quickly as possible, the consequence is that the terrible energy is like a runaway before it is absorbed. He was like a wild horse, rampaging through his body, and with terrible destructive power, his body, which was comparable to that of a master who had just entered the Xuanwu realm, was torn open countless shocking holes in a very short period of time.

It looks as if the roots are broken, the meridians, bones, and body are not intact!

Time passed little by little during Ye Chen's cultivation. Although his condition has not been very good, it can even be described as horrible, but he still persisted slowly.

As long as he can bear it, it means that he is already here and has successfully absorbed and refined the energy that is ubiquitous in the channel. Every time he absorbs and refines, his adaptability to this environment will be greatly improved. As long as the limit is not exceeded, Ye Chen will definitely be able to persist for more than a month.

And at that time, believe me, it's time for all hardships to come!

(End of this chapter)

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