Chapter 397
After leaving Fenglin Volcano, Ye Chen did not enter the retreat again!

His cultivation has already reached the peak of the spiritual sea, and next, the cultivation of spiritual power alone is not enough for him to step into the realm of martial arts. You must know that even an outstanding person like Mei Aoxue, after obtaining the Xuanqing Pagoda, will come down by chance. , obtained the essence of Nan Cheng's lifelong cultivation, and then he broke through in one fell swoop and reached the realm of martial arts!
For every martial artist at this level, the only way to break through again is to gain enough world comprehension, so that they have the opportunity to enter the ranks of martial arts.

This difficulty is not ordinary, otherwise, Ni Cangtian would not be called the No.1 among the younger generation of the northern mainland!

Therefore, simple cultivation is not of much use to Ye Chen. He needs an opportunity, an encounter, and before that, he has already gained some understanding and understanding of the world in the experience of being the master. Realized that he already possessed the fluctuations in the field, and the realm of martial arts was no longer as illusory as ordinary people for him!

There is still some time before the opening of the Nine Heavens Mirror, just in these days, you can take a good rest.

Ever since he came to the northern continent, Ye Chen has been living a compact life, never relaxing once, it is rare to not be too anxious now, combining work and rest, no matter what it is on, is the best way.

While resting quietly, Ye Chen did not forget those people recorded in the Nine Heavens Record.

Ye Chen has to admit that, including Ding Xing, those people on the Jiutianlu are all fierce people. If you want to fight with these people in the Jiutian Mirror, you are not very careful. I am afraid that it may not be Can get out of the body.

However, Ye Chen really wanted to relax, but some people didn't give him this chance.

After coming back from Fenglin Volcano, he only rested for a day, and early the next morning, someone was outside the Great Wilderness Hall, begging to see Ye Chen!
When he saw Jin Ling outside the Great Wilderness Hall, Ye Chen realized that he was too busy these years and had too many things on him, so that he had neglected some things.

"City Master Jinling, I'm sorry!"

Ye Chen didn't shirk it, he had indeed forgotten it, he didn't need any chance, when he entered the Great Deserted City alone, the first one to find him was Jin Ling, and he had promised him at that time, that he would give Jin Ling the money when things were done. Ling, he and Yaoguangcheng are not inferior to Xu Baxian and Wufangcheng.

Jin Ling clasped his fists and said, "The young master misunderstood, and he did not come here to seek any benefits from the young master, Jin Ling dare not!"

What he said was definitely not because Jin Ling was being polite, but because he really didn't dare!

Now up and down the Great Wilderness, Ye Chen is at the height of the sun, and he bluntly said that his position as the Young Master is as stable as Mount Tai, even the Lord of the Great Wilderness, King Xiao Ming, cannot deprive him of his position as the Young Master.

Except for the fact that his strength is not as good as the city lords and King Xiao Ming, Ye Chen is not under King Xiao Ming. His Ye Chen's words represent Ye Chen's meaning. No one can refuse, even King Xiao Ming. All must be carefully considered.

Since the founding of the Great Wilderness, there has never been a young master of the Great Wilderness who can do what Ye Chen is doing today!

Therefore, in front of Ye Chen, no one can be bold and seek benefits from Ye Chen, perhaps, even King Xiao Ming can't, Jin Ling really dare not.

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback, and suddenly he didn't understand Jin Ling's reason for coming. Since he was not asked to fulfill the original promise, then what is the reason for coming?
Still clasping his fists, Jin Ling continued, "Young Master, I wonder if you still remember what I said at the end when you came to Yaoguang City to cooperate with me that day?"

Ye Chen's expression slowly shook, and then he nodded slowly. He remembered that day.

"Young master, as I said that day, as your recommender, I can also directly help you ascend to the post of captain of the Huatian Army, but no matter how many benefits you have given me and Yaoguang City, how much you will help me in the future , the grievances between you and me will never disappear because of this cooperation."

"I also said that I will give you enough time for you to really grow up, and then, come and make a real end to the grievances between us!"

Although this is not exactly the same as the original words, it does have the same meaning, but time has passed. In Jin Ling's eyes, Ye Chen was no different from an ant. If it wasn't for the protection of the demon king, he would have died in Jin Ling's hands.

So at that time, even if it was cooperation, even Jin Ling knew that he needed such a cooperation to help him and Yaoguangcheng get through the embarrassing situation at that time, but still, it was in a superior tone.

Now, Ye Chengui is the young master of the Great Desolation, and he has made countless contributions to the Great Desolation. Even King Xiao Ming cannot take away his status. Even though Jin Ling is the lord of the city, in front of Ye Chen, he is just a subordinate. .

The tone of speech is naturally different!

Jin Ling bowed and said respectfully: "Today, the young master has not really grown up, but I want to break up the past grievances with you today, the young master. If I come back, I’m afraid I won’t have a chance.”

"Also ask the young master to complete it!"

Ye Chen is already at the peak of Linghai, and he has already tied Yang Jun before reaching this level. Although there are various reasons, Ye Chen's combat effectiveness is not denied.

In time, when Ye Chen stepped into the realm of martial arts, even if Jin Ling has made great progress in cultivation now, he didn't think that Ye Chen at that time could still be faced by himself.

As the words came out, Dao Dao's eyes shot at Jin Ling with anger on the left and right sides of the Great Wilderness Hall. To this day, there are actually people who dare to disrespect Ye Chen in the Great Wilderness!
Ye Chen waved his hand, preventing the guards from the Great Wilderness from wanting to attack Jin Ling, and then said with a serious face: "You are a real man with a clear distinction between grievances and grievances! In life, you have to repay your kindness, and you have to settle your grievances. You are happy with your grievances, you are free and easy, and you can afford it." , let it go, and only then can you feel at ease!"

"Thank you, Young Master, for your guidance!"

It was not only Jin Ling who said this, but the surrounding guards of the Great Wilderness all clasped their fists and said respectfully.

People cannot stand without trust, no matter how high you are, if you have a low character, you will not be able to gain the trust of others, let alone be loyal, and you will be just a lonely family in the end, and your final fate will inevitably be bad.

Ye Chen immediately smiled and said: "To tell the truth, City Lord Jinling, I have indeed forgotten some things, but I have not forgotten this matter. I planned to find you after Jiu Tianjing came back. Since you said so, then Just today, completely end the grievances between us."

Between him and Jin Ling, Ye Chen never thought that he had done anything wrong. The reason why the Dayu Divine Cauldron was never returned to Jin Ling was not because the Dayu Divine Cauldron was broken and was still being repaired, but because It was Ye Chen who felt that there was no need for this.

In the ancient ruins that day, Qiu Huaxuan wanted to kill himself several times. Faced with this threat, Ye Chen naturally wanted to get rid of him. Ye Chen was right, so he could face Jin Ling calmly.

As Qiu Huaxuan's master, Jin Ling didn't think the latter had done anything wrong. In the ancient ruins, everyone except himself was an enemy. Qiu Huaxuan targeted Ye Chen, which was also right.

Here, it's just a different standpoint and a different look!
Therefore, it was right for Ye Chen to kill Qiu Huaxuan, and for Qiu Huaxuan, it was also natural for Jin Ling to have a breakup with Ye Chen.

If because of Ye Chen's current status and status, Jin Ling didn't dare to give up, that would be despised!
"Thank you so much, young master!"

Jin Ling clasped his fists again, and said, "The young master is now the most important person in my Great Wilderness, with a noble status. As a subordinate, Jin Ling dare not presume too much. The so-called termination is just to make myself feel at ease. There is only one move. After one move, from now on, the subordinates will follow faithfully, willing to go through fire and water for the young master!"

"Okay, City Lord Jinling, please!"

Ye Chen raised his hand, this world, when his spiritual power surged, it seemed as if night fell, and thousands of stars were already above his head, appearing extremely eye-catching. Among the countless stars, the bright longbow slowly appeared .

This time to end the grievances, what I want is peace of mind. Although I know that Jin Ling will not kill, but since he has done so, he must do it thoroughly. Therefore, once he makes a move, Ye Chen has no reservations.

This is the only way to give Jin Ling the greatest respect!

Jin Ling's eyes trembled, and he was inexplicably moved. He saw Ye Chen's respect for him.


There was a gust of wind surging out of thin air, and a majestic spiritual power suddenly surged out of Jin Ling's body, and the surrounding world trembled violently, and Jin Ling didn't have too much fancy, when the spiritual power surge appeared, He only landed one punch.

It's just a punch, no martial arts, but still, it's enough to shake the world!

Back then, Jin Ling was already at the seventh level of true martial arts. Many years later, and under the guidance of King Xiao Ming, he had already reached the peak of true martial arts. This was King Xiao Ming's reward for his loyalty to him.

The peak of Zhenwu has made Jin Ling rank among the top [-] among the many city lords in the Great Wilderness. Even in the entire northern continent, he can be called a master.

There is no fancy punch at the moment, it is naturally powerful and amazing!


The longbow is in the hand, and thousands of stars melt into a stream of light, and become sharp arrows, hanging on the longbow.

In the next moment, the arrow shot out like lightning!


When the sharp arrows formed by the thousands of stars collided with Jin Ling's fist invincibly, the entire space where the Great Wilderness Hall is located was violently shaken, and the terrifying and violent energy impact scattered quickly. Go away, wreaking havoc to your heart's content.

At this moment, a sense of relief quickly flashed across Jin Ling's eyes. What he wanted, he got it when he started the grievance between Duan and Ye Chen.

Therefore, it doesn't matter what the final result is. Jin Ling only knows that from now on, he will fulfill his promise!

(End of this chapter)

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