Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 400 Ling Jianzong

Chapter 400 Ling Jianzong

Thousands of long swords, entrenched in the mid-air, one after another of extremely fierce light, cut the sky into pieces in an instant, and it was about to collapse.

Looking around, the sword lights are connected together, as if they have turned into a real dragon composed entirely of sword lights. The huge power makes the entire mountain range immediately quiet, and there is no roar of a monster. The sound came out.

And the sword light is connected, vaguely conveying an extremely terrifying aura, the three of them can guarantee that this aura should exceed the cultivation base and strength of the person who wields the ten thousand sword light.

"Sword formation!"

Mei Aoxue and Lin Yifan exclaimed again, with one sword turning ten thousand swords, ten thousand swords piercing the air, and ten thousand swords uniting into one, both of them can do this, but when ten thousand swords fly into the air, with the sword as the source If it turns into a sword array, the two of them can't do it now!

Although it is said that the so-called sword formation in midair is only in its infancy, and it is still a thousand miles away from the real sword formation, and it is impossible to exert the power that the sword formation should possess, but even so, Still very surprising.

When Ye Chen heard the word "Sword Formation", Ye Chen was extremely wary of the person he had never met before!

The so-called sword formation is a name and expression in a broad sense. It is actually the same as the formation method in ordinary people's mouth. The difference is that the sword formation uses the sword as the carrier.

However, although they are all formations and sword formations, countless people will be terrified. If they can be transformed into a real sword formation, then even if the person who controls the sword formation is only a warrior of the Spirit Sea Realm, an ordinary master of the real martial arts realm will be incomparable fear.

There is no other reason, a swordsman is already unparalleled in sharpness!

It can use the sword as its source and turn it into a sword array. . . .The power of the sword array, from a certain point of view, is endless, meeting gods and killing gods, meeting Buddhas and slaughtering Buddhas, it is no problem!

Countless kendo masters, the ultimate lifelong dream, besides wanting to prove the way with the sword, the other is to be able to use the sword to transform into a formation and achieve the power of the sword formation!

To put it bluntly, with Mei Aoxue's cultivation at the second level of true martial arts, if she can display a complete sword formation, then even a master of the peak true martial arts would have to make a detour when seeing her.

This is the terrifying power produced by the sword array!
With the excellence of Mei Aoxue and Lin Yifan, especially the latter, he has endowed Shanhejian with spirituality, and he has already achieved the level that a person is a sword, and a sword is a person. None, one can imagine how difficult it is to comprehend the sword array.

I never thought that in this wilderness, I would actually meet a person who is qualified to comprehend the sword formation.

That's right, as long as he can display the sword formation, then this person is an absolutely stunning person in the world. No matter what the person's own cultivation level is, those who are qualified to comprehend the sword formation, even the three of Ye Chen, cannot Not impressed.

All the creatures in the mountains, under such a sword array, became extremely quiet, stronger than Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, and they all held their breath, because the spiritual power in their bodies was also circulated under the light of the sword array. much slower.

Only Mei Aoxue, with her own martial arts cultivation, can completely isolate that invisible power from her body!
"I really don't know who is it, who is able to do this at such a young age!"

Lin Yifan said in a low voice, there was a strange light in his pupils, as a swordsman, his pursuit of sword formation was much stronger than that of a martial artist like Ye Chen.

The sword array was suspended in the air, and from the fluctuation of spiritual power, the three of them could naturally perceive the true age of the owner of the sword array.

"On the Northern Continent, the sects famous for their swords include Ling Jianzong and Xuanyang Sect! These two great powers have been passed down for many years, and their understanding of the way of swords is far beyond what other people can match. He is an outstanding generation with extraordinary fortunes and current achievements, but thinking about it, the path of swordsmanship is extremely difficult after all, and those who come out of these two great forces should have a greater chance."

Mei Aoxue said that she came from the Yanyang Sect. Although she is not as good as the Great Wilderness City, Cang Pavilion and other big powers, her knowledge is much better than that of Lin Yifan and Ye Chen. I am afraid this is the first time for the latter two to truly walk in the world. On the northern continent.

"Ling Jianzong, Xuanyangzong!"

Of course, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan had heard of these two great powers. Among the eleven first-class powers on the northern continent, these two great powers were among them, comparable to Great Wilderness City.

"If it's a genius of the Xuanyang Sect, we can get acquainted with it, but if it's a top figure of the Lingjian Sect, we will inevitably be in great trouble in the future." Lin Yifan's eyes tightened, and he said indifferently.

King Xiao Ming said that there are still several major forces around Cang Pavilion, and Ling Jianzong is one of them!

Now that Dahuang and Cangge are in the same situation, the geniuses of the major forces headed by Cangge will naturally not have any good feelings for Ye Chen and the three of them.

Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue nodded at the same time. For the three of them, a character who can display a sword formation in its infancy is definitely a great danger. That is no exception.

"Three, have you seen enough?"

Just as the three of them were still paying attention to the sword formation in mid-air, suddenly, an extremely cold voice came through the air. The voice seemed to be as sharp as the sword formation, and the voice was far away. When it comes, it makes people's skin cold.

It is worthy of being a top person who is qualified to comprehend the sword array!

However, even for such characters, Ye Chen and the three of them are not easy to deal with. Whether it is Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue, or Lin Yifan, they are all enough to be alone. The three of them are in the same place. Forced to retreat, spread the word, Da Huang's face, I'm afraid it will be lost.

"It's not intentional, but it just so happens that we are also practicing here, so it doesn't matter who disturbs whom!"

The voice that came through the sky not only contained extremely deep hostility, but also had a strong murderous intent.

It's normal to have hostility, and it's not comfortable for anyone to be disturbed when practicing, but if there is a murderous intention, it's too much, so Ye Chen also responded unceremoniously.

"Ha ha!"

The loud laughter immediately resounded, but the murderous intent in that laughter became more and more piercing.

"The Northern Continent is neither big nor small. I never thought that this night, I would meet such a blind guy like you!"

When the voice came, the space in front suddenly became extremely distorted, and the square sword array spun rapidly, turning into a streamer as fast as lightning. After a few breaths, it appeared in the space where the three of them were.

The stream of light dissipated, and a young man in a purple robe stood with his hands behind his back. He didn't see the slightest aura coming out, but he didn't hide his domineering aura at all.

Obviously, for a long time, because of his own excellence, this person has developed an extremely arrogant character, which can be seen from his expression that seems to disregard the world.

However, when his gaze finally turned to Ye Chen and the three of them, that haughty look and domineering aura finally dissipated slowly at this moment.

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan's fluctuations in spiritual power were not inferior to him. If there was no so-called rudimentary sword array to match, the young man in purple knew that he might not have enough qualifications to despise them.

And Mei Aoxue. . . .It made the purple-robed youth jump up all over. He never expected that among these three people, there is actually a master of martial arts!
"You are, Mei Aoxue!"

A slightly hoarse voice slowly rang out from the mouth of the purple-robed youth. On the northern continent, among the younger generation, only three people have stepped into the realm of martial arts. There is no mistake in this point!

Then, the purple-robed youth will naturally be able to guess who the woman in front of him, who is enough to turn all living beings upside down, is who it is.

No matter how proud the purple-robed young man is, he is only a martial artist at the Spirit Sea Realm after all, and facing a master of martial arts, he will naturally be under great pressure. The sword array that has just taken shape obviously cannot make him ignore Mei Aoxue.

Before Mei Aoxue could say anything, the purple-robed youth breathed out, then looked at Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, and said coldly: "Then, you two should be Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, right? Who is Ye Chen?"

"Ling Jianzong, there are two people participating in the Jiutianjing practice this time, who are you?"

Knowing the true identities of the three people, there is still a deep murderous intent in the voice, so obviously, the purple-robed youth must be a member of Ling Jianzong, if it is Xuanyangzong, it is impossible to have such feelings for the three of them .

Although the major forces have agreed that every time the Nine Heavens Mirror is opened, each force can send three people, but the Nine Heavens Mirror has its own choice. After reading the Nine Heavens Records, I understand that it is not that you want to send three people Three people will definitely be able to enter the Nine Heavens Mirror.

Not qualified, not strong enough, not even a member of the Cang Pavilion!
"Ling Jianzong, Wang Ning!"

Looking at the three of them, the young man in purple robe named Wang Ning said indifferently.

Hearing this, Ye Chen and the others couldn't help trembling slightly. On the Nine Heavens Records, Ling Jianzong Wang Ning was ranked seventh. This ranking is undoubtedly much higher than Ye Chen and Lin Yifan.

This is not the point, the point is that Wang Ning, who is qualified to comprehend the sword array, is actually only ranked seventh. What kind of cards and strengths do the three people from the fourth to the sixth have?

"Hehe, unexpectedly, I met people from the Great Wilderness before I reached the Heaven Realm."

Wang Ning smiled faintly. That laughter sounded particularly harsh. As expected, Cangge was the leader. For the three of Ye Chen, even though they met for the first time, Wang Ning was full of hostility.

"The three of us didn't expect it, but since we met, you obviously don't have the slightest affection for the three of us, Brother Wang, so why don't we have a good discussion, so that Brother Lin and I I know, how far is the distance between us and you, but I don’t know, can Brother Wang enlighten me?”

Ye Chen said indifferently, the majestic breath soared into the sky at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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