Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 402 Tiancheng

Chapter 402 Tiancheng
After a short fight with Wang Ning, nothing special happened during the next rush. Therefore, two days later, the three of them arrived at the Heaven Realm, and it took another two or three days. Chen and the others finally came to the real location of Jiutianjing.

That area is the deepest place in the heavenly realm. In the deepest part, in an ancient high mountain, there is hidden the Nine Heavens Mirror that makes countless people, even the masters of the first-class forces, jealous.

Now at this moment, it is the day when the Nine Heavens Mirror is about to be opened, so this area is naturally the most lively area in the entire Heaven Realm.

The popularity here has reached a terrifying level. Within a radius of ten thousand miles, the sound of breaking wind in the sky has almost never stopped, and the overwhelming figures are flying across the sky, like locusts. Come.

Jiutianjing's reputation in the northern continent is so famous that almost all the masters who can be counted as the younger generation will not give up this opportunity to experience, no matter whether they are qualified or not. Of course, the most important thing is, Naturally, there is nothing more attractive than the Jiutian Mirror itself.

When the three of Ye Chen rushed to the area where Jiutianjing was located, they happened to see that extremely spectacular scene. The number of people in the entire huge area was jaw-dropping. In this region, almost every inch of land is filled with people.

These figures are not ordinary people. Although the closer the day when the Nine Heavens Mirror is opened, the energy and spirituality of the Nine Heavens Mirror itself will be more easily felt by others. However, if the strength is too weak, they are not qualified to practice here. Otherwise, it can only be courting death.

The countless people here are from all kinds of forces. Among their forces, these people can be regarded as outstanding, but compared with those of the same age recorded in the Jiutianlu, their brilliance is undoubtedly It was covered up, so they can only get a so-called compensation from Jiutianjing here.

Compared with the Lingcang Continent where Ye Chen was born, the young people here are really outstanding.

However, in the whole world, the Northern Continent is only a corner. Compared with those wider worlds, the continent under your feet is nothing, for example, the so-called Xuantian Continent. . . .
"Zi Xiao, please wait for me. When the agreed time comes, I will definitely go find you!"

Ye Chen couldn't help clenching his fists tightly. This time, in the Nine Heavens Mirror, he must reach the realm of martial arts!

Maybe it was too hard, the veins on the fists were all protruding.

Mei Aoxue knew what he was thinking at the moment, so she lightly clenched that fist, stretched it gently, then put her hand on his palm, and said softly: "She must know With your hard work, at the same time, she will definitely be able to wait for you!"

Ye Chen nodded vigorously, and then said, "Let's go to Tiancheng!"

The so-called Tiancheng is the place closest to the opening of the Nine Heavens Mirror. Looking forward, in that distant place, you can vaguely see the outline of a magnificent and shocking city.

In the entire heavenly realm, no force came to occupy it, because doing so would arouse public outrage, even the top forces such as Cang Pavilion and Zhou Tian Pavilion would not dare to do so.

However, as long as there are people, there will naturally be gatherings, and this place is no exception.

Gathering over the years, Tianjing, especially the place closest to the opening of the Nine Heavens Mirror, has gradually built a majestic city.

Of course, this city, without that person, and that side of forces can occupy it alone, and because of the agreement between the major forces, there cannot be masters of the major forces in Tiancheng, otherwise, the Nine Heavens Mirror has not yet been opened. , the blood flowed like a river.

It is precisely because there is no such force that Tiancheng can be regarded as a place where dragons and snakes mingle.

Although there are no so-called forces in Tiancheng, if there are people, there will inevitably be disputes. Therefore, gradually, small forces will appear in Tiancheng one after another.

It's just that the existence of these small forces did not affect the overall situation, that is to say, during the period before and after the opening of the Nine Heavens Mirror, people in these small forces would never dare to make trouble. The big forces sent people to eliminate these small forces.

Tiancheng has been established for a long time, and it has been living here for too long. Gradually, people who live here, although there are very few geniuses who are qualified to enter the Nine Heavens Mirror, know about the Nine Heavens Mirror. People from other places on the mainland are completely incomparable.

Perhaps it was also for this reason that the major forces tolerated the chaos of dragons and snakes in Tiancheng!

Therefore, every time the Jiutian Mirror is opened, those who are qualified to enter the Jiutian Mirror will come to Tiancheng to find some local people and ask about some situations.

When the energy and spirituality of the Nine Heavens Mirror was about to be opened, those people in Tiancheng were the first to feel it.

From the first feeling, these people are likely to get some information about the Nine Heavens Mirror, because the Nine Heavens Mirror is not static, every time it is opened, the experience content inside will be different.

If you can learn about some changes in Jiutianjing before entering Jiutianjing, it will undoubtedly be of great help to this experience.

After more than ten minutes, the speed of the three of them began to slow down, because the majestic and majestic city was clearly visible in the line of sight at this moment.

Perhaps the place closest to the opening of the Nine Heavens Mirror, Tiancheng, this huge city, does not look like it was built by man, but more like the birth of heaven and earth.

At the end of the line of sight, there was a boulder. . . .This should be a rock, but the rock is hundreds of feet in size, so it should really be a huge rock.

However, although the boulder is big, compared with Tiantian City, it is a bit different from ants and elephants. However, the huge Tiancheng City is built on that huge stone.

The majestic and seemingly endless sky city seemed to be forcibly fixed on a boulder. The whole city was filled with the vicissitudes of time, and even exuded a taste from the wild era.

Today, the energy and spirituality of Jiutianjing can be regarded as the most intense moment. Therefore, under the cover of these energies, the entire Tiancheng can feel a strong pressure, even Mei Aoxue, a master of martial arts. No exception.

Compared with other places in Tiancheng that came all the way, although this Tiancheng is very lively, it is not crowded at all. The reason is that during this period of time, except for the aborigines of Tiancheng itself, only those who can step into Tiancheng The geniuses of the major forces who are qualified to enter the Jiutianjing training experience.

And the Nine Heavens Mirror is indeed very miraculous. Outside Tiancheng, there is no one guarding the city gate to prevent people from breaking in or sneaking in under false names. The city gate is wide open, and those who can enter can naturally enter, but cannot. Yes, if you break in without authorization, you will be blocked from Tiancheng by yourself.

Enveloping Tiancheng, the energy and spirituality from the Nine Heavens Mirror can achieve such a level, which cannot but make people feel miraculous.

Of course, after a thorough study, there is nothing too strange. Everyone who comes to participate in the training of the Nine Heavens Mirror is carrying the Nine Heavens Record.

People who don't have Jiutianlu can tell it apart, and they are called gods. If they don't have this ability, they won't be able to attract the attention of everyone.

Outside Tiancheng, there were still many people gathered. Seeing Ye Chen and the three of them rushing towards the gate of the city, quite a few people suddenly had a slight sneer in their eyes, and they were all ready to laugh up.

Over the years, there have been many people who went on the rampage like this. They didn't believe that they couldn't get into Tiancheng. In their eyes, Ye Chen and the three of them were no different from those who went on the rampage.

However, when they saw Ye Chen and the three of them approaching the city gate, a ray of light swept away from the three of them, wrapped the three of them, and entered Tiancheng calmly. Backed away and hid in the crowd.

The scene just now was to tell everyone that these three people came to participate in the training of Jiutianjing, how dare they provoke such a character!

The inside of Tiancheng is not much different from other cities, but because of the shrouding of the energy of the Nine Heavens Mirror, people feel a little stressed. After the three of Ye Chen looked around for a few times, they immediately walked towards a part of the city.

As soon as the three of them showed up, countless gazes shot from everywhere.

After all, there are only 53 people who can enter the Nine Heavens Mirror. In this Tiancheng, there are too many people who are all spectators. These people are very clear about what it means for three strangers to enter suddenly.

It was the same, almost half of the eyes were on Mei Aoxue.

She didn't hide her face, no matter where she was, Mei Aoxue was enough to make a normal man fascinated by her.

Of course, these gazes only dare to be mixed with the meaning of admiration, and absolutely dare not have other meanings. Of the 53 people in the Jiutianlu, any one of them may not be enough to dominate Tiancheng, but it is still extremely difficult to kill some people. What's more, they are three people walking together, which is even more frightening.

The three of them headed quickly, and it didn't take long before they appeared in another area of ​​Tiancheng. In contrast, this place seemed much quieter. There were not many people coming and going on the road, and the energy of the Nine Heavens Mirror , here, it is also extraordinarily rich.

This area is probably the place where the energy of the Nine Heavens Mirror is most shrouded in the entire Tiancheng, so it is like a restricted area.

It can be seen that there are not many idle people on the road, but you can see them from time to time. There are well-trained, well-equipped and neat guards patrolling back and forth. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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