Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 408 Open, enter

Chapter 408 Open, enter
In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of sunlight rose from the distant horizon, the entire huge heavenly realm, the spiritual energy in the heaven and earth, seemed to boil like boiling water.

Today is the day when the Nine Heavens Mirror is opened, and this news has already spread throughout the entire Heaven Realm yesterday.

Although there are countless people in the heavenly realm, none of them are qualified to enter the Jiutian Mirror to practice, but to them, being able to practice under the cover of the energy and spirituality of the Jiutian Mirror at the place closest to the Jiutian Mirror is also a great opportunity for them. chance.

And everyone is even more aware that when the Nine Heavens Mirror is turned on, the energy and spirituality shrouded in the sky will become more intense, and it will continue until the Nine Heavens Mirror is closed, which is for those who cannot enter the Nine Heavens Mirror to practice , the biggest benefit is nothing more than this.

Therefore, these countless people are also looking forward to the opening of the Nine Heavens Mirror!
But in Tiancheng, although there are many people looking forward to it, it seems much quieter. All those who are qualified to enter are waiting quietly at their respective locations. After the Nine Heavens Mirror is opened, there is no need for them to rush over. There is a traction, leading them into the Nine Heavens Mirror.

The morning sun poured down from the sky, and the eyes of countless people were all staring at the same direction. They could only see the sky above the mountains there, and the void was constantly rippling like water waves. Vaguely, it seemed There is a wild air emanating out, permeating the world.

There is the place where the Nine Heavens Mirror is opened!

At this time, it is obviously not yet the time to open it, so the reckless aura that permeates the world is not too strong, but it still gives people a strong pressure.

Time passed slowly, and gradually, it was time for the scorching sun!

At this moment, the barren air suddenly became extremely strong, constantly fluctuating, directly distorting the space between this piece of heaven and earth.

It didn't take long before the barbaric aura, like boiling water, began to become violent. Waves of vast energy quickly gathered in the sky above the ancient mountain range, faintly, as if turning into a huge river. And the wild river with no end in sight.

And the space there, from this time on, became more and more distorted and blurred!
The appearance of this scene made more and more people's hearts start to tremble, and their eyes immediately became extremely hot.

At a certain moment, when this kind of blurring and distortion has reached a limit, countless people who are paying attention clearly saw that a huge indescribable light slowly emerged, and then, the large area was blurred. The space is all cut up with ease.

Afterwards, the more intense energy and spirituality of the Nine Heavens Mirror surged out from the torn apart space in a frenzy, swept out quickly, and finally enveloped the huge heavenly realm.

Nine Heavens Mirror, at this moment, finally opened!
All those who were waiting, without the slightest hesitation, immediately sat down cross-legged on the spot, and quickly entered into the cultivation under the cover of boundless energy and spirituality.

The encounters of these people stop here, so there is no more expectation.

When the energy and spiritual surge of the Nine Heavens Mirror appeared, those who were qualified to enter the Nine Heavens Mirror couldn't help but marvel at it at the moment.

The state of Jiutianjing is obviously in its peak period, otherwise, how could it be possible to release such a majestic energy?It is worthy of being a supreme fetish, and it really has the qualifications to be coveted by others!
A moment later, in the Nine Heavens Mirror, a total of 53 rays of light surged out from it, and landed on various parts of Tiancheng, enveloping these people including Ye Chen.

Such radiance does not make people feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, it is like bathing in a hot spring, which is extremely comfortable!
"Brother Lin, Aoxue, do you still remember the location recorded in the aura that Master Huifan showed us, do you all remember clearly?"

After being enveloped by that light, Ye Chen immediately asked.

Lin Yifan and the two immediately nodded.

Ye Chen said again: "If possible, we will meet at the most central place. No matter what, we will regard it as our temporary foothold. Whoever arrives first will leave their respective marks immediately, so that it is easy to find."

"Don't worry! You have to be careful, Ye Chen, especially you. If you meet Ni Cangtian, don't take any risks. Remember, no matter what happens, the ultimate goal of the two of us is the realm of martial arts!" Lin Yifan said immediately.

As long as one reaches the realm of martial arts in the shortest possible time, the threat from others, especially the threat from Ni Cangtian, will be reduced to the minimum.

Compared with foreign objects, one's own strength is the most important thing!

Ye Chen also nodded, and said, "Then, let's enter Jiutianjing!"

"Okay, I'll go first!"

Immediately Lin Yifan clasped his palm, and the Nine Heavens Record appeared in his hand, and then, from the Nine Heavens Record, a ray of light similar to that covering his whole body erupted.

The two beams of light merged quickly, and finally took Lin Yifan away through the air, and disappeared without a trace after an instant.

"Aoxue, be careful."

"You too!"

Staring at Ye Chen for a moment, the Nine Heavens Record immediately appeared in Mei Aoxue's hand, and then she also disappeared in place.

Looking into the distance, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "The Realm of Martial Arts is the real master. Then, my growth path starts from Jiutianjing!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiutianlu was floating on the palm of his hand, the light was shining, and he took Ye Chen with him, and immediately went away through the air.

When the three of Ye Chen swept into the Nine Heavens Mirror respectively, there were also rays of light in the sky city, constantly breaking through the air, and finally rushed into the torn space.

It is better to enter Jiutianjing sooner rather than later, one step earlier may be able to gain something from it earlier than others. . . .However, there was a figure who stayed on top of a tall building in Tiancheng all the time, watching these people enter the Nine Heavens Mirror quietly, and he remained motionless.

But if someone is here and pays close attention to him, he will find that this person's gaze is always locked on one of them, and when there is a flash of light appearing in that place, his gaze also follows the flickering The light has reached the entrance of the Nine Heavens Mirror.

Until the ray of light disappeared in the Nine Heavens Mirror, he still didn't look back.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. You have grown up and become more beautiful. I just don't know if I still existed in your heart?"

"I miss you very much. After leaving the customs, I want to see you right away. However, there is already someone by your side who will protect you for the rest of your life. Since this is the case, I wish you all the best!"


The figure changed the topic, revealing a bit of coldness: "Although I don't object to you being together, I still need to know how much he cares about you, and whether he can protect you." For life, so that you will never be harmed."

"So, I will do something, but please believe that my starting point is good. Everything I do is for your own good. I hope you will understand!"

The voice fell slowly, and a volume of Nine Heavens Record appeared in this figure's hand, and then the light flashed, leading him into the Nine Heavens Mirror.

Although many people have already entered the state of cultivation at the moment when the Nine Heavens Mirror was opened, but when rays of light burst out of the sky and entered the Nine Heavens Mirror, countless people still opened their eyes , looking at those rays of light.

At this moment, these things wrapped in light are undoubtedly extremely enviable, but there is no way, this kind of encounter, only 53 people in the entire northern continent can get it.

The moment he entered the Jiutian Mirror, even with the protective body of Jiutianlu ray, the fluctuations in the surrounding space suddenly became chaotic, and the space began to be extremely distorted, which made people feel a kind of extreme pain.

That kind of pain seemed to be aimed directly at Shenpo, so the physical body didn't feel it strongly, but if Shenpo couldn't resist it, I'm afraid that this time's Jiutianjing experience would end because of it.

Come to think of it, this is the first hurdle in the Jiutianjing experience!
However, since they were chosen by Jiutianjing itself, these people naturally have enough strength, although the pain directed at the soul is very strong, everyone can still bear it.

When gradually getting used to it, the fuzzy feeling brought by the space distortion quickly dissipated, and Ye Chen also felt that he had stepped on the real land, and the surrounding scene also changed from the initial blur Hazy and fuzzy, gradually became clearer.

Slowly opened his eyes, and then found that the scene in his sight had changed greatly, because here, he was no longer in the real world, but in the Nine Heavens Mirror.

As Ye Chen expected, the three of them, although they swept into the Jiutian Mirror one by one, were separated by a very short time. Under normal circumstances, they should be very close now, but the real situation is that the location, Except for Ye Chen, there is no one else.

Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue, and Lin Yifan separated.

The Jiutianjing area is boundless, not to mention just 53 people, even the entire northern continent can be accommodated. Therefore, if you practice here, maybe for a long time, even after the experience is over, you may not be able to meet a person at the same time. People who have entered the experience.

What you will meet is the endless dangers in the Nine Heavens Mirror. Some of these dangers come from the Nine Heavens Mirror itself, and some are creatures in the Nine Heavens Mirror that should not be called living beings.

No one knows how those creatures exist in the Nine Heavens Mirror. They just know that these creatures have become extremely violent and powerful because they exist in the Nine Heavens Mirror. In addition, they only have spirituality but no intelligence. The monsters seen outside are much more terrifying.

Because these creatures only know how to kill!
(End of this chapter)

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