Chapter 413
After making a decision, Ye Chen had no reservations, and rushed towards the top of the mountain at an extremely fast speed!

Although Baigu Mountain is quite mysterious, if it takes too much time to dig out its secrets, it is obviously extremely uneconomical for him now!

Ever since that huge giant was killed, there was no longer any obstacle in the Bone Mountain, and Ye Chen was still going all the way up, and after more than ten minutes, he appeared on the top of the mountain.

The Baigu Mountain, which stretches for thousands of miles, does not have the unique scenery like other mountains on the top of the mountain, because there are countless white bones under the feet.

However, when standing on the top of the mountain, the front view is wide, and the strong wind is blowing, which can reduce the death energy in the Baigu Mountain a lot, so that people don't feel too oppressive.

Ye Chen only stayed for about a minute, and when he moved, he swept away again!


When he just set off, a pure energy aura from the White Bone Mountain suddenly erupted at the top of the mountain. That energy aura had been experienced by giants many times before, so Ye Chen didn't feel strange at all.

The burst of energy was not too aggressive, it was more like it appeared specially at this moment to attract Ye Chen's attention.

That energy breath seemed to be completely released, and when the energy was so strong that it completely overwhelmed all the giants, Ye Chen naturally couldn't turn a blind eye to it!

Turning around and looking towards the place where the energy burst out, Ye Chen couldn't help shrinking his pupils tightly. On the top of the mountain, at some point, a huge deep pit appeared. The huge deep pit was a thousand meters long. scope.

That pit is not empty, but. . . .A pool full!
A pool full of them. . . .blood!
The extremely bright red color reveals the extremely bloody smell. The blood boils like boiling water, like a devouring demon, releasing extremely pure energy from it. Although it is extremely coveted, this blood water , but frightening!
A huge deep pit, a kilometer in size, even though it is filled with blood, you can still feel that the deep pit is bottomless!

Even after seeing the size of the Mountain of White Bone, they have no idea how many bones are needed to pile up such a huge mountain range, but now, the huge pool of blood is even more shocking!
Before stamping his feet in the blood pool, Ye Chen was silent for a short time. Undoubtedly, if the pure energy in the blood pool could be obtained, even if it still couldn't help him break through the current realm and reach the realm of martial arts, it would definitely be able to make him feel better in his spiritual sea. The spiritual power is infinitely thicker.

Relatively speaking, his path of proving the Tao with strength is much easier, even simpler. After all, experience is to break through one's own limits at the time of life and death, so as to obtain more powerful power.

Now the power is in front of you, you can get it at your fingertips, I believe no one will not be tempted!
Ye Chen knew that if he absorbed all the energy in the blood pool and turned it into spiritual power in his own spiritual sea, he believed that he would be able to use his strength to prove the Tao and reach the realm of martial arts in the shortest time!
But now, facing the huge energy at his fingertips, Ye Chen is hesitant, not because he doesn't want to get it, in fact, he is also very eager to enter the Nine Heavens Mirror, just to reach the realm of martial arts in the shortest time. In front of his eyes, how could he not want to.

The key point is that Ye Chen suddenly remembered that when he killed the giant, the giant fell to the ground with a bang, and the vitality quickly dissipated. Ye Chen clearly captured the moment when the giant's eyes closed. At that time, the giant seemed to be The appearance has changed drastically, it is no longer a strange creature living in the Nine Heavens Mirror, but a real body of flesh and blood.

The giant's pupils revealed the meaning of relief!

Why is it relief, why not reconciliation?

At that time, Ye Chen couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think much about it. It was also because he was in a hurry to climb Baigu Mountain, and it didn't exist in Ye Chen's heart for long. Now, facing this blood pool, facing the powerful temptation from the blood pool, the giant is about to leave. The previous look suddenly appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

Intuition told Ye Chen that there must be a huge weirdness in it!
The giant's energy is exactly the same as the energy in the blood pool, and Ye Chen also witnessed the scene when the giant was born. After the giant fell, all the energy in its body returned to the bone mountain.

Now that he was about to leave, the blood pond suddenly appeared, and exuded an irresistible temptation, which made Ye Chen retreat and hesitate.

When stepping into Baigu Mountain, Ye Chen could sense that there was such an energy aura in the mountain, all the way up to the top of the mountain, this energy aura never disappeared from his perception.

But at that time, Ye Chen could only perceive these energy auras, but could not accurately capture their specific locations, because the entire mountain range was filled with the same aura.

It was too illusory, and it would take too long to find it, so Ye Chen decided to give up, and came to the top of the mountain as quickly as possible, and then prepared to leave Baigu Mountain.

But now, when he was about to leave, the blood pool appeared?
Not to mention the weird look in his eyes when the giant died, this alone is a bit strange, since he wanted to see it with his own eyes, why did he have to be so mysterious before?
Could it be that it was to attract my attention, and then arouse my curiosity, so as to find the location of these energy breaths?Seeing myself giving up now, so it comes up on its own initiative?
If this is the case, then this blood pool is too doubtful.

When Ye Chen was hesitating, the blood pool suddenly started to roll, and the bloody water seemed to prove something to Ye Chen when it was rolling. From the blood water, the pure energy breath suddenly became more intense. Also more attractive.

It seems that every drop of blood is already extremely rich and pure energy. Such a pool is full, with a range of a thousand meters, and the bottomless huge pool of blood, how much energy should it have?
This number is probably unimaginable, and there is no way to prove it, but because of this, the temptation is extremely amazing, and it is difficult for people to refuse.

Just imagine, if so much energy is refined and attributed to oneself, under the harsh conditions that are not required to break through the realm of martial arts, will the absorption of these energies allow Ye Chen to, in a very short time, be able to Beyond Ni Cangtian's current cultivation base?

And even with the realm of martial arts as a natural moat, such a huge amount of energy can still be stored in the body. When one day, he truly breaks through to the realm of martial arts, and then absorbs these energies in one go, how much improvement should he bring to Ye Chen's cultivation?
These are all unknown but predictable. Ye Chen has no doubt that if these energies are taken away by him, as long as he steps into the realm of martial arts, then the No. 1 of the younger generation in the northern continent will be It's not Ni Cangtian and Shangguan Futu, but him——Ye Chen!
And at that time, the five-year agreement between him and Zi Xiao, perhaps, can be shortened a lot because of today's encounter!
Now in his heart, Zi Xiao is the one who misses and misses the most!

If he could see Zi Xiao earlier, he would certainly be able to rely on his own strength and use the power of yin and yang, and perhaps he would not be able to completely suppress the Tianxuan Poison Body, and give Zi Xiao a carefree and free tomorrow. It is also possible for Zi Xiao to not have to worry about the Tianxuan poisonous body exploding in full, bringing her to a world of eternal sinking.

Seeing Zi Xiao one day in advance, she can save one day of suffering, and half a year in advance, then Zi Xiao can live freely for half a year longer.

Such a big temptation is not only about one's own cultivation base and strength, but also about Zi Xiao's tomorrow. Therefore, even Ye Chen has always been calm, but he knows that this blood pool must be full of too many weirdnesses, but he Still walking steadily towards the blood pool.

One step, two steps, three steps!
After dozens of steps, Ye Chen finally stood on the edge of the blood pool, perhaps because he felt that Ye Chen was getting very close, the blood in the blood pool became more turbulent, and there was a wave of extremely pure energy, crazily surging When he came out, he directly wrapped Ye Chen's whole body in it, using this method to stimulate Ye Chen to continue his steps.

There is no need to absorb the energy in the blood pool. Ye Chen can already sense the package of these energy breaths. The spiritual sea in his body is like a person who has been hungry for a long time and suddenly touches food. There was a sense of longing that had never been seen before.

Those energy breaths entered the body a little bit, and the hairs all over Ye Chen's body immediately stood up, and he could feel that every part of his body was conveying the meaning of his desire.

They are all telling him to quickly absorb these energies. In that case, his whole body will undergo tremendous changes immediately. The so-called success, the so-called real growth, will appear immediately, and there is no need for him to wait. Desperate effort.

Everything is close at hand, all that is needed now is for him to take another step forward and enter the pool of blood, that's all!

The blood in the turbulent blood pool was like the sea under a violent storm. The blood was rushing, and it seemed that it had been directly transformed into pure energy, so it was simply presented in Ye Chen's sight.

At this moment, not to mention entering the blood pool to practice, even taking a breath of the air here seems to bring pure energy into the body, although it cannot make the cultivation base the slightest improvement, but the benefits brought, It also seems to be very obvious.

All of these make Ye Chen's eyes full of an unstoppable longing for the pool of blood that is close at hand!

(End of this chapter)

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