Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 417 Gulin

Chapter 417 Gulin
"Ye Chen, come with me!"

The slightly cold voice made Ye Chen's eyes tremble slightly, and he said immediately: "Brother, there shouldn't be any grievances between us. If you are a person against the sky, whether you go or not Go, maybe, it's not your decision."

If it is someone against the heavens, Ye Chen really doesn't mind, let's have a good fight with him, if possible, keep him here forever, after all, such an outstanding person must be a threat.

But if not, even if Ye Chen came here, he still wanted to fight, but it was a proof, he was definitely not an enemy, Ye Chen was not afraid of trouble, but he didn't want to cause trouble for no reason.

The young man in the green shirt laughed, and said: "Ni Cangtian is indeed outstanding, no one denies his achievements, but he is not yet qualified to be recognized by me."


Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the other party with some puzzlement. Of the 53 people on the Nine Heavens Record, he only had a grudge against Ni Cangtian. Therefore, those who followed Ni Cangtian, such as Wang Ning and his generation, thought he was not It's just pleasing to the eye, as for other people, there should be nothing wrong with it.

The young man in blue said lightly: "Don't think too much, I have nothing to do with Ni Cangtian!"

"Since it's not an enemy, why do you have such hostility towards me?" Ye Chen was really a little confused. Although everyone in the Nine Heavens Mirror is a competitor and an opponent, it is not necessarily true. is the enemy.

"Come with me, and you will understand everything. Don't waste time. You should know that time is here, and it is very important to us."

The young man in the green shirt said immediately, his words were once again full of sharpness. Despite his injuries, there was still a strong aura surging in his body. It was obviously his intention that if Ye Chen disagreed, he would He wanted to forcibly take Ye Chen away.

Feeling the fierceness and the posture shown by the other party, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother, don't you think that you can do something to me based on your current state?"

Hearing this, the young man in green shirt smiled indifferently: "Perhaps, I should introduce myself, so that you will respond."

"I come from the Xuanyang Sect, and my name is Gulin!"

As soon as these words fell, Ye Chen really reacted a lot. Looking at the young man in green shirt, a faint sense of danger quickly appeared in his heart.

Xuanyangzong, which is also a first-class force on the northern continent, is not weaker than the Great Wilderness, and Xuanyangzong is a force that proves the way with a sword.

In the entire Northern Continent, there are only two forces that use swords to prove Taoism. One is Ling Jianzong, and the other is Xuanyangzong.

On the way to Tiancheng that day, when they ran into Wang Ning on the way, the three of them guessed whether Wang Ning might be a disciple of Xuanyangzong.

Only Ling Jianzong and Xuanyang Sect can cultivate young people like Wang Ning who have an excellent understanding of swordsmanship, but Wang Ning is from Ling Jianzong, and today, he met the most outstanding young man in Xuanyang Sect. generation.

No wonder, when I just stepped into this ancient forest, I noticed that the unparalleled fierce sword energy intersected in the space, and I was worthy of using the sword to prove the disciples of the Taoist sect.

What made Ye Chen feel dangerous after hearing the name of the young man in green shirt was not the three words Xuanyangzong, but the name of the latter!


On the Nine Heavens Records, Gu Lin ranked fifth, second only to Luo Xin, and still higher than Wang Ning. The latter had already realized the prototype of the sword formation. Under Lin, it is conceivable that the hole card that Gu Lin has is even more terrifying than Wang Ning.

Even though he hasn't comprehended the so-called sword formation, it will certainly bring great danger to people.

"So it's Brother Gu, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Ye Chen cupped his fists and said, he didn't expect that, the random encounter, the one he met turned out to be the fierce man ranked fifth on the Jiutianlu.

"Since you know it's me, I want you to come with me. Come to think of it, you shouldn't refuse again, right?" Gu Lin said indifferently.

Ye Chen shook his head with a smile, and said: "Don't say it's Brother Gu, even if it's Ni Cangtian, you don't want to force me to do anything. I don't mind, let me learn some of your true strength, Brother Gu."

Ye Chen could hear that Gu Lin had a lot of hostility towards him. Although he didn't know why this hostility came, since the other party regarded him as an enemy, there was really no way to be polite.

Gu Lin nodded, and said indifferently: "It is said in the rumors that you are sometimes arrogant, and you are also very confident. When I saw you today, it really matches the facts. If that is the case, I will only let you know. Being too confident is never a good thing.”

The battle with Gu Lin was also expected by Ye Chen. He wanted to use Gu Lin to check the results of other people's experience in the past two months. What he didn't expect was that Gu Lin didn't know why. The reason, there is so much hostility towards him.

But no matter what, Ye Chen will not back down in this battle.

"Then, brother Gu, please enlighten me." Ye Chen immediately cupped his fists and said calmly.

"Okay, have guts!"

Gu Lin laughed, even though he was injured, his aura did not appear to be hindered in the slightest, and when he surged between heaven and earth, he was still as sharp as a sword.

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, he was worthy of being ranked fifth in the Nine Heavens Record, and this aura alone let him know that this Gu Lin was stronger than Wang Ning.

However, this does not make Ye Chen have the slightest fear. Gu Lin is indeed very strong, and the fifth place in the Nine Heavens Record also proves his strength. However, Ye Chen also has great confidence in himself!

The Jiutianlu is indeed very convincing, but except for the top three of the Jiutianlu, Ye Chen is confident that he will still be able to stand at the end after the First World War, even if it is the unfathomable and very weird It's impossible for Luo Xin to force herself like that Ni Cangtian.

Feeling the strong fighting spirit coming from Ye Chen's body, Gu Lin nodded quietly. No matter what, in the past two years, the name of the young master of the wilderness has spread throughout the northern continent, especially when he and Yang Jun are together. The three-stroke battle with Ni Cangtian was even more rumored.

That kind of record, let alone someone else, Gu Lin himself has to admit that if it was him, he might not be able to do better than Ye Chen.

It's just that we met today, no matter what, we have to test Ye Chen's details, and we must take him away.


A sword intent suddenly appeared out of thin air, and in an instant, the sword intent was in the sky, showing an extremely fierce momentum, with Gulin as the center, the surrounding space was completely under the ravages of this sword intent, inch by inch. shattered.


The clear and crisp sound of sword chanting resounded throughout the world. Looking around, it was still just a sword light transformed by a sword intent, floating in the air. However, it was just a sword light, but it was like thousands of swords flying together, causing There was an unparalleled terrifying movement.

"Jiuxuan Town Spirit Sword, Punish the Spirit!"

Gu Lin immediately raised his hand and waved, that sword light suddenly radiated brilliantly. After a moment, the sword light burst out and turned into a sword light about tens of feet in size, carrying an astonishingly fierce, tearing sword light. Cracked the space in front of him, and slashed down at Ye Chen angrily.

Under that slash, all the spiritual energy in the space boiled up, and then disappeared without a trace. That was after the sword glow reached its peak, like a scorching sun, with extremely terrifying destructive power.

This Gu Lin was really not simple, and he didn't have the slightest intention to test Ye Chen. Once he made a move, it was his most proud move.

The majestic sword glow, like the Milky Way falling down from the sky, brought awe-inspiring cold air, and with a force that split the mountain, it tore the sky in front of it. Just a few breaths, it appeared in front of Ye Chen .

Seeing the sword light slashing, Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, and the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue immediately began to work, and the spiritual energy in the world rushed into his body at the fastest speed. At the same time, outside his body, there were streaks of silver light Patterns continuously burst out, and at the end, an astonishing 56 traces were reached.

This amount is three times more than two months ago.

It seems that the increase in the number is not too much. Ye Chen understands very well that the power that can be erupted with each additional silver light pattern is much stronger. Three silver light patterns are enough for him to exert the power, at least More than double what it was two months ago.

And this is the result of his two months of experience!

The silver light streaks were connected immediately, turning into a real silver dragon with the size of a hundred feet. Immediately, under Ye Chen's control, he rushed out fiercely with unparalleled dominance.


The shocking crashing sound resounded immediately, with the collision site as the center, the land with a radius of thousands of miles was forcibly razed to the ground at this time, a shocking desolation suddenly appeared in the space between heaven and earth .

In the chaos, the two figures also retreated rapidly, each carrying some bloodstains, and retreated hundreds of meters away. Relatively speaking, Gu Lin retreated farther. Obviously, in this confrontation, not only did he not Gaining the upper hand, on the contrary, he was even more embarrassed than Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't take any pride in this, you know, Gu Lin was hurt in the first place!

"Hey, you are worthy of being the young master of the Great Desolation, and you really deserve your reputation. You are considered qualified enough, but today, you still have to follow me."

After stabilizing his figure and wiping off the blood from his mouth, Gu Lin smiled indifferently.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, a little displeased: "Why, at this time, Brother Gu still has no plans to give up?"

It might be considered a sparring just now, if Gu Lin still wants to entangle, Ye Chen is not a pedantic person, he will not be so naive as to think that the former is already injured, so he can let it go.

Gu Lin shook his head, and said with a strange smile: "Ye Chen, I know that no one can force you to do something you don't want to do, but now, it's beyond your control. Mei Aoxue has fallen into our hands, and I don't want her to make any mistakes. ..."

(End of this chapter)

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