Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 419 Volcano

Chapter 419 Volcano
"call out!"

Above the midair, the radiant sword light swept across thousands of miles, at a speed so fast that it was far more than birds!
On the sword light, two figures stood indifferently. The gust of wind that rushed towards them disappeared without a trace before the sword light, and did not affect the two figures in the slightest.

Ye Chen's mood has gradually calmed down. Since Mei Aoxue's kidnapping has become a fact, what he can do now is to exchange her back. What will be the final result, he doesn't want to think too much.

Therefore, his mind slowly focused on Gu Lin and the people behind Gu Lin. Who are these people?

The huge Nine Heavens Mirror has a boundless territory. He doesn't think there is anyone in it who can be at ease. Even for him, if he wants to find Lin Yifan and Mei Aoxue, it will take countless time, and it will take each other's cooperation. Luck, perhaps, can meet.

But these people actually met early, and it seems that they have established a stronghold here, which is really surprising.

Gulin, fifth in the Nine Heavens Record!

Today, Ye Chen is more and more recognized for the ranking of Jiutianlu, Wang Ning's rudimentary sword array, Luo Xin's mystery, and Gu Lin. . . .
The ranking on Jiutianlu may not represent all the strengths, but it reflects everyone's hidden strength. Facing himself, Lin Yifan and Mei Aoxue joined forces to attack, especially Mei Aoxue is still a true martial artist master.

Under such circumstances, Wang Ning still has enough cards to escape. . . .To this level, Ye Chen thought he could do it, but he knew that it was shocking.

The brief fight with Gu Lin did not make Ye Chen feel that he was strong enough because of his injuries, but now, Ye Chen understood why Gu Lin was able to rank fifth in the Nine Heavens Record Location!

Flying Swordsman!

This should be the method that Gu Lin is most proud of!
This method may have nothing to do with attack, but it is enough to make Gu Lin invincible!

The sword light is shining, and the speed is unparalleled, even the speed of some powerful birds and monsters is incomparable. If Gu Lin wants to leave, unless he is in the domain of a martial arts master, otherwise, other people , who is qualified to forcibly keep him?

But now, in the package of Jianguang, Ye Chen can naturally feel that Jianguang, who is flying at high speed, has only a share of speed?

Just like others were surprised by Ye Chen's strength and hole cards, Ye Chen is now also surprised by what Gu Lin has shown.

"Coming soon!"

Gu Lin, who had been silent for a long time, turned around and smiled lightly at Ye Chen, perhaps he had successfully brought the latter back. Gu Lin no longer had any hostility, but seemed friendly.

Ye Chen smiled, and didn't say much, because of these words, his calm mood, once again, slowly floated out of hostility, Mei Aoxue is in their hands, it is already a fact!

As if guessing what Ye Chen was thinking, Gu Lin smiled helplessly, and said: "Some things may be different from what you imagined, and there are some things that you have to experience. It is impossible for a person to live forever. Everything goes well, and being born in this world, you will always be subject to all kinds of doubts and doubts from all directions, even if you are invincible in the sky and on the earth, you may not be able to be free."

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback, but he didn't understand the meaning of Gu Lin's words. Why did the latter suddenly become a philosopher, and he said such reasonable words, and it was necessary for him to tell himself these things? ?

"When you get there, you'll understand."

Gu Lin didn't say anything. After he turned around, the sword light under his feet suddenly became more dazzling, and sharp breaths rushed out quickly, and the space in front of him suddenly felt fragmented.

However, Ye Chen's gaze immediately froze. With his eyesight, he can naturally see that the fragmentation of the space now is just a kind of cover-up, or in other words, it is a seal. Gulin broke the seal, so it shows like this.

When the sword light passed through the shattered space, the line of sight suddenly opened up. In front, a towering mountain seemed to appear out of thin air!

Of course, the mountain didn't appear out of thin air, but it actually existed. I didn't see it before, just because the mountain was covered by a seal.

Coming here, Ye Chen's mind was much more solemn. If he wanted to seal such a towering mountain, or use other special methods to prevent others from discovering the existence of a master here, Ye Chen thought he couldn't do it.

Only martial arts masters can do it!

In the Nine Heavens Records, only Ni Cangtian, Shangguan Futu and Mei Aoxue are masters of martial arts. Gu Lin has nothing to do with Ni Cangtian, and it is impossible for Shangguan Futu to attack Mei Aoxue. Is there a certain person who took the lead in breaking through in these two months?

This is not impossible, even though Ye Chen is confident, he is not arrogant, and he does not think that there will be someone who can reach the realm of martial arts one step ahead of him!

It's just that there is a person who harbors such great hostility towards him and even kidnaps Mei Aoxue to threaten him. Who is this person?

"Here, someone is waiting for you, so I won't accompany you."

The sword light was pressed down and landed on the mountains!

This is a volcano. Although the volcano has not erupted at this moment, it is still spreading with unbearable high temperature, causing the entire mountain range to look extremely blurry from the outside.

At the top of this mountain peak, there is a huge bottomless pit. From time to time, thick smoke will rise from it. This is the crater, and the high temperature is also coming from here.

If it was normal, this high temperature would not be able to help Ye Chen. With his cultivation base sealed, he was no different from ordinary people. The high temperature hit him, making him feel like he was about to explode.

Gu Lin has already left, and it seems that he has forgotten that Ye Chen, whose cultivation has been sealed, can't last long here.

There is always someone waiting for Ye Chen here, so he will not die easily. Even if there is no help from others, these high temperatures may make Ye Chen uncomfortable. He wants to roast him, but he can't do it.

His cultivation base was sealed, and his spiritual power was exhausted, but if Ye Chen couldn't resist himself, the Nether Demonic Flame would still automatically protect him.

At this time, there was no need to be so troublesome. Before Ye Chen could take a good look at this place, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and then clearly appeared in his line of sight.

This figure, with a tall and straight body like a gun, stood upright, with a firm face, although his handsomeness was not as good as Gu Lin's, the unparalleled domineering arrogance that looked down on the world made people look sideways.

Such domineering, among his peers, even Ni Cangtian has never possessed it, even among so many big men Ye Chen has seen, there are few people who can be as domineering as this person.

There was no breath released, just such a magnanimity, it made Ye Chen understand that if this person is really an enemy, then it may be more terrifying than when he is facing Ni Cangtian.

Ye Chen already believed that, with Mei Aoxue's strength, she would fall into the opponent's hands. The latter was an extremely terrifying enemy, not to mention that there were Gu Lin and other outstanding people to help.

"You are Ye Chen?"

It was only a few steps, and the domineering man had already arrived in front of Ye Chen. The speed was astonishingly fast, as if teleporting, and Ye Chen couldn't help but tremble.

It should be the first time he saw Ye Chen, so he looked very carefully, as if he wanted to see Ye Chen clearly from the inside to the outside, and his gaze was also as sharp as a sword, scanning directly Everything about Ye Chen.

"I'm here, return Aoxue to me, if you have any means, I'll take it."

Ye Chen doesn't ask who the other party is, there is no need for it anymore, the enemy will never die, he has already shot at Mei Aoxue, there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties, life or death is already doomed!
"Some guts!"

The domineering man's eyes suddenly focused, and his voice couldn't help but sink: "You were sealed by Gulin? It seems that you really love Mei Aoxue!"

Ye Chen was slightly taken aback, didn't you discuss this?
But these are not important, as long as Mei Aoxue is safe.

"I've arrived, let Aoxue go, I believe that with your personality, you shouldn't do something that would go against your promise." Ye Chen said indifferently.

"For people?"

The domineering man chuckled and said, "How much do you know about me, so you're so sure?"

Ye Chen immediately sneered and said: "I believe my eyes, if you want to insult yourself, that's your business, but it doesn't matter, I've arrived, so I must take Aoxue away."

"What a big breath!"

There was a hint of appreciation in the eyes of the domineering man.

Ye Chen didn't say anything more. Although there was a seal in his body, it was difficult to sustain the spiritual power. The spiritual sea was silent, and it was impossible for the slightest spiritual power to surge out. However, this did not hinder a little fighting spirit. slowly emerged.

"If you think that you can still do it when my cultivation base is sealed, then you are wrong!"

When the fighting spirit surged out, the world seemed to have become less hot and cold, and a little bit of coldness slowly emerged from all parts of the space, until finally, the whole space seemed to be frozen, revealing the extreme The cold is coming.

"good very good!"

The domineering man smiled lightly, and said: "For so many years, even against the sky, I have never seen you with such arrogance and fearlessness at his place. The young master of the wilderness is indeed well-deserved, but..."

The domineering man's voice paused, and then he was extremely fierce: "In the name of Aoxue, I brought you here to let you know that you shouldn't stay with Aoxue, and she shouldn't be your wife either! "

Another person who admires Mei Aoxue!
Ye Chen finally understood why he had to make trouble with himself without any resentment or enmity.

But he and Mei Aoxue agree with each other, and they have agreed to each other for life and death, no one is allowed to intervene in it, even if this person feels more terrifying than Ni Cangtian.

(End of this chapter)

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