Chapter 422
Feeling the spiritual power released from Ye Chen's body bit by bit, Gu Lin completely froze.

Why did this impossible thing happen to Ye Chen?
Could it be that he was originally a person who was good at performing miracles?
Miracles are impossible but become possible, so they are called miracles, but every time a miracle is born, if you search carefully, there should be clues, not just happen out of thin air.

In this scene that happened to Ye Chen, Gu Lin did not find any possibility, but Ye Chen had already created a miracle.

When the seal was broken, in the spiritual sea, the spiritual power that had been trapped for a long time rushed out like a lake breaking a bank, and the space outside Ye Chenzhou's body was all because of the breath of this spiritual power. It became blurred in an instant.


There was a heaven-shattering sound of dragon chant, which shook the entire world.

In just an instant, the spiritual power merged perfectly with the Cangxuan Hualongjue, and the silver light streaks stirred in the air. After a while, they merged into Ye Chen's right arm, and his punch was also covered by the bright silver light. Covered, under the light, above the fist, covered with silver scales, those are dragon scales!

This should be Ye Chen's most powerful attack. Although there was a process in the middle, the punch didn't become perfect until the end, but it was still powerful enough.

The silver light hit heavily on the space crack, and an astonishing energy impact erupted. The energy ripples rippled like water waves, and the space they passed through turned into a vacuum state after a while. .

At the peak of the mountain range, a huge gully was torn out quickly, and then spread continuously, affecting the entire peak. The huge crater was cut off at this moment.

Such a terrible movement made the four of Gu Lin wake up from the shock, but immediately, except for Gu Lin, the three of Yang Xuan were shocked again.

"This Ye Chen is indeed an opponent worth fighting against."

In Yang Xuan's eyes, there was a strong fighting spirit boiling over. Being able to show such a powerful attack under the boss he admired so much, people would cherish such an opponent very much.

"Gu Lin, now, I believe your words."

The other two said softly, not to mention how terrifying the attack Ye Chen is showing now, just that he cracked Gu Lin's seal is enough to shock people. Impossible.

Gu Lin's eyes slowly changed, and after a while, he said, "Maybe Ye Chen's performance like this is exactly what the boss wants to see."

There was a sense of relief in his voice, as if a big stone had been lifted from his heart.

Hearing this, even the simple-minded Yang Xuan nodded thoughtfully.

The terrible movement almost caused the destruction of the world. The shock that Ye Chen brought to the four of Gulin is beyond doubt, but no matter what, the opponent is a domineering man, so it is impossible for him to have the glory of the past. record.

In the billowing smoke and dust, the moment Ye Chen's body came into contact with the crack that contained violent spiritual power, his body looked at the ground and shot backwards.


Smoke and dust spread hundreds of meters away. On the ground, there was a hideous crack, like a ravine. At the end of the crack, a figure knelt on one knee, with its palm inserted into the ground, bringing out a long The rift comes.

Now Ye Chen has obvious bloodstains on the corner of his mouth, and his breath is not as prosperous as before. Obviously, even if he suddenly controlled his own cultivation and perfectly released the most powerful attack, In front of the domineering man, he was still easily defeated.

It's just that at this time, the domineering man didn't have the slightest joy of defeating Ye Chen, and he didn't have the domineering and calmness just now. His eyes were full of extremely complicated emotions.

The purpose of setting up such a game today is to test whether Ye Chen is good enough, whether he is sincere to Mei Aoxue, and whether he can pay any price for her.

The fact is that Ye Chen's performance is very satisfactory. Even from the perspective of a domineering man, when Ye Chen forcibly broke the seal set by Gu Lin in his body, he had to admit that Ye Chen had enough Excellent, you can stay by Mei Aoxue's side.

Even if in the future, the situation in the northern continent changes suddenly and the situation is unpredictable, and the four major forces headed by Cang Pavilion will attack Dahuang and Moyuan Mountain, the domineering man is not worried. In such a big battle, Ye Chen cannot Retreat safely.

As long as Ye Chen is safe, he will be by Mei Aoxue's side, the two must be a couple of gods and gods, and others will envy them.

The domineering man was worried that Ye Chen wouldn't be able to handle too much, which would cause Mei Aoxue to live alone in this world. That's why he wanted to test it out. If he wasn't satisfied, he wouldn't agree to the two of them being together.

Now, he is very satisfied with Ye Chen, but he can't be happy either!

Ever since I met Mei Aoxue, I have always liked her, and I have fantasized many times that I can create the most perfect future for her, and then the two of them will live happily ever after.

It's just that he didn't expect that Mei Aoxue chose not him in the end!

Although he never complained and wished sincerely, but after all, people have selfishness, so why doesn't he want to have Mei Aoxue?
Today's match was indeed a test. He really wanted Ye Chen to pass the test and bring Mei Aoxue the greatest happiness, but there was another voice in his heart, Ye Chen, you better not be able to accept this test.

Once Ye Chen fails, he has enough reasons to stop him, and he also has the opportunity to get close to Mei Aoxue again.

Even though it is clear that her heart is only on Ye Chen in this life, but it is still a thought, there is a little hope, isn't it?
But now. . . .He couldn't forcefully separate Ye Chen and Mei Aoxue, and he didn't want to make Mei Aoxue hate him for the rest of his life because of his selfishness.

In the distance, Gu Lin sighed softly. The domineering man's expression already let him know that the latter's complicated heart and emotional matters have always been the most depressing.

Gu Lin stepped forward quickly, patted the domineering man on the shoulder, and said: "Boss, you are a real man who can afford it and let it go. The love between Ye Chen and Miss Mei is stronger than gold. We should Bless them."

"I know!"

The domineering man let out a long breath, and although he hadn't recovered to the level he had when he first saw him, he finally dispelled the faint fear in his expression.

He immediately looked at Ye Chen, clasped his fists, and said: "I was wrong for all of this today. I don't want to explain to you what the reason is. If you think that I have gone too far, wait until you reach Wuzhi in the future." When you feel that you are strong enough, you can come to me and ask for a deal."

"Now, I'm sorry, excuse me!" After finishing speaking, the domineering man turned around and left.

"who are you?"

Ye Chen immediately asked, even though he still didn't understand this matter very well, he understood something in his heart.

"Hehe! You will know later."

The domineering man smiled lightly, and then disappeared. He left very quickly, but the back view was not as free and easy as imagined!
"Marven Ye!"

After seeing the domineering man leave, Gu Lin smiled helplessly, and then said, "I can assure you, you may think that the boss did something like this, but it is definitely not malicious."

Ye Chen nodded. He might have some understanding of why the domineering man would do this. As Gu Lin said, he was indeed a little unhappy, but he didn't mean to want the monster domineering man.


Gu Lin said: "I believe that the boss's feelings for Miss Mei will never be less than yours, and I also believe that in this life from now on, the boss will never give his feelings to other women again, so I hope , don't blame him, let's stop here, don't tell Miss Mei."

"He can't be with Miss Mei anymore, so let Miss Mei always have such a good brother in her heart. Ye Chen, please."

"Don't worry, I won't say a word to Aoxue."

It is impossible for Ye Chen not to agree to this request, he can already feel that the domineering man's sincere affection for Mei Aoxue is definitely different from Ni Cangtian.

For Mei Aoxue, he can do some things he shouldn't do, and he may feel that he is not restrained, but his starting point is for Mei Aoxue, and anyone who is good for Mei Aoxue deserves Ye Chen's gratitude.

"So, thank you very much!"

Gu Lin laughed, looked into the distance, and said: "The Nine Heavens Mirror is very big, and there are countless encounters and challenges. You performed very well. I think we will meet again in this Nine Heavens Mirror." Perhaps, there are still some things that should allow us to show our strength without reservation."

"So Ye Chen, I am looking forward to that day. When the time comes, I really want to know how far you have reached. Today is by no means the end, but just the beginning. If that day comes, and you will meet by fate If you participate in it, Marven Ye, don't let us down, otherwise, you may be in great trouble again."

Ye Chen couldn't help being taken aback, what Gu Lin said was too mysterious and profound, so that he didn't understand what it meant.

It's just that Gulin has gone away, Ye Chen wanted to ask, but couldn't ask clearly.

As far as he is concerned, we can talk about the future later, and now, he has more important things to do.

Just as the domineering man slapped the palm, and the space crack was about to come, Ye Chen used all his strength to punch unceremoniously. When he punched out, Ye Chen suddenly got a feeling. . . .

No, it should be two sentiments!

It was the emergence of these two insights that allowed him to break Gu Lin's seal instantly.

Now, he has to find out these two insights clearly, this will be his greatest chance to successfully step into the realm of martial arts!
(End of this chapter)

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