Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 424 Mysterious Spirit

Chapter 424 Mysterious Spirit
Under the shroud of Youmang, Ye Chen moved forward step by step, the pressure from all directions disappeared without a trace before Youmang.

However, even with the Demon Emperor's Bell to isolate the surrounding pressure, Ye Chen's walk was not too easy.

As it goes deeper, the terrifying pressure becomes more and more intense. After reaching a certain distance, even the Demon Emperor's Bell cannot completely isolate it.

The remaining pressure can only be borne by Ye Chen himself.

Fortunately, his strength has been greatly improved now, and his physical body is strong. Although he has not made a breakthrough, he has become more compact and solid. Coupled with the assistance of his own spiritual power and the addition of the Demon Emperor's Bell, he can finally persevere.

However, after advancing a certain distance, Ye Chen would always stop, sit cross-legged on the ground, and enter the practice to recover.

If he doesn't do this, Ye Chen is really afraid that when he arrives at the destination, he will have no combat power to face unknown dangers or experience, and no one will do it to seek death.

Along the way, Ye Chen never relaxed his observation of the surrounding environment, but the shock wave was so violent that any place in this huge world was extremely blurred, and the line of sight could not penetrate at all. Even perception cannot penetrate into it.

Except for the few meters away from the side, the rest can no longer be observed.

The entire space they passed along the way seemed to have become a wild and chaotic land that had never been cultivated!
It is such an area that is filled with extremely majestic auras of heaven and earth. These auras have not become a little strange because of the special environment of Jiutianjing. Both will bring great benefits.

It's a pity that the surrounding pressure is too great. Without special means, if Ye Chen didn't have the Demon Emperor Bell, it would be impossible to resist the strong pressure in this space.

In addition to the aura of the world, gradually, for some reason, Ye Chen felt a little bit of familiarity from it, as if he had experienced this kind of space before.

This feeling is really too mysterious!
And perhaps it was precisely because of the traction and guidance of this feeling that Ye Chen felt that walking in this space without the slightest coordinates, he would not get lost, and he could go to the end.

It took seven days, a full seven days, before Ye Chen could see that different colors appeared in front of him, the space was no longer blurred, and it was no longer as if he was in the wild chaos.

Ye Chen quickly retracted the Demon Emperor's Bell, stomped on the ground with his feet, and stormed out at the fastest speed.

When the person was in mid-air, the ghost flames had already swept out, enveloping his whole body again. The impact caused by these shocks was already so terrifying. Needless to say, the destination was obviously even more terrifying. Chen had to make all preparations.


Passing through the void in front of him, it was as if he had passed through a barrier, rushed out of the original world, and came to another world.

The sky here is extraordinarily blue, cloudless, and the sun is shining. While exuding an extremely strong aura of heaven and earth, it doesn't make people feel the slightest sense of danger. Even the one in Ye Chen's imagination is even more terrifying The pressure, in this world, does not exist.

Ye Chen couldn't help being stunned. Looking ahead, a majestic green mountain stands between the sky and the earth. It seems to be a bridge connecting the sky and the earth. People can't see the mountain peak, because the mountain peak is already shrouded in clouds and mist. It seems that it has been deep in nine days.

And he could also feel that the shock that completely covered the rear space and turned into a wild and chaotic area swept out from this mountain range.

The majestic mountain released an extremely terrifying shock, covering the area tens of thousands of miles away, making it impossible for people to enter easily. However, in this area with a radius of several kilometers, there is such a peaceful scene, which makes people feel astonished. for shock.

But the shock was the shock, and Ye Chen didn't hesitate for too long, he had already come here, no matter how weird this majestic green mountain was, he still had to check it out.

So after a while, Ye Chen's figure shot out like an arrow.


Just when Ye Chen had just swept out, a burst of energy suddenly burst out in the space in front of him, but it was not too strong. Obviously, he didn't intend to attack Ye Chen secretly, but what it meant was already very obvious.

Ye Chen's eyes were fixed, but he didn't expect that someone had already come here before him, and, hiding so deep, he didn't even notice it.

"As expected of Fairy Luo Xin, who is the most mysterious and ranked fourth on the Nine Heavens Record!"

Looking ahead, Ye Chen shouted loudly.

Having seen Fairy Luo Xin, he can naturally distinguish the other party's aura, and with that energy aura approaching, Ye Chen also knows who is here one step earlier than him.

But to be honest, Ye Chen was surprised that Luo Xin was here, he didn't notice it, but he wasn't surprised, it was Luo Xin who appeared here!

This feeling is also very mysterious!

After getting acquainted with each other on the second floor of the world that day, Ye Chen knew that in the future, they would experience in the Nine Heavens Mirror, and the two of them would meet again one day. Now, this feeling has become real.

And Luo Xin's strength. . . .
The energy aura just now was just to block it, it didn't have the intention of a sneak attack, and its power wasn't very strong, but it also let Ye Chen know that if he really made a move, he might not be able to occupy it in Luo Xin's hands. nothing cheap.

This strength is really mysterious!

The space in front of him trembled suddenly, a figure came lightly from the mountain range, the white dress fluttered in the wind, like a fairy descending to the earth, it was Luo Xin who had the name of a fairy!
Ye Chen was not surprised that Luo Xin was here, and likewise, Luo Xin was not surprised that Ye Chen appeared here.

Stepping on the cloud, the fairy descends to earth!
Standing in front of Ye Chen, Luo looked at Ye Chen intently, as if she wanted to see through the latter completely. After a while, she said softly: "You really came here."

Ye Chen frowned, and said lightly: "It seems that the fairy has foreseen that I will definitely come here?"

Hearing this, Luo Xin smiled bitterly, and said: "I can't foresee it, but I have a feeling that in the Nine Heavens Mirror, you and I will definitely meet each other, and when I come here, I know that no matter you Wherever you are, as long as this mountain appears in the Nine Heavens Mirror, then you will definitely come, so I am waiting for you!"


Luo Xin's words were too mysterious, Ye Chen didn't understand them very well, and he never thought about it, unexpectedly, the former had the same feeling as himself.

Of course, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that both of them have come here.

"Fairy should have been here for a long time, since she arrived early, why didn't she check in advance, instead she was waiting for me?" Ye Chen asked immediately.

"It's because of you that I didn't go to check it! Only when you arrive can I go and take a good look at it with confidence!" Luo Xin replied.

Ye Chen didn't understand this again!
Luo Xin didn't give Ye Chen time to understand, she continued: "This mountain is called Xuanling Mountain. No one knows what it is, but since you have come, you can know the magic of Xuanling Mountain. place."

Ye Chen nodded, and the vibration in the mountain spread out, covering tens of thousands of miles of space around it, turning it into a wild and chaotic area. The mountain is magical and extraordinary.

"Xuanling Mountain has existed in the Jiutian Mirror for countless years, but before this, this mountain has never appeared before, this is the first time."

When Luo Xin's words fell, Ye Chen's eyebrows were already shocked. A mountain has existed for countless years, but unexpectedly, this is the only time it appeared.

"I've waited many years for it to finally appear."

Luo Xin said softly: "Everyone thinks I am mysterious, but they don't know it. The so-called mystery is just a helpless act. Because of the cultivation method, I have always restrained myself from breaking through. After several years, I have to endure The pain of gradually improving spiritual power but not being able to come naturally, is just waiting for the appearance of this mountain."

Ye Chen's expression suddenly changed. Luo Xin's words could not be more clear. She already has the qualifications and strength to break through, but she has been suppressing it all the time. The consequences are unbearable for ordinary people.

For example, the water in the lake is already full. To accommodate more water, the lake must turn into a river and sea.

Luo Xin's current situation is that her lake is already full, but she can't turn the lake into a sea, but the water is constantly pouring in. . . .This endurance is inexplicable, and over time, when the lake can no longer bear it, the entire lake will collapse because of it.

At that time, even if Luo Xin is really a fairy in the sky, she will not be able to contain her own collapse!

"And now, Mr. Ye, I am here waiting for your arrival!"

Ye Chen was surprised again, and said after a while: "It seems, fairy, you don't want anyone other than you to set foot on this mountain?"

"Exactly, Mr. Ye should understand the importance of this mountain to me, and I hope Mr. Ye can fulfill it!" Luo Xin said solemnly.

Ye Chen was silent for a while, and then asked: "Fairy, I don't understand why the fairy will think that I will come here, even if I come, I will also enter this mountain, why will I pose a threat to you, fairy? Besides, is it impossible for others to come here?"

"First of all, that is just a feeling. I believe that you must have this feeling. Since it is a feeling, then I have no doubt that your appearance will definitely pose a great threat to my martial arts path. "

Luo Xin looked around, and said calmly: "Except for the two of us, I can almost believe that there is no possibility of a third person appearing here."

"Fairy is so confident!" Ye Chen said after glancing at Luo Xin.

"It's not confidence, it's the truth!"

Luo Xin looked upright, and said again: "So, please let Mr. Ye do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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