Chapter 440

"The common people will judge and judge, and the king will come to heaven and earth!"

In the chaotic formation, facing Lin Yifan's fierce Wushuang sword, Ni Cangtian had nothing to hide. From his body, majestic spiritual power surged out like a tidal wave, and then, an extremely strong killing intent was contained in it , After an instant, it permeated the entire chaotic formation.

"King's Landing Heaven and Earth?"

Ye Chen sneered lightly, but the color in his pupils was not underestimated at all. Facing the most terrifying attack by himself and Lin Yifan, the counterattack against the heavens must also be extremely terrifying. Ye Chen never underestimated the opponent, naturally, It is even more impossible to underestimate Ni Cangtian.

In a moment, all the killing intent that permeated the chaotic formation suddenly condensed in one place, as if it had turned into a formless form, and a sharp spear, at the moment when the killing intent condensed, Appeared in the hands of Ni Cangtian, and then, all the killing intent gathered in one place fell into his long spear.


The spear trembled slightly, and Ye Chen's mind was shaken. He actually felt that he couldn't control the chaotic formation.

The chaotic array is Ye Chen's domain, and his domain is the supreme way, formed by transforming the world into itself. Although the domain is still in its infancy because of the promotion, Ye Chen thinks that Compared with Ni Cangtian's Cangshengyu, he was not weak at all, but he never expected that the spear in the latter's hand would be so terrifying!
That shot was obviously extremely sharp!

As expected of Ni Cangtian, the hole cards he possessed are really unimaginable!

The gun shot out like lightning, sweeping out like a vast ocean, with unparalleled sharpness, domineeringly dispelled all the restraints of the chaos formation on him, and then, with the force of thunder, shot into the air.

A moment later, the spear and sword clashed brazenly in mid-air!
The extremely ear-piercing sound of gold and iron colliding resounded, and the sharp and fierce breath swept away at the same time, causing the world to vibrate violently. Even in the chaotic formation, everyone present could still clearly He sensed the terrifying aura of destruction derived from the impact.

That is the real destruction, all matter, under such an aura, will be instantly reduced to dust. . . .Even nothingness!

When such destruction rushed out, the entire chaotic formation began to vibrate violently. It was visible to the naked eye that countless cracks appeared continuously on the ground where the chaotic formation was located.


A moment later, the earth collapsed, and at the same time, the huge chaotic formation couldn't bear such an impact, so there was a bang, and a shocking crack burst out from the center where the spear and sword touched, and shortly thereafter, as Like a cloud of smoke, it disappeared in the space between heaven and earth.

At the same time, in the extreme chaos, the two figures retreated violently. After retreating several thousand meters each, they forcibly stopped their bodies.

At this moment, the audience is silent!
On the ruins, two figures stood opposite each other and looked at each other from a distance. Blood slowly seeped out from their mouths, slowly soaking their chests and clothes.

"Ai Cangtian, he was actually injured!"

There was a burst of exclamation!

On the Northern Continent, not to mention the younger generation, even in the eyes of the masters of the previous generation, Ni Cangtian is a deified figure. Refresh the record left by the predecessors, and then, at the age of just in his early twenties, he was promoted to a martial arts master.

Such a speed has always been beyond compare. From that moment on, his reputation has resounded throughout the northern continent, and he has become an idol in the hearts of countless people and the target of pursuit.

But unexpectedly, today, he was injured by the hands of two people who were several years younger than him. Although those two people are also martial arts masters, has Ni Cangtian met very few martial arts masters in these years?

Looking at Ni Cangtian, and looking at Ye Chen and Lin Yifan, everyone present already knew that starting today, the myth of Ni Cangtian will begin to end.

These two people are younger, and they entered the realm of martial arts earlier. Although it cannot be asserted that the future achievements of these two people must be higher than Ni Cangtian, at least, he already has two more terrifying opponents. Besides these two, there is another genius beside her, that is Mei Aoxue!

The three of Dahuang, today, gave everyone a big enough shock. This is also to let people know that from now on in the northern continent, the battle of the younger generation will be more intense. Moreover, in the future northern continent, perhaps Because of these three young people, earth-shaking changes will take place.

Today's battle has truly made the reputation of Ye Chen and Lin Yifan!
"Ye Chen, Lin Yifan!"

Looking at the two from a distance, in Ni Cangtian's eyes, the anger seemed to turn into substance. He never thought that one day, he would be injured at the hands of two people younger than him.

How could he not know what today's injury meant to him, so he really wanted to kill the two of them.

Feeling the killing intent, Ye Chen took a step forward slowly, and said calmly: "If you want to fight to the death, of course you can! It's still the same sentence, you don't need Aoxue to make a move, just me and brother Lin, against the sky, how dare you fight?" ?”

The sound was like thunder, resounding between heaven and earth.

Ni Cangtian's eyes tightened, and a feeling of anger that he had never felt before spread all over his body.

He knows that today, his reputation and self-esteem have been completely trampled under the feet of these two people. Only the first battle, the battle of life and death, may be able to continue his mythology.

However, Ni Cangtian knows even more that if the battle of life and death starts here, even if he is the one who stands at the end, it is impossible for him to leave here alive, and it is even more impossible for him to get what he wants from the Nine Heavens Mirror everything of.


Ni Cangtian took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed all the negative emotions deep in his heart. He looked at Ye Chen and Lin Yifan coldly, and said, "Today is just the beginning, not the end! Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, and I will definitely end your lives with my own hands!"

After finishing speaking, Ni Cangtian didn't stop, took Wang Ning and Shen Quan, and rushed away like lightning to the distance.

Everyone at the scene was stunned when they saw this scene, and then they couldn't help but gasped. On the Nine Heavens Record, it ranked first. In fact, it was also the No. 1 boy against the sky in everyone's mind. , He went away without a fight!

It seems to be walking very chicly, and it also explains the reason, but this is escape, not anything else!
Seeing the three of Ni Cangtian walk away, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Chen and Lin Yifan again, and these eyes became complicated.

These people present all belong to different forces. Maybe some forces are not as good as the Great Wilderness City, but they are not too weak. A few years ago, the Lord of the Great Wilderness disappeared, and countless forces secretly stared at them, hoping to gain power from the tiger of the Great Wilderness. , to force something.

With the strong return of King Xiao Ming, the small thoughts of these forces have finally weakened a lot, but with the attitude of Cangge, even if Dahuang and Mo Yuanshan form an alliance, the small thoughts of some forces will gradually relapse.

No matter how powerful King Xiao Ming is, and how much shock the alliance of the two great forces brings, none of these can compare to the power of Cang Pavilion.

But today's battle made everyone realize the fact that Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, and Mei Aoxue, as long as one of these three people can really grow up in the future, they can become the most unshakable city wall in the wilderness.

It is no longer a wise choice to be an enemy of the Great Wilderness!

Of course, if the three of them could be killed earlier, the situation would be different. This world is always a world where the weak prey on the strong.

After the three of Ni Cangtian left, everyone also left here one after another.

Watching Ni Cangtian and the others walk away, after a while, Lin Yifan sighed softly and said, "What a pity!"

"It's really a pity, but there is no way, we don't have enough strength to keep Ni Cangtian here forever." Ye Chen said.

With two enemies and one, even though Ni Cangtian was injured, Ye Chen and Lin Yifan were definitely not lightly injured. Even though there was Mei Aoxue, maybe Luo Xin would fight against Ni Cangtian together, but again, there was not enough confidence to Will Ni Cangtian stay.

At the time of life and death, even Wang Ning was willing to blew himself up and escaped for his life. How could it be possible that Ni Cangtian didn't have the trump card of burning jade and stone together?

Once that time comes, the four of Ye Chen. . . .Perhaps the four of them will have to face Ni Cangtian's counterattack before he dies. The price is too great, and Ye Chen can't afford it.

"It doesn't matter, now that we have all reached the realm of martial arts, we are not far away from Ni Cangtian. Maybe we don't have to wait until the Nine Heavens Mirror ends, and there will be a real victory between us and him." Mei Aoxue said softly.

"Not bad!"

Lin Yifan sneered and said: "We have brought Ni Cangtian great shame several times, he may use these shame as motivation, but with his character, I dare to say that this has become a demon of his heart, he is now, already If we don't have the strength to kill us, then we can only wait for us to grow gradually, and finally end his life!"

Ye Chen nodded with a smile. The first time he met Lin Yifan that day, the latter made an extremely fair and objective evaluation of Ni Cangtian. Until today, Ye Chen knew that Ni Cangtian was no longer a threat to the three of them.

"Next, you three, do you want to complete the future training together?" Luo Xin asked after the three of them finished talking.

"Fairy also wants to join us?" Mei Aoxue couldn't help becoming vigilant.

Luo Xin said with a smile: "The three of you can all be alone, even if you face Ni Cangtian alone, you can retreat completely. In my opinion, there is really no need to stay together to experience."

"The most important thing is that this time, the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror may appear. If you practice separately, the effect may be better. When the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror really appears, if you can get in touch with a divine object in advance, when the time comes The benefits you get will be even more."

"The Nine Heavens Mirror is really inherited?"

The three of Ye Chen changed their expressions and asked quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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