Chapter 443
The ancient forest is filled with a strong enough wild atmosphere, which makes the space feel extremely oppressive. Walking in it, even with Ye Chen's current physical strength, feels quite difficult.

It's been half a day of walking in this forest, although it's not very long, but it gradually made Ye Chen temporarily forget to look for the same god who is here!
This is because the oppression from the surrounding world is too great. The deeper you go, the greater the oppression, which makes Ye Chen's progress very slow. Leave some strength to deal with unknown dangers.

In addition, it also made Ye Chen discover that the great oppression, unexpectedly, has a slight effect on improving the strength of the physical body!
He practiced Cangxuan Hualongjue, which is one of the top skills of the Dragon Clan. If Ye Chen was not lucky, when he helped Mei Aoxue to grab the inner alchemy of the ice python, he got a whole body of blood from the ice python , thus obtaining a trace of real dragon blood essence, and then together with Zi Xiao, let the dragon blood essence of the golden crystal dragon in the center of the earth integrate into himself, truly activating the dragon blood essence in the body.

It was because of such an encounter, Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue, that he was able to practice!

The Dragon Clan's Supreme Cultivation Technique can only be practiced with the blood essence of the Dragon Clan, otherwise, even if it is placed in front of you, it is a pile of useless waste.

After obtaining the Cangxuan Transformation Dragon Jue, Ye Chen's strength improved a lot, until in the ancient ruins under the Moyuan Mountain Castle, under the guidance of King Xiao Ming, after possessing the complete dragon energy from the real dragon bone, Cangxuanhua Long Jue's cultivation is truly on track.

However, Ye Chen is not a real dragon after all. Even if his own blood is fused with the blood of the dragon, it is impossible to generate endless dragon energy on its own. Just like the dragon, no matter how terrible the dragon master is, it cannot be derived by itself It is the same principle that human essence and blood flow out.

Therefore, Cangxuan Hualong decided to continue to improve. Apart from his own hard work and encounters, without the support of dragon energy, it is impossible to continue to achieve success.

And the dragon energy that Ye Chen currently possesses can only allow him to cultivate to the condensed state of Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue!

That's why Zi Xiao said that if you want to cultivate the Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art to the extreme, you must go to the Dragon Clan!
Prior to this, after reaching the Condensation Realm, the Cangxuan Dragon Transformation Art would not be able to continue to improve after all the dragon energy it possessed had been exhausted.

Today's Ye Chen, Cangxuan Hualongjue has reached the peak of melting blood. If he wants to improve his physical strength, he must advance to the condensed state, otherwise, he will stay at the original level.

As for the Condensed Form Realm, even if Ye Chen is already perfect at the Melting Blood Realm, if he wants to advance, he knows that if there is no special opportunity, it will take a long time before he can advance.

Unexpectedly, walking in this ancient forest, the great oppression that spreads from this world actually made his physical strength gradually increase.

Although the range is very small, almost negligible, but you must know that as long as you are in this forest, such oppression will be endless. If it lasts for a long time, the improvement will be very considerable.

"This trip, even if I can't find one of the fetishes, this alone will allow me to get enough benefits."

Ye Chen sighed secretly. If he continues like this, maybe he can rely on the dragon energy still in his body and the special environment here, and he may be able to make a breakthrough.

Of course, it will take a certain amount of time, but compared to normal cultivation, this time is much shorter.

Although the Condensed Form Realm is not the ultimate state of Cang Xuan Hua Long Jue, it is extremely tempting to Ye Chen.

Because, after reaching that level, the condensing body can directly condense an illusory true dragon, which is completely different from the illusory true dragon that I forcibly condensed with the help of yin and yang in the past. In terms of power, it is almost heavenly difference Farewell!

At that time, even if the power of yin and yang can't be integrated into it, it will be enough to improve Ye Chen's combat effectiveness a lot.

When it was even more frightening, after reaching the Condensation Realm, Ye Chen's physical strength would also become extremely terrifying. With his physical strength alone, his cultivation base of the first stage of real martial arts, one punch, might be enough to blow up the real martial arts. A master of the second level.

Even, with the addition of many hole cards, it is easy to get out of a fight against an extraordinary master like Ni Cangtian, and it is reasonable to win the battle.

Therefore, Ye Chen has a great desire for the Condensed Realm!
It's just that Ye Chen also knows that in terms of time, he is not allowed to stay in this forest for too long. He must find one of the fetishes as soon as possible, and then wait for the Nine Heavens Mirror inheritance to appear, and win a spot from it!
If the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror appears, everyone in the Nine Heavens Mirror, if they exist, can get some inheritance from it if they have the chance, but this is only one of them!

In the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror, the most powerful inheritance can only get nine places, which means that one of the gods must be found, this is the number of places and qualifications!
If Ye Chen can't find one of the artifacts, after the Nine Heavens Mirror inheritance appears, all he can get is the ordinary inheritance.

If it was in the past, Ye Chen wouldn't think about it too much. He already has a lot, and he only needs to constantly improve what he already has. It will be of great benefit to his strength improvement, and there is really no need to be greedy for more .

Just in this forest, the slow progress brought to his physical body, he felt, was more tempting to him than Jiutianjing's so-called true inheritance.

However, the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror is related to the catastrophe on the northern continent. Ye Chen can only go all out. He can't just sit back and watch this continent, which will be occupied by thousands of evil things in the next day.

The Northern Continent is adjacent to the Lingcang Continent, both of which are his roots!
The ancient forest was silent, walking all the way through, although the speed was not fast, gradually, it was also a land of hundreds of miles, but I never noticed any breath of life.

After hearing Luo Xin's explanation, Ye Chen and the others realized that the creatures living in the Nine Heavens Mirror were not derived from the Nine Heavens Mirror itself, but evil creatures suppressed in it!

In this forest, perhaps because of the existence of one of the gods, there is no evil thing blatantly wandering in the Nine Heavens Mirror.

This was just Ye Chen's guess, and he didn't know if it was correct. In short, the silence made Ye Chen feel an inexplicable crisis. He faintly felt that if he continued to go deeper, he would encounter danger, and it was very serious. danger.

With such a feeling, Ye Chen was naturally more careful. However, even though he knew there was danger, he did not hesitate to move forward. If there is really one of the gods here, then he must find it .


Not long after, Ye Chen's speed suddenly accelerated, not because of impatience, but because of his vision, he could already vaguely see a ray of light that was different from that in the forest in front of him.

If you read correctly, this forest is about to be traversed by him.

Sure enough, not long after, the light in front of him became more and more intense, and when Ye Chen came into contact with the light, he passed the last row of towering trees and appeared between heaven and earth.

Ye Chen's eyes froze tightly at this moment!
Ahead, there is an open area with jagged rocks, showing a broken posture. This world is filled with an atmosphere like ruins, but the oppressive force contained in it is stronger than that in the forest. terrible.

That unique sense of oppression is daunting!
At the end of this open area, there is an iron tower that is completely black, standing quietly!

Even after countless years, this black pagoda has no signs of mottled on the surface due to the passage of time, and it is still a whole, as if it has just been built.

That ruin-like atmosphere slowly permeated from this black tower, spreading in this world, and the sense of oppression in the ancient forest also spread from here.

At the same time, Ye Chen clearly sensed that the strong danger also came from the black tower.

Although standing here, he only sensed the aura of danger, but no danger swept over him, but it made Ye Chen very clear that as long as he stepped into this black tower, danger would hit his face.

But now he has no way out!
This black tower is nine stories high. Although the height is not amazing, standing in the tower still makes people feel that they are like ants. Arouse resistance.

The surface of the nine-story black pagoda is filled with a black glow like ink. Although it is not as pure and extreme as the demon emperor Zhong Youmang, it is still as thick as darkness.

Because of the existence of the black tower, the sunlight pouring down seemed much bleak!
In particular, that black glow surged with an extremely terrifying energy aura, which cut off all foreign objects trying to get close to the black tower. Perhaps because of the existence of this energy aura, after countless years, the black tower itself, Still as if it had just been built.

That energy, like a mask, enveloped the entire black tower, and Ye Chen could clearly see that with the black tower as the center, within a radius of tens of meters, they all showed a blurred and distorted shape. It is a state of vacuum.

Slowly approaching the black tower, the unique sense of oppression became stronger and stronger. In the end, Ye Chen could hardly move an inch. Every step forward required the use of all the strength of the whole body to be able to do it.

This short distance of hundreds of meters is like a natural moat, separating him from the black tower!

And every step forward, the sense of danger becomes stronger, which seems to be reminding Ye Chen, don't get close, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk!
But these still can't make Ye Chen stop, even if the black tower itself is a cosmic black hole that devours people, he has to make a dash for it!
(End of this chapter)

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