Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 447 Illusory Array

Chapter 447 Illusory Array
It took a full three days of recuperation before Ye Chen returned to his peak state. Then, his eyes were placed on the stairs leading to the second floor of the Black Tower!

If the black tower itself is regarded as a test, Ye Chen knows that the eight floors above it will be more dangerous than the first floor!

It's just that Ye Chen didn't hesitate too much. After a while, he moved his footsteps and walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor. He had already entered the black tower, and he had no way out.

Even if you want to leave now, it is absolutely impossible!
Once entering the black tower, if you can't go all the way through and get the approval of the black tower itself, even if Ye Chen blew up the two great treasures, the Demon Emperor's Bell and the Infinite Mirror, it is impossible to break through the seal of the black tower and leave on his own.

The Nine Heavens Mirror is a treasure comparable to the Demon Emperor's Bell. Perhaps in terms of attack power, it is inferior to the Demon Emperor's Bell. In other aspects of supernatural powers, such as transforming the world into the body, the seal is so strong that even the masters of the Heavenly Martial Realm dare not break through it. , this is something that the Demon Emperor Bell cannot do.

If this black tower is one of the nine gods, it is only one-ninth of the Nine Heavens Mirror!

If in the past, it is impossible to trap the Demon Emperor Bell, let alone the Infinite Mirror, but today is different, it is not that the Demon Emperor Bell and the Infinity Mirror have been severely damaged and have not fully recovered until today, so their power is not as good as In the past, it wasn't because Ye Chen's cultivation base was not very strong, and he couldn't exert the true power of the two great treasures.

Rather, the Nine Heavens Mirror itself, because it cannot continue to perfectly suppress the many evil things that exist here!
Because the perfect suppression cannot continue, Jiutianjing must have gone all out to release all the power, with a desperate trend. In this state, even if the black tower itself is only one of Jiutianjing, the power that can be erupted, the Demon Emperor Both Zhong and Wuliangshenjing were afraid for a few minutes.

It's like when two masters of the same level meet, even if one of them is seriously injured, if they fight to the death, the other master who is intact will stay away!
Of course, if the Demon Emperor Bell and the Wuliang Mirror were equally desperate, that would be a different story, but how could Ye Chen force the Demon Emperor Bell and the Wuliang Mirror to this point?

Not to mention the immeasurable magic mirror, the Demon Emperor Bell is the only relic left to him by his parents. He uses the bell to express his condolences. If the Demon Emperor Bell is not there, Ye Chen's spiritual support will be gone.

Even if he dies, it is impossible for the Demon Emperor Bell to be lost from this world!
The footsteps were not heavy, but there were waves of spatial fluctuations in the still-quiet black tower.

The space on the second floor should be smaller than the first floor. Since it is called a tower, it should look like a tower. However, being on the second floor did not make Ye Chen feel that the area of ​​this floor Smallness, on the contrary, gives a feeling of boundlessness.

The stairway to the third floor is nearby. For some reason, Ye Chen always feels that this is almost the distance between heaven and earth.

Ye Chen subconsciously looked at the wall in front of him, but he didn't see any pictures on the wall. It seemed that there was no so-called evil thing sealed on this floor.

Looking around, the surrounding area is empty, there is no smell of evil, and there is no dangerous breath here, as if it is just a layer of a very ordinary iron tower.

After a moment of silence, Ye Chen walked towards the stairs to the third floor.


At this time, the space suddenly shook slightly, and the stairs not far away suddenly became extremely far away, making Ye Chen feel that it seemed to be on the horizon.

No matter how real it feels, Ye Chen will naturally have to try it.

However, the real feeling means that this is the real situation, so he couldn't get to the stairs, no matter how fast he was and how long it took him, in the end, he still found that he was still in the same place.

"Phantom array?"

Ye Chen murmured softly, perhaps to verify that his words were true. After his words fell, there was an extremely violent shock in this quiet space. Afterwards, countless evil things like the king of doves, Out of nowhere!

These evil things are obviously illusory, so there is no need to pay attention to them, but when they get close, Ye Chen will feel the extreme danger. If you ignore them, then these evil things will immediately swallow him up.


The ghost flame burst out from the body, turning into a sea of ​​flames, occupying the second floor of the black tower. Naturally, all evil things were also under the shadow of the flame.

For such evil things, Nether Demon Flame has a natural restraint, that's why King Lingjiu died with hatred!

But now, Ye Chen was shocked to see that under the sea of ​​fire, instead of being annihilated like the Lingjiu King, countless evil things had not been annihilated. , In an instant, it became much stronger.

Ye Chen frowned tightly, and without thinking, he held up his palm like a knife, and his spiritual power turned into an indestructible blade in his palm, facing the fastest coming evil thing, he slashed down immediately!


The blade passed through it, splitting the evil thing into two halves, and the evil thing was killed immediately, without leaving any relics here!

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief. It turns out that these evil things are not indestructible, they can still be killed, and their individual strength is much weaker than that of the Lingjiu King, but the number is much larger.

But as long as they can be killed, these numbers are not a problem!

For a moment, terrifying spiritual power surged constantly on the second floor of the black tower, and each wave of spiritual power accurately killed one of the evil creatures.

As time went by, although it consumed a lot, the number of evil things was decreasing rapidly. Gradually, the last evil thing was also turned into nothingness in Ye Chen's hands!
but. . . .When all the evil things disappeared, there were more evil things coming out from the void.

Seeing countless evil things sweeping in from all directions, Ye Chen didn't care about rest, and made another attack!
There were many evil creatures, but their strength was not that great. In less than half an hour, all the evil creatures were wiped out. However, a new wave of evil creatures appeared for the third time.

The second floor of the black tower seems to be the base camp of evil things. Here, the evil things seem to be endless!

Ye Chen's eyes couldn't help tightening. If this is the case, he certainly has the ability to kill evil things. At the same time, there are a lot of pills to replenish spiritual power in Xumijie, but when they run out, in the end, he will Will be devoured by evil things because of exhaustion!


The Demon Emperor's Bell appeared, and a faint glow poured down, turning into a mask, blocking all evil things out.

This can allow Ye Chen to get enough rest time. He doesn't have to worry about dying from exhaustion due to excessive exhaustion. However, this is not the solution after all. Could it be that he has lived like this for the rest of his life?
Ye Chen's gaze quickly looked towards the entrance of the third floor ahead, where it was still very close, but always out of reach!
"If this is a phantom formation..."

If it is a phantom array, then all evil things should be illusory and fake. Then, how can the impact of fake things cause the so-called fatal danger to oneself?

But before, it was a real thing to kill two waves of evil things one after another. At least, it was very real in Ye Chen's feeling. Every time an evil thing was killed, he could clearly feel the passing of a life. Even if it was an evil thing, It is also a life!

It was because of this feeling that Ye Chen didn't feel that these evil things were actually illusions, not real!
Looking away, staring at the countless evil things around, Ye Chen's eyes gradually became crazy.

Regardless of whether these evil things are real or illusory, you have to try it once, otherwise, the evil things will continue to grow, and will they be trapped here forever?

After the decision was made, Ye Chen didn't hesitate any longer. With a thought, the Demon Emperor's Bell returned to his body immediately. After a while, countless evil things came madly.

Of course, even though he has made up his mind to try once, Ye Chen is not a reckless person after all, he can't still let all the evil things get close to him, otherwise, if these evil things don't come out of illusion, wouldn't he be doomed forever.

Ye Chen blocked most of the evil things, leaving only one evil thing with its ferocious mouth open, devouring him.

At this moment, with Ye Chen's disposition, he was extremely nervous. If it was really a phantom array, and the evil thing came from illusion, then everything is easy to say, if not. . . .

The attack of this evil thing may not be able to cause too much damage to oneself, but the endless evil things will definitely make oneself trapped here forever.


The evil thing close in front of him can clearly see the hideousness and devouring desire shown in its illusory pupils, all of which are so real that even though Ye Chen has made up his mind, at this time, he can't bear it. I want to kill this evil thing.

The evil thing opened its mouth, and when Ye Chen's whole body was trembling, he was forcibly swallowed by the evil thing!


A burst of sharp pain immediately spread throughout the body. It was like the rubbing sound of being bitten by a ferocious beast. I heard it in my ears. While it was extremely harsh, it was also tormenting my mind and spirit.

Therefore, if a burst of spiritual power surged out directly from the sea of ​​twin spirits, if it rushed out of the body, it would ruthlessly bombard the evil thing.

At the last moment, Ye Chen endured all the discomfort and stood up stiffly. Now that he has decided to do this, he will stick to it to the end. Left and right, it is just some injuries, and will not be truly swallowed by evil things.

Although I thought so and did so, the feeling of being swallowed was extremely tormenting. During that friction, Ye Chen almost couldn't help but was about to make a move several times. That kind of feeling is much more uncomfortable than suffering any injuries and pains.

Fortunately, the devouring process was extremely fast, and the process was over in a flash of tens of seconds.

Ye Chen quickly checked himself, and after a while, he couldn't help laughing out loud, and finally made the right choice again!

The second floor of the Black Tower is indeed a phantom array!
(End of this chapter)

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