Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 449 Evil Spirit

Chapter 449 Evil Spirit
Ye Chen stared blankly at the place where the light beam disappeared, the space there was extremely peaceful, without even the slightest ripple!
The pure light beam has submerged in, silently, without causing any changes in the space.

However, as the master of the Demon Emperor's Bell, even though the Demon Emperor's Bell acted in such an attack direction, Ye Chen still sensed that in the nothingness, the Demon Emperor's Bell seemed to be fighting.

Demon Emperor Zhong Mingming is in Ye Chen's hands, but he is fighting in another place!
This sounds very mysterious, but it is true. In an unknown space that Ye Chen may not be able to touch, the Demon Emperor Bell is fighting!
That battle must have been extremely dangerous, and at the same time, the speed was extremely fast. Ye Chen just found out that the Demon Emperor Bell was fighting in another space. After only a few seconds, the battle was over.

The Demon Emperor's Clock returned to calm, but the space in that side vibrated violently at this moment, and then, the familiar energy gushed out like a gust of wind from the torn space!

The reason why it is familiar is because this energy belongs to the black tower!

Could it be that it was the Demon Emperor Zhong who lost the battle with the Demon Emperor Bell just now?

This is impossible. Although the Black Tower is a divine object, and it is in its peak state, its power is naturally infinite, but after all it is only one-ninth of the Nine Heavens Mirror. It's a bit of a fantasy to defeat the Demon Emperor Bell.

But it is!
The Demon Emperor Bell became quiet, and the energy belonging to the black tower surged out from the nothingness, and then wrapped Ye Chen, making him unable to resist.

Under such energy suppression, the so-called twin spirit seas and the so-called strength of the physical body have no effect at this moment.

Ye Chen's vision was already blurred, he couldn't see ahead, he couldn't see anything, at this moment, he seemed to have fallen into a dreamland.

However, this dream is extremely short!

Ye Chen felt as if he just fell asleep and woke up immediately.

After waking up, his vision was not blurred at all, it was very clear, it didn't look like a person who just woke up, because he could see very clearly, so his gaze was extremely dignified.

The current location should be a space opened up by the Black Tower itself.

This space is not big, less than [-] meters in radius, like a football field, but, in this open area, there is a pool suspended in mid-air.

The breath in the pond. . . .Ye Chen couldn't help being shocked!

Because he is very familiar with the aura emanating from Chitan. He has sensed it from other people or other places many times before, and has fought a battle for it.

This breath is so evil!

The evil is to remind Ye Chen that he was in Burial Soul Valley, in Changfeng City, in Liyin, and in Luoshi. . . .In these places and on these people, Ye Chen had felt it before.

Unexpectedly, in this black tower, one party was actually suppressed, such a huge - evil pool!
The king of doves. . . .No wonder it gave Ye Chen a feeling of familiarity. It turned out that even though the breath of the former was not exactly the same as that of Li Yin and the others, it was similar to the evil spirit in the evil pool.

In comparison, King Lingjiu is obviously more pure!
This is because the Lingjiu King is not like Li Yin and others who voluntarily entered the evil, it is itself an evil, so if it is more pure, it will naturally be more terrifying!
No wonder, after being suppressed for so many years, King Lingjiu never really died.

Standing in mid-air, looking at the peaceful evil pool without a trace of ripples, Ye Chen's brows were tightly frowned, he was not worried about himself, with the Demon Emperor Bell's restraint on evil spirits, there was no need to worry.

This black pagoda is suppressing an evil pool. Thinking about it, the other eight gods are also suppressing certain things. Although Mei Aoxue, Lin Yifan and others are extremely outstanding, especially Luo Xin, they also practice the Xuanmen Heart Sutra , although there is no yin and yang energy, and the chaos of yin and yang cannot be comprehended, the Xuanmen Heart Sutra itself is one of the most miraculous exercises in the world.

But they don't have the Demon Emperor's Bell, and they don't have the treasure that can suppress these evil things. If they encounter the same scene as themselves, how should they deal with it?
No wonder I went to appear here. If I didn't come here, the Demon Emperor Bell could only send his own power here, but couldn't enter here, let alone settle the evil pool.

Above the huge evil pool, a quaint bronze mirror is quietly floating!

From the ancient bronze mirror, there is always a wave of energy swaying out, covering the evil pool, suppressing the evil pool so tightly that it cannot move.

If the guess is correct, this bronze mirror should be one of the gods transformed by the Nine Heavens Mirror!
Looking around, the copper mirror was shining with an extremely soft blue light, and a strange pattern was outlined on the surface of the copper mirror. The light flickered, as if it had the power to regret the sky!

It is such a powerful force that can suppress an evil pool here for an unknown amount of time!

However, the energy of the copper mirror is obviously not as good as before, or in other words, it has reached its limit, because cracks seem to have appeared on the surface of the calm evil pool, and waves of pure evil energy are slowly flowing out The evil pool surged out.

Because the speed was too slow, the evil energy gushing out did not cause any movement, nor did it bring any damage to this space, but if it continued for a long time, sooner or later, there would be a day when the evil energy would gather to an extremely strong moment.

At that time, this evil pool, perhaps relying on its strong evil spirit, will forcibly break through the suppression of the bronze mirror and appear in the world of Jiutian mirror.

At that time, it may still be impossible to leave the Nine Heavens Mirror, but it will inevitably cause some disturbance to the northern mainland. Ye Chen still remembers the changes in Changfeng City, and I believe that no one in the wilderness will be able to forget.

This evil pool is obviously more pure than the evil pool in Burial Soul Valley. If someone gets contaminated, the terrible consequences will be even more terrifying than Fang Gan's mistaken entry.

Sensing the traces of evil energy, it slowly surged out of the evil pool, and Ye Chen's eyes burst out with a sense of coldness.

In Changfeng City's change, too many people died!

This is not the reason for Ye Chen's anger. What makes him angry is that after being invaded by evil spirits, the whole person will lose his reason and sanity. Can't tell the difference, how cruel it is.

As if feeling Ye Chen's anger, light came from the bronze mirror and lightly shone on Ye Chen, expressing a layer of meaning.

"Don't worry, this evil pool has no possibility of existence! Not only here, but when the Nine Heavens Mirror is gathered, if there is another similar thing, I will definitely make it disappear into the world!"

Ye Chen has this strength because he owns the Demon Emperor Bell!
As the voice fell, the calm evil pool that exuded evil energy suddenly became extremely violent like a storm, and then, from the evil pool, a phantom slowly floated out.

The aura emitted by this phantom is the same as that of King Lingjiu. Obviously, it is also extremely pure, far from being comparable to the evil spirits condensed in Burial Soul Valley and Changfeng City.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to speak nonsense and want to kill me!"

This evil spirit can actually spit out human words?

But when you think about it, you will be relieved. The Lingjiu King itself is an evil thing, and this evil pool is the most evil thing in itself. It is not surprising that the evil spirits in it have human-like spiritual wisdom. up.

Under the suppression of the bronze mirror, it went down for countless years, not only was it not completely wiped out, but it was gradually recovering. These evil things are really terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Chen may be able to imagine how tragic the earth-shattering battle that took place at the location of Jiutianjing back then must have been.

Countless ancestors, in order to protect this world, paid an extremely tragic price, and this has brought the peace of the northern continent for countless years. We must not allow these evil things to revive and endanger the northern continent again.

Although Ye Chen still can't do it now, it shouldn't be too difficult to really pacify all the evil things in the Nine Heavens Mirror, kill the evil spirits in front of him, and make the evil pool in front of him disappear forever.


The Demon Emperor Bell burst out from Ye Chen's body, and the glow immediately enveloped the entire evil pool like night, naturally, it also enveloped the evil spirit in it.

"The Demon Emperor's Bell? How could it be the Demon Emperor's Bell? After the great war, wasn't this guy already destroyed? Why is it still fine?"

The evil spirit suddenly screamed in terror!

Ye Chen also trembled. Unexpectedly, it was because of this reason that the Demon Emperor Bell's state plummeted, and he fell silent in the ancient ruins.

The evil spirit's words, and at this moment, because the Demon Emperor's Bell has recovered a lot, it seems to remind it of the past, so the Youmang is deeper and purer!

The power of the demon emperor's bell surged out on its own without Ye Chen urging it, and turned into a gloomy light all over the sky, swarming towards the evil spirits.

At the same time, the bronze mirror suspended in mid-air also trembled suddenly. That powerful force no longer suppressed the entire evil pool, but condensed into one, just like a peerless spear, pointing at the ghostly light. The evil spirits also attacked fiercely.

Although it is a pure evil spirit, even though it has been suppressed here for countless years, not only did it not die out, but it was gradually recovering. At this moment, under the influence of the two great gods, especially the impact of the power of the Demon Emperor's Bell, the former also felt the doomsday 's arrival

However, an evil spirit is an evil spirit, and a strange creature like it, which is itself an evil thing, possesses strange methods that are also hard to guard against.

When the attacks of the two great gods were about to fall, the evil spirit seemed to give up all defenses against itself, the gray light flickered, and all the evil spirits that filled the space were immediately condensed into one, and then, like lightning, plundered out.

The target is not the Demon Emperor's Bell, let alone the bronze mirror, but Ye Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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