Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 452 Nine Days Gathering

Chapter 452 Nine Heavens Gathering


Outside the black tower, Ye Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

After quitting the practice, the black tower sent him outside by itself, and now when he turned around, the light of the black tower itself seemed to be more pure. Probably, this was because the evil spirits in the tower were eliminated.

"The first divine object has been found by me. Now, I also have the qualifications to enter the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror. I just don't know if the others have achieved results now."

Ye Chen murmured softly to himself, a trace of worry flashed across his brows.

After all, the Nine Heavens Mirror is not an ordinary space, and the things suppressed in it are extremely dangerous and terrifying. If he does not have the Demon Emperor Bell, if he wants to complete the test of the Black Tower, and then break out of the tower, he may have to pay a very tragic price.

Therefore, he had to worry about Mei Aoxue, Lin Yifan, and Luo Xin!
But unexpectedly, when the voice fell, Ye Chen suddenly felt that there was an earth-shattering fluctuation in the distance behind him, shaking from a distance.

Although the distance should be very far, when the fluctuation reached Ye Chen, it was still very clear, as if it happened directly beside him.

Ye Chen quickly withdrew his gaze from the black tower, swept up into the air, and then immediately looked into the distance!

The fluctuations really came from a distant place.

Ye Chen couldn't help frowning. From his own feeling, it would be at least tens of thousands of miles away, but at such a distance, the fluctuation clearly seemed to be right next to him, which was a bit too weird.

What was even more astonishing was that when the fluctuation gradually became more and more intense, almost reaching its peak, a beam of bright sunlight shot out suddenly, shooting directly into the sky.

The beam of light is extremely dazzling, just like the glare of the sun, people dare not look directly at it, and after shooting into the sky, it seems to stop there, forming a beam, which can lead to the Tongtian Avenue above the nine heavens!

Such a beam of light seems to last forever!
Standing between the sky and the earth, Ye Chen believed that at this moment, everyone in the entire Nine Heavens Mirror would be able to feel and see this scene.


Just when Ye Chen was looking at the beam of light, there was a sudden thunderous explosion sounded from behind him, and when he turned around to look, he saw that the person who had been here, with the black tower as his body, for an unknown number of years The fetish actually rose from the ground and flew towards the sky.

At this moment, the body of the black tower had already disappeared, and what was waiting for it was an extremely bright cyan streamer, and then, like lightning, it quickly swept towards the beam of light.

It can be seen that there is something vaguely floating in the blue streamer, that is the bronze mirror!

"Could it be possible, Nine Heavens Mirror, will we finally get together?"

Ye Chen murmured softly, and after a while, without thinking too much, he turned into a swimming dragon, chased in the blue streamer, and left quickly.

When Ye Chen and the bronze mirror set off, eight streamers of different colors flashed out from the world of the Nine Heavens Mirror at the same time. Without exception, the direction they went was where the beam of light shone.

At the same time, one after another figure is chasing each other at the fastest speed.

Apparently, the fluctuations sweeping across the entire Jiutian Mirror, and the beam of light like the way to reach the sky, have already been noticed and seen by everyone in the Jiutian Mirror.

Since this is the case, then next, presumably, there will be one battle after another!
When the Nine Heavens gather together, the Nine Heavens Mirror will appear in its entirety. At that time, the Nine Heavens Mirror will be truly inherited and will also appear in the world together.

Those inheritances, even Ye Chen, would be tempted by them, let alone other people.

Not too many people know about the inheritance, but at least, Ni Cangtian and others must know, and this is enough to become the precursor and prerequisite for the upcoming war.

For the sake of the entire Northern Continent, Ye Chen may not care about what Ni Cangtian has done, but he knows that the latter will never do this. Ni Cangtian has never been a person who can consider others.

Otherwise, in order to get Mei Aoxue, she would not have taken the act of kidnapping Mei Aoxue's mother.

Therefore, when the Nine Heavens Mirror appears, a big battle will be inevitable.

but. . . .Ye Chen raised his head and looked into the distance, there was a little sharpness floating around the corner of his mouth.

"Ni Cangtian, even this time, the grievances between you and me will not be resolved, but don't worry, I will leave a shadow in your heart that can never be erased, so that from now on, your road to martial arts will never be erased." , no matter how difficult it is to make great progress!"

The speed of the cyan streamer was extremely fast, even if Ye Chen chased him at full speed, he couldn't catch up. After a few days, the cyan streamer disappeared from sight.

And two days later, Ye Chen clearly noticed that the beam of light was still far away. At this moment, the color was no longer pure, but it already showed a sense of splendor.

At the same time, within the beam of light, there was an extremely powerful and destructive aura that quietly spread out.

Being so far away still made Ye Chen feel great pressure. If it was really close, I really don't know what the situation would be.

However, no matter what, they couldn't stop Ye Chen from moving forward, and likewise, they couldn't stop others from moving forward.

As they got closer and closer to the place where the beam of light was, they could gradually sense that there were tyrannical auras in other directions, advancing rapidly against the natural oppression from the beam of light.

On the Nine Heavens Record, there are a total of 53 people. Probably, they will gather completely in the area where the beam of light appeared in the near future.


In mid-air, a figure darted forward under the wrapping of the light. The speed was as fast as lightning. Wherever it passed, the space not only did not have the so-called sharp sound because of the fast speed, but even a trace of it Ripples were never brought out.

The figure in the dark light is Ye Chen!
At first, he was rushing on the road, but he didn't notice anything else, but as this situation continued, gradually, he also felt that he was out of date and unusual.

At such a fast speed, he was advancing against the oppression from the beam of light, and his own spiritual power was naturally unreserved. As a result, it was bound to cause some vibrations in the space.

But Ye Chen flew past, but it was soundless, quite a ghostly feeling. . . .Such a change really surprised Ye Chen himself.

"Could it be because of the Nine Profound Scriptures?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Ye Chen's mind, and he thought of a possibility!
Although it is said that this incomplete Nine Profound Scriptures cannot allow him to absorb the power of space from nothingness, but now it seems that several days of practice may have given him an unexpected harvest, but Ye Chen I haven't discovered it yet.

If it was really because of the Nine Profound Scriptures that he discovered such a change?

A fiery emotion suddenly flashed across Ye Chen's eyes.

Even the Nine Profound Scriptures still cannot allow me to obtain the power of space from nothingness, but if I continue to practice, I think it will make my speed more amazing and silent.

This may not have anything to do with the improvement of one's own strength, but when you are an enemy, the silent speed will definitely catch the enemy by surprise!
"Even if it is an incomplete Nine Profound Scriptures, there are still things worthy of praise!"

Ye Chen smiled in satisfaction, then the speed remained the same, and he continued to move forward!
As time passed, the color on that beam of light became more and more brilliant. This should be caused by the fusion of other fetishes into the beam of light.

When the color of the beam of light changes, the aura it exudes becomes stronger and more terrifying. The sense of destruction seems to have turned into a real existence, bringing more and more power to this world and the people who came quickly. The greater the pressure.

If you are close in front of the beam of light and look around, you can see that in the very center of the beam of light, there is already an extremely simple and simple bronze mirror, floating quietly.

That bronze mirror was extremely neat and tidy. Although it had gone through thousands of years, it was still not stained by the world of mortals, and it didn't make people feel that there was an aura of time and vicissitudes, exuding on the bronze mirror.

Brilliant brilliance, surrounded by the bronze mirror, showing a flame-like luster, although it is quiet and still, but because of its appearance, the entire huge Nine Heavens Mirror world has calmed down.

Everywhere, whether it is an evil thing that can move freely outside, or an evil thing that is suppressed deep in the ground, at this moment, it is extremely quiet. If you can see it, you must be able to find it. There was a hint of panic in the pupils, and at the same time, a hint of ferocity.

But behind that hideousness, there is a fiery emotion!

In the distant sky, another stream of light quickly swept over, and that stream of light was blue!
The cyan streamer was extremely fast, as if teleporting. Just now, it was still in the sky, and the next moment, it appeared in front of the beam of light. Then, it swept into the beam of light and rushed into the bronze mirror inside the beam of light.


The still bronze mirror couldn't help trembling slightly because of this. Looking around, the cyan streamer blended in very easily, making the bronze mirror seem to be truly perfect.

Then, one after another energy breath began to sweep out from the bronze mirror quickly, and it seemed that after a while, the entire Nine Heavens Mirror world was enveloped in it.

Shrouded in such energy, the world seemed to become much brighter because of it, and at this moment, the brilliant color of the beam of light was suddenly withdrawn, like a tide, pouring back into the bronze mirror, and what was waiting for it was an extremely Pure azure blue, just like the color of the sky.

The azure light shone in the sky and the earth, and a spirituality that could not be compared with ordinary treasures slowly emanated from the bronze mirror. . . .That kind of spirituality will make countless treasures feel embarrassed and ashamed.

This is also telling the world that the Nine Heavens Mirror, after who knows how many years, finally appeared in this world again in a complete state.

At this moment, Jiutian finally gathered together!
(End of this chapter)

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