Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 454 Countless Inheritance

Chapter 454 Countless Inheritance
"It seems that Ni Cangtian's heart has not been affected too much!"

Looking away, Lin Yifan said calmly, although he affirmed Ni Cangtian, there was still a hint of sneer in his voice.

Not being affected too much does not mean that there is no impact at all.

A few years ago, Lin Yifan had already made a positive enough evaluation of Ni Cangtian. This evaluation will not change in any way due to the passage of time. This is what it means to say that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.


Ye Chen laughed, changed the topic, and said: "However, after this time, I believe that he will never be among the top!"

The peak here is not the peak of martial arts, but Ni Cangtian's position on the northern continent.

He is No.1 among the younger generation in the northern continent. Even though he was injured and forced to leave not long ago, his No.1 position will never be shaken. In the eyes of many people, he is still high above the rest.

What Ye Chen meant was to really pull Ni Cangtian down from aloof!

"The current Ni Cangtian probably already has the cultivation base of the fifth level of real martial arts. Now you are only stable at the first level of true martial arts. It is not so easy to deal with him. Ye Chen, don't be reckless."

Luo Xin glanced over there, then said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen said with a smile: "I'm not trying to deal with him, I just want to let everyone present know that Ni Cangtian, a deified god, is just a mortal."

"By the way, Aoxue, have you met Shangguan Futu on the way? Is he here now?" Ye Chen immediately changed the subject and asked.

Mei Aoxue shook her head, and said: "Brother Shangguan doesn't seem to have entered the Nine Heavens Mirror. If he couldn't find him before, it's understandable. Now that there's such a big commotion, he should have arrived, but..."

The Shangguan Buddha has not arrived yet?
Looking around, Ye Chen felt a little surprised. This Shangguan Buddha is too mysterious, right?

It's just that Shangguan Futu insisted on not appearing, and Ye Chen couldn't help it. The huge Nine Heavens Mirror was really not what he was looking for, so he would definitely be able to find it.

"Look, it's moving!"

Lin Yifan pointed at the beam of light, and said in a low voice.

In the beam of light, there is a bronze mirror. If you guess correctly, it should be the so-called Nine Heavens Mirror itself.

Just a slight sway of the still Nine Heavens Mirror, the splendor of brilliance shines out, and the entire sky is brighter because of the color of the brilliance. The azure blue color seems to be a representative of the sky, appearing above everyone's heads.


A moment later, like a bridge connecting the sky and the earth, the huge beam of light began to spin rapidly from this moment.

The area of ​​the beam of light is so large, and it rotates like this, almost making the whole world spin around. The azure light, like a lightsaber, flashes quickly in the void.

At this moment, among the endless azure blue light beams, it seemed that there were several of them that quietly separated from the light beam itself and came towards a certain direction where the crowd was.


Those with sharp eyes saw this scene immediately, while those who knew the details immediately knew that the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror had already begun, although this was not the real inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror.

Although many people don't know what this means, but when the azure blue beam broke away from the beam of light and swept out quickly, the warrior standing in that direction was not polite at all, stretched out his hand, and his spiritual power was involved. Next, he forcibly pulled the azure blue beam into his hand.


There seemed to be a clear cracking sound, and the azure blue light beam burst immediately, and then, it seemed that a light shadow passed directly through this person's hand, and then disappeared without a trace.

The speed was so fast that most of the people present had no time to observe the exact scene. Even this person himself didn't quite understand what happened, so he was stunned on the spot.

It wasn't until a while later that the person who got those beams of light woke up, but after a while, he yelled again.

"This this?"

"What is it, tell me quickly!"

The person next to him who didn't get the beam asked immediately.


The man just smiled triumphantly, as if he was stunned, but after a while, his smile immediately subsided, and he said as if nothing had happened: "Actually, it's nothing, I just feel that these light beams seem too weird." , when it entered my body, even my own spiritual power couldn't stop it, so I was taken aback."

The explanation is quite reasonable, but it's a pity that the complacent energy just now was seen by everyone in the field. It was able to be listed on the Jiutianlu, where there would be fools, and everyone immediately understood that it fell off the beam of light The azure blue light beam that comes out will be an excellent thing.

Therefore, at this time, almost everyone is staring at the light beam intently.

Only a few people, such as Ye Chen and others, Ni Cangtian and others, obviously didn't pay too much attention in the past. They all knew well that the azure blue beam that just appeared must contain some inheritance.

Those who can be hidden by the Nine Heavens Mirror to this day are naturally not ordinary things, so the few people who got it, even though they are also the best of the younger generation in the Northern Continent, couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

However, in the face of the true inheritance of Jiutianjing, these, I am afraid, are really common things.

Knowing this, Ye Chen, Ni Cangtian and others naturally didn't pay attention to Guangzhu. They were waiting for the time when the real inheritance of Jiutianjing would appear.

Of course, if those azure blue light beams appear within their range, they will naturally not be polite. These things may not be appreciated by themselves, and they are not needed. Behind each of them is a huge and complete force. There will be a lot of people on it.

The huge beam of light was only quiet for a few seconds, and then it spun again. As everyone expected, the azure blue beam broke away from the beam again, and the number was even greater than before.

With the previous experience, now, everyone did not wait in place, but after seeing the azure blue light beam leave, one after another figure, towards the nearest light beam, quickly swept past.

"Go away, it's mine!"

"Hey, who owns it depends on their respective strengths."

"Chen Xiu, you want to compete with me?"

"Hehe, fate is destined. If it's yours, I won't be able to snatch it away. On the contrary, if it's not yours, hey, then I have no choice but to grab it."


The sound of clashing with spiritual strength resounded.

In this huge space, after a while, the same movement resounded continuously everywhere, and dozens of azure blue light beams instantly became the targets of everyone's scrambling.

Perhaps everyone also understands that there may be the same beam of light flashing out next time, but that is only a possibility, if they can snatch one of them now, it will make people feel more at ease.

Ye Chen calmly glanced at the people who were looting, then smiled silently, and said: "If Jiutianjing has evil thoughts, I'm afraid that none of the people present will leave alive."

Every time the light beams appear, it will inevitably lead to scrambles again and again. As the scramble becomes more intense, it may turn into a life-and-death battle.

There is no weak person here, and after the battle of life and death, even if they are still alive, they may not be able to continue to face everything in the Nine Heavens Mirror.

"People's hearts and human nature are like this, but it's no wonder."

Luo Xin sighed slightly, and then said: "Ye Chen, after leaving this time, I will go back immediately and report to my father some things. I hope I can send some experts over to help you guys."

Ye Chen thought about it, but shook his head and rejected Luo Xin's kindness.

To unify the Northern Territory, not only does it take a long time to prepare, but it also requires sufficient strength to be able to achieve it. The four first-class forces headed by Cangge have been at ease in the Northern Territory Continent for a long time. I don’t know how many challenges they have endured, but they are still standing Not to fall, the strength of the four major forces should not be underestimated.

Therefore, Luo Xin's proposal is obviously very good, but Ye Chen knows better that if external forces are used to forcibly unify the northern continent, such a situation will not be too stable. If one is not good, when it collapses one day, Da Huang, and his friends, will end up in an even more tragic situation.

Any huge force needs to be strong on its own, and the strength borrowed from others is not its own deterrent after all.

Even if there is deterrence, it is only for a while, it is impossible for a lifetime!
"Marven Ye!"

Luo Xin understands Ye Chen's meaning, but she doesn't think that this is not a good way. With the strength of Dahuang and Moyuanshan, even if several major forces headed by Zhou Tiange are gathered together, they want to confront the four major forces of Cang Pavilion. Neither can win.

That will only damage your own strength, and the gain outweighs the loss!
Ye Chen laughed and said: "Fairy, no matter what, there are still nearly 50 years to go, and I don't need to wait until 50 years later to unify the northern continent, so we have plenty of time to prepare, There is no need to be too anxious."

"If you are not convinced, there will be endless troubles to come!"

"You're right, just do as you want, but if you need help, just ask, don't be polite to me." Luo Xin said immediately.

Among the younger generation, if there is anyone who can reach the peak, Luo Xin will definitely think that this person is Ye Chen!
Xuanmen disciples can be as bright as the sun and the moon, not to mention, the Xuanmen Heart Sutra, in Ye Chen's place, is quite different from his own. This is the main reason Luo Xin affirms.

It may not be possible for Ye Chen to reach the supreme level in a few decades, but it is not difficult at all to manage the northern border to the point of iron walls.

"Then thank you Fairy!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists together and smiled, his gaze suddenly narrowed like everyone else's.

It turned out that at this time, the beam of light rotated even faster, so more azure blue beams broke out from it, and the number was already beyond count. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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