Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 457 Powerful

Chapter 457 Powerful
The world was silent, and in this silent silence, above nothingness, two figures suddenly appeared. It seemed that these two people seemed to be swept out of the Nine Heavens Mirror, which made everyone present couldn't help but I was taken aback.

These two figures, the one on the right, have a handsome face, coupled with his unrestrained temperament, showing a unique masculine charm. In this aspect, I am afraid that only Lin Yifan can compare with them.

The person on the left has a straight body like a gun, and a firm face. What is particularly noticeable is that he is born with an unparalleled domineering aura, and his eyes are full of spirit, like a sharp spear shining, which is amazing. Don't dare to look directly.

Ye Chen knew both of them!
The person on the right is Gu Lin who tricked him away that day, so there is no need to doubt that the person next to Gu Lin whom he calls the eldest brother is Shangguan Futu.

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly understood the meaning of what Gu Lin said to him before he left that day.

Gu Lin said that the Nine Heavens Mirror is very big, and there may be a chance to meet again in the future. When they meet, they should show their own strength without reservation.

If this day comes and I fail to participate in it, then I will be in great trouble.

Now, Ye Chen understood what it meant.

As early as that time, Shangguan Futu, Gu Lin and others already knew that the Jiutian Mirror would appear in its entirety and release the true inheritance, and if he didn't get one of the nine places for the Jiutian Mirror, Shangguan Futu would definitely stop it. I was with Mei Aoxue.

For the test of Shangguan Futu, although Ye Chen felt that it was a bit unnecessary, the two people who love each other, in his opinion, do not need to consider too many other factors, but he also knows that, to be born in this world, these are the things that must be to face the facts.

If he was strong enough now, he would have gone to Xuantian Continent long ago!
So, to a certain extent, he didn't blame Shangguan Futu, after all, the latter was just testing his own strength, and the choices Gulin gave him at that time, and the choices Shangguan Futu gave him, were all testing My sincerity towards Mei Aoxue.

On Jiutian Road, Shangguan Futu looked at Ni Cangtian proudly, and said indifferently: "I haven't seen you for many years, but you have become even more arrogant. Besides me, there are at least five people in the field who can fight you. No wonder I wasted After several years, but still able to catch up with you."

Ni Cangtian's eyes couldn't help showing a little coldness. When he came out, he used his words of contempt for others to himself. Now, he is teaching himself that he doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth!
Not to mention Shangguan Futu, even a master of the older generation would not accept this kind of teaching tone, with the pride that defied the heavens. Therefore, his steps unconsciously took a step forward.

"Why, do you still want to try?" Shangguan Futu asked with a faint smile.

Ni Cangtian's pupils turned cold, and then he smiled indifferently: "I haven't seen you for many years, so I naturally want to talk about it! And I also want to know, if you think you have caught up with my strength, will it make people feel satisfied?" .”

"Okay, as you wish!"

As soon as the words fell, there was starlight again in this void, flashing out from the nothingness little by little, and now, the starlight was even brighter and more intense.

This makes people feel that every trace of starlight contains extremely powerful domineering energy. With so many starlight spreading down, that level of energy is naturally extremely shocking.

Thousands of stars, that is, thousands of energies, just ask, who can fight with them!
"Shangguan Futu really deserves his reputation. Even if he wasted years of time, he would have caught up with him. If he hadn't wasted so much back then, I'm afraid Ni Cangtian would be far from his opponent now. And this battle , I’m afraid it won’t be that easy to decide a clear winner.”

Luo Xin sighed and said.

After all, among all the people present, except Mei Aoxue, Gu Lin and others, maybe only Luo Xin had a certain understanding of Shangguan Futu.

And because of their different identities and standpoints, and the understanding of strength, Luo Xin may be more aware than Mei Aoxue, and these words coming out of her mouth will not make people have too much doubt.

"It's not necessarily!"

It was Lin Yifan who was speaking. He looked at Shangguan Futu and felt the unparalleled arrogance on the latter. After a while, he said solemnly: "The current Shangguan Futu is the real warrior, the real strong man!"

"Yifan, what do you mean?"

Luo Xin immediately asked, without feeling at all that there would be anything wrong with her calling Lin Yifan like that.

But Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue, and Lin Yifan himself were all paying attention to Shangguan Futu and Ni Cangtian, and they didn't care about these details. Therefore, in the beautiful eyes of Luo Xin, who is called a fairy, flashed There was a sly arc that shouldn't have come.

"The current Ni Cangtian is the former Shangguan Futu!"

Lin Yifan said in a deep voice: "I don't know much about Shangguan Futu, but I can imagine that when Shangguan Futu failed to attack the Martial Realm, he must have endured a lot of pressure."

"Not only him, but the entire Zhou Tian Pavilion may be under great pressure. After all, he is Zhou Tian Pavilion's future hope, at least the greatest hope!"

"Under such great pressure, Shangguan Futu was able to create astonishing miracles. You three, how much do you think Shangguan Futu has endured and paid? In other words, if you have experienced the same experience, now and in the past, Will it still be the same?" Lin Yifan asked the three of them.

The three of them were silent for a moment, and after that, there were flashes of brilliance in their respective pupils.

Mei Aoxue walked out of Daluo City. When she was young, she was hurt greatly by her family. When she grew up, she faced various difficult choices. Her heart is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

During the past few years, Luo Xin was restrained by the Xuanmen Heart Sutra, she was able to break through but was unable to break through, and was trapped in the peak of the spiritual sea for several years. In the past few years, the pressure in her heart can be imagined.

As for Ye Chen, he had suffered three years of humiliation, and it was only then that he became the character he is today!
So the three of them all understand that only after having such an experience can they transform into outstanding people in the eyes of others. They have suffered, not been knocked down by difficulties, and only after experiencing violent storms can they truly grow.

They are like this, and so is Shangguan Futu!

It seems that there have been several years of waste, but for Shangguan Futu's future martial arts path, this is definitely an experience that he should be grateful for, and it is definitely not a waste in the eyes of others.

As for Shangguan Futu's current strength. . . .Lin Yifan looked at Ye Chen and asked, "You are also cultivating your physical body at the same time, can you clearly see how strong Shangguan Futu is?"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "If I guessed correctly, Shangguan Futu must have chosen another path after failing to attack the Realm of Martial Arts. His Realm of Martial Arts is to prove the way with strength!"

"Prove the truth with strength!"

Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin murmured softly, now the two of them can be sure that the battle between Shangguan Futu and Ni Cangtian may take a long time to divide the future of life and death, but it will take a long time to decide a simple victory or defeat. It's enough!

It is not to say that those who prove the Tao with strength must be stronger than the masters who have realized the breakthrough of the way of heaven, but, among the masters of the same level, those who prove the Tao with strength can at least show that this person's physical body must be stronger than the opponent's. Tougher.

In a big battle, a stronger physical body means stronger defensive power. Under the same blow, those with stronger defensive power will naturally suffer less injuries.

The war continues, and there is no need to declare the outcome!

And the physical body is strong, and its own strength is stronger than others!
Nine deaths, many times, even the way of cultivation with death and no life, after success, how can it not bring more benefits to people?

The sky was full of stars, as if turning into a star map, surrounding Shangguan Buddha, and powerful energies surged out of it and landed in front of him.

As a result, the entire world seemed to be shaking violently.

Ni Cangtian's eyes are already extremely dignified. No matter how he describes Shangguan Futu, he knows that this person will be his greatest opponent in this life. The waste of several years is already known at this moment, and the relationship between the two has not been let go. The distance is getting farther and farther, on the contrary. . . .

Therefore, once Ni Cangtian makes a move, he also has no reservations!
The majestic spiritual power surged out like a tidal wave, and the ultimate killing intent just filled the space, and then immediately gathered one place to make it invisible. When the spear appeared in his hand, all the killing intent melted Enter.

Ye Chen and Lin Yifan have personally experienced this style, and obviously, as Ni Cangtian cultivated more and more, the power of this style naturally became stronger.

The spear pierced through the air like lightning!
On the other side, Shangguan Futu clenched his palm, and the countless energies turned into a shocking fist, carrying bright stars and unparalleled arrogance, facing forward, and punched it heavily.

The two attacks are enough to shatter the sky and shatter the earth, worthy of being the top two masters on the Nine Heavens Record!

Under the close attention of everyone, the two attacks collided instantly, and at the moment of the bang, any sound here disappeared, and the whole world seemed to be quiet at this moment, but then, violent and vast The shock wave of the power swept away from the sky like a mighty wave, forcibly forming a storm.

"Bang, bang!"

Waves of force impacted, and the sky was trembling rapidly, and finally there was a roar, the two of them trembled, and then immediately retreated violently.

With this retreat, Ni Cangtian directly retreated more than ten steps, and the spear in his hand quickly burst open, disappearing in smoke!

Shangguan Futu stepped on the Nine Heavens Road and stepped back seven steps. The countless starlights around him also burst at this moment, turning into light spots all over the sky, extremely gorgeous!
Everyone was silent, this was the attack of the two with all their strength, so it was also possible to determine the outcome between the two. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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