Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 459 Take the initiative to provoke

Chapter 459 Take the initiative to provoke
Everyone present, including Mei Aoxue and Lin Yifan, who are closest to him, knew that Ye Chen would definitely be different after reaching the realm of martial arts, but even the two of them did not expect that Ye Chen's Powerful, it has reached this level.

A master of the same level, he actually killed him with just one move!
Even if the sword field was broken, Wang Ning himself had been severely injured, but he was not an ordinary martial arts master after all. As Ling Jianzong's subordinate, the most outstanding person among the younger generation, his strength was beyond doubt, how could it be?

"Boss, now, you can truly rest assured!" Gu Lin said with a smile, looking at the Shangguan Buddha on the other Nine Heavens Road.

Shangguan Futu nodded. With his current strength, he had to admit that this young man, even if he was against him, would have to pay a certain price if he wanted to win.

With such a character accompanying Mei Aoxue all his life, he has nothing to worry about.


Wang Ning's physical body completely collapsed, and then the spiritual light flickered, and a light and shadow swept across the sky. It was Wang Ning's soul!

After reaching the realm of martial arts, the soul takes shape and exists in a real state. For warriors at this level, death is not real death. The soul is still there. With the help of Ling Jianzong's huge background, Wang Ning still has the possibility of rebirth in the future Chance.

Of course, if the physical body collapses, the soul will naturally be traumatized. If there is no special opportunity in the future, it may be difficult to make great progress in strength.

One must know that even the yin and yang souls hid in that small mountain village back then, and needed to constantly ingest the flesh and blood of unmarried women to recover, and it has not recovered for 20 consecutive years.

Wang Ning's soul is not a yin and yang soul, even if Ling Jianzong continues to take care of him and cultivate him, it is impossible to recover to the achievements he could have achieved when his physical body was still there.

"Ye Chen, I, Ling Jianzong, will not let you go! What kind of trauma I suffered today, I will definitely repay you a hundred times in the future!"

In the sky, space is distorted, light and shadow flicker, and it is about to leave the world of Jiutianjing.

Ye Chen smiled, stared at the distorted space, and said indifferently: "When did I say that I want to let your soul leave here?"


In the world, like a dark curtain suddenly opened, a burst of pure to the extreme faint light appeared directly above the distorted space, and then shrouded it, the distortion disappeared immediately, so Wang Ning's soul, then He was also imprisoned on the spot.

"What... what's going on? Ye Chen, what do you want to do?"

Under the faint light, the void seemed to be cut off, how could Wang Ning's soul escape?

"Brother Ni, save me, save me!"

Now Wang Ning is really afraid, his physical body collapsed, as long as his soul is still there, although he will not be able to walk too far on the road of martial arts in the future, at least he is still alive, and if he is alive, there is hope, isn't it?
If the soul is gone. . . .Wang Ning didn't dare to think too much!
"Ye Chen, Wang Ning's physical body has been destroyed by you, that's enough! Don't be too arrogant!" Ni Cangtian shouted coldly. He also didn't expect that Wang Ning was so unbearable under Ye Chen's hands. One blow, this shock is big enough.

"Enough? Arrogance?"

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing and said: "Ni Cangtian, you are also a domineering and arrogant person, don't you think it's ridiculous to call me arrogant now? The world respects martial arts. If I am not as strong as Wang Ning, I will be killed by him." On the Nine Heavens Road, when you still want to kill me, may I ask Ni Cangtian, will you say enough, will you call him arrogant?"


Ni Cangtian was speechless, if he killed Ye Chen, this was what he wanted to see the most, how could he say enough?
"So, stop talking nonsense, it has nothing to do with you!"

Ye Chen sneered coldly, and shook his palm abruptly. The gloomy light above the sky suddenly closed, like a black hole, taking Wang Ning's soul away, and then the gloomy light darted down from Ye Chen's eyebrows, Returned to the Demon Emperor Clock.

The soul of a real martial arts master may not be of great help to the Demon Emperor Zhong, but it is better than nothing!

"Ye Chen, you really dare to do this!" Ni Cangtian looked extremely cold, maybe he didn't care about Wang Ning's life or death, but he did care about Ye Chen's disregard and disrespect for him!
"What am I afraid of?"

Ye Chen smiled indifferently, and immediately looked around. After a while, he locked onto a figure, and then said with a smile: "Brother Tiger, with your current strength, it should be no problem to guard this Nine Heavens Road!"

As far as the eyes can see, there is a sturdy figure like a small iron tower, but his aura is somewhat different from that of human beings, and the beast-like ferocity is clearly visible.

This lets people know that he is not a human being, but a monster!

Monsters whose cultivation has reached the Martial Realm level can transform into human forms, the only difference is that the figure in front of him obviously has not reached the Martial Realm for a long time, so he still cannot perfectly control his aura.

On the Nine Heavens Records, the No. 18 person is a monster from the Moyuan Mountains, named Fire Python Tiger King!
After seeing it today, Ye Chen knew that this fire python tiger king was exactly the one who had a lot of intersections in the ancient ruins back then.

The Fire Python Tiger King naturally recognized Ye Chen long ago, but the latter did not greet him. Moreover, Ye Chen's current status is beyond words, at least among the two great forces of the Great Wilderness and Moyuan Mountain, except for the Lord of the Great Wilderness and the Except for the demon king, no one can match it.

Ye Chen didn't take the initiative, and the Fire Python Tiger King never dared to disturb him, but he didn't expect that the former actually sent out the Jiutian Road to which he belonged.

However, Ye Chen would give it to him, but the Fire Python and Tiger King didn't dare to accept it!
Seeing this, Ye Chen smiled again: "Brother Hu, don't hesitate, I will give you a Nine Heavens Road, and I will snatch one back, so don't have any psychological burden!"

After the words fell, regardless of whether the Fire Python and Tiger King would accept it or not, Ye Chen moved his footsteps immediately, and his whole body shot out like a bolt of lightning. After a moment, he appeared on another Nine Heavens Road. !

Earlier, Ye Chen said that he would grab a Nine Heavens Road. The three of Da Huang would each take one road, Luo Xin would take one, Shangguan Futu and Gu Lin would take the second, and Ni Cang Tian would take one. Everyone thought that Ye Chen was going to grab it. It may be one of the Jiutian Roads occupied by the other two.

Even these two people are ready for a big battle!
Although Shangguan Futu had spoken before, asking everyone to return to their respective positions and wait for the opening of the Jiutian Mirror, if they robbed randomly, they would not only be punished according to the rules of the Jiutian Mirror, but would also be regarded as offending Shangguan Buddha.

But with Ye Chen's status and strength, obviously, there is no need to be too afraid of Shangguan Futu, not to mention, who can guarantee that because of Mei Aoxue, these two outstanding young people will not turn enemies into friends?
But everyone didn't expect that what Ye Chen wanted to grab was the qualification and quota of Ni Cangtian. Is he crazy?

Not far away, Gu Lin was also a little stunned: "Even if you want to prove it to the boss, the act of killing Wang Ning just now is enough, why bother asking for trouble?"

Shangguan Futu stared closely at Ye Chen's back, and after a while, he said, "He's not asking for trouble, but, he really wants Ni Cangtian to lose this opportunity to get a chance."

"He, can he do it?" Gu Lin asked suspiciously.

Shangguan Futu shook his head, and said: "It's not whether it can be done, but whether it should be done like this, Gu Lin, you and me, or everyone, have underestimated Ye Chen."

Gu Lin was silent, and after a while, he nodded thoughtfully!

All eyes, at this moment, are looking at the Jiutian Road where there are only two people standing, where, in the near future, a very exciting battle is bound to erupt.

Although Ye Chen's cultivation level is several levels behind Ni Cangtian's, the former's strength is obvious to all, and he may not be able to become Ni Cangtian's real opponent like Shangguan Futu. A battle between the two also has countless things worth seeing. point.

"You are courting death!"

Staring at Ye Chen, Ni Cangtian said coldly, but deep down in his heart, this scene was what he wanted to see.

The desire to kill Ye Chen existed long after Ni Cangtian knew that Mei Aoxue had chosen the former, and, as time went by, the desire to kill became more and more intense!
"Whether you're looking for death or not, you'll only know after you've beaten him, and against the heavens!"

Ye Chen's voice was intentionally paused, and after a while, he said slowly and methodically: "Ni Cangtian, what do you think will happen to you after defeating me, or killing me?"

Ni Cangtian's eyes suddenly shrank tightly, and a murderous intent, accompanied by a solemn meaning, quietly emerged.

He thought he could kill Ye Chen, but how could Ye Chen be so easy to kill now?
At that time, with injuries, even a seriously injured self, will he be able to successfully pass the Nine Heavens Mirror?
"I can tell you!"

Ye Chen said indifferently: "You will definitely not be able to kill me. At best, I will be injured much more seriously than you, but I will definitely not die, and that time, not only will you lose your life through the Jiutian Mirror." Your chance, your life, will stay here forever!"

"It's up to you?" Ni Cangtian couldn't help but asked.

Ye Chen smiled, and said lightly: "Of course I am not enough, but don't forget, there are other people behind me."

Ni Cangtian's eyes tightened again, who is behind Ye Chen, Lin Yifan, Mei Aoxue, and maybe Luo Xin.

These three people, no matter who they are, have enough qualifications to drag him into a seriously injured state. The three of them together, in his seriously injured state, perhaps, it is really difficult to escape!
Of course there are partners behind Ni Cangtian, but compared to Ye Chen's partners, Shen Quan and the others, even if they are all masters in the realm of martial arts, are unlikely to be opponents of Lin Yifan and the others.

Looking at Ni Cangtian's solemn gaze, Ye Chen chuckled again and said, "Of course, I can also give you another way, that is, get out of Jiutianjing by yourself, and the grievances between us can be left for later." solve!"

"Otherwise, today may be your death day!"

(End of this chapter)

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