Chapter 461
At this moment, Ni Cangtian, perhaps because of the spear in his hand, became unparalleled in sharpness, without any aura at all. He stood there, with him as the center, forming a space that others dare not enter. Because, those who enter will be melted by that sharpness!

A moment later, the majestic and vast spiritual power emanated from Ni Cangtian's body, and the powerful spiritual power radiated out. Ni Cangtian was like a god of war, exuding a horror that people dare not look directly at.

Ni Cangtian in this state, even Shangguan Futu, is proud of it. Obviously, the current Ni Cangtian is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

Everyone present was silent, they all knew that even though the battle had just begun, it had already reached its most tense moment.

"Ye Chen, originally I wanted you to live longer, but now you are looking for death, so you can't blame me."

Ni Cangtian crossed his hands and held the spear tightly, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

After the words fell, Ye Chen was not given any chance to speak, a burst of strong light burst out suddenly, and under the cover of that strong light, Ni Cangtian's figure became blurred.

But at this time, the strong light was spreading at an extremely fast speed, and finally covered almost half of the sky. Immediately, the strong light condensed on Ni Cangtian's head at an astonishing speed. , In the end, it directly turned into an ancient tripod with the size of a hundred feet!
On the huge ancient tripod, there are strange patterns engraved one after another. The so-called patterns are connected end to end, and seem to outline a huge real dragon figure.

As the light flickered, the lines that looked like real dragons seemed to be resurrected. In this world, countless auras of heaven and earth were continuously absorbed by it, and a strong sense of oppression was slowly released at this time. come out.

Many eyes looked at Fang Guding from afar, including Shangguan Futu's eyes, all of them were full of solemnity. Obviously, he also sensed how terrifying the move that Ni Cangtian was about to perform would be. If he faced it by himself, the result would not be very good.

However, even so, Shangguan Futu didn't worry too much about Ye Chen. On the contrary, he still had a lot of confidence in him.

That day on the volcano, his cultivation base was sealed, and facing himself in his peak state, not only did he not shrink back at all, but he took the initiative to attack. Regardless of his strength at the time, this disposition had already made Ye Chen invincible.

What's more, under such circumstances, Ye Chen was able to dissolve the seal set by Gu Lin by himself. Perhaps there was absolute luck in this, but it can be seen that this young man is not simple.

Even though Ni Cangtian is very strong, if he wants to easily crush this young man, that's impossible. Don't look at the martial arts that he will display, it will be very terrifying.

The prestige of the ancient tripod has been formed!
Ni Cangtian raised his hand, and the ancient tripod, which was hundreds of feet in size, fell lightly in front of him, and then, the long spear lifted the tripod as if it was light.


The majestic spiritual power erupted from his body, and poured into the huge ancient cauldron with the help of the spear, and then, the ancient cauldron soared into the sky, sweeping across the space like a falling meteorite , facing Ye Chen, and suppressed it heavily.

"Heavenly Cauldron Divine Art, one tripod will determine the world!"

The ancient tripod, which looks like a meteorite falling, looks like a gorgeous galaxy pouring down from a distance. Wherever it passes, whether it is space, everything in the space, or the earth below, except Jiutian Road, Everything else turned into nothingness in an instant.

It is the real nothingness, not turned into so-called dust or something.

The horror of this blow can be imagined!

Ye Chen's expression also became extremely dignified. Ni Cangtian had never seen Ni Cangtian use this pose before, even if he was facing the cooperation between himself and Lin Yifan that day, with Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin beside him, Ni Cangtian couldn't help it. It is because he has never used this style, it is obvious that the latter obtained such a martial skill from the Nine Heavens Mirror.

Good luck doesn't come only to people like myself. Others, such as Ni Cangtian, have very good luck. This kind of martial skill, even the ordinary top five real martial arts masters, would not be able to bear it.

Ye Chen is only in the first level of real martial arts, even though he has stabilized this level, he is still in the first level of real martial arts, at best he can barely be regarded as the peak of the first level of true martial arts.

With such a cultivation base, no matter how powerful the means are, they can't make up for the huge gap in cultivation base. Therefore, he can't retreat under this attack.

However, not being able to retreat completely does not mean that Ye Chen cannot do anything!

Suddenly, there was an extremely shrill howling sound in the world, and then, a dense white flame shot straight into the sky.

Everyone stared, what is Ye Chen going to do?Even though the white flames are also extremely powerful, compared to Ni Cangtian's current attack, those powers are nothing.

Ye Chen naturally didn't pay attention to everyone's gaze, he tapped the center of his eyebrows, and a moment later, a mark suddenly appeared between the eyebrows.

The small imprint can be ignored, but there is an extremely deep awn, rushing out from the imprint, rushing up to the sky, and rushing into the dawson white flame.


As the Youmang melted in, the shrill sound resounded again, and it became even more ear-piercing, and everyone was shocked to see that when the Youmang entered, a shadow quickly appeared!
That should be a bird!
It has two wings, and its sharp claws are like blades, extremely sharp, and the feathers on its body seem to be made of blades!

When this bird appeared, an indescribably powerful evil spirit diffused from the sky and earth, and everyone present was greatly suppressed because of this.

The flames swept away and turned into a sea of ​​flames. When the flames spread out, the bird's size continued to grow, and finally, its wings were like hanging clouds, covering the sky and the sun!

"This is?"

Everyone was extremely surprised, they all felt an extremely terrifying aura from that huge monster, that aura was not weak even compared to Ni Cangtian and Shangguan Futu.

Only Mei Aoxue knew that the name of the behemoth was the Nether Demon Falcon!

Of course, this is not the real Nether Demon Falcon!
The real Nether Demon Falcon is still staying in Xuanhuo City at this moment, helping Nie Guan to guard the Lingcang Continent, and the strength of the Nether Demon Eagle has reached the realm of Xuanwu, it is definitely not like it is now, only the realm of real martial arts!

This is a little imprint that Ye Chen gave to him when he left the Lingcang Continent. At a critical moment, it will explode. It may not have the terrifying strength of the Nether Magic Eagle itself, but it can also bring Ye Chen a glimmer of life. .

Dare to challenge Ni Cangtian, Ye Chen's biggest trump card lies in this!
When that huge monster appeared, the monstrous sea of ​​flames was directly absorbed by the Nether Demon Falcon at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this moment, the pair of tightly closed eagle eyes finally opened. The black and white eyes seemed to be surrounded by a cluster of flame-like patterns. pattern.

An extremely cold feeling, when Ni Cangtian stared at the Nether Demon Falcon, suddenly surged anywhere in his body.

However, this did not make Ni Cangtian feel the slightest fear. Under the Heavenly Cauldron Divine Art, even Shangguan Futu must be treated seriously. Although Ye Chen's current means are powerful, his own cultivation is still far behind. .

"No matter how far you can go today, in the end, there is only one word - death!"

The majestic spiritual power burst out from the long spear, and poured into the huge ancient cauldron continuously, making the strong light around the ancient cauldron become more intense, and in the end, it was like the scorching sun, which made people unable to directly See!

The ancient cauldron was suppressed from the sky, and the world trembled heavily, as if the world was facing the doomsday!
Facing the might of the ancient cauldron, there was no slight fluctuation in the icy eyes of the Nether Demon Eagle. With a flap of its wings, it slammed into it fiercely at the fastest speed and in the most direct way.


A tripod and an eagle crashed into each other on the sky.

The moment of the impact, the forest white flame appeared again, crazily wrapped around the huge ancient tripod, and the power displayed by the flame at this time was far beyond what Ye Chen could compare.

Although it is not the body, it is the imprint sealed in Ye Chen's body by the Nether Demon Falcon. It contains the purest blood of the Nether Demon Eagle. It may not be able to be used to the extreme. The opponent is Ni Cangtian. Even if the power is still insufficient, it will not be too bad. many!

When the huge ancient cauldron appeared, a little bit of ice appeared on the cauldron. Obviously, with such a flame, the ancient cauldron would have nothing to do, absolutely impossible!
However, at the same time that the ancient tripod seemed to be melted by the Nether Demon Flame, the huge body of the Nether Demon Eagle became unreal after a while. Obviously, even the imprint left by the Nether Demon Eagle cannot completely I can't resist the powerful move of Ni Cangtian.

What Ye Chen wants is not to completely dissolve this style. He knows that this mark may be able to deal with ordinary real martial arts fifth-layer masters, but it is still insufficient in front of Ni Cangtian, so he didn't think about it. Forcibly breaking Ni Cangtian's attack, as long as the huge ancient cauldron can't bring him a devastating blow, that's enough.

Therefore, when he saw the body of the Nether Demon Eagle that had transformed into an illusion, and was about to disappear, a chill quickly appeared in Ye Chen's eyes, and his palm faced the sky, and he shook it suddenly!

Far away in the sky, the illusory colossus that was about to disappear, carrying the monstrous sea of ​​flames, exploded in a shocking manner under the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, the sky is turned upside down, the sun and the moon are dark, as if the sky and the earth are about to turn upside down. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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