Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 467 The Power of the Ladder

Chapter 467 The Power of the Ladder

The tide is rolling, the blood is surging, the huge sea of ​​blood, like a ferocious beast, roars fiercely, in an instant, as if a storm is coming, the sea of ​​blood shakes violently, and countless waves, from the sea of ​​blood, crazily surge up , waves as high as tens of feet, or even hundreds of feet, swept across the sky.

This kind of power is really enough to destroy the world. Even Shangguan Futu, who has the highest cultivation and strength among the nine people present, thinks that he does not have enough power to protect himself in the face of such power.

As soon as the Nine Heavens Mirror was transformed into nine, nine people were selected to come here, which really had a great meaning.

What made everyone slightly relieved was that the nine-step ladder seemed to isolate the sea of ​​blood from the world they lived in, so that no matter how ferocious the tide of the sea of ​​blood was, it only raged over the sea of ​​blood and did not cause any harm to the people. Impact.

But Ye Chen and the others know that since Jiutianjing brought them here, that is to say, it is definitely not just for them to take a look, maybe it can't be done, let this sea of ​​blood disappear forever in the world, at least do something matter.

"I've seen the same sea of ​​blood!"

Luo Xin said in a deep voice: "It's just that, compared to the scene I experienced, this sea of ​​blood is many times stronger!"

If it's just a sea of ​​blood, Ye Chen has also seen it. When he first entered the world of Jiutianjing, there is a terrifying pool of blood on the top of Baigu Mountain. But again, compared with the sea of ​​blood in front of him, there is no comparison at all.

Hundreds of feet in size, how majestic it is, can't be described in words, so this sea of ​​blood is even more terrifying!
"Everyone, already here, we should know that we have no choice."

After a while, Shangguan Futu said.

It is true that there is no choice. Entering the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Mirror is a kind of chance. At this time, everyone has already received enough benefits, so they naturally have to make some efforts for it.

The main thing is that no one knows how to get out of here. Perhaps, facing the sea of ​​blood is the only way!

"You can discuss what is the best way to do it. I'll try it out first. Don't worry about me!"

After Ye Chen's words fell, his body shot out like lightning.

Everyone was shocked to find that among them, Ye Chen should be in the worst condition. After all, he was seriously injured, but now he looked as if nothing had happened. Not only had his breath returned to its peak state, but in a vague way, the cultivation Because it seems that he has advanced a step further, and he is not far from the second level of true martial arts.

Such a change is really incredible!

Perhaps, only Luo Xin could understand to some extent that the two were both disciples of the Taoist sect. Although Luo Xin had no access to the Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue because she lacked the power of Yin-Yang, the Heart Sutra of the Xuanmen was enough to make her different.

At the mortal level, Luo Xin also possesses the dual source point, and at the spiritual realm, Luo Xin also opens up the dual spirit sea!
The existence of Shuang Linghai not only makes one's own spiritual power become more and more refined, but also has an ability that other people don't have, that is, to operate spiritual power on its own!
The sea of ​​twin spirits is as parallel as the sky and the earth!
There is a connection between the sky and the earth, so that the spiritual power circulates continuously back and forth between the sky and the earth. Such a cycle makes the spiritual power more and more pure. At the same time, when it circulates continuously, it also affects the spiritual energy in the heaven and the earth. , poured into the body, and then absorbed and refined, becoming a kind of self-cultivation.

This kind of cultivation is very small, almost negligible, but as long as it exists, it will be of great benefit. After many years, how much spiritual power can be accumulated, who can say clearly?

You must know that no matter how hard you practice, you always need to rest. The existence of Shuanglinghai means that all the rest time is used for cultivation. force.

One point more, that means, one point faster than others!
The nine people who entered here all received the energy given by the Jiutian Mirror, but only Ye Chen and Luo Xin were slowly refining that energy in an autonomous state, and no one else had this kind of energy. time.

This is the main reason why Xuanmen Heart Sutra, or in other words, Xuanmen has existed forever like the sun, moon and stars!

Perhaps it was because of this that Ye Chen recovered from his injuries so quickly. His resilience was unique, and Luo Xin would not be surprised by his breakthrough in cultivation.

"Okay, now, we should also discuss how to face that thing."

Looking away from Ye Chen, Luo Xin said calmly.

Her strength may not be as good as Shangguan Futu's, but her prestige is not inferior to the latter. It can even be said that if it is not today, Shangguan Futu's victory against Ni Cangtian may not be able to surpass the four words of Fairy Luo Xin!

When everyone was discussing, Ye Chen quickly descended from the ladder, not because he didn't want to get close to the sea of ​​blood at the end of the ladder, but because he couldn't.

When he appeared in the range of the ladder, a majestic force surged out from the ladder, forcibly took him, and landed on the ladder.

At this moment, a huge pressure surged out. Even with Ye Chen's strength and the strength of his physical body, it was at this moment that he felt that his physical body was about to collapse.

"What a powerful force!"

Ye Chen gritted his teeth, his spiritual power continued to surge out, and his physical strength was instantly increased to the extreme, only then was he able to withstand this terrifying coercion.

But even so, the body is still as heavy as a mountain. If you want to move forward again, I'm afraid it will be very difficult, and the feet are only the first step of the ladder!

It's only here that people feel the coercion is terrible. It makes people feel as if they are in the ancient prehistoric, looking forward, the terrible coercion almost solidifies, and presents in the world in a tangible shape.

However, despite the great pressure, this is undoubtedly an excellent training ground for Ye Chen, who has practiced the top physical body skills of the Dragon Clan. He believes that if he can continue to resist until he reaches the ninth step of the ladder, then, Even though Cangxuan Hualongjue still can't break through to the fourth level of condensed body, the strength of his physical body will also increase a lot because of this.

Therefore, Ye Chen clenched his teeth, and when his body was trembling, he raised his footsteps again.

At this moment, Shangguan Futu and others outside the ladder were all aware of this scene that happened to Ye Chen. They suddenly understood that the existence of the sea of ​​blood might just guide them forward. The most critical experience is not to destroy The sea of ​​blood, instead, let them walk on this ladder.

How many roads to walk, how many benefits to get, each person's fate, it is so direct and simple.

"Everyone, do what you can, here, you are not allowed to be brave! And..."

Shangguan Futu paused for a moment, and then continued: "If, I mean, if there is a chance, what we discussed just now is still valid. You can try it when the time comes."

As soon as the words fell, Shangguan Futu took the first step and quickly rushed to the ladder. He proved with strength that the physical strength may not be comparable to Ye Chen, but he can achieve something on this road. too weak.

Following closely behind Shangguan Futu was Gu Lin, Lin Yifan, Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin, who were a little behind, and Huo Boa Tiger King and the other two followed behind!

The eight figures, when they respectively stepped onto the first step of the ladder, the terrible pressure that Ye Chen suffered appeared on them like a copy, and the solidified coercion rushed over like mountains and seas. Every figure, It's all at this moment, like a strong grass in the wind, shaking from side to side, it seems that it may fall down the ladder at any time!

Outside this world, many people who did not leave looked at the nine figures on the ladder with complicated eyes. From their embarrassment, everyone could know what kind of pressure the nine figures were facing at this moment.

However, everyone's eyes are still full of envy and desire!

The road of martial arts has always been extremely difficult, and one must pay a huge price to achieve enough achievements. Therefore, every warrior may walk on a road full of thorns.

That heavenly ladder seems to be difficult to walk, but it is the test set by the Nine Heavens Mirror. As long as one can walk on it, no matter how many steps you go to, you can get certain benefits from the Nine Heavens Mirror.

The Nine Heavens Mirror will never harm them. Therefore, although walking is difficult, it is not life-threatening. To experience without life-threatening is undoubtedly what all warriors hope to obtain.

Experience outside, which time, not facing the crisis of life and death?

On the ladder, after a few minutes, nine figures gradually distanced themselves. The one walking in the front was Ye Chen, who was still one step ahead. Behind him, there were two figures, one of which was naturally Shangguan Futu, another figure, turned into the Fire Python Tiger King!
The physical body of monsters is already stronger than human beings. When they reach the realm of martial arts, the physical body of monsters can be greatly improved, and they can even awaken their own blood. The fire python and tiger king can keep pace with Shangguan Futu, not because of his own strength. Xiuwei.

Then, there are Lin Yifan, Mei Aoxue, Luo Xin and Gu Lin, and finally, the other two great masters!

But now, Ye Chen has reached the sixth level. When he came here, he could feel that his skin had begun to crack, and blood was seeping out continuously along the cracks.

The coercion here, even the Cangxuan Hualongjue Melting Blood Realm, can no longer resist it.

The bodies of Shangguan Futu and Fire Python Tiger King behind him were both trembling violently. The coercion here was beyond the strength of the former's strong cultivation and the latter's innate physical strength. ignored.

However, this is not their limit, nor is Ye Chen's limit!

He looked at the end of the ladder that was close at hand, and a trace of determination flashed in his black eyes, and immediately, he stepped out again!

A blood arrow suddenly shot out from Ye Chen's body. . . .
(End of this chapter)

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