Chapter 705
No one knows what exactly Luo Qinghou talked with Ye Chen and the others after he appeared, but he heard that when the imprisoned space returned to normal and these people came out, Luo Qinghou asked Luo Kaifeng and the others to Do everything according to Ye Chen's wishes!
When hearing this, everyone was shocked!
In the end, what kind of cards did Ye Chen have, that even Luo Qinghou had to do what he wanted?
For a while, no one could figure out the reason behind this, but people understood one thing. From now on, in this Tianyuan Continent, the most unprovoked person is not the Luo family, not Luo Qinghou, but, this Young man with a calm smile.

This young man who is only at the fifth level of Xuanwu, with such a cultivation level, has almost become the most terrifying person in the entire Tianyuan Continent, not one of them!

After countless years in this continent, I am afraid that Ye Chen will be No. 1, and there must be no latecomers who can achieve this level.

Today's Ye Chen, even though he is not the master of Tianyuan Continent, what is the difference between him and the master?
No one can object to what he said, and no one can stop what he is going to do. If this is not a master, what could it be?
Just imagine, in the entire continent, there are countless forces and experts, but which force or expert would dare to oppose Ye Chen's wishes?
The expressions of countless people are somewhat complicated, and the expressions of everyone in the Luo family are even more complicated. They have been thinking about their longing for many years, but unexpectedly, it was done by a young man who was not valued by them. What they did on their shoulders, isn't this a kind of irony?
Hearing Luo Qinghou's words, Luo Kaifeng wanted to refuse, but as soon as this idea came up, he was forcibly suppressed, because he knew that if he could make his ancestors compromise, then this Ye Chen could no longer provoke.

The crowd gradually dispersed, leaving with shock in their hearts. Not only did they witness a wonderful battle today, but they also saw that a future master appeared in their hearts.

Right now, Ye Chen doesn't have enough strength to become that superior master, but one day, he will be able to do it.

When the crowd had almost dispersed, Luo Qinghou smiled wryly and said: "Ye Chen, I hope what happened today will not make you feel bad for my Luo family. There are some things that the old man can't help himself. The ancestor of the Luo family, this old man can only do his best for the future of the Luo family."


"Feel sorry?"

Ye Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, and said flatly: "Mr. Luo, this apology seems to be wrong to me!"

Luo Qinghou couldn't help being stunned, glanced at Lin Yifan, laughed, and said: "Today is a day of great joy, hehe, we have forgotten about the past, old guys, today, let's not stop getting drunk!"

Ye Chen's eyes couldn't help but feel cold. . . .

"Ye Chen, let's go!"

Lin Yifan came to Ye Chen's side and said, "Although I'm very upset, but for Luo Xin's sake, for the sake of seeing uncle and aunt, forget it! Now that Luo Xin is by my side, it's enough. Can't get them?" To me, Lin Yifan, this recognition has no meaning at all."

"Indeed, the presence of a beauty is more important than anything else!"

Ye Chen laughed teasingly, and said, "In this case, let's go!"

"We are not going to hold this wedding, and my ancestors, my parents have also decided that they will live in Fenglei City in the future. Yifan, let's pick up our parents!"

Lin Yifan endured for her, and Luo Xin also did not want Ailang to be wronged.


Seeing Luo Xin and Lin Yifan leave, Luo Qinghou's old face was a little embarrassed, and he said to everyone: "Girls are extroverted, girls are useless, everyone, let you see a joke."

"Old man Luo, there are some things, don't go too far. With the excellence of Lin boy, can't he be in your eyes?" Not only Ye Chen, but also Zhuoyi and others can't see it.

Although the battle with Huangfu Yuntian was not a real victory or defeat, being able to draw with Huangfu Yuntian with one move showed Lin Yifan's future achievements. Unexpectedly, Luo Qinghou still had reservations in his heart.

"Old man, what are you talking about?" Luo Qinghou seemed a little ashamed and angry.

"We will leave Tianyuan Continent immediately, Mr. Luo, I can assure you that if you are not satisfied today, in the future, your Luo family will never be satisfied with us." Ye Chen said lightly.


Luo Qinghou couldn't help sighing: "You guys, how can you understand the difficulties of the old man?"

"Huangfu Yuntian pursued Xin'er hard. With the strength of the Emperor's Mansion, how could the old man refuse? What happened today seemed to make Lin Yifan and Xin'er a little unhappy, but it was resolved. The troubles of the Emperor's Mansion, this old man is doing this for their own good!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but sneered: "Master Luo, if you don't talk about this, maybe, for the sake of fairies, I still have some friendship with your Luo family, but now..."

"Marven Ye!"

Ye Chen waved his hand, and said indifferently: "It is true that Huangfu Yuntian came forward to fight with Brother Lin, and indeed resolved the threat from the Emperor's Mansion to the Luo family. However, after the battle, Huangfu Yuntian has left, your Luo family Luo Kaifeng may not understand your painstaking efforts, but you yourself have not let me see your painstaking efforts."

"Master Luo!"

Ye Chen smiled coldly, and said, "If you didn't have the token I gave you, thinking about it, you still wouldn't agree to let Luo Xin marry Brother Lin, right?"

Luo Qinghou's expression froze!
Ye Chen took a deep breath and said: "Between Dihuang's Mansion and Brother Lin, no one will blame you if you choose Dihuang's Mansion, because it is a popular choice, but you value immediate interests too much .”

"I can make a bet with you, in the future, when we return, one Brother Lin is enough to be worth the entire Emperor's Mansion!"

Luo Qinghou fell silent immediately.

Ye Chen didn't say anything more, after Lin Yifan and Luo Xin picked up Luo's father and Luo's mother, the group immediately left Tianyuan City and headed for Fenglei City.

A few days later, Ye Chen, Mei Aoxue, Lin Yifan and Luo Xin stood outside a space passage in Fenglei City.

There are many senders here, almost all the people Ye Chen knew and had a good relationship with in Tianyuan Continent came here.

"Boy Ye, how long will it take for you to come back?" Zhuo Yi asked, parting soon, even he felt a little disappointed.

It wasn't a long time to know Ye Chen, but the shock this young man brought to him was not small.

"I really don't know!"

Ye Chen's expression became slightly dignified. This time he went to Xuantian Continent, besides looking for Zi Xiao, he still had a lot of things to do.

With the Demon Emperor Bell in his body, contact with the Demon Realm is probably inevitable, and this is just one of them.

He carries Cangxuan Hualongjue in his body, and now the blood of the dragon clan has been formed, but he still lacks the roots of the dragon clan, so if he wants Cangxuan Hualongjue to be able to cultivate to the Dacheng state one day, then the journey of the dragon clan must also be going for a trip.

Also, Lin Yifan's background, etc. . . .
It seems that there are only four things to say, but no one can predict how long it will take to do it well. It may take decades, and more likely, it may take hundreds of years.

"By the way, senior Zhuo, there is something that needs your attention."

Ye Chen glanced at Luo's father and Luo's mother who were reluctantly leaving with Luo Xin and Lin Yifan, and then said: "Luo Xin's parents, senior must find a way to improve their cultivation base as soon as possible, otherwise... ."

Ye Chen is not worried about any of the people present. On this Tianyuan Continent, because of him, Ye Chen, these people can be tightly united together. Even the Luo family would not dare to form such a lineup. Provoke, the rest of the forces, it is even more impossible to trouble them.

Their cultivation will continue to improve!
But Luo's father and Luo's mother. . . .The cultivation base in the spiritual realm is not enough to support their long life span. Ye Chen didn't think that today's parting would be the eternal farewell between Luo Xin and his parents.

"Don't worry about this, the old man knows it well, Luo girl also mentioned it to the old man."

Zhuo Yi immediately said solemnly: "Xuantian Continent is a super continent in this world, even experts in the holy realm can see it, you should be more careful when you go."

"We will return safely!" Ye Chen replied.

Zhuo nodded a little, and said again: "The space channel here can only reach the Yunzhong Realm adjacent to Tianyuan Continent. There is an old man of the old man named Ming Ruoshan. He is the suzerain of Langya Sect. You can go find him He then got the exact route to Xuantian Continent."

As he said that, Zhuo Yi handed him the token representing himself, and then said: "Anyway, be more careful!"

In the world, any super continent is synonymous with extremely powerful. When walking on the super continent, even the cultivation base of the realm of Zhuoyi has to be extremely careful.

"Thank you senior!"

Ye Chen took the token, and immediately clasped his fists at the crowd, saying: "Everyone, please take care, when we return, we will not get drunk with everyone!"

"Take care of yourself too!" Everyone clasped their fists together and said.

As the four of them stepped into the space passage, the silver light circulated and turned into brilliance, covering the figures of the four of them, and then gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

"The four little fellows have finally left. In the future, the Tianyuan Continent may be much calmer because of this." Zhuo Yi said with a sigh.

Whether it was Ye Chen or Lin Yifan, after appearing in Tianyuan Continent, they caused a shock in the entire continent. I am afraid that no one will be able to surpass what the two of them have done for a long time.

In Lin Shu's eyes, there was a little brilliance, and he said: "The old man really wants to know, when they come back, what level of cultivation will the four little guys reach?"

Hearing this, Zhuoyi's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "At least, it will surpass you and me by far!"

"Haha, by that time, the old man will definitely pester Lin boy every day and let him come to accompany the old man to compete..." Lin Shu laughed, and there was great expectation in the old man's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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