Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 716 Fierce Battle

Chapter 716 Fierce Battle
Now what is wrapped in this sword light is the body of Shanhe Sword!
What was destroyed before was only transformed by Lin Yifan's sword-shaped imprint in the middle of his brows with the imaginary to transform reality!
At this moment, Mo Xingxian's heart felt terrified. It was too late for him to raise the spiritual power in his body to strengthen his body protection. The continuous attacks of Ye Chen and the other three were just to wait for this moment !
Now Mo Xingxian turned his body slightly to one side, and then shot forward at an extremely fast speed, hoping to avoid such a blow at the fastest speed.

He was fast, the speed of Shanhejian was even faster, and in an instant, he was chasing after him like lightning. After forcibly breaking Mo Xingxian's protective power, the unparalleled sword light pierced through his right shoulder.

The Shanhe Sword was swept back into Lin Yifan's hand, and several mouthfuls of blood gushed out from his mouth. Just now the sword formed by the sword-shaped imprint was destroyed, and Lin Yifan was already seriously injured. After all, it was transformed with the original source of the Shanhe Sword The main body, however, was not something Lin Yifan could safely endure.

The aura of silence has not completely dissipated, so the space is still quiet, only the mouths of countless onlookers on the distant city wall, there are constantly louder uproars resounding.

Another round of attack by the four of them, although they themselves were already seriously injured, they still brought Mo Xingxian's injury again, and at this moment, it was no longer a minor injury.

Being pierced through the right shoulder by the Shanhe sword is certainly not fatal, and the injury will not be too light. Moreover, only Mo Xingxian understands that if the breath of silence left in his body is not driven out in time, the consequences will be very serious. serious.

These four young people are already proud enough to be able to achieve this level!

"Does anyone know who they are? It seems that there are no such outstanding young people in our ancient martial arts continent, right?"

"Didn't you hear what they said before, they came from the cloud world!"

"Yunzhongjie? I have been in Yunzhongjie for a while, and I have never heard of it. There are such outstanding young people!"

One after another voices of admiration continued to resound, looking into the eyes of Ye Chen and the others, it was indeed full of too much admiration!

"Are you all right?"

After glancing at Lin Yifan and the three of them, Ye Chen smiled and said, "Almost, we can go!"

He already had enough understanding of Mo Xingxian's strength, and he had already fought the battle to his heart's content. Although it lasted for a short time, it was still enough to have fun.

"Want to go?"

In the distance, Mo Xingxian, who was clutching his right shoulder and whose clothes in front of him were completely soaked in blood, smiled ferociously: "Really think, today, you can leave alive?"

Amidst the grinning laughter, Mo Xing didn't give the four of them the slightest chance to react. Suddenly, there was a violent energy fluctuation in this world, and it covered the land with a radius of one thousand meters in just a moment!
This space seemed to be isolated from the world, and the four of them could no longer absorb any spiritual energy from outside this space.


Ye Chen frowned, and even if he stretched it out, when he reached the realm of martial arts, he would be able to achieve his own domain. Now Mo Xing first displayed the domain, which is not surprising at all!
Mo Xing took a step forward and stepped into his own domain. He looked at the four people in front of him from a distance of a thousand meters, and the ferocious meaning in his voice reached its peak in an instant.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, I will let you taste what pain is like, I will keep you for the rest of your life, and let you become completely beasts in this world."

Looking at Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin, Mo Xingxian laughed grimly: "If my guess is correct, the reason why you have conflicts with Yun'er must be because of you two, right?"

"Since this is the case, what Yun'er failed to do, I will do it for him. After enjoying this seat, there will be countless people waiting. Those people admire you very much now, and regard you as their hearts. idols, but to be able to have the closest contact with idols and appreciate their perfection, presumably those people will be very willing."

"What the hell are you, you really are a bastard!"

Ye Chen, who never swears, couldn't help cursing, but immediately, his expression became extremely calm: "Since this is the case, today, no matter what, I will kill you!"

Hearing this, Mo Xing laughed wildly. Even though he was severely injured by the four people, it was only an injury. Do you really think that he can do better?

Amidst the loud laughter, the iron corpse with a faint copper-colored light turned into lightning and burst out.

In the previous battle, the Iron Corpse was not used. It was because Ye Chen and the others wanted to know how big the gap was between the four of them and Mo Xingxian. Now, they already wanted to kill this guy, so there was no need to hide anything .

field?Just in the field, Ye Chen can use all his trump cards without any scruples, including the Demon Emperor Bell!

When the iron corpse was plundered, the sea of ​​flames was so white that it occupied the entire domain. After a while, if Mo Xingxian didn't know that this was his own domain, he probably wouldn't have noticed it. , actually in the field.

The cold and high temperature constantly froze the space, especially with Mo Xingxian as the center, and there are countless layers of ice piled up layer by layer. A master of the fourth level of Tianwu may not be directly hurt by the Nether Demon Flame, but he can't even think about ignoring it. !

"Ye Chen, Aoxue, Luo Xin, give me a quarter of an hour!"

After saying that, Lin Yifan immediately sat down cross-legged, with the Shanhe Sword spinning around him at an extreme speed, and every time he rotated, a shocking sword light flashed out.

However, the sword glow didn't dissipate, nor did it fly away, but settled in the place where Lin Yifan was, as if waiting for something.

As more and more sword glows merged into the world and settled in the world, an astonishing fluctuation seemed to be seeping out quietly.

Nether magic flames froze the space, but Mo Xingxian was still walking step by step. The blood he shed seemed to carry extremely huge energy. When it dripped, it melted the ice in a large area of ​​space. Falling, and that Nether Demonic Flame seems to be shy away too!
In the distance, Ye Chen's eyes froze slightly, and then a look of madness surged out of his eyes, fighting desperately, he had never been afraid of anyone in his life!
"Chaos Yin-Yang Jue!"

When the shouting sounded in his heart, the surrounding world, even the endless world outside the domain, one after another energy, swarmed in and was sucked into his body.

Mo Xingxian's heart was shocked by such a move. This is in the domain, why is Ye Chen able to penetrate outside the domain?

"Aoxue, Fairy, I am the master!"

Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin had no way to absorb the aura in the world, and relying on pills alone to recover was far from keeping up with the speed of consumption.

"I know!" The second daughter replied.

"Hey, let's get started!"

Ye Chen was also grinning, and the Divine Cauldron of Yu immediately appeared through the sky. The black light, covering the sky and the sun, projected down, as if turning into a light and shadow.

Ye Chen leaped out like lightning, and stood in front of the light and shadow. Mei Aoxue and Luo Xin also dashed out respectively. At the two corners of the light and shadow, the three of them stood in a triangular shape!


The name of the formation is Qiankun Tianmen Formation. It was used by many people in Tiangong.

Although Mo Xingxian's cultivation base is higher than that of Xianmu, it is a pity that in terms of real strength, Mo Xingxian will not be the opponent of Xianmu. Today, if the three of them line up, they will not feel that they are not powerful enough!
Especially the three people now, compared with the ten people in the Tiangong that day, their cultivation has improved a lot.

Ye Chen controls life and death, Luo Xin controls the world, and Mei Aoxue is assisted by Xuanqing Pagoda.

All three of them cultivated, and in an instant, they exploded. A wave of energy passed through Luo Xin and passed to the gate of life and death. Ye Chen firmly controlled it. After a short time, in the world, hundreds of feet of spiritual power Refining, burst forth!

This horse training is extremely pure, it seems to be directly extracted from the ocean of spiritual power, and it is as pure as the origin of heaven and earth. Mo Xingxian, who is being entangled by iron corpses and ghost demon flames, is as if he is It was the pupils that tightened.

He suddenly felt that he still underestimated these four guys.

"The Qiankun Tianmen Formation, life and death!"

Ye Chen stepped on the seat of life and death, and grasped it in his palm. The extremely pure hundred-foot spiritual power, like an iron spear, was forcibly held in his hand, and then turned into a magic ax that opened the sky, with a bang, He slashed at Mo Xing in anger.

Even in the domain, such a blow seems to be able to break through the domain. Such a powerful power made Mo Xingxian feel jealous. In the body, the mighty spiritual power suddenly burst out.

"Black Wood Withered Palm!"

Mo Xing stretched out his palm first, and rays of light shone in the sky. In his palm, countless tentacles seemed to grow out, absorbing all the spiritual power, and then turned into a giant black palm, like a black cloud, facing forward , blasted out mercilessly.


The moment of the impact, the sky and the earth trembled. In the domain, except for Lin Yifan's location, every other place collapsed in an instant. If it wasn't for the domain, the void would turn into a vacuum in an instant.

But even so, it can be sensed that the domain space is trembling violently, that is to say, the collision of two attacks can almost shake this domain.


The three of Ye Chen vomited blood, and their bodies retreated quickly. Around the three of them, there were still terrifying energy ripples, which exploded continuously.

With just this one blow, if it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have been shocked to death!

The three of Ye Chen are having a hard time, and Mo Xingxian is also having a hard time. After all, he is not in his prime, and the silence in his body is melting his spiritual power all the time.

He seemed to have the upper hand when he received this blow, but in fact, the impact he received was not at all inferior to that just now when the Shanhe sword pierced through his right shoulder.

The power of the Qiankun Tianmen Formation, combined with the power of three people, is already amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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