Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 735 Yin and Yang Complement, Repression

Chapter 735 Yin and Yang Complement, Repression

"It is impossible for the two souls to fuse together because their origins are different, but now that their souls have merged, it means that the two of them have at least one of the same origins, which is why they were able to achieve this level!"

In the illusory pupils of the illusory giant face, a gleam flashed: "Although the old man is not clear what kind of change this is, you can rest assured that even if Ye Chen does not succeed this time, nothing will happen to him. , and Xiaoxiao will have more time."

"Senior, are you telling the truth?" Mei Aoxue still couldn't believe it.

Although she is intelligent, she is also a rare young person in this world. It can be seen that she has too little knowledge, and what the illusory giant face said has far exceeded her comprehension.

Hearing this, the illusory giant face smiled gently and said, "Miss, how dare this old man lie to you!"

Ming Yuexin accepted Mei Aoxue as her only disciple, and Zi Wuji even accepted Mei Aoxue as her adopted daughter. Everyone in Ziji Holy Land knew about this matter.

In this, the human world, and even the entire world, where countless people look up to, even though Mei Aoxue is a junior, her status is as high as Zi Xiao's.

She is the princess of the Purple Holy Land!
"Aoxue, don't worry, Ye Chen will be fine, you can trust me." Luo Xin said softly.

For Ye Chen, in some respects, Luo Xin knows better, because the two are both Taoist disciples, in Ye Chen, Luo Xin can feel that he is different from other Taoist disciples, which means , Ye Chen's understanding and changes of the Xuanmen Heart Sutra have reached a level that others can hardly imagine.

These will be Ye Chen's biggest cards!

"Get out of here!"

In the space of consciousness, Ye Chen's sharp voice resounded from the soul, and the current soul is the existence after he and Zi Xiao's soul merged into one.

At this moment, the power of yin and yang roared out. It seemed that the number was exactly the same as before, but the power was quite different!
This is directly emerging from the soul!
Before, although it also appeared from the inside out, from the soul, but it was equivalent to a person's body with another person's spiritual power, and it was never a perfect control to spread out such spiritual power.

It's different now, the two spirits are fused into one, and the power of yin and yang is also controlled by Zi Xiao.

The vast power swept out, and the shrouded lavender light suddenly showed signs of collapse. Looking around, there were already cracks clearly emerging from it.

And now, Ye Chen can also feel Zi Xiao's state, which is the most direct and clear feeling!

When the power of yin and yang filled the soul, almost instantly, there was no impurity in this soul.

It is impossible for impurities to appear in the soul, so the impurities mentioned are the poison of heavenly evil!

The Tianxuan poison body is centered on Zixiao's spirit, that is to say, Zixiao's spirit is in the central area. Now the power of yin and yang appears like the original source. Her spirit, for the first time after birth, is like this pure.

This is the first step, and it is also a gratifying step. In the soul, there is no longer the spread of the poison of the gods. Although it does not cut off the root of the poison of the gods, it also proves that the power of yin and yang, against the poison of the gods, does exist with a repressive effect.

"Xiaoxiao, let's leave it to you." Ye Chen said immediately, although the spirit and soul are blended together, the consciousness between each other is still individual, and Zixiao can control it, which is undoubtedly the best.

"Brother Ye, thank you!" After a long silence, Zi Xiao's voice sounded.

"Silly girl!"

Ye Chen chuckled softly. Now, he can truly calm his heart. Next, although it will be a long process, but already, there will be no more major troubles.

Zi Xiao's heart trembled slightly, and immediately her hands formed seals, and the power of yin and yang, like a stream of water, roared out under the package of the undead magic flame, and the entire consciousness space seemed to begin to undergo earth-shaking changes at this moment.

"The Heavenly Fiend Poison has changed!"

Outside, Zi Wuji's eyes flashed, and he said immediately.

After his reminder, Mei Aoxue, Luo Xin and Lin Yifan also clearly sensed that the aura surrounding Zi Xiaozhou was changing bit by bit.

And as parents, Zi Wuji and Mingyue Xin, who are also the highest in the world, have a more accurate grasp of such changes. They have also dealt with Tianxuan Poison Body for so many years, and now, the slightest change, That was an extremely big surprise.

They can clearly feel that the poison of the evil spirit is slowly restraining.

That kind of restraint is not being suppressed, but being quietly suppressed by some means and methods that they don't know clearly. That kind of suppression is extremely thorough, and it is a real suppression and resolution.

Aware of this scene, Rao Mingyue Xinshen is one of the most powerful masters in the world, and tears can't help but flow out of her pupils.

Every mother hopes that her child will be healthy and grow up safely. However, her child will suffer the greatest suffering in the world when she is born, and she will not receive the love and protection of her parents. . . . .
Her heart has been hurting for so many years, and at this moment, she finally saw her daughter's new life!

"Mother, stop crying, Xiaoxiao is fine, from now on, your family will be happy forever." Mei Aoxue said softly.

Mingyue Xin didn't wipe away the tears in her eyes, they were tears of joy and shouldn't be wiped away, she held Mei Aoxue's hand tightly, with tears in her smile: "Silly boy, what about your family, we should say, we family."

"Yes, yes, we are a family!" Mei Aoxue said with a smile.

Time passed little by little, and the progress of the process was very smooth. Under the endless suppression of the power of yin and yang, the poison of Tiansha was absorbed again and again, and in the end, it was forced by Zi Xiao, and all of them were driven out. Out of the consciousness space, into her body.

And next, as long as Zi Xiao controls the power of yin and yang and enters her body, then she can completely suppress the Tiansha poison, and then refine it and turn it into her own spiritual power. The Tianxuan poison body will be dissolved by itself .

However, at this time, Zi Xiao suddenly realized that the power of yin and yang seemed to have reached its limit and could not go any further.

"Brother Ye?"

Ye Chen clearly noticed the same scene, and after he was silent for a long time, he understood why.

This is the limit of the power of yin and yang. If he wants to continue, then he can only let his own soul truly transform into a yin and yang soul!

Only in this way can the Tianxuan Poison Body be dissolved!
Unexpectedly, the Tianxuan Poison Body is so difficult to deal with this day. With the power of yin and yang that he possesses, he still can't do it completely.

How can it be so easy to evolve into a yin-yang soul? Even if it can be done one day, but now that this step has been achieved, if it cannot continue, the counterattack of the evil spirit will be extremely terrifying.

"How to do how to do?"

Ye Chen was thinking hard, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind: "Yes! Demon Emperor Bell, come in!"

Moments later, the Demon Emperor's Bell appeared in the space of consciousness, and under the flickering light, an illusory figure quietly flitted out. This was Ning Wuya's soul.

After Ning Wuya was destroyed that day, his soul was taken away by Ye Chen.

On the shore of Taihu Lake, when he was healing Meng Xing and dissolving the energy in his soul, Ye Chen's own soul had never evolved before, so at that time, he took his heart.

Because, the confinement in Meng Xing's soul comes from Ning Wuya!
Now Ning Wuya's soul is here, after absorbing it, perhaps, he can evolve his soul into a yin-yang soul.

"Brother Ye, what are you going to do?" Zi Xiao couldn't help asking.

Ye Chen didn't hide anything, and told Zi Xiao in detail what he was going to do.

After listening, Zi Xiao said in a deep voice: "Brother Ye, the Yin-Yang soul is innate, and no one knows whether the Yin-Yang soul can be formed the day after tomorrow. Although you have a precedent for evolution, it is only a slight evolution. This method may not be able to do it.”

"No matter what, I have to try one more time. I have reached this level, and I can't give up!" Ye Chen laughed, and suddenly a light flashed in his soul, with Ning Wuya's soul, like lightning The reverse came.

"Brother Ye, in fact, there is a better method, which can make your soul reach the level of yin and yang without any sequelae or accidents." Zi Xiao said softly.

"what way?"

Ye Chen immediately asked, if there is such a way, it will undoubtedly be the last, absorbing other people's spirits to perfect oneself is always somewhat cruel.

"Brother Ye!"


"Leave the rest to me, okay?"

The voice sounded, and purple light flashed out of his soul. Ye Chen suddenly felt that his own consciousness had become drowsy. He felt that he wanted to sleep very much, and then he really fell asleep after a while.

"Brother Ye, there are right and wrong in the world, there are pros and cons, there is yin and there is yang, and the combination of yin and yang can achieve the great way, do you understand?"

Whether Ye Chen understood it or not, he was asleep now, so he couldn't hear these words.

And when the voice fell, a graceful figure appeared from among the purple awns, and then lightly fell into the arms of another figure, and then gently kissed it.

The purple light shrouded them, and the two figures were completely submerged in it, and they could no longer be seen. Time seemed to be frozen forever at this moment.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Ye Chen regained his consciousness, he immediately noticed that his own soul had undergone earth-shaking changes, and it had already transformed into a Yin-Yang soul!

"Xiaoxiao, what happened, why did I fall into a coma just now, and why did my spirit suddenly become Yin-Yang?"

A series of questions made Zixiao chuckle. Although she couldn't see the smile, it must have been overwhelming, with endless tenderness. She ignored it, and just echoed the cold voice.

"Suppress me!"

(End of this chapter)

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