Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 737 Late Night

Chapter 737 Late Night
The huge Ziji Holy Land was bustling for three days and three nights. This was only to celebrate the young master Zi Xiao's rebirth!
During the three days in the entire holy land, there was no fortification, and all the people were enjoying the carnival, regardless of their status or strength. . . .

Because everyone knows what Zixiao's new life means to Ziji Holy Land!That means that the future of Extreme Purple Sacred Land will be even more brilliant, and at the same time, will be even stronger.

In the middle of the night, every place in the Holy Land was still filled with that indescribably lively and joyous atmosphere, and it was still going on, and it was not known how long it would last.

That kind of joy is all from the heart, even those who follow the Zidao and harbor dissenting intentions, at this moment, all the dissenting minds are left behind. From now on, no one will dare to face Zi Xiao's status, there is no provocation!
But in comparison, in the depths of Yunshan Mountain, Zixiao's daily cultivation place, here is as peaceful as usual, as if time is frozen here.

"Sister Mei, why are you here?"

On that boulder, Mei Aoxue stood alone, her white clothes were more than snow, fluttering in the wind, like an exiled immortal strayed into the mortal world!

"I'm not used to that kind of excitement, so I ran here."

Mei Aoxue turned around, looked at Zi Xiao, and said with a smile: "Aren't you the same?"

Zi Xiao chuckled, and said: "Indeed, for many years, even those people who have been wandering alone in the world and have seen a lot of prosperity in the world, they still don't want to blend in with the excitement, so now, I'm still not used to it. "

After being alone for many years, and suddenly being able to integrate into this world, Zi Xiao felt that she was not so used to it.

The two women faced each other, and the bright moon shone on them, but it was impossible to cover up the brilliance that belonged to them. They are all one of the most outstanding women in this world. Even if the world, in front of them, can only become a foil.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Zi Xiao asked after a long time.

Mei Aoxue smiled and said: "Thinking about the past a lot, but also thinking about today, it seems a little unreal."

Zi Xiao was silent, and finally summoned up the courage to ask: "Sister, are you blaming me?"

"Blame you?" Mei Aoxue was slightly taken aback, but she immediately understood, and immediately said: "Xiaoxiao, don't think too much, I never think like that."

"Even if you think that way, I won't blame you, and I will say sorry to you, and say sorry to you on behalf of my parents!"

Zi Xiao said softly, her eyes flickering.

To be accepted as a disciple by Ming Yuexin, and to become the adopted daughter of Zi Wuji and his wife, this is an opportunity that everyone in the world needs to seize.

Even if Mei Aoxue can't control Ziji Holy Land in the future like Zi Xiao, she is still the princess of Ziji Holy Land and one of the most noble people in this world.

With this identity, when walking in the world, anyone should stay away, even those with similar identities, or the most powerful masters in the world, must be somewhat polite to Mei Aoxue.

Just because she is the princess of the Purple Holy Land, these four words are not allowed to be provoked by anyone, let alone disrespected by others.

However, for Mei Aoxue, this is not a good thing. Zi Wuji and his wife have their own selfish intentions. What they do is not because they really like Mei Aoxue. Maybe in the future, they will have a biological daughter for Mei Aoxue. She loves her so much, but when the couple first started doing this, it was to give Mei Aoxue a compensation.

Why should compensation, I believe, Mei Aoxue will be very clear in her heart, as will Ye Chen and others.

But at that time, Zixiao's Tianxuan poison body had not been suppressed, and the final result of everything was still unknown, so Zi Wuji and his wife did this, even though they were unwilling in their hearts, no one raised it.

Now, Zi Xiao is safe and sound, and because of this, she has reached the Dao Domain Realm. This is a great joy for the entire Zi Ji Holy Land. No one in the younger generation can compare with it.

Moreover, with Zi Xiao's talent and the magic of the Tianxuan Poison Body, Zi Xiao will definitely lead many people in the future and become the most powerful person in the world. It is very likely that among the most powerful people, she is for most powerful.

Therefore, the Purple Holy Land will usher in a new peak!

So today, Zi Xiao must say something clearly, she must not hurt other people's hearts, especially, Mei Aoxue and the others, for her own sake, traveled thousands of miles away, this love, Zi Xiao must remember In her heart, how could she make Mei Aoxue sad.

"Sister Mei, I can go and tell my father and mother to let them take it back..."

"No need!"

Mei Aoxue quickly waved her hand and said: "You may not understand my situation. When I was very young, my mother had disappeared, and my family only treated me because of my talent in cultivation. When I found my mother, she was driven mad."

"Over the years, I have taken her to live in Dahuang City. Although the environment has changed, my mother's illness has not recovered. Sometimes she recognizes me, and sometimes she doesn't recognize me."

"Since I was young, I didn't have the love of my parents. Therefore, even though my father and mother had selfish intentions at the beginning, they were really good to me. I can feel this. No matter what they think, I don't care. I really enjoy their care and love.”

Mei Aoxue said solemnly: "Xiaoxiao, my heart may feel a little uncomfortable, but I won't blame anyone, let alone you. When you and I met in Yanyangzong that day, I knew that if In this life, without you in Ye Chen's life, he will be very unhappy, so I don't blame you."

"Sister, thank you!"

In Zixiao's eyes, there is a complex, with a trace of guilt, Ye Chen is kind to her, she knows, but she knows even more, that kind of kindness has nothing to do with the children's personal relationship, it is just pure kindness, it is the brother's kindness to the younger sister.

Although Zi Xiao really wanted to make a change, she didn't want to. This kind of change would bring other harm to Ye Chen, especially Mei Aoxue. Hurt someone's feelings.

"Sister, don't worry, in Brother Ye's heart, you will only be alone, and although I am also in his heart, it is different. I will share Brother Ye's love. That kind of love has nothing to do with personal relationships , I won't be another person between you and him."


Zi Xiao raised her head and said with a smile: "In this life, being able to know Brother Ye is my greatest happiness, and being able to get sister you is my greatest luck. For me, this is enough."

"Xiao Xiao!"

Mei Aoxue gently hugged Zi Xiao, and said softly: "You should know, I don't think about it that way in my heart, but I'm actually thinking about what to do, so that between you, that level, The diaphragm that shouldn't exist disappears."

"Sister, you can't." Zi Xiao said quickly.


Mei Aoxue laughed jokingly: "Don't you hope that in the future, you can only look at Ye Chen from a distance, and you can only silently stand behind and guard your love for him?"

"But, but..."

Mei Aoxue patted Zi Xiao on the back lightly, and said softly: "I know what you are thinking in your heart, don't feel it, this is hurting me, because no one can accurately grasp the matter of feelings, if you like it, you just like it , understand?"

"Also, don't look at Ye Chen constantly laughing at Yifan, in fact, he himself is not much better than Yifan, so, there are some things, we have to take the initiative."

"Why take the initiative?" Zi Xiao asked immediately.

"Look, look, she even said that she didn't want to!" Mei Aoxue laughed jokingly again.

"elder sister!"

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

Mei Aoxue withdrew her smile, and said softly: "He still doesn't understand his feelings for you, so ah, I have to find a way to make him understand that his feelings for you are not actually brothers and sisters, but other feelings .”

"But what should I do? Let me take the initiative to tell him that I don't want to do this, and sister, none of you can say that."

Zi Xiao said in a low voice: "I always feel that I am committing a crime, so I don't want you to do more for this matter, because if I do that, I will feel even more guilty."

"Then force him to recognize the situation."

Mei Aoxue murmured and said: "I have a way, maybe I can try it, but when the time comes, there will be a lot of noise, so I have to wait until Ye Chen's cultivation has improved significantly before proceeding."

"What method, why wait?" Zi Xiao asked suspiciously.

Mei Aoxue tapped Zi Xiao's brows lightly, and said with a smile: "Why, little girl, can't you wait? Hehe, wait slowly, anyway, when the time comes, you will get your wish."

"elder sister!"

Zi Xiao buried her head in Mei Aoxue's arms, and said softly: "Sister, thank you!"

"You're welcome! The three of us have finally come to the present, and we are all safe and sound. We can carry on together in the future, so we can't be separated."

Mei Aoxue hugs Zi Xiao, she can say whatever she thinks.

The three of them, no matter who they were, had an unbearable past when they were young, and they all experienced the same misery and loneliness.

Perhaps in the world, there are many people who have the same experience. However, they are destined to meet each other. Mei Aoxue doesn't want to act against her will, even if she knows that doing so may make her feel a little uncomfortable , but compared to the eternal happiness of the three of them, what is this discomfort?
Now the world is not peaceful, no one knows when the catastrophe of the world will reappear, there is still time, why not let myself wait for others to live happily?
It would be a great tragedy if we waited until the last moment to understand this.

(End of this chapter)

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