Chapter 761

In the mighty energy, the mysterious jade bone is quietly suspended. The terrible impact seems to have no effect on the jade bone. The light is like flowing water, slowly circling outside the jade bone.

After reaching this level, the vitality contained in the jade bone began to quietly seep out from the flowing light, and then spread throughout Ye Chen's body.

Realizing such a scene, the Zijin Dragon Emperor couldn't help but be surprised. Under such a surge of vitality, he was able to preserve Ye Chen himself to a great extent. . . .If this jade bone is a treasure, Zijin Dragon Emperor can't guess what kind of treasure it is.

And this kind of happening is of great benefit to Ye Chen. You must know that except for this part of his body, the rest of his bones are all broken.

Ye Chen doesn't know now, because of the mysterious jade bones in his body, his keel can't be condensed to perfection. Now he, under the extreme pain, seems to be unbearable, a wave of weakness , spread throughout the body.

He felt that he couldn't hold on any longer, and that feeling actually made him want to give up!
However, when this feeling just came out, Ye Chen seemed to wake up suddenly, and at this moment, his mind still echoed the last words Zijin Dragon Emperor said to him when he experienced such a scene.

"The heart is like a rock, if you breathe, you will be immortal!"

"As long as you stick to your mind, guard your own consciousness and sanity, everything else, even if your physical body really collapses and your bones are gone, it has nothing to do with me."

Ye Chen seemed to understand that if he wanted to survive such hardships, then he couldn't take his own body too seriously. Here, the body became a shackle and a shackle instead.

If you want to break this shackle, you have to stay out of it!

Let the physical body and the spirit be separated and turned into two subjects. As long as the consciousness exists, the spirit will not die. . . .If the soul is immortal, then the physical body will reshape itself, and the bones will reshape themselves!
Knowing this, Ye Chen no longer panicked, calmed down, and looked at the changes in his body with detached eyes.

Time passed by little by little, the bones of the whole body, except for the mysterious jade bone, the rest of the bones turned into powder. It has been a long time, and Ye Chen has no way of knowing how much time has passed.

He could only feel that at a certain moment after this long time passed, a trace of majestic energy, the energy that tore apart the bones of his whole body, quietly swept into his body at this moment.

"Chaotic Yin-Yang Jue, Ning!"

At this time, Ye Chen suddenly regained all his consciousness as before, and he was no longer in a daze. Those kinds of exercises started to work naturally.

Now it's not cultivation, because the bones are gone, so I'm absorbing these energies to shape my own keel!


When Ye Chen woke up and began to shape the bone, the mysterious jade bone that had not been refined after an unknown amount of time in the refinement of the Zijin Dragon Emperor suddenly burst open at this moment.

The jade-like luster seemed to turn into flowing water, containing all the energy in the mysterious jade bones. At first, it gradually merged with the energy that came from the hall to help Ye Chen reshape his bones. One place, and then, was taken by Ye Chen, and began to shape his own keel.

The Zijin Dragon Emperor returned to the lotus platform, and his illusory gaze, like the starry sky above the sky, directly saw the depths of Ye Chen's body. He looked at the energy in the mysterious jade bone, which matched the energy in the hall where he was. Rong, and then helping Ye Chen shape the keel. . . .

After being silent for a long time, the Zijin Dragon Emperor whispered to himself: "Only he can adapt to Ye Chen's things, but this bone...although I don't know what it is, But believe me, there is no harm to Ye Chen."

The mysterious jade bone is full of pure and strong vitality. Besides, there is no aura of evil races outside the territory. The Zijin Dragon Emperor is not worried about what kind of conspiracy this will be. With his previous heights, this At one point, it can still be grasped.

It's just that this is still beyond the comprehension of the Zijin Dragon Emperor, so, more or less, there are some concerns in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, but the main hall became empty!
The emptiness now is completely different from what Ye Chen felt when he entered!

There is nothing now because there is no energy in this hall, but before, it was because Ye Chen's cultivation base was too low, and the Purple Gold Dragon Emperor's cultivation base was too terrifying, Ye Chen couldn't feel it.

At this moment, in order to help Ye Chen shape the keel, all the energy here has been consumed!
Therefore, on the lotus platform, the purple gold dragon emperor who had re-formed into a purple gold dragon body became more illusory, as if it would dissipate at any time, but Ye Chen's current state made him feel that everything was worth it.

At a certain moment, Ye Chen slowly opened his pupils, and an indescribably strong coercion radiated out on his own. It was the coercion of a real dragon.

Prior to this, in countless battles, with the help of the Cangxuan Transformation Dragon Art, Ye Chen released the real dragon pressure many times, but that was because of the help of the Cangxuan Transformation Dragon Art, but now, it is from the inside out. , released by itself.

The keel, already shaped!
With his mind in his body, Ye Chen could see that the bones in his body all showed a faint dark golden color, because of that color, these bones directly showed a sense of invincibility.

What is particularly fascinating is that outside the dark golden bones, there is a jade-like luster flowing, and under the wrapping of that luster, there is an exciting vitality filling it.

An extremely surging force wandered back and forth in the bones like flowing water, that kind of strength made people feel refreshed.

Ye Chen has no doubts, relying on his physical body, even if he is a master of the seventh level of Tianwu, he may be able to blast it with one punch. If he uses the magical power released by the Cangxuan Dragon Art, Even Hong Xian, a master of the master realm of one source of Taoism, would feel the mortal threat.

They all know that after the keel is achieved, one's own strength will change drastically, but they never expected that this change is so great that it is beyond expectation.

The current self is a humanoid super beast.

Possessing the bloodline of the purple-gold divine dragon, the keel has already been formed. Even though Ye Chen is not in the body of a real dragon, he has reached this point in the body of a human being. He is a real dragon. Perhaps, he does not need to deliberately pay attention to spiritual power in his future cultivation.

However, Ye Chen understands that this is somewhat unrealistic. Even if one day, he can rely on his physical body to reach the strongest in the world, but for him, this is not enough.

The Zijin Dragon Emperor, who was also the most powerful person in the world, finally fell under the power of the evil race. Even the original owner of the Infinite Mirror, whose cultivation base and strength were even higher than the Zijin Dragon Emperor, finally fell. .

Facing the vicious evil race, simply being a peak is obviously not enough!
"Senior, thank you!"

Ye Chen immediately looked at the huge body on the lotus platform, clasped his fists and said, when the keel was condensed, he understood what price the Zijin Dragon Emperor, or the Dragon Clan, had paid for his own keel.

That was direct, allowing a former Dragon Emperor inheritance to fall on him.

The Zijin Dragon Emperor smiled slightly and said: "Ye Chen, there is a bone in your body that seems very different. It didn't turn into powder, but melted like running water. In the end, it was completely different from your current bone. blended."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little heavy: "Senior, didn't any accident happen during the process?"

To be honest, he himself had forgotten the existence of the mysterious jade bone before this.

"There are no accidents. It is also very obedient. When you start to condense the keel, it melts on its own. However, this thing is very strange. As far as I am concerned, it seems that it does not belong to our world."

Although the Zijin Dragon Emperor is not worried about what kind of conspiracy this is, he still cannot be completely relieved. If the guess is true, that jade bone really does not belong to his own world. . . .

Even in his capacity as the Zijin Dragon Emperor, he would inevitably ridicule himself, what kind of peak exists, but it's just watching the sky from a well!

Ye Chen froze for a moment, and said: "This junior is not very clear. When I got it, I knew it was a bit unusual, and the jade bone has the ability to recover from injuries on its own. Apart from that, I don't know anything else. I no longer know."

Even after so many years, Ye Chen still couldn't figure out the mysterious jade bone, let alone, he had forgotten it.It's no wonder that there is a jade-like luster flowing outside the body's own bones. I thought it was a change after the keel was achieved, but I didn't expect it to be the change after the mysterious jade bone melted and then merged with my own bones.

The Zijin Dragon Emperor sighed softly, and said: "I'm not worried, but if this thing appears, if it is something out of the sky, it means that our world is really too weak."

Ye Chen's eyes froze for a moment, he understood the meaning of Zijin Dragon Emperor, but for him, he understood what he wanted to do, but he couldn't do it at all. Now, even if he condenses his keel, his strength far surpasses In the past, but in this world, he was not considered an unrivaled master.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

The Zijin Dragon Emperor immediately said solemnly: "Now that your keel has been completed, it is the beginning of the awakening of the dragon blood."

"Senior, what is the process of awakening the blood?" Ye Chen asked.

He asked Tian Qin'er the same question, but unfortunately the latter couldn't answer him, and also said that no one, not even the current Dragon Emperor, could answer it.

But Ye Chen believes that Zijin Dragon Emperor can answer, after all, the latter once traveled too far, trying to resolve this dilemma for the Dragon Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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