Chapter 763
"Great fortune?"

Ye Chen suddenly smiled and said: "Didn't the senior say that only after I can help the dragon clan will I be blessed with great fortune?"

"One moment, another moment!"

The Zijin Dragon Emperor said: "If this world will always be a prison cage, my persistence will have no meaning. Since you have shouldered the mission that Chen San left you, today, I will also help you. I hope In the future, it can be helpful to you."

"In any case, regardless of whether this world is really a cage or not, at least we must not let the world fall, otherwise, there will be no hope."

Ye Chen looked shocked, and said: "Yes, if the world falls, there is really no hope, no matter whether I can finally find out what is going on in this world, before that, I will never let the world It fell into the hands of the evil race."


The Zijin Dragon Emperor laughed, and his huge dragon body suddenly became more illusory at this moment.

At the same time, one after another, extremely dazzling purple-gold light patterns burst out from the lotus platform, and in an instant, the entire hall was enveloped in it. Naturally, it also enveloped Ye Chen.

Enveloped by the purple-gold pattern of light, Ye Chen couldn't help but climbed onto the lotus platform, and then sat down cross-legged.

"Marven Ye!"

The Zijin Dragon Emperor's voice rang directly in his mind: "My inheritance is all in this lotus platform, and the strength of my life is also in it. In the future, if you think the time is right, then you can open it." Lianhuatai, I have obtained the spiritual power from my lifelong practice, I hope, I can help you and contribute to resolving the catastrophe of heaven and earth."

"Senior, thank you!"

Zijin Dragon Emperor used to be a peak master, if Ye Chen can bear the former's spiritual power now, then he can reach the peak of martial arts in the shortest time, unfortunately, this is a bit unrealistic.

Ye Chen might not be able to bear that huge spiritual power even after he reached the sanctuary realm.

Ye Chen clasped his fists with an extremely respectful expression. After that, the Zijin Dragon Emperor will disappear forever in this world.

"Hehe, let's start!"

Ye Chen nodded, closed his eyes immediately, and began to accept the inheritance of the Zijin Dragon Emperor!

The purple-gold light covering the entire hall gradually gathered, and finally, outside Ye Chen's body, it turned into a purple-gold cocoon, enveloping him and the lotus platform.

Then it disappeared, and the hall disappeared. . . .

Outside Hualong Pond, the Dragon Emperor stood quietly, feeling that Hualong Pond had not changed day after day, year after year. His pair of golden pupils and golden lights began to flicker, showing concern.

"Patriarch, are you worried about little friend Ye Chen?" Jingli said beside him.

The Dragon Emperor shook his head and said: "Although it has been more than three years and Ye Chen hasn't come out yet, I believe that nothing will happen to him."

If Ye Chen couldn't bear the impact of the energy of Hualongchi, or if he failed to condense the keel, he would be sent out of Hualongchi by himself. It was absolutely impossible to stay there for more than three years.

Jingli asked: "What is the patriarch worried about?"

The Dragon Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Ye Chen said that achieving the dragon bone was only one of the reasons why he came to the Dragon Clan, but now, the longer the time drags on, the less hope he has for another purpose. .”

Jingli fell silent immediately, and after a long time, he said: "The plight of our Dragon Clan has lasted for countless years, patriarch, even if Ye Chen can't succeed, it seems to be a matter of course."

"But I, the Dragon Clan, can't last too long." The Dragon Emperor said in a deep voice.

Jing Li moved his mouth, and when he was about to continue to say something, his eyes suddenly tightened, and then, with his strength, at this moment, his expressions all changed in surprise.

Not only Jingli, but also the Dragon Emperor, and all members of the Dragon Clan, at this moment, no matter where they were, their faces changed drastically. Afterwards, figures came to Hualongchi like lightning. Grab it.

At this time, the Hualong Pond was no longer calm, but was surging like boiling water. The level of violence seemed to turn into a majestic sea.

A huge vortex that almost occupied the entire Hualong Pond appeared on the surface of Hualong Pond out of thin air, and then, one after another, extremely dazzling purple-gold light streaks burst out from the vortex, floating in the sky.

At this moment, there is a real dragon's coercion, far surpassing the Dragon Emperor, surging freely in this world.

Under such strong coercion, all the members of the Dragon Clan bowed down on the ground from the bottom of their hearts. Even the Dragon Emperor bowed slightly.

Many eyes cast their eyes on the sky, where countless purple and gold rays of light converged, flashing, it seemed that there was a lotus platform slowly taking shape, and on the lotus platform, one could vaguely see a figure, Sitting cross-legged quietly.

"This is? This is the Purple Lotus Golden Throne of the 37th Dragon Emperor! Ye Chen has actually received the complete inheritance of His Majesty the 37th Dragon Emperor. No wonder he will be in Hualongchi for more than three years."

Ji Li couldn't help but exclaimed.

When the words came out, the hearts and minds of countless dragon clansmen were shocked. In the history of the dragon clan, except for the dragon ancestor, this dragon king was the most powerful. Inheritance, all failed. Unexpectedly, a human being succeeded.

The ten thousand-zhang purple-gold light, like a patron saint, flickered left and right on the lotus platform. Everything in the space, including time, seemed to be tightly suppressed until, on the lotus platform, the young figure slowly When you open your pupils. . . .

The purple-gold light that enveloped the entire world flashed into the lotus platform with lightning speed at an extreme speed, and then, the young figure stretched, and after standing up from the lotus platform, the boundless coercion dissipated.

Outside the Hualong Pond, one after another looked at the young figures with absent-minded eyes. Even though the coercion had disappeared, they were still silent, and their faces were still full of shock, but they revealed the ups and downs in their hearts.

"Senior, thank you very much!"

Ye Chen said softly, lightly grasping the palm of his hand, and the lotus platform swept in from his palm. From this moment on, all the aura and marks belonging to the Zijin Dragon Emperor will never exist in the world.

What he gave Ye Chen was not only his entire inheritance, but also fulfilled Ye Chen!
The Dragon Emperor was the first to come back to his senses, smiled at Ye Chen, and said, "Congratulations!"

These words are extremely sincere. Even he wanted to obtain the inheritance of the Zijin Dragon Emperor back then, but in the end, he still failed.

"Hehe, good luck."

Ye Chen chuckled, and fell from the sky. The Fang Hualong Pond, at this moment, slowly disappeared, and began to wait for the next opening, but no one in the Dragon Clan knew what the next opening would be. when.

Looking at Ye Chen's current achievements, the Dragon Emperor's eyes were a little complicated. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Everyone go away first!"

There are some things that are more important, and he wants to ask them first.

"Since you are all here, then, there are some things I want to tell you personally!"

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "He knows what the Dragon Clan's biggest desire is now, and he knows even more that their desire may not be solved for a long time, but they need to face it." .

"Marven Ye?"

The expressions of the Dragon King and other top dragon masters suddenly became tense. They really wanted Ye Chen to leave Hualongchi earlier, but now that Ye Chen finally came out, they hesitated.

The so-called worry about gains and losses, even for people like the Dragon Emperor, will exist.

Ye Chen nodded slightly, and said: "In Hualongchi, I saw Senior Zijin Dragon Emperor again, which is what you call the 37th generation Dragon Emperor. With his help, I made a dragon bone, and after that, I knew everything .”

At this point, Ye Chen looked at the Dragon Emperor, looked at all the dragon clansmen, and said: "The awakening of the blood is what you are most concerned about now, and I want to tell you that maybe, forever and ever, your blood will not be like this." It can be awakened naturally as before in ancient times."

If this world is a cage, a cage that cannot be broken free, then the blood of the dragon clan will gradually dry up, until one day, the dragon clan will become history in this world.

No matter how confident Ye Chen was, he didn't dare to say that he could break free from this cage of heaven and earth, and even if he broke free, so what, what he had to face in the end was a terrifying master whose cage was made of heaven and earth.

Facing such a master, what kind of cultivation and strength should one have to be able to deal with it?
Ye Chen didn't know, so he didn't have any confidence. The so-called unknown is the scariest thing!

If you know how powerful the enemy is, then even if it is far behind you, you still have the direction and goal to work hard, but now, you are facing an almost illusory creature, how to face it?
When the voice came out, the entire dragon clan suddenly became extremely silent. The quietness that fell into silence had a great sense of depression, making every clansman feel panic, helplessness, and even despair.

Even the top masters of the dragon clan, such as the Dragon Emperor, can't help but have a look of despair in their pupils.

If the blood cannot be awakened, it means exhaustion. . . .The Dragon Clan will eventually disappear in the world and become a piece of past history. Although it was once brilliant, it is only once.

The Dragon Emperor raised his head to look at the sky, and asked desperately: "Could it be, God, do you really want to destroy my dragon clan?"

He is like this, how can the rest of the dragon clan raise their spirits a little bit?The entire dragon clan seemed to be shrouded in a layer of indescribable death, which represented extreme despair!

Looking at the people of the Dragon Clan, feeling the despair, Ye Chen's eyes flashed a icy coldness, and he said coldly: "Why, are you all scared?"

"The dignified Dragon Clan, the overlord of the heterogeneous world, is it just like this, should he give up?"

(End of this chapter)

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