Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 765 Rejection

Chapter 765 Rejection
In the quiet void, gradually, there was a rushing sound, and the sound of low and heavy breathing, like a wave that had just appeared, slowly spread out.

Ye Chen knew that he had said so many things, finally, it made the dragon clansmen have some reactions, and some reflections on themselves and the dragon clan. However, he knew even more that this was not enough!

How can it be possible for concepts formed over tens of thousands of years to change overnight?
It’s just that there are enough words, and it’s meaningless to continue. Whether the dragons will change or not, it’s all up to them. What should be done has been done, and what should be said has been said. , Ye Chen has nothing to do.

"I said so much before, I just want you to understand a truth, not to insult you, please don't misunderstand!"

Ye Chen clasped his fists and said that the Dragon Clan gave him too much, although there was selfishness in it, Ye Chen was grateful.

The Dragon Emperor smiled wryly, and said: "My little friend, we all understand your painstaking efforts. We are the ones who want to say thank you. However, there are some things that we all know in our hearts. Fear will exist, and it is not so easy to change."

Ye Chen said: "I understand, but as long as you want to change and face it, that's enough, because as long as you don't give up, you can always see new opportunities."

"My little friend, I will keep it in my heart!" The Dragon Emperor immediately clasped his fists and said.

"Well, I've been here long enough, and it's time to leave. When I see you again in the future, I hope that I will see a brand new Dragon Clan." Ye Chen said.

"Little friend, please wait!"

After looking at the Dragon Emperor and several other elders of the Dragon Clan, Jingli immediately said to Ye Chen: "Now you have also achieved a dragon bone. Inherited on behalf of the Dragon Emperor, so we thought, let you become the Supreme Elder of my Dragon Clan..."

If in the past, Ye Chen could have wished to become the Supreme Elder of the Dragon Clan, even though the huge Dragon Clan is in great difficulty now, it cannot be denied that it is still one of the most powerful forces in the world.

With such a backer, things will be much more convenient in the future.

But now. . . .Ye Chen smiled and said: "I don't have any resistance to this proposal, let alone object, but now, I don't want to."


The people of the Dragon Clan were very surprised. The Supreme Elder of the Dragon Clan possessed great power. Even the Dragon King could not give orders, and he was able to surpass the Dragon King and command countless masters of the Dragon Clan.

Ye Chen said no resistance, no objection, why did he refuse?

Ye Chen said with a smile: "I don't want to now, but it doesn't mean I won't agree in the future. It's just that when you agree, it depends on when you can make the Dragon Clan rejuvenate."

"I'm really not interested in becoming the Supreme Elder of the Dragon Clan for a lifeless Dragon Clan!"

"Little friend!"

The expressions of all the clansmen including the Dragon Emperor are changing at this moment.

"Patriarch, elders, I think, follow Mr. Ye, go to the world to experience." A clear voice suddenly resounded, and Tian Qin'er walked out with firm eyes.


The Dragon Emperor's eyes flashed, and he said immediately: "Little friend, I don't know, would you like to take Qin'er and travel in the world for a while?"

In Ye Chen's eyes, there is even more admiration. As far as he knows, the Dragon Clan has not appeared in the world for many years. I didn't know why in the past, but now I know that they are all confused by the blood, so I would rather Stay at home.

Today, Tian Qin'er is willing to leave her homeland and venture into the world, which at least shows that Tian Qin'er herself is willing to change and face the current predicament of the Dragon Clan.

This is of course a good thing. With Tian Qin'er taking the lead, I believe that more and more Dragon Clan members will do this in the future.

Only in the space between heaven and earth can they grow after undergoing countless catastrophes. Human beings are like this, and dragons are no exception.

Ye Chen never believed that without the power of blood, it would be impossible for the Dragon Clan to achieve this pinnacle of martial arts.

"Of course I am willing, but Miss Qin'er, I am outside, and there are too many powerful enemies. If you follow me, you will inevitably encounter life and death. These are very different from your life in the Dragon Clan. Have you thought about it?" ?" Ye Chen asked.

Tian Qin'er nodded vigorously, and said: "Actually, I wanted to go out and have a look a long time ago, but the patriarch and the others didn't want to, so I waited until today."

Hearing this, the Dragon Emperor couldn't help but smiled wryly, but immediately said solemnly: "Before, we had too many worries, so just... Now, I can promise you that after some matters are resolved, the Dragon Clan will not be here. Remain mysterious!"

"As it should be!"

Ye Chen laughed and said, "Miss Qin'er, is there anything to clean up? If not, let's go now! Everyone, take your leave!"

Seeing Ye Chen take Tian Qin'er away from the space passage, after a long time, the tranquility of the Dragon Clan was gradually broken.

"Great Elder, maybe Ye Chen is right. Over the years, my Dragon Clan members have been too persistent." The Dragon Emperor sighed softly.

"Yeah, it's time to change!" Jing Li replied.

"It's not too late to understand this truth now!"

Above the sky, a figure suddenly appeared, without any coercion, but it made everyone, including the Dragon Emperor, kneel respectfully on the ground.


"Get up!"

The figure descended from the clouds and appeared in front of the Dragon Emperor and the others. If Ye Chen were here, he would definitely be shocked. This figure is exactly the Dao Fang he met in the restricted area!
"Little friend Ye Chen, do you remember all the words in your heart?" Looking at the crowd of people, Dao Fang said.

"Yes, never dare to forget!" The Dragon Emperor responded immediately.

Daofang nodded slowly, and said: "Ye Chen is right, we are all too obsessed with our own blood, just think about it, even if we don't have blood, wouldn't we and others know how to practice? "

"That's right, having a bloodline will make it easier for me to practice. However, this is also a great shackle for us, because losing the bloodline will make us feel like we have lost everything. Very wrong!"

"You have to remember that it is of course a great thing that the blood can be awakened, but if it cannot be awakened, our talent still exists. Perhaps the road to martial arts is much more difficult, but the road to martial arts is not smooth at all." Fang Zhengrong said.

"Yes, the juniors all understand."

Dao Fang waved his hand and said: "Two months later, the Dragon Clan will be opened. Except for the patriarch and the elders, the rest will leave the Dragon Clan for the old man to experience in the world."

"Old Ancestor, so fast?" The Dragon Emperor was slightly startled and asked.

"Time is really running out. Go ahead and get ready!"

Looking at the direction where Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er left, Daofang smiled and said: "Now, I finally understand why the master values ​​Ye Chen so much and regards him as the hope of the future of this world. Because his heart is more persistent than anyone else."

"Little brother, work hard, this world still needs you to support it!"

On the empty plain, the space suddenly split open, turning into a huge portal, and two figures stepped out of it.

"Master Ye, where are we going now?"

These two people are Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er who left the Dragon Clan.

"Call me Ye Chen."

Ye Chen laughed and said, "Miss Qin'er..."

"You can also call me Qin'er, that's what they all call me."

Tian Qin'er looked around curiously. This was the first time she had left the Dragon Clan and seen the outside world, so everything was very fresh.

"Ye... Let me call you Brother Ye!"

Tian Qin'er looked around and said, "Brother Ye, where are we going now?"

The smile on Ye Chen's face was restrained, and he said solemnly: "Qin'er, you live in the dragon clan and don't compete with the world. Although you all have discussions on weekdays, it is not a life-and-death battle after all. But in this world, there are people everywhere. Life and death, these, are you mentally prepared?"

Tian Qin'er nodded quickly, and said, "Don't worry, Brother Ye, although I have no experience in this area, I believe that I should adapt quickly. Now, I am the first to leave the Dragon Clan, so I must Do something to make a significant change in yourself, so that you can change the Dragon Clan."

"Unexpectedly, you are young and have a strong sense of responsibility."

Ye Chen smiled lightly and said: "There are too many intrigues in the world. In short, this world is a big dye vat. Anyone who enters will change himself. I hope you remember that no matter what happens, No matter how the environment changes, you must stick to your original intention and never forget what your original intention is, do you understand?"

"Understood! Besides, I will always follow you. If you don't understand, you can teach me!" Tian Qin'er said.

Ye Chen couldn't help smiling, patted her on the head, and said: "Many things can only grow if you face them by yourself. It's impossible to stay by my side all the time."

Since he brought Tianqin'er out, Ye Chen must make Tianqin'er become stronger as soon as possible. That kind of strength is not only about strength and cultivation, but also other things.

Tian Qin'er blinked and said, "Anyway, I will study hard and adapt to this world. I believe in myself and I will be able to do it."

"Confidence is a good thing! Next, let you experience the cruelty and killing in this world, Qin'er, where we are going now, there are five masters of the Dao Realm. Maybe, there is one who has reached Are you afraid of masters who have reached the Dao Zunjing?"

Tianqin'er waved his fist and said arrogantly: "Brother Ye, not long after you entered Hualongchi, I reached the Dao Realm, and now, I have reached the peak of the Dao Master of the Second Origin, even if I am Dao Zun Dao I can fight against any master in the realm."

Dragons, even if their bloodlines are not awakened, their bodies are still extremely strong, and the combat power they unleash is terrifying.

"Okay, when the time comes, I'll see you show off your might!"

(End of this chapter)

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