Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 768 Killing

Chapter 768 Killing
"Boom, boom!"

There was a loud bang, and under the gaze of countless eyes, the complete small world collapsed in a shocking way after climbing the countless cracks.

Outside the small world, Hong Xian's face suddenly turned pale, blood was spitting out of his mouth, and his figure quickly retreated. His footsteps were already very staggering. The damage to the small world caused him to suffer severe injuries.

And in that collapsing world, Ye Chen was also in a bit of a panic. The blood on the corner of his mouth, and the clothes on his arms were torn and stained with blood. Although he could break the small world with his strength, the price he paid was also not enough. small.

However, this scene fell into the eyes of many masters of the Wuwang Sect. It was more than shocking. Whether it was the first level of Tianwu or the peak of Tianwu, it was always the Tianwu. It has never been seen that a master of the Tianwu realm can break the small world of a master of the Dao realm.

"As expected of the dragon family!"

Such words suddenly appeared in the hearts of every Wuwangzong master, and great fear surged in the depths of Ye Chen's pupils when they looked at Ye Chen.

And this sentence not only resounded in the hearts of these people, Ye Chen himself also had such a sigh.

If he didn't have the Cangxuan Transformation Dragon Art, and he had reached the Void Cave Realm, and he didn't have the Dragon Bone, with his strength, he would definitely be trapped to death in the small world.

Since practicing Cangxuan Hualongjue, especially after getting the bloodline given by the Zijin Dragon Emperor, Ye Chen has already known the supernatural powers of the dragon clan very well. Over the years, he has given him too many surprises, but this is the first time that he Really realized the power of the dragon clan's supernatural powers.

No wonder, it has been able to stand in the sky for countless years. Compared with Ziji Holy Land, although it is strong enough, it has always come from behind, and its background is not as good.

Wiping off the blood on the corner of his mouth, looking at Hong Xian in the distance, Ye Chen burst out laughing, his figure was like lightning, and rushed out.


Hong Xian's expression froze, and he was immediately furious. It was the greatest humiliation to have his own small world destroyed by a master of martial arts. Now, he still looks like he is not forgiving, which makes Hong Xian's eyes hideous and becomes Even more prosperous.

"Xuan Ling's arms!"

Hong Xian's hands formed seals quickly, and when waves appeared, his left arm also swelled up at this moment, and after a while, it also turned into a beast's arm.

The two arms are both thick beast arms, shrouded in a ferocious beast-like might, if it is not a human body, but has a human breath, I really think that Hong Xian's body is actually a monster.


In the middle of the sky, the sky tower emerged, and the world suddenly became extremely humid. When everyone looked around, they didn't know when there was a raging sea, and the waves were raging under the gust of wind.

"The sky tower, the third form, the raging sea rushes!"

The battle in the penalty area that day, this style, did not pose any threat to Hong Xian at all, but it reappeared today, but it directly gave Hong Xian a sense of danger.

With a great improvement in cultivation, the power of the same pose will naturally be very different, and this is also the terrifying fluctuation formed just now after Chen Feng released the power of his body to the extreme and combined it with spiritual power.

"Boom, boom!"

The majestic and angry sea melted into one place in an instant, turning into a wave that was strong enough to penetrate the world, and then swept out like a thunderbolt, slashing towards Hong Xian.

Faced with this blow that was enough to pose a great threat to himself, Hong Xian's face turned even paler. His arms pierced through the air, and spiritual power gathered one after another. Moments later, the two in front of him were like Optimus Prime. The beast arm condensed and appeared, and immediately, carrying the power that could break the sky, rushed out without the slightest reservation.

The entire sky seemed to be covered by these two big attacks. Even though it was above the sky, the wave that came from it still caused the masters below the Heavenly Martial Realm to disperse quickly on the ground until they left this range. Only then did the throbbing in the heart calm down, and even those who reacted a little slower were injured by the shock.

That level of horror has already surpassed the scope of strength possessed by the two of Zhan Zha!
In the sky, chaos swept across tens of thousands of meters in a radius, and the huge sky suddenly became distorted. Looking around, the shocking cracks were like a natural moat.

And the two figures in the chaos retreated violently again, their respective expressions were filled with a bit of tragedy. Obviously, no one took advantage of the blow just now.


Ye Chen laughed, and raised his hand violently in the void, only to see that the world seemed to be plunged into endless darkness.

But just a moment later, from the endless darkness, dazzling rays of light suddenly burst out from nothingness. Countless rays of light, condensed but not dispersed, turned into a vast silver array.

In the array of rays of light, in the center of the array, a round of bright moon floats in the sky, and the light of the bright moon, like the light of death, surges with extreme destruction.

In the next moment, the formation map merged into Haoyue, and Haoyue, carrying a silver glow full of endless destructive aura, turned towards Hong Xian and suppressed it.

Obviously, the attack from the Demon Emperor Bell has changed now!
It was this change that made Hong Xian feel no threat or danger, but a deadly smell.

"Guardian of the mysterious spirit!"

Hong Xian yelled, and the two huge beast arms condensed again, turning into a huge beast shadow from them.

This beast shadow presented an illusion, covering the sky and the sun, covering Hong Xian's entire body, as if using the world as a protective force to protect Hong Xian himself.


Haoyue suppressed it, silver light filled the sky, and the terrifying power of destruction, every time it charged out, it caused the huge beast shadow to shake violently. After so many times, finally, the beast shadow began to have subtle cracks appear. . . .


When the crack appeared, there was a clear and subtle sound. At the beginning, it was just an accidental sound, but later, it was almost connected together.

These voices were not very loud, but they were extremely harsh, making all the masters of Wuwangzong tremble, and the strength Ye Chen showed made them all tremble with fear.

Ye Chen's state was a bit sluggish at the same time. This kind of performance was extremely exhausting for him, but his eyes were fixed on the front. Although the crack appeared and began to spread, he never let go. Relaxed, many years of experience told him that as long as the enemy has not been seriously injured to the point of weakness, or died, then he cannot be careless in the slightest.

Contempt for any opponent, in the end, may bring him irreparable regrets in his life. In these years, Ye Chen has always fought by leapfrogging, and he has a deeper understanding of this experience.

The cracks spread rapidly, and finally, spread over every inch of the huge beast shadow, and at this moment, in the bright moon, another extremely terrifying destructive force erupted, ruthlessly colliding with the beast shadow.


This time, the impact was like a mountain smashing out, everyone heard a violent explosion, and immediately saw that the beast shadow turned into light spots all over the sky with a bang, and began to dissipate in the void.

The protection was broken, and Hong Xian was injured again. Watching the bright moon rushing towards him, he didn't think about it any more. Maybe he defeated Ye Chen, and if he continued, the ending would not be good. More importantly, he knew that Wu Wangzong had given up on him.

It is obviously impossible to fight Ye Chen hard, so he can only leave first.

However, just as he moved, he suddenly discovered that the surrounding space had been imprisoned, and breaths that he could not comprehend swept over from this imprisoned space.

Although the Chaos Formation could not trap Hong Xian for too long, it was more than enough to trap him for a while.

At this time, Haoyue had already suppressed it.


A violent explosion resounded through the chaotic formation, a destructive force that was powerful enough to destroy a piece of land, swept away frantically, turning this space into nothingness.

However, Ye Chen knew very well that this level of impact might make Hong Xian very embarrassed and seriously injured, but it was still not enough to kill him.

"The sky tower!"

Ye Chen slammed, and the cyan iron tower directly appeared in the chaotic formation, and the bottom of the tower turned into a black hole, and terrifying impact forces surged out of the black hole quickly.

There is no need to doubt the quality and power of the natal treasure from the Lord of the Heavenly Palace. His cultivation has reached the peak of Tianwu. For such a treasure, Ye Chen is relatively handy in using it.

That space, under such bombardment, no longer exists in the heaven and earth, and nothingness has been formed here. The so-called nothingness does not mean disappearance, but a place of nothingness in space.

That is to say, with the strength of less than Dao Domain, Ye Chen forcibly broke the void, tore the void, and achieved nothingness, just like that day, Hong Xian and the chaotic power in the restricted area broke the void .

This is something that can only be done in the Dao realm, and it was done in the hands of Ye Chen, but now, this can no longer shock the masters of Wuwangzong. In fact, the shock he brought to people is already too much , so much that it makes people numb.

Under the explosion, Hong Xian's figure was submerged, and his aura seemed to be assimilated by the destructive force, making people unable to feel his existence, as if he had been beheaded.

Ye Chen knew that Hong Xian was not dead yet, and now, he couldn't let Hong Xian go, his mind moved, and there seemed to be a sharp blade darting out of the chaotic formation, towards the place he locked, and darting out.


A bloody light, at this moment, shot straight into the sky, and in the bloody light package, one could clearly see that it was Hong Xian's head.

At this moment, Hong Xian was considered killed.

But as a master of Dao Domain, this is not over yet. . . .So Ye Chen pointed to the void, and a black glow covered the entire area of ​​thousands of miles.

This is the power of the Demon Emperor's Bell!
(End of this chapter)

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