Chapter 777
Regarding the appearance of Tianya Haige, Ye Chen had to be more cautious. If it was really a diversion, wouldn't all the preparations be in vain?

It's fine if you don't know Tianya Haige, but now you know it, but it's all in vain. . . .
Chu Yuan immediately said: "My lord, not long ago, around the time when this news spread, there was a strange fluctuation outside Xuanhuang City. Everyone felt trembling, thinking that the token of Tianya Haige had already appeared, everyone felt that the appearance of Tianya Haige should be nearby."

"Is that right?"

After being silent for a while, Ye Chen immediately said: "Brother Chu, do one thing for me, mobilize the power you have, and expand the scope of attention as much as possible. There must be more than one token. Even if we can't get it, We must also try our best to know who owns these tokens."

Instead of waiting to grab it after entering the Tianyahai Pavilion, it would be easier to know who owns it in advance and find a way to get it.

"Don't worry, my majesty, I have done this a long time ago. In fact, I am afraid that all the major forces have ambushed their hands and are waiting for the token to appear."

Speaking of this, Chu Yuan clasped his fists and said: "My lord, Miss Tian, ​​now this Xuanhuang City is mixed with dragons and snakes, and masters from all major forces are still coming here. It won't be long before I think it will be here. Haige will become extremely complicated, so I would like to invite you to live in Tianxuan Mountain."

Although he is a nine-headed jiao and belongs to the dragon clan, don't say he is not a real dragon clan. Even if he turns into a dragon, the two in front of him are the objects that Chu Yuan needs to look up to. It would be great if he could make friends in advance. but.

"My lord, Miss Tian, ​​there are still many comrades in Tianxuan Mountain. If Tianxuan Mountain can be unified, it will be the monster clans in the other two mountains. In the future, whether it is fighting for the token or entering the Tianyahai Pavilion, it will be of great importance." Great benefit."

Ye Chen is naturally aware of this point. Although he and Tian Qin'er are strong, there are only two of them after all. Compared with other big forces, they are short of manpower. If they can unify the monster clans in the three surrounding mountains, it will be powerful. A force.

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen said: "Brother Chu, although Qin'er and I have an extraordinary status in the dragon clan, I am afraid that not all monster clans have a heart of submission to the dragon clan. The strength of me and Qin'er may be quite difficult."

Ye Chen has self-knowledge, not to mention the other monster races in the three major mountain ranges, Chu Yuan alone has the cultivation base of the Dao Domain, if it is not for the nine-headed flood dragon, he may not follow Tianqin'er's words and come to the city, even more It is impossible to be respectful to Ye Chen.

Chu Yuan clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, my majesty, my Nine-headed Jiao family has a lot of importance in Tianxuan Mountain. For the time being, we can take Tianxuan Mountain as the center, first unify Tianxuan Mountain, and then tell the other two big ones. When the mountains and the Tianyahai Pavilion will appear, no one can say for sure, we can try first."

"Then, brother Chu, tell me first, what kind of strength the monster clan in the three mountain ranges have."

Perhaps, Chu Yuan has selfish intentions, and wants to use the power of Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er to complete his Nine-headed Jiao clan's dominance in the mountains, but that's okay, as long as he can help him succeed, Ye Chen doesn't mind helping his Nine-headed Jiao clan to become King of the Three Mountains!
Chu Yuan said in detail: "In Tianxuan Mountain, there are three major factions of the monster clan. One of them is my Nine-headed Jiao clan, and the other two clans are the Tianwing Tyrannosaurus clan."

"This family has the bloodline of divine beasts and has great potential. Today's Sky Winged Tyrant Tiger King has reached the level of the master of the three origins. His strength is so strong that it cannot be underestimated."

"The last force is a family of many monsters united together, not a single group, and its leader is the golden crystal dragon in the center of the earth..."

The golden crystal dragon in the center of the earth?Ye Chen remembered that many years ago, when he and Zi Xiao were practicing in that barren mountain, he had met a golden crystal dragon in the center of the earth, and he had obtained the Transformation Pill from Zi Xiao, so he agreed, for him and Zi Xiao, together with that The blue-eyed fire ape and beast jointly established a force, which will be used by the two of them in the future.

Many years have passed, and Ye Chen has never been back to the Lingcang Continent, let alone the barren mountain, and he doesn't know how those two guys are doing now.

However, not to mention the blue-eyed fire ape beast, the golden crystal dragon in the center of the earth was born with a trace of dragon blood, and his achievements would not be too low. Moreover, he also obtained a lot of resources from Zi Xiao. With a trace of dragon blood, now, at least It should also reach the cultivation level of Dao Domain Realm.

You must know that when we met back then, the Earth Core Golden Crystal Flood Dragon had reached the stage of evolution. These monsters have extremely terrifying innate supernatural powers, and at the beginning, they had even fused with their own blood. What kind of changes will happen? Even Chen didn't know, but thinking about it, it should be scary now.

"The golden crystal dragon in the center of the earth also has a trace of the blood of my dragon clan. It should be able to get close to your nine-headed dragon clan. Why didn't you unite together?" Tian Qin'er asked, blinking her eyes.

Hearing this, Chu Yuan smiled wryly, and said: "The golden crystal dragon in the center of the earth seems to have had some great encounters, and has successfully evolved several times. Now the dragon blood in its body is far ahead of us. In fact, when he came to Tianxuan Mountain, my Nine-headed Flood Dragon Clan also recruited him, but he didn't want to be subordinate to us, and we didn't want to be controlled by him, so..."

"Something changed?"

Tian Qin'er suddenly became interested: "What kind of cultivation does that big guy have, I want to try it out, how strong will such a change be?"

"In terms of cultivation, he is only at the peak level of a Daoist Master of Origin, but it is because of such a change that even the Heavenly Winged Tyrant Tiger King cannot defeat him, so he came from behind and became one of the three overlords of Tianxuan Mountain .”

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

Tian Qin'er chuckled, and then shook Ye Chen's arm: "Brother Ye, you still want to stay in Xuanhuang City to do business, let me go to Tianxuan Mountain first, okay? I promise, I will definitely defeat those two guys and put Tianxuan Mountain is unified, okay?"

Tianqin'er is willing to go, that's naturally the best, the battle between monsters is more direct than humans, but also more brutal, Tianqin'er needs such experience, with her cultivation base and strength, plus the nine-headed flood dragon With your help, nothing major will happen.

"You're going, of course you can, but before you act, you have to listen to Brother Chu's opinion, and you can't act rashly, do you understand?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Well, I got it!" Tian Qin'er nodded vigorously.

"Then Brother Chu, now, tell me about the Demon Realm!"

It is not so easy to unify the monster clans of the three major mountain ranges, and they can only be carried out after Tianxuan Mountain can be unified, so for the time being, Ye Chen does not want to know the strength of the other two major mountain ranges.

When mentioning the Devil Realm, Chu Yuan's expression tightened slightly, and he said, "The Devil Realm is indeed in the midst of internal fighting."


Chu Yuandao: "Because the most precious treasure in the demon world, the Demon Emperor Bell, which symbolizes the supreme status of the demon king in the demon world, has been missing for many years."

Sure enough, it has something to do with the Demon Emperor's Bell!

Chu Yuan said again: "For countless years, because of the Demon Emperor's Bell, the interior of the Demon Realm has always been unstable. However, the demon kings of all dynasties are all the resources of heaven. With their supreme power, the influence of the disappearance of the Demon Emperor's Bell has been reduced to a minimum Lowest, so even though there is internal strife, it will not affect the situation of the entire Demon Realm."

"However, the contemporary Demon Lord...About two hundred years ago, the Contemporary Demon Lord went out and encountered a formidable enemy. Although he successfully killed the opponent, he himself was severely injured, and his injuries have not improved over the years. , and has been in retreat all the time, so that although there is a demon king in the demon world, it is still a situation where the dragons have no leader."

"Slowly, the demon king came out, making people feel that the contemporary demon king has fallen. Therefore, in order to fight for the position of the demon king, the four great devils in the demon world divided the huge demon world into four camps. , the struggle continues!"

Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er both tightened their expressions. Mojun is undoubtedly one of the few masters in the world today. His cultivation level should be comparable to that of Zi Wuji and his wife, as well as the current Dragon King.

Such a peak master, unexpectedly, will be seriously injured, and then he will not be able to recover for a hundred years, and he has to retreat for many years, which even makes people think that he has fallen.

Chu Yuan said: "The four major demons each have their supporters, and they are all extremely outstanding. Their strength is between brothers, and no one can stand out, so they can't make the other three demons submit. Therefore, such a The situation has continued until now.”

Four devils. . . .When I went to the northern mainland, entered the ancient castle of Yuanshan, then entered the ancient ruins, got the bell of the emperor, and finally met my father, Ye Tianxiang, that devil's name was Mohe!
Since he is listed as one of the four great devils and one of the four heirs of the devil world, Mohe's talent and strength, even back then, should have been enough to dominate the northern continent. How could he be chased by the Yanyang sect in the end Killed, saved by his father Ye Tianxiang?
Ignoring these things for the time being, Mo He already knew the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor's Bell, so why did he never get it back for so many years?Even if he can't leave by himself, can he send someone to come?
Recalling what the mysterious man said in the triangular domain, is the current situation in the demon world already very bad?

Perhaps, for Ye Chen, the bad situation in the demon world would be a good thing. He has the Demon Emperor Bell, so he can sit in the center and recover the Quartet, but to accomplish this, he needs a strong strength, and Ye Chen does not have such a thing now. Qualifications.

"In the end, who was the enemy of the Demon Lord back then?" Ye Chen let out a sigh of relief, and after dismissing these troubles, he turned to ask, this matter is more important.

Chu Yuan said, "I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Ye Chen and Tian Qin'er were shocked.

Being able to fight against the Demon Lord, forcing the Demon Lord to be seriously injured and unable to recover, there are only a handful of such characters in the world. If you want to check, you can easily find it, but, unexpectedly, you don’t know!

Could it be the evil race!

(End of this chapter)

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