Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 781 Necromancer

Chapter 781 Necromancer

Shocked by Ye Chen's punch, the monster seemed to be extremely angry. It roared up to the sky, becoming even crazier. The next moment, its body was like lightning, rushing towards it, and a sense of terrifying power roared in the space. .

Not only that, but it also made Ye Chen feel that that guy seemed to be able to use the death energy in the endless battlefield. When it hit, the death energy all over the sky moved accordingly, as if turning into a terrible death energy Pi Lian rushed towards Ye Chen together.

"Little brother, be careful!"

Ye Chen's expression tightened slightly, he flicked his fingers lightly, the undead demon flame turned into a sea of ​​flames, and greeted him like lightning. in the package.

However, what Ye Chen didn't expect was that after only a moment, this guy rushed out forcefully, still rushing with that powerful sense of power.

Moreover, the moment it appeared, the dead energy in the world once again moved with it.

"It's interesting!"

With a thought in Ye Chen's mind, the undead flames spread rapidly, turning into a sea of ​​flames, enveloping a thousand-meter radius, and all the dead energy here turned into nothingness in an instant.

"Let me see how strong your physical strength is."

As soon as the words fell, streaks of purple-gold light appeared outside his body like lightning, and the number reached an astonishing eight hundred.

The purple and gold light patterns converged and directly transformed into a huge purple and gold dragon fist, which slammed into the monster with domineering power.


The domineering force pierced through the monster's chest, and the latter flew thousands of meters away. Its huge body fell to the ground with a bang after being hit hard.

From its body, no blood flowed out, but what was released was extremely pure death energy.

The passing of one after another death energy is like the passing of human vitality, so that the monster has never been able to stand up again since then, and it should be dead.

And when those dead air swept through the void, they immediately merged with the dead air in the space, and the monster's body also gradually melted away. This is really a strange creature.

But at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly saw that the monster's eyes were about to disperse, and there was a rather humane gaze, which seemed to mean a kind of relief.

"Brother, how is your injury?" After a while, Ye Chen came to the middle-aged man and asked with a smile.

"It's okay, I won't die, little... my lord, thank you."

The expression of the middle-aged man became a little reserved. He is a warrior of the sixth level of Tianwu, and he is placed in some remote places in the central area. Even if he cannot become the overlord of one party, he is still a high-ranking figure.

Facing the monster just now, there was almost no power to fight back. However, the monster was killed by a single punch in front of this young man. You must know that that guy is at least comparable to a master of the ninth level of martial arts and Tianwu.

The huge gap made the middle-aged people feel awe in front of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen waved his hands with a smile, and said, "My name is Ye Chen, it's not necessary to be an adult or not."

"Xu Chu, thank you Brother Ye for saving your life." Xu Chu, a middle-aged man, immediately clasped his fists and said solemnly.

"Brother Xu is good!"

Ye Chen laughed, and then asked: "What is that guy just now? Why do I feel that it seems to be composed of death energy, and the way of death is so weird?"

Xu Chu's eyes trembled, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Actually, to us, that guy is already dead."

"Oh?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows.

It is true that there is no vitality in the whole body, only dead energy, which is not something that a living thing can have, but since it is already a dead thing, then why can it be alive and kicking, displaying terrifying power?
"This is a special kind of creature in the endless battlefield. For creatures like them, it may be a kind of sadness."

Xu Chu said: "Brother Ye, this is the first time you have entered the Infernal Battlefield, right?"

"Yes!" Ye Chen replied.

Xu Chu then continued: "In the endless battlefield, there are endless, rich and unmelted dead energy. These dead energy, absorbed and refined in a short period of time, will bring us certain benefits, because that kind of energy is extremely pure. .”

This is true, Ye Chen has personally experienced that less than an hour of cultivation in the cave is worth at least two hours on weekdays, but after cultivation, it will take some time to refine one's spiritual power.

He has the Undead Flame, so he doesn't need to re-enter the practice. If it is replaced by other people, the time spent is actually about the same.

"And after this kind of energy is transformed into spiritual power and merged with oneself, it will also make one's own spiritual power stronger. It is for this reason that many people are willing to practice in the endless battlefield, but!"

Xu Chu said solemnly: "Many people, either did not control the speed, or were unable to refine it due to a large amount of dead energy invading their bodies during cultivation. Due to various reasons, they would Deep in the endless battlefield, become the food of the dead here."


Xu Chu nodded, and said: "The so-called food is that all the flesh and vitality will be absorbed by the dead energy trapped in it, so that the dead energy will occupy the body, making a living creature into what we just said. The monsters we see, we call them undead."

Ye Chen asked immediately: "Brother Xu meant that the monster just now was actually transformed from a monster. It just got stuck here, its flesh and vitality were absorbed, and then the death energy took over it." body?"

"That's right! These undead are actually very pitiful. Their physical bodies are occupied, and even their souls are also occupied. From now on, life is worse than death. They are like walking corpses, walking in this endless battlefield."

Xu Chu said: "Brother Ye, you killed it just now. For it, it is actually a kind of relief. Otherwise, it will live forever, its soul will be suppressed, and there will be no chance of rebirth."

No wonder, Ye Chen recalled that at the end of the monster's transformation just now, there was relief in his pupils, and there was a look of gratitude to himself, so it was like this.

However, even though it is such a dangerous place, it still cannot stop more and more creatures from coming here to practice. . . .

"Brother Ye, you probably want to continue to practice here?" Xu Chu asked.

Ye Chen replied: "Yeah, I haven't been here for a long time. Now that I'm here, I'll have a good look at it. Although it's dangerous, everyone knows that danger always coexists with luck."

If it wasn't for this reason, who would come here in such a place!
"It's just like this. Crisis and chance always coexist, and only when you know that you are going to be stuck here and you can't leave will you feel regret."

Xu Chu couldn't help sighing, if he hadn't met Ye Chen by chance today, he probably would have ended up in the same way.

"Brother Xu, can you still act? Do you need me to take you out of here?" Ye Chen asked.

Xu Chu smiled and waved his hands: "Thank you Brother Ye for your kindness, this place is already on the edge, and you won't meet undead anymore. As long as I don't continue to practice, nothing will happen."

"In this case, I'll take my leave!" Ye Chen immediately planned to move on.

"Brother Ye!"

Xu Chu hurriedly shouted: "The area we are in now is the outskirts of the Infinite Battlefield. On the edge, the chances of undead appearing are very small. I was also chased all the way here."

"Brother Ye, go ahead. After about ten miles, even if you enter the central range, you will often encounter undead. Brother Ye, you must be careful."

Ye Chen nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay, I know, thank you Brother Xu for reminding me."

"and also!"

Xu Chu said: "In addition to monsters and beasts, the people caught in this endless battlefield are us humans more, so Brother Ye, don't be careless. If you encounter a humanoid undead, don't show mercy."

"They are already dead. Killing them is a relief for them."

"One more thing to see!"

Speaking of this, Xu Chu seemed to be struggling a little, or wanted to say it, but couldn't, or dared not.

"What's the matter, Brother Xu, if you have anything to say, just say it." Ye Chen asked with a smile, while speaking, he naturally took out a few healing pills and handed them to Xu Chu.

Seeing these pills, Xu Chu couldn't help being stunned, and after a while, he quickly said, "Brother Ye, that's not what I meant."

Ye Chen waved his hands and said with a smile: "I only know that there is still a long way to go from the seamless battlefield. Brother Xu is not seriously injured now. With these pills, he can recover faster, and he can go out safely. Otherwise, if Xu If something happened to the eldest brother on the way, wouldn’t I have been saved in vain?”

"Brother Ye!"

Xu Chu gritted his teeth, and finally said: "Brother Ye, if you still have a period of experience in the endless battlefield, then, in the northwest, about three hundred miles away from here, something seems to have appeared, Brother Ye You can go and have a look."

"But Brother Ye, you should be more careful. That place is not peaceful now. Apart from being surrounded by dead spirits, there are also better masters appearing."

Hearing this, Ye Chen raised his brows unconsciously. The Infernal Battlefield is a deadly place, even a Jedi, and something will appear. From this point of view, what appears must be extraordinary.

The master who came from Xu Chu's mouth would be a real master, able to attract these people to go. . . .
"Brother Xu, be careful on the way back, I'll take my leave first!"

Ye Chen didn't stay any longer, and left like lightning in the direction Xu Chu said, and disappeared in the distance after a while.

Looking at Ye Chen's back, Xu Chu said softly: "Brother Ye, I hope this news can repay your life-saving kindness."

After muttering softly, Xu Chu seemed to have thought of something, his expression became tense, and after swallowing a elixir given by Ye Chen, he immediately let go of the pill as quickly as possible, and sprinted towards the direction of departure.

(End of this chapter)

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