Chaos Yin Yang Art

Chapter 783 Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 783 Unexpected Encounter
In the front, it only takes one step, and it seems that he has stepped into a new world. However, this step, no matter what, Ye Chen can't take it out.

In the lonely mountain, there really is a terrifying and powerful seal. Anyone who wants to enter, whether it is Ye Chen or the undead, will be forcibly pushed back.

Even if Ye Chen used all his strength and put all the means on it, he couldn't let his seal loosen in the slightest. The terrible undead magic flame, in front of this seal, turned out to be like an ant.

"This terrible seal, even the masters of Daoyuan realm, can't shake it."

Ye Chen's eyes flickered lightly, perhaps it was for this reason that the hall on the lonely mountain could always exist like this.

The seal cannot be broken through, and it cannot be kept here forever.

The lonely mountain is very big, and its location is only one point. The same point, there are many in the mountain. . . .Ye Chen thought for a while, then set off to quickly sweep around the mountains.

The seal naturally covers the entire mountain range, so there should be no so-called weak points, but I believe that the number of undead spirits may be different.

However, what Ye Chen didn't expect was that he spared at least half a circle of the lonely mountain. Looking at the foot of the mountain, the number of dead spirits is still endless.

"Could it be that there are terrible numbers of undead at the foot of the entire lonely mountain?"

The more this happened, the more curious Ye Chen was.

So many undead spirits also mean that over the years, there have been countless people and monsters who have been trapped here, which proves that the hall on the lonely mountain is extremely attractive to those who know it. Knowing that there are many dangers here, even if you are very careful, you may be trapped here and become a dead spirit, but you still can't stop others from coming.

"What is there in this hall?"

After getting rid of the several undead that rushed over, just passing a thousand meters away, not far ahead, there are several powerful auras sweeping madly, the weakest of which has reached the peak of Tianwu , while the other three paths are all in the master realm of Yiyuan Dao!

The four breaths intertwined in one place, erupting terrifying energy ripples, shaking the surrounding space and earth, and continuously collapsing.

The battle was naturally fierce, but what attracted Ye Chen was not the battle itself, but the two of them!
Of these two people, one is a master of the Dao realm, the other is the weakest master of the peak Tianwu realm among the four auras, and their opponents are undead who have both reached the level of the Dao realm!
Necromancers are like puppets, fearless of death. In the endless battlefield, their strength can be displayed infinitely, much stronger than the masters of the same level.

However, even so, these two people, under the attack of puppets at the level of the two Dao domains, did not fall too far. It is also unlikely to be possible.

The strength of these two people is extraordinary!

Of course, he, Ye Chen, is also at the peak of Tianwu, but he is able to kill masters of the second-source Daoist realm. Such a skill in leapfrogging battles cannot be patented by him alone in the world. That master at the peak of Tianwu can rival Dao realm undead, although shocking, it is not impossible that it will not happen.

But it can also be seen that if the time lasts for too long, if they cannot get rid of the two big undead, and if they cannot be bombarded to death, these two people will also be in danger.

Ye Chen looked very curious, those two people directly gave him a sense of familiarity, but Ye Chen was sure that he didn't know these two people.


After a while, Ye Chen's eyes flickered suddenly, and he finally knew where the sense of familiarity came from. Those two people, in the spirit power breath swaying out at this moment, had an extremely pure - devil energy!
Accompanying the Demon Emperor's Bell for so many years, and using the Demon Emperor's Bell countless times, how could Ye Chen admit to that pure devilish energy.

These two people are the masters of the devil world!

I wanted to meet a master of the devil world in the endless battlefield, and I finally met it today.


Amidst the violent impact, the master of the demon world at the Tianwu realm was forcibly pushed back by the undead, and blood gushed out of his mouth. Although he was able to fight against the master of the Taoist realm, obviously, facing such a level of undead, The time he can persist will not be too long.

After being injured and retreating, the aura of this master of the demon world suddenly became a little disordered. When facing the attack of the undead again, it was obvious that he could no longer maintain that kind of sensitivity like before. After a while, he would definitely be killed by the undead.

Ye Chen didn't hesitate any longer, and rushed out from the darkness like lightning, carrying a domineering power, and roared towards the undead.

The deep energy exploded, and at the same time as the undead was shaken away, Ye Chen shot away again, the purple and golden light pattern turned into a dragon fist, and the dazzling brilliance directly enveloped the undead.

Suddenly, a violent explosion appeared around the undead, and the surrounding void turned into nothingness in an instant. When the purple gold brilliance dissipated, the master of the demon world was also shocked to see that his opponent, the undead, the whole The body was blown away, turned into dead air, and melted into the space.

Killing this undead in one fell swoop, Ye Chen didn't stop. With a sweep of his eyes, the majestic offensive rushed towards the other undead like a mountain, and helped another master of the demon world, blasting his opponent to death. on the spot.

"My brother, thank you very much!"

The master of the Taoist realm in the demon world immediately took a breath, and then said to Ye Chen with his fists cupped. His face was a little pale. Obviously, even if his strength was extraordinary, his opponent was a necromancer of the same level, and he worked very hard.

However, when he looked at Ye Chen, the shock in his eyes was no less than that of his companions. The peak of Tianwu was able to achieve this level.

"You two, are you from the Demon Realm?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

When the voice came, the faces of the two people in the demon world changed, and the Taoist master said: "What's the matter, little brother thinks that he saved the wrong person?"

This is the recognition of their identity.

Ye Chen laughed, and said, "It's just the first time I met a master in the devil world, I'm just curious, and I don't think much about it."

The so-called Demon Realm is synonymous with a force. Of course, unlike other forces, the Demon Realm is a kind of original inheritance, similar to the demon clan.

However, the so-called demons are just different ways of cultivation. People in the demon world are also human beings.

Hearing this, the two in the Demon Realm breathed a sigh of relief, and the Taoist realm master clasped his fists again and said, "My name is Fang Xuan, and my companion's name is Mo Xian. Anyway, thank you little brother for your help."

At this time, the master of the demon world named Mo Xian also clasped his fists. If Ye Chen hadn't appeared suddenly, his life would have been gone.

"Little brother, this is an endless battlefield, especially here, it is extremely dangerous. The two of us have important things to do, so it is inconvenient to stay for a long time, so please leave your name, little brother. In the future, we will definitely repay you." Fang Xuan said.

After finally meeting people in the demon world, Ye Chen would not let them leave like this, he waved his hand and said: "It is fate to meet each other, not to mention, as you said, this place is indeed a dangerous place. , I am also very interested, if possible, we might as well work together, and I have a lot of questions, I would like to ask the two of you."

There was nothing wrong with these words, but Fang Xuan and Mo Xian's expressions changed at the same time. Obviously, they didn't want Ye Chen to pay attention to everything in Gushan.

"What's the matter, you two? You're not welcome?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

That Fang Xuan said with a slightly gloomy face: "Little brother, this place is not safe. At the same time, there are some things and things that outsiders can't interfere with. For the sake of your kindness to us, I kindly advise you. It's better to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, the undead here may be your fate."

"Heh, since I'm here, I don't intend to leave easily."

Ye Chen glanced at the top, and then said lightly: "And to be honest, brother Fang Xuan, I'm afraid at least an expert in the sanctuary can crack the barrier in the mountains. You two want to gain something here. You can only invite those real masters from the demon world, you two still want to stay, don't you worry about being killed by those undead, or become undead?"

"Little brother!"

Fang Xuan's face became more gloomy: "You are kind to us, so the two of us don't want to conflict with you. If someone else appears here, we will do it directly, so please don't embarrass us."

Ye Chen raised his brows lightly, but he understood the embarrassment that Xu Chu showed when he told him this place.

It's just that they have already arrived here, and if it is really related to the demon world, Ye Chen has no plan to leave. Besides, Ye Chen still wants to get more things about the demon world from Fang Xuan and Mo Xian.

Fang Xuan's words at least expressed two meanings. First, if there is anything left in the Gushan Hall, it must be related to the Demon Realm. The other point is that no one who knows about this place, even in the Demon Realm Maybe too much, and Fang Xuan and Mo Xian didn't intend to let other people in the Demon Realm know, otherwise, they wouldn't put themselves in danger in such a dangerous place!

It is very possible that the two of them came here secretly.

In this way, Ye Chen seems to have a lot to do, because he owns the Demon Emperor's Bell. If the Gushan Hall is really related to the Demon Realm, then the Demon Emperor's Bell cannot be stopped.

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen said: "I know the embarrassment of the two of you. I am not an aggressive person, but I have reasons and motivations for my insistence on this, so please also Feel sorry."

"That's good. If you join forces to fight me, if I lose, I will turn around and leave immediately without hesitation. If you are worried, even if you kill me, I have no complaints, but if I win by luck If so, please answer some questions for me, how about it?"

Looking at Fang Xuan and the two of them, Ye Chen said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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