Farmhouse Food Daily

Chapter 127 Rejection

Chapter 127 Rejection
Chen Ping and Liu Cheng came out of Hu's house and went to Sun's mansion. This Sun's mansion also went to Liu Cheng. They bought [-] catties of flour from Liu Cheng before, and then asked Liu Cheng to say that they wanted to see Chen Ping. , I also want to discuss business with Chen Ping.

When I arrived at the Sun Mansion, I met Sun Maocai, the owner of the Sun Mansion, and his wife Yu Xiu.

Chen Ping also took out her sample tea and gave it to Sun Maocai to drink. Sun Maocai was also very satisfied, and also ordered two catties, and Chen Ping also sent scented tea to Yu Xiu.

As for the music box and hourglass, the Sun family also ordered them.

Chen Ping also took out the red wine, which she forgot to bring out earlier.

Sun Maocai and Yu Xiu were very curious, they had never seen such wine before, and they also thought the cups with the wine were exquisite.

The two of them tasted the red wine and found it to be sweet. It was different from the wine they drank before, but it was not bad. After hearing Chen Ping say a lot about the benefits of drinking red wine, they ordered a few bottles.

The red wine that Chen Ping brought was not dry red, let alone a big brand. In Heibei, there is a kind of red wine called Jixiang. It costs only a dozen yuan a bottle, but it tastes sweeter than ordinary red wine and has no astringency. , and the alcohol content is also low. Chen Ping chose this one because it was cheap, and second, she was afraid that it would be too astringent, and people here would not be used to drinking it.

One silver dollar can buy five bottles of red wine, or two catties of mushrooms or one catty of fungus. This price sells well, and Chen Ping also makes a lot of money.

Chen Ping didn't intend to sell it at a sky-high price.

The Sun family ordered five bottles of red wine and gave Chen Ping silver dollars. They also gave some mushrooms and fungus in exchange for other things.

After all this was said, Sun Maocai also said what he meant. He wanted to do business with Chen Ping in partnership. He said that he would help sell Chen Ping's things when they brought them to the town. He had a store, which was more convenient.

Chen Ping refused, saying that her things were too messy and lacked unity, and she didn't intend to make them bigger. She made them for the convenience of everyone. If they were placed in the store and sold at high prices, she would lose her original intention of doing this.

Hearing what Chen Ping said, Sun Maocai was not angry at all, but if Chen Ping has ideas in the future, he can find her.

Chen Ping didn't offend him either, she said something more, and she and Liu Chengcai left.

After leaving the Sun's residence, it was noon. Originally, the Sun's family wanted to stay for Chen Ping and Liu Cheng for dinner, but Chen Ping smiled and refused.

The two walked down the street, found a tavern, and asked for food.

Chen Ping owns a restaurant, but she still enjoys eating. The food in this hotel is good and the ingredients are safe, so Chen Ping can eat with confidence.

She also asked Liu Cheng for a jug of wine, she tasted a glass, it was a bit spicy, and she didn't like it very much, so she let Liu Cheng drink the rest, Chen Ping planned to bring some beer over tomorrow, this could also be sold in the town of.

Chen Ping laughed, she didn't have any ambitions, nor did she have any special long-term plans, and she often didn't think about it until she reached that point.

She never thought of herself as a strong woman, nor did she ever think about being a strong woman, and she would be safe when she was a little rich. She felt that it would be okay if she had less thoughts, and she would not be tired if she didn't think so much. Anyway, she just earned enough money to spend.

Just like now, most of the time, she would bring things over after seeing or thinking about them. If it were someone else, she would have long-term plans, but she didn’t, and she didn’t think too much about it. Satisfied.

She really didn't want to cooperate with the people in the town.

In fact, Chen Ping still has another thought. She is afraid that she will do too much, and she will not be able to keep everything about her. After all, she is just an ordinary person.

So that's fine.

After eating and drinking enough, they left the tavern, and the two of them walked around the street for a while. Chen Ping bought a lot of food. In the past, she and Liu Chenglai had no money and could only look at everything, but now it was different. She She can buy whatever she wants.

But apart from food, she is not very interested in other things. As for the things that can be taken out here, they can be regarded as antiques or something, she didn't think about it, and she didn't want to do it. Explaining the origin, she felt that it would be better not to do it.

"Brother Chengzi, can you do it?"

When the two of them were about to go back, Chen Ping asked Liu Cheng. Liu Cheng drank a pot of white wine, could he still ride a bicycle to carry himself?
"It's okay, don't worry."

Liu Cheng's face was slightly red, but this little wine was nothing to him.

Sure enough, even if Liu Cheng drank, he was still very stable. Sitting in the back seat of the car, Chen Ping felt the same as when he came here.

"Brother Cheng Zi, your cycling skills are much better than mine."

Chen Ping was holding Liu Cheng's clothes with one hand and holding the seat of the car with the other. She was afraid of falling on this dirt road, but Liu Cheng rode very steadily and rarely bumped her. Shaking around, but Liu Cheng can't, which shows that Liu Cheng has a strong control.

Liu Cheng in front had smiles in his eyes. He had been looking forward to taking Chen Ping with him since the day he rode the bicycle, and today he finally took Chen Ping to the town. He felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

When the two returned to Liu's house, Aunt Chun was sitting on the kang, doing needlework and chatting with Grandma Ma.

"Chengzi, Pingzi is back, how is it?"

As soon as Aunt Chun saw the two of them, she asked, she didn't get off the kang, and she didn't stop working.

"Very good, ordered a lot of things to go out."

Chen Ping smiled, and sat on the kang, and poured herself a glass of water. She was not seen at Liu's house.

Liu Cheng said a few words, he went to sort out the things Chen Ping was going to bring, and Aunt Chun chatted for a while before going back.

After talking with Grandma Ma for a while, Liu Cheng packed his things and Chen Ping went back.

Liu Cheng sent Chen Ping up the mountain and stood there for a while before leaving.

Chen Ping hummed a ditty, and the silver dollars in her hand kept ringing. What she received today, plus what Liu Cheng helped her change before, was a total of 36 silver dollars. She put some in her bag, and took a few in her hand. Make them rattle, she likes it.

Unknowingly came to the intersection, huh?Why didn't you see Heizi today?
Chen Ping looked around, but still didn't see it. Forget it, maybe it has enough food.

Chen Ping didn't think much about it and continued walking.

But after she had just walked a few steps, she suddenly lost her mind. She felt as if something was on top of her head. Before she could react, a black thing jumped onto her head, scratched her hair twice, and then quickly He jumped onto her shoulders, followed her shoulders, and jumped to the ground twice.

Chen Ping's body was stiff, and her mind was fuzzy. In fact, she probably knew in her heart that it was Heizi who jumped from the tree, but instinctively, she was really dumbfounded. She was walking with something jumping on your head. Scared.

Heizi was already standing in front of Chen Ping, screaming at Chen Ping.

Seeing its accusing face, it seems to be accusing Chen Ping of why you came so late, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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