Chapter 251
Chen Ping played on the island for two days, and after all the calculations, her total cost was only around [-] yuan, which Chen Ping felt was quite appropriate.

She checked the price of the hotel she stayed in on the Internet, which was quite expensive, and asked the tour guide to book it for her, and the price was much more reasonable.

In this way, Chen Ping went to various scenic spots, and she went to famous places. Although it was very tiring, she felt it was worth it.

She played in Sanya for eight days, and spent about [-] yuan, mainly because she often came back to live in Wei Feng's house at night, and there was no hotel fee, which saved some money.

Chen Ping felt that she had almost finished playing, so she bought a ticket and went to Dongfang by car.

The temperature in this city in the east is several degrees lower than that of Sanya, which Chen Ping thinks is quite good. Sanya is really a little too hot, but the wind in the east is a bit stronger than Sanya.

Compared with Sanya, the east is not so prosperous, but the consumption is also much lower.

Chen Ping went to Haidongfang and other places. Compared with Sanya, the development here is not enough, but there are quite a lot of people. Chen Ping thinks this city is also suitable for living.

She followed some acquaintances to find sea boats to buy seafood. Only now did she know that you can't go to the sheds by the sea to buy seafood.

If you want to go to a place on a sea boat, the ones sold there are all just off the ship, which are not only cheap, but also fresh, but there is a time for this, and you can’t buy it if you don’t have that time.

Crabs can be weighed in piles, fish in barrels, and shrimps. How much do you give me for this basket?

Chen Ping also found the saury, which is very wide and the flesh looks very thick, shining like silver in the sun.

Chen Ping bought two saury, crabs, shrimp and so on, and she also bought some.

She found a seafood processing shop, and she found that these shops seemed to be robbing customers, and there were even quarrels.She found a relatively large place. She felt that the people in this family were not like other people who wanted to drag you in. The people in this family were warm and enthusiastic, but not the kind of enthusiasm that made people feel disgusted. The most important thing was There is a roast suckling pig at the door of this store, which is also one of the things that caught her attention.

Salt and pepper for prawns, spicy for crabs, braised saury in soy sauce, as for the rest, let the chef of the restaurant make arrangements.

Chen Ping bought half a catty of roast suckling pig, not because she didn't want to buy more, but because she bought so much that she was afraid she wouldn't be able to finish it.

The dishes started to be served slowly, and Chen Ping turned on the live broadcast.

"Wow, roast suckling pig, this is really delicious."

"The last time I went to Sanya to eat it, it was fragrant on the outside and tender on the inside, making my mouth water."

"A lot of seafood, Pangpang, can you finish it?"

"It's said that our fat family eats like this every meal, but she hasn't gained weight recently, she has always looked like this."

"Yeah, if I eat like Pangpang, I'm sure I'll gain 200 catties."

"Pippi shrimp is my favorite. When I see Pangpang eating, I really want to eat it. Let's go Pippi shrimp. Let's abandon Pangpang together."

"The saury is pretty good. It looks very fat and tender. Generally, we can't eat such a good saury here."

"Didn't you say that the big saury is raised? Is it delicious? Is the fat saury delicious?"

Various problems in the live broadcast room.

"Yeah, um, guys, this saury fish was just caught by a fishing boat. The fish is very tender and really delicious. We also have a lot of saury fish over there, but it's the first time I've eaten such a delicious saury fish. It's a five-star recommendation. Shrimp crawling The taste of the fish is also good. The crabs are not small, but they are full of meat, and I bought them very cheaply. This abalone is also delicious, and it only costs a few yuan each. Is this shrimp farmed? It is very big and has a lot of meat. There is also grilled Suckling pig, the skin is very crispy, fragrant but not greasy, the meat inside is very tender, and it is really delicious when sprinkled with sugar. Also, the boss gave me a plate of sweet potatoes just now. They said that their relatives planted this sweet potato. You See if this sweet potato is quite small? But it’s really delicious, very sweet, and very doughy, but don’t eat it too soon, or you’ll choke on people.”

Chen Ping was explaining while eating, she was not like other anchors, she said what she felt after eating, she was very sincere.

Wei Feng laughed straight at the sight, this girl eats like this, she is really not fat, it seems that God treats Chen Ping kindly, if someone else eats like her, they will not be little fat, but big fat.

But Chen Ping played every day, and it was still a little dark.

But looking at this girl is still very happy, but she doesn't know what it will be like in a few days when she knows that she has passed.

Chen Ping got off the live broadcast and went back to the hotel with the sugar cane and fruit she bought.

Speaking of which, it is really not easy to eat sugarcane in Heibei. In winter, even if you see some for sale, not to mention the high price, there are still a lot of bad ones.

Unlike here, it is cheap, and they will cut it for you and cut it well.

Chewing the sugar cane, the sweet taste made Chen Ping's whole body float.

Chen Ping just eats, eats, and eats in this eastern city.

The fruits here are plentiful and cheap. The pineapples cost four yuan each. They are very big. You can cut them and eat them. They are very sweet and have no harsh taste.

Ten yuan and three pineapples, but the taste of pineapples is a little worse than pineapple.

The small mangoes cost two yuan a catty. Chen Ping especially likes to eat this kind. They are sweet enough, delicious and cheap. They are much tastier than those big mangoes.

The big red papaya is two yuan each, and it tastes very good. Chen Ping bought one in Sanya last time and cost her eight yuan, but it was not very tasty. This time, she saw an old farmer selling it and thought it was very cheap. I just bought one, but I didn't expect it to be quite sweet.

The netted melon is five yuan and three, and the inside tastes like honey.

The small bananas are naturally ripe, and the taste is better than Chen Ping's before.

Eggs are relatively soft.

Sakyamuni looks interesting, and the taste is not bad.

Passion fruit Chen Ping is used to drink water.

For dragon fruit, Chen Ping cuts it in half and eats it with a spoon.

Chen Ping was very satisfied with these fruits.

Anyway, the fruit here in the east is much cheaper than in Sanya, and she thinks it tastes better.

However, looking at the beautiful lotus mist, Chen Ping was disappointed. The lotus mist tasted almost tasteless except that it was a little watery. Chen Ping put it down after taking a few bites.

Seafood is also much cheaper.

No wonder so many people come to this city to buy a house to live in now.Chen Ping also likes this city very much.

The next day Chen Ping went to Haihua Island again.

The green environment of Haihua Island is good, and she also looked at the houses on Haihua Island. The houses are good and the environment is good. She can afford to buy them, but she didn't plan to buy them in this location because she thought it was too out of the way.

Back in the east, Chen Ping also looked at the houses, and she really liked one.

The community can be regarded as a high-end community, the yard is well greened, and there are also swimming pools, chess and card rooms, and entertainment rooms.

The management is also good, the transportation is very convenient, there are many buses in front of the door, and there are also large shopping malls, and it is not too far from the train station.

(End of this chapter)

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