Chapter 91
Thinking of Zhuhua, Yinhua was somewhat unconvinced.I don't know how Zhuhua caught Yu Hou's eyes and gave her a bunch of good things.Zhuhua gave them all, but the most allotted to her was a bracelet.She doesn't want that bracelet... No, that bracelet is still passable, Yinhua added, she just wants Bu Yao more.Zhuhua didn't like wearing Bu Yao, and felt that when wearing it, she had to be careful not to let the hanging beads shake. At home, only Yinhua liked to wear it, but Zhuhua didn't give her the Bu Yao.It's not good for her to be an elder sister to beg for things from Zhuhua, besides, Zhuhua was sick afterwards, lying on the bed was very pitiful.

In fact, Zhuhua wanted to give Bu Yao to Yinhua. She really didn't like it, but it wouldn't hurt to give it all at once. They were all good things. She could keep them as a birthday present for Yinhua, lest she spend money on other things up.

Not to mention Yinhua's thoughts when she received Bu Yao, Changzi's first birthday is coming soon, because he didn't do the funeral for three full moons during the empress dowager's funeral. , but Sun did not agree.

There is a saying in my hometown that the only son in the family, especially the only son who has given birth to several older sisters, is not suitable for birthdays before the age of five, as it is easy to attract evil spirits.Mrs. Sun decided not to make a big deal out of an attitude of preferring to believe what he had or not, and just invited his relatives to have a meal. Anyway, Cheng Dashan was not in Chang'an at that time. call.

Although it was done in a low-key manner, a lot of things were prepared for the lottery.Looking at the beautiful jade abacus, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, knives, guns and sticks (of course they are all wooden toys) on the ground, Zhuhua is dazzled.Mrs. Sun didn't know what kind of expectations she had for the intestines, and she put a group of white porcelain chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep and fish, Jinhua contributed a plate of dim sum, and Yinhua put an embroidery shed...not to mention the intestines were placed on the ground Looking at the things on the ground, she was a little confused, so was Zhuhua.

"Sister Zhu, why is my brother not moving?"

"Why are you not moving?"

Dabao and Erbao stood on both sides of Zhuhua and asked, they probably knew that today was the day for the little brother to choose things from the ground, but they didn't know exactly what to do after choosing.

"It's probably because I haven't found something I like yet." Zhuhua reluctantly replied.

After speaking, Zhuhua put a piece of cardboard on the ground with a mound of intestines drawn on it.

She has recently started to learn how to paint. This ancient color is not usually difficult to adjust. Yesterday she adjusted a faint fleshy pink. Qing Lan suggested that she draw lotus, but she has been painting lotus for several days and does not want to paint again. I fiddled with the paper a few times trying to use up the color, and finally found that the drawing looked like an intestine, so I added a few strokes to outline the outline, and when the color was dry, I pasted it on a hard paper and cut it out, saving it for today Cast lots for the intestines.She just wanted to see if intestines would choose intestines, and compared to Yinhua's embroidery shed, she silently felt that the younger brother might as well choose her intestines.

Of course, she just played it for fun, and didn’t think Changzi would really choose a piece of paper that was not bright in color. Compared with the paper painting on the edge, the gold seal and jade abacus placed next to Changchang were on it. The lacquered sword is more attractive to children.Intestine was obviously immediately attracted by the gold seal around him, and kept staring at it, drooling all over his neck.

"A Bao, hurry up and choose, you will be a high official in the future." Aunt Li coaxed from the side.

In addition to calling him intestines, the family also called him Xiaobao or Abao occasionally. Aunt Li never called him intestines after she knew about it.

Intestine is a particularly easy-going child except when eating is particularly anxious and easily becomes irritable. When someone calls him, he will look up, laugh and clap his hands, and then yell a few times in response.After he responded to Aunt Li's call, he stopped staring at the golden seal on the ground, because he found that the others were far away from him, and he was the only one in the middle.During these days, what the family likes to play with him the most is to put him on the couch and tell him to crawl over on the other side. He crawls very fast every time.After he turned his head and looked around, he thought that everyone was playing with him again, so he turned over from sitting to lying down, and quickly crawled all the way towards Mrs. Sun, pulling all the things on the ground aside.

"Intestines, get the things first, come here after you get the things..." Mrs. Sun waved at him.

He heard the sound and stayed there for a while, then suddenly turned his head and crawled towards the other side.

This is how this game is played. After he climbs to this side, the people on this side will say that they don’t want to hug him, let him go to the other side, and he will crawl to the other side obediently, until finally he finds that everyone refuses to hug him. He was so wronged that he wanted to cry.

Jin Hua noticed that he was crawling straight towards her, and quickly said, "No, Guzi, you have to get something."

Not really, Changzi changed direction when he heard the key words. Even though he was still young, he knew that someone would pick him up and feed him delicious rice cereal in the end.Who, who will give him delicious rice paste?When he crawled around and still couldn't find the right person, he slapped the ground angrily, yelled a few times, and wrinkled his face in aggrieved way.In the past, as long as he did this, someone would pick him up, but unfortunately not this time.

Seeing that the little brother was about to cry, Dabao and Erbao were also very anxious, shouting: "Xiaobao, get something."

Because both of their names have the same "bao" as Baoshu, they insist on calling him "Xiaobao", and tell Zhuhua that the three of them are Baoshu and they are a family, so Zhuhua and Zhuhua are also a family.Zhuhua was so adorable by them that she immediately kissed them on the cheek and called them big brother and second brother.Xu is the big treasure and the second treasure is a little green among the flowers. Xiaobao likes to play with them the most. Now hearing their voices, he immediately put away his crying face and crawled towards them.

"Take something..." The two anxiously pointed to the ground, and threw the things on the ground to pick it up as a gesture to the intestines.

Gu Gu was smart, and immediately understood what they meant, grabbed something from the ground and waved it at them.

When Zhuhua saw it, she felt quite a headache, how did he pick up the piece of paper with the intestines drawn on it.This is how to do?What auspicious words would she say?

Chang...chang...I often go home and have a look, so Changzi must be a good and filial boy in the future?She twisted her mouth, but didn't say anything about it.Others were also a little stunned when they looked at the painting, but Aunt Li was the first to not understand.

"what is this?"

"It's a painting."

"Draw well. In the future, our little treasure will definitely be able to draw good-looking paintings. If he knows how to draw, he will definitely be able to study well. In the future, little treasure will definitely be able to pass the examination for a scholar, right?"

I accept this!Zhuhua nodded again and again, and said in agreement: "That's right, Xiaobao will definitely be able to pass the exam and come back in the future."

"What's on this painting?" Yinhua, who didn't understand the atmosphere, stared at the painting curiously.

"It's not important." Zhuhua said bravely.

Seeing her slightly embarrassed expression, everyone tacitly stopped asking. Soon, it was spread in the house that the young master had grabbed a painting by lottery. Raise a scholar out?
Cheng Dashan didn't return to Chang'an until the end of May. When he heard that Uncle Li and Aunt Li had come here specially, his expression froze for a moment.Others didn't care, Zhuhua glanced at it and didn't feel relieved, thinking that it was a pity that he didn't make it to his son's birthday party that he was looking forward to so much.In order to make up for the regret of missing his son’s first birthday party, he bought several boxes of local specialties for Changzi, because the intestines were still small and were basically useless. Some of these things were picked by Mrs. Sun and put into storage, and some were given away. The three sisters also Got some.In addition to the share here, Zhuhua also got a lot of small things from Dabao and Erbao.

Lao Hei is busy digging the river outside now, unlike Cheng Dashan who has to take care of both sides, he can stay outside for a few months and return to Chang'an, he has to stay in the field all the time, and move from time to time as the project progresses.Knowing that Cheng Dashan was going back to Chang'an, he brought a box of things for his sons, and gave Cheng Dashan a few banknotes as money to help take care of the two sons. Stuff it in his case.Cheng Dashan wanted to return Qin San but stopped him, pointed to the box that Lao Hei had brought to his son, and Cheng Dashan had an idea and put the money into a box inside the box.

To say that Lao Hei really believed in Cheng Dashan, the box for Cheng Dashan was not locked, and the lock that was added later was assigned by Cheng Dashan.The box inside contained a bag of gold and silver and a few pieces of gold leaves, which were filial piety from the wealthy households in the towns around the river, and Cheng Dashan also accepted them.Merchants are after profit, and once the news that the imperial court is going to dig a river connecting the north and the south is announced, they know that there is profit in it.The Ministry of Industry did not disclose the direction of the river and the location of the port in the future, but the merchants guessed that it would be good for them if the port was built in front of their house, so they wanted to unblock it. See if you can persuade the responsible adults, even if you can’t, if you know where the port will be built, you can buy the nearby shops and let them rise in value. Didn’t you see how fast the house prices in Chang’an rose when the Kang Dynasty was established?
In fact, how to set up the port and how to run the river, Shen Dong had already marked it on the map, but it was not announced.Some of the places he decided on were because he had been there before looking for stone materials suitable for the imperial mausoleum, and he felt that the place was suitable for building a port; but he couldn't be sure until he had gone through the entire place where the road passed.

When the businessman asked, they all prevaricated, but they couldn't stop the businessman from sending things, even if they couldn't get any news, it's always good to have a good relationship, so Cheng Dashan, Qin San and Lao Hei all received gold. Silver, Cheng Dashan also received an extra box of pearls. I heard that Yu Hou and several adults from the Ministry of Industry received more.Cheng Dashan only accepted it after seeing them accept it. Of course, if there are too valuable things in it, they will still return it.

After Dabao and Erbao received the things, they dug out the box and gave it to Zhuhua.

"It's not in vain for me to play with you, and remember to bring me some good things." Zhuhua joked, stuffed a piece of candy for each of them, and took the box over without refusing, but she was dumbfounded when she opened it. The things inside were not the toys she had imagined, but real gold and silver. She reckoned that if she lived in the countryside, it would be enough for a family to live for a lifetime.

"You two prodigal children, this is taking away the wealth of your old Bai's family." She immediately closed the box and cursed.

Dabao and Erbao glanced at each other in confusion, wondering why Zhuhua got angry.

"Come on, let's go to your house." The house of Dabao and Erbao is in the main courtyard, and when Zhuhua came in with the box in her arms, she happened to meet Cheng Dashan.

Seeing that the box in Zhuhua's hand looked familiar, he immediately remembered it, and said, "Zhuhua, you must not mess with this box."

"I didn't take it randomly. They brought it here." Zhuhua said angrily.

Cheng Dashan, who was still in a hurry, immediately turned off the fire, and followed her into Dabao Erbao's room. A woman was tidying up in the room. The box Cheng Dashan sent was opened on the side, and the things inside were a bit messy.

Zhuhua looked at the two children, she didn't know whether it was they who messed up or someone else, so she said to the mother-in-law, "You go down first."

"Yes." The mother-in-law hurriedly stepped back.

Zhuhua took a deep breath, and was thinking about how to teach them how to keep their money, when she turned her head and saw Cheng Dashan following in, she smiled and said, "Father, the elder brother and the second younger brother are ignorant, such a valuable I don’t know how to store things properly, so come and teach them.”

"Oh, good." Cheng Dashan nodded in response, and said to the two trembling children: "In the future, valuables must be put away and not given to others, you understand?"

"I know." The two children nodded obediently.

Zhuhua rolled her eyes, lowered her head and asked Dabao and Erbao, "You really know?"

"I know. Sister Zhu is not someone else, so we will give it to Sister Zhu." The two said cleverly, looking at Zhuhua brightly, as if they wanted Zhuhua to praise her.

"No, your elder sister Zhu is also an outsider, only you brothers are not outsiders. You are a family, we are a family, you can't give things from your family to my family, otherwise it will cause chaos." Cheng Dashan rarely explained clearly .

"We are a family." Dabao said holding Zhuhua by one leg and hid behind Zhuhua, looking at Cheng Dashan aggrievedly.

"It's a family." Erbao echoed and hugged Zhuhua's other leg, leaning tightly and pressing his face on her leg, only looking at Cheng Dashan from the corner of his eyes.

Cheng Dashan rubbed his head in embarrassment, and looked at Zhuhua for help.

Zhuhua pointed out dissatisfiedly, "Brothers must settle their accounts clearly."

"Yes." Cheng Dashan suddenly realized, and said, "Even if it is a family, some things have to be separated, just like your shoes can only be worn by you, your food can only be eaten by you, and of course your money can only be managed by you." You have to take good care of these valuables, you can’t give them to others, and you can’t give them to Zhuhua. A woman will marry sooner or later, what if you give her the money and she takes it to someone else’s house? "

Zhuhua frowned and said, "Father, does this mean that he doesn't plan to give me any money? Sure enough, daughters are grass and sons are treasures!"

She was so angry that she covered her face and pretended to cry a few times, then stomped her feet and said, "I'm going to tell mother."

"Don't, don't..." Cheng Dashan quickly pulled her back. He didn't dare to say that his daughter was a fool, especially this little daughter. Sun had mentioned to him that if he still couldn't give birth to a son, he would let the little daughter take care of her in the future. A son-in-law came to the door.After he agreed, he observed Zhuhua carefully for a period of time, and felt that this little daughter was worthy and smart, but it was a pity that she was a girl, if she was a man, she would definitely bring the Cheng family to another level, and in the future, no one knew who would be the better off. Woolen cloth.

Dabao and Erbao watched obediently, seeing that Zhuhua was crying and Cheng Dashan went to pull her again, they couldn't help crying too.

"Don't hit my sister."

"Do not fight."

The two pulled Zhuhua's pants backwards, and Zhuhua was almost pulled down by them.

"Don't cry, don't cry, you Uncle Cheng is having fun." Zhuhua squatted down and hugged the two children in her arms, and looked at Cheng Dashan complaining.

"I didn't beat you." Cheng Dashan felt deeply wronged, he was provoking someone, by the way, he just came out of the yard to do something, why did he come to teach the two children. "Ah Zhu, I'll leave them to you. Dad still has something to do, so he's leaving first."

Amid the cries of the two, Cheng Dashan left without looking back. He really doesn't know how to teach children. Why are boys still crying? It's not as good as Jinhua from his family.

Zhuhua snickered, and patted the two children on the back as soon as he left, coaxing: "Hey, don't cry, it's useless to cry, it's better to save some effort. Besides, you can cry even if nothing happens." , and not shy."

The two whimpered, looked up at her, and lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"Go, get a face towel, and I'll wipe your faces. Tears are all over your face from crying, and your nose is running out."

The two glanced at each other, let go of her legs, and ran to get a towel.But both of them were a little short, and they couldn't get the towel hanging on the washbasin stand. Dabao jumped a few times but couldn't reach it, and Erbao jumped behind him a few times, but he didn't know what to dance for.Zhuhua smiled helplessly, walked over and tore off the towel and wiped it carelessly for the two of them.

"Don't cry in the future, you have to wipe your face with a towel, what a hassle." After wiping, she put the towel in the washbasin, leaving the rest of the work to the girl, and dragged them to the open box to help them Checked out the contents of the box.

"I think there are fabrics inside that are usable. It's hot in summer, so I just cut a suit for you. Speaking of which, your father has a good eye for choosing fabrics. These few strands are just right for you to wear." Zhuhua brought out two strands of fabric. , made gestures on them.

"Give it to sister." Dabao pushed one of the horses onto Zhuhua's body.

"I don't want this material, you look good in it, but I can't wear it. I'm darker than you..." Zhuhua sighed after finishing speaking, and took out the toys inside again, "Look, Uncle Hei is busy outside. I still miss you, you have to collect his hard-earned things and don’t give them to others casually, especially some valuable gold and silver. Fortunately, this box has a lock, I will lock it for you, and I will give you the key I took it away, and when you want to get the things inside, you can ask me to get them. If you need to use them, put them outside first, and I will find a frame for you, and usually put them in the frame. do you understand?"

"Understood." The two replied.

"Do you really understand?" Zhuhua glanced at the two of them, her gaze fixed on Erbao's face, "Then tell me, what did I just say?"

Erbao moved his lips, looked at Dabao silently, then pointed to Dabao and said, "Brother knows, brother said."

Are you cheating on your brother like this?Zhuhua wondered whether to laugh or cry, and looked at Dabao with a stern face. Dabao blinked, and finally said in a low voice, "Put away the things."

"Almost." She pinched his face and asked at the right time before he was shy, "What kind of snack do you want to eat today, sister will help you make it yourself."

"Cake, white cake..." Er Bao rushed to answer.

"White sugar cake." Dabao added.

For some reason, the two of them love cheap white sugar cakes the most, and they don't eat other flavors that taste better.The white sugar cake is the easiest to make, so Zhuhua naturally wouldn't refuse, but she also wanted to make something else for them.

 The article is on the shelf, and it will be updated ten thousand times in the first three days after it is put on the shelf, and it will be updated every important holiday in the future~
  Generally, two chapters are published every day, each chapter is about 3000 words, and each chapter is about 5000 words per day; the first update will be around [-] am; the second update will be around [-] pm~
  Thank you for your support, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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