Spirit dominates

Chapter 20 Volcano

Chapter 20 Volcano
The third prince of the Vega galaxy!
Qin Yan frowned tightly.

The Human Alliance controls a total of 24 galaxies and hundreds of millions of living planets.As one of the 24 galaxies, what kind of power does Ye Chen have?
Qin Yan understood that Ye Chen wanted to destroy a planet, and it was only a matter of one sentence.

Moreover, Qin Yan felt an extremely powerful aura from Ye Chen.This Ye Chen probably formed a force node in his body and became a level five warrior!
It seemed that handing over his identity badge was Qin Yan's only choice.

"If you hand over your identity badge, you will lose the opportunity to go to the Royal Mecha Academy. From then on, I will return to the role of trash in Qinghe City. The identity badge is my hope to become a strong man. Even if I die, I cannot hand it over !"

Thinking of this, Qin Yan raised his head and showed an intriguing smile to Ye Chen in front of him.

"The third prince of the Vega galaxy? I am Qin Yan, the planet of the Eastern Emperor. In order to show your respect, I will let you do a trick!"

In an instant, Qin Yan leaned down, and the perfect super punch punched with spiritual power hit the ground like a stormy sea.

The dust was flying and the earth was shaking.

Under Qin Yan's feet, there was a huge pothole.Countless spider web cracks spread in all directions.

To become a fourth-level warrior, Qin Yan's punch has at least several tons of strength.Even a car can be crushed by his punch.

Feeling this astonishing destructive power, the surrounding freshmen secretly put away their contempt for Qin Yan.Mosquito-like murmurs rang out from the surroundings.

"This guy seems to be a fourth-level fighter, but he didn't expect to hide his strength. The punch just now, at least has the punch strength of a pseudo-sixth-level fighter?"

"Ye Chen kicked the iron board now. He didn't even think about it, how could a fourth-level warrior be admitted to the Royal Mecha Academy?"

"Where is Donghuang planet, why haven't I heard of it? Who is Qin Yan, the illegitimate son of which big family?"


After this punch, Qin Yan lost all force in his body.As long as Ye Chen punches him, he will get down on the ground.However, Qin Yan slowly stood up straight, raised his eyebrows at Ye Chen, his face was full of disdain.

"Third prince, you can attack now."

Immediately, Qin Yan observed that the muscles on Ye Chen's face trembled unnaturally.

At this moment, Ye Chen's heart was full of shock.

The power of Qin Yan's punch is infinitely close to that of a level six warrior. What kind of strength will Qin Yan who "casually" throw this punch have?
Ye Chen felt that his luck was too bad.There were 500 people with identity cards in the audience, why did he choose a "sixth-level warrior"?
Ye Chen would never have imagined that Qin Yan used all his strength in this punch, and at this moment he was only strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

"Wait a minute, why did he let me make a move? I understand, he is showing his favor to me, and he doesn't want to offend me. After all, I am the third prince of the Vega galaxy."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's eyes lit up.He raised his head, and saw Qin Yan's face full of "goodwill" smiles.

At this time, Qin Yan patted the dust on his body casually, and said politely: "Your Highness, you attack first!"

A smile quickly formed on Ye Chen's face, he waved his hand at Qin Yan and said with a smile:

"No, no, Qin Yan, the planet of the Eastern Emperor, you must have misunderstood. Actually, I want to challenge the one next to you."

With that said, Ye Chen turned his gaze to Qin Yan's side, a black-faced boy.Then, he didn't talk to the black-faced boy at all, and rushed over directly.

The boy was obviously a bad tempered boy.In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen and the black-faced boy had a "ping-pong-pong" fight.Once the two of them made a move, it was a fight between dragons and tigers.Vigorous original force, through the collision of fists and feet, made bursts of explosions.

Qin Yan retreated to the side, watching Ye Chen's superb martial arts moves and powerful use of the original force, feeling a wave of fear in his heart.

"Fortunately, this kid was bluffed by me. Judging by his agility, if I really fight him, I probably won't even be able to touch the hem of his clothes."

A few minutes later, Ye Chen broke the black-faced boy's limbs and took away his identity badge.He took the place of the black-faced boy and stood beside Qin Yan.

"Qin Yan, give it to a friend?" Ye Chen extended his hand friendly.

The prince of the Vega Galaxy, want to make friends with me?Can I refuse such a good thing?
Qin Yan frowned, trying to suppress the joy in his heart, shook hands with Ye Chen, and said calmly: "It's easy to say!"

The way Qin Yan suppressed his smile was so unpredictable in Ye Chen's eyes.Ye Chen was full of curiosity about Qin Yan's identity.

As the prince of the Vega galaxy, Ye Chen has an extremely powerful intelligence system.He knows everything about the young geniuses of the Human Alliance.Ye Chen can recognize anyone who is famous at a glance.However, Ye Chen didn't know Qin Yan.

"Where is Qin Yan, the planet of the Eastern Emperor? Wait a minute, isn't the planet of the Eastern Emperor the planet where the Eastern Emperor was born? It seems that the last Hongshen came from this planet. Qin Yan's Hong fist is so strong, it must be the planet where the Donghuang was born. God taught. I understand, this Qin Yan must be..."

"The illegitimate son of the Iron Fist God!"

Coming to this conclusion, Ye Chen looked at Qin Yan with eagerness.

"Winning this Qin Yan is equivalent to winning over Iron Fist. If Iron Fist can be used by me, it will definitely be an extremely powerful force."

Immediately, Ye Chen and Qin Yan started talking enthusiastically, as if they had met each other and hated being late.

At this time, the remaining 11 freshmen also received identity badges.Those who are defeated challenge others again.However, no one dared to challenge Qin Yan.

Not to mention the strength shown by Qin Yan, even Ye Chen, who is next to Qin Yan with a smile on his face, is not a person to be provoked.

Finally, everyone finished fighting, and there were 8 unable to move students and 4 corpses lying on the ground.

"My little ones, this is my first lesson for you. Your companions may be your worst enemies. So, trust no one!"

Huoshan laughed and sent soldiers to drag the injured students and corpses away.Then, he took out a remote control and shouted loudly:
"Now, the first training program begins. Everyone, stand in a military posture for me. Whoever dares to move deliberately, I will take your name tag away!"

The word "deliberately" was bitten hard by the volcano.It seems that he is expressing something.

With the order of the volcano, 500 students were divided into four columns, standing neatly in place like 500 statues.

"Standing in a military posture? The military training at the Royal Mecha Academy can't be that simple, can it?"

Just when Qin Yan was surprised, he saw the volcano click a button on the remote control.Then, Qin Yan felt his body sink.

Next to Qin Yan, a student was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the volcano roared like a tiger:
"Idiot! I just turned the gravity up a bit and you fell? Give me 500 push-ups on the spot or fuck off!"

The student was full of grievances and had tears in his eyes.He put his hands on the ground, doing push-ups one after another.

Huo Huan smiled, raised the remote control in his hand, and said, "Boys, let's try the latest achievements of the military department. This training ground is for training special forces."

After all, the volcano kept pressing the buttons on the remote control.In an instant, the entire training ground was struck by lightning, thunder, and strong winds.High temperature, poisonous gas, mosquitoes... All kinds of torture quickly enveloped everyone.

All the students greeted Huoshan's family a hundred times in their hearts.However, they gritted their teeth and dared not move.

At this moment, the Volcanic Space Watch turned on and took out a machine gun.

"Little brats, don't move. Otherwise, I will take your ID badge away!"

All the students were scared to death.Could it be that this volcano dared to shoot?
However, what to be afraid of.Volcano quickly pulled the trigger, and the machine gun spewed out tongues of flame, flying towards the crowd.

Da da da……

At this moment, Qin Yan, who had exhausted his force, could no longer hold on.His vision went dark, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

(End of this chapter)

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