Spore Story

Chapter 1000 Slowdown of Equipment Replacement

Chapter 1000 Slowdown of Equipment Replacement

The Pengzu's technology update speed is super fast, even ignoring the economic and social laws. Many times, a new type of equipment has just been equipped with troops, but before it is officially used, it is mercilessly rejected by another equipment because it is surpassed by another equipment. Throw it into the warehouse.

This is influenced by the objective reasons of the overall anti-Zerg war, since everyone wants to get the best equipment into the army.

This directly leads to the friend clan's military equipment warehouses, which are often piled up with countless advanced weapons that are several months old.

These equipment, based on the principle of waste utilization, are generally sold to non-friend clan members at a fair price after slight adjustments, such as the previous Shadow clan, Black bone clan, and Sea clan.

But gradually, the military personnel of the Peng family realized that although they were equipped with the latest equipment, due to the rapid replacement, soldiers often lacked control over the equipment, and the combat effectiveness displayed began to decline instead. This situation finally calmed down the members of the Technical Equipment Department of the Military Academy.

So now, any military equipment of the Pengzu, even if the technology is mature, will generally give soldiers time to master it according to the time when the next battle may break out before the equipment is equipped.

If the time before the next battle may break out is too short to be finalized and mass-produced, then even if new equipment is finalized, it will generally not rush to equip troops, but will only test equipment on a small scale or stay in the laboratory to continue to improve.

Although such a countermeasure makes the equipment of the troops no longer the most advanced weapons, and the frequency of army equipment updates has begun to decline, it allows the combat effectiveness of the troops to be fully utilized.

At the same time, because it leaves more time for testing and improvement of new equipment, this move makes the new equipment more mature after the official mass production, reduces resource consumption and improves the stability and reliability of the equipment.

It's a learning process, and fortunately, Pengzu is always moving forward.

As a mecha that is considered as one of the main battle weapons after the upgrade of the whole clan as a friend, of course it also follows this principle.

Although the first-generation mechs and its completed Zhenkong and Iron Wing models have been equipped with the military for less than half a year. Generally, this time is the equipment update cycle of the friends in the past, but they are still equipped with the Space Force.At the same time, after collecting the usage data of the first-generation mecha, the second-generation mecha is also being further improved in the laboratory.

At this moment, Chi Yu is shouldering the mission of assisting in the improvement of these mechas that will be handed over to his subordinates in the future, and has come to the mechanical base on the artificial floating island attached to Xinpeng Island.

The current position of everyone seems to be light and weightless, but it is not in the universe, but a 300-meter-diameter spherical space weapon simulated by a friend who has further mastered the gravitational technology in an artificial floating island. hollow.

In the corner of the hole, a mecha nearly ten meters high stood on the wall.

At this moment, Chi Yu and the others gathered around the mecha, carefully examining its details.

"The prototype X-03 of the second-generation mech has a height of 11.4 meters. The joints adopt a three-axis model to ensure the flexibility of the joints. Although the current equipment is still an electric nuclear power source, it has been reserved for modification. It is a space for a mass-energy power furnace. It is a complete bionic structure, so there are not many weapons to carry, but the external design is very rich..."

"Is 11.4 meters too high?" Chi Yu naturally interrupted the researcher's description.

Although the X-01 series of mind force mechas of the mecha army are larger than the current X-03 second-generation prototype, but because of this, Chi Yu has a clearer understanding of the importance of body size in space warfare.

Although the universe is incomparably vast, it does not mean that the large size will definitely have an advantage, especially when facing the Zerg, the large size is often the direct cause of being a target.

What's more, the lack of obstacles in the cosmic space leads to a very long distance for detection methods such as vision, and the larger the volume, the easier it is to be exposed.

For example, during this low-orbit battle, the motherships and comprehensive supply ships of the friend clan often became the targets of the bugs. If most of the large-scale warships had not retreated later, the Zerg would disperse their attention on the regular-sized warships such as Meteor Stars. However, it is still unknown how many motherships the Space Force can leave behind.

In the same way, when a group of mechas fight against Zerg alone, the huge Psychic mechas are often easier targets than the slender Youshen mechas, and the losses are greater.

Therefore, in the previous feedback, they put forward the request to design the new generation of mechs as small as possible.

In this way, not only can it reduce the degree of attention from the Zerg, but more importantly, in the vast universe, the smaller the body, the more conducive to shortening the detection distance, which is more important for mechas that are more suitable for raid operations.

However, since the mech is still set up like this after getting feedback, the researchers obviously have their own considerations: "The small size is indeed an advantage, and it can be used as a prototype. We need to consider the use of soul-level soldiers. They need Equipped with mind-power devices and many life-support devices on the mecha, this leads to the fact that the soul-level mecha must be larger than the Youshen mecha."

Chi Yu does not refute this point, because it is a fact.

"Besides, considering the versatility of the mecha, we are not willing to design too much difference between the Youshen mecha and the soul-level mind power mecha."

Nodding his head, during low-orbit battles, the five or six-meter-high Youshen mecha weapons cannot be used in common with the more than a dozen 20-meter-high Psychic mecha weapons, which is indeed a huge problem.If the size of the two sides can be made to be similar, it will not only ensure the versatility of the weapons, but also reduce the specificity of the mechs because of the small size difference, so as to ensure that they will not be concentrated by the Zerg.

"Furthermore, we designed a multi-functional body + plug-in model, so in order to ensure the flexibility of the plug-in equipment, we have to increase the size of the mecha to ensure that the mech can be connected to these plug-ins."

This reason is also reluctant, Chi Yu opened his mouth, still nodding as acquiescence.

"But can the mass-energy power furnace keep up with the progress?"

"It should be possible. At the end of the earth orbit campaign two months ago, when the design of the second-generation mechs began to be fully rolled out, the power team had already reminded us to leave a design margin to facilitate the future equipment of mass-energy power furnaces. Then they There must be a certain degree of certainty.”

"What's more, we are not the only ones who started to fully design new equipment after the low-orbit battle. If the power furnace can be completed quickly, there are obviously not a few design items that can be equipped, and it may even trigger a power revolution for the entire family."

"So they don't dare to lie?" Chi Yu came to this conclusion.


Destruction and creation often go hand in hand.

While the Pengzu designed the mass-energy bomb, someone also proposed the concept of the mass-energy power furnace.

Because the mass-energy bomb converts all the matter within the explosion range into energy, and it is pure energy. Although there will be more or less energy crystallization or dissipated energy due to the problem of the completeness of the explosion, the conversion rate is still very high .According to the test, when a mass-energy bomb with a radius of 500 meters explodes, the energy conversion rate of the internal substances is about 0.09%.

Although the ratio seems very low, but considering the intensity of the complete conversion of matter into energy, this conversion rate is already very large.

For example, if an iron ball the size of a fist is converted into energy at this conversion rate and utilized, the energy is enough to meet the energy needs of a medium-sized city for a month.

And the person who proposed the mass-energy power furnace even envisioned making a small-volume closed environment, further reducing the radius of the explosion or transformation to the inside of this closed environment, and selecting those spare transformed substances as their own energy A higher type of implication.

When the mass-energy conversion in the closed environment starts, the high-energy substances are directly converted and purified. It is only necessary to control the intensity to prevent it from crystallizing, and to use the equipment that completely dissipates energy to absorb the absorption device in the closed environment shell into the external core. store.

And there are a lot of spare conversion substances left outside this closed environment.

In this way, it can be converted again before the nuclear energy is exhausted.

Repeatedly, before the high-energy matter is exhausted, the mass-energy power furnace can provide a steady stream of energy for the electric nucleus.

This doesn't seem to be much special, but considering that the conversion rate has increased to 0.11% in a closed environment, and the materials to be converted are not ordinary things like soil, but specially selected high-energy materials.According to the estimate of the proponent, the materials he proposed can absorb the energy of a mothership for ten days, or the energy consumption of a friend's industrial zone for a year.

More importantly, as long as this kind of power furnace breaks through the problem of controlling the explosion radius of the mass-energy bomb, it can meet the purpose of small size, low consumption, and unlimited energy supply.

The tantalizing prospect ensures that the Ministry of Technology and society attach importance to its development.

At the same time, the main consciousness development module now in the hands of the technical department has provided it with almost a golden finger of confidence in its development, which allowed the power team to develop the first power furnace entity two months before. Dare to boast about Haikou to leave room for each group.

"Then let's start the experiment."

After nodding to express his understanding, Chi Yu turned his attention to the tall mecha.The experimenter has already sat in the cockpit. He has observed before that the design of the cockpit has not changed much compared to the first generation. It is still dominated by mental connection control, but the accuracy of the mental connection has been enhanced and the process has been reduced. Consumption only.

"Start preparations, input energy 3000N, estimated support time 3 hours, start!"

"Understood, the activation has begun, please retreat to a safe place."

Most of the researchers present opened the entrances and exits to enter the safety cabin, and watched the experiment through the portholes, but several Youshen-level researchers, including Chi Yu, stayed where they were.

For them Youshen, this prototype mecha driven by a soul-level experimenter is not very threatening. If a battle breaks out directly, for everyone who is proficient in using mental power, facing this prototype without a plug-in, Yous The probability of God's victory is even higher.

In fact, one of the experimental subjects at this time also included the direct confrontation between Chi Yu, the Youshen, and the mecha.

This is beneficial for Chi Yu to further understand the advantages and disadvantages of this mecha.

So, after experimenting with simple joint movements, high maneuverability, high speed, impact, structural stability and other items, Chi Yu, who put on a flexible suit, stood in front of the mech, which was controlled by the experimenter, cautiously. Staring at Chi Yu steadily, he moved around the opponent step by step.

As the researcher shouted to start the battle, two figures, one big and one small, collided together.

(End of this chapter)

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