Spore Story

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Frightened by the electric shock, he ran southward.

It had broken an arm in the face of the impact of the double scythe beetle last time. It thought that it would leave this world just like this, but it was very unwilling.

I don't want to die, I really don't want to die.

The strong desire to survive kept Dian Dian from day to day, watching the generation of the leader of the group, the coming of the breeding season, and the departure of the pregnant female.

However, there is an end to life, and it feels that it can't hold on at last.

However, after living for so long, it's okay.

After unexpectedly surviving for so long, thinking of the quack apes (tentacles quack beasts) who died in the double scythe battle before, the electric shock has already felt a little satisfaction.

His consciousness was a little fuzzy, his teammate beside him and Chu Lei, who had become the leader, looked at him regretfully, but he had no regrets anymore.

In a blur, Electric Shock felt that he was leaving his body little by little, and the world seemed to be falling.Suddenly, the electric shock suddenly felt a numbness in the body, and the consciousness that had been blurred was instantly awakened, and the illusion of leaving the body disappeared without a trace.

When the electric shock completely recovered its mind and controlled its body, it was surprised to find that the broken arm, which was sore and festered, seemed to heal in such an instant.Although the entire palm was lost, the forearm part grew intact, as if it was the same.

At this time, Shocking had a clear realization that he was already different.

I am still alive?

The companions expressed their delight at the change of the electric shock, but none of them thought about why this happened.Because I can continue to live and continue to watch everyone's life, Shock Electric already feels extremely satisfied.

In this way, in the eyes of his companions, the electric shock, which had recovered from its injuries, began to become a little strange. It no longer moved with the companions of the team, and often went out alone, and then brought back food to share with everyone.

However, the animal world is still cruel.

Not long ago, when Electric Shock had just strangled a small animal with its tentacles and was about to bring it back to the den to share with everyone, there were bursts of animal roars from the den.

It hastily grabs the prey with its tentacles, and immediately rushes to the nest after being electrocuted.

Dying, everyone is dying, what is it.

Ever since that half-life and half-death, Electric Shock found that he could sense the existence of his companion, as if a pair of hands were pointing out the direction and position of his companion.

But before he could get to the lair, he saw two scarred quack apes rushing towards him in panic.

Roaring and trying to stop the two companions, but the companions who were already in a panic did not see the electric shock, and continued to run south after passing the electric shock.

At this time, a huge figure chased out from the lair.

Even without the reminder from his companion, he knew what to do when he was electrocuted.Because, when this giant beast appeared in front of his eyes, the feeling of companions in the lair had all disappeared.

all dead!Everyone is dead!Why?
Panic shuttled through the dense woods, and ran westward all the way.Because he suddenly remembered that the females in the group all went in that direction, and they would definitely come back.

Even though his body was trembling with fear, under such a dangerous situation, the electric shock was still able to maintain calm thinking.This is also the ability acquired after that time.

I don't know if it's good or bad, but since then, I can feel the electric shock at the same place far away, but I can hardly feel the body's pain, body's fear, body's desire and many other body reactions.

Electric shock once again felt the breath of the same family, there are many, some are strong and some are weak, the weak ones should be children, but the strong ones?

What a powerful breath!

In the feeling of electric shock, although he didn't know the strength of the monster that destroyed the lair, but at this time electric shock insisted that this powerful aura must be stronger than that monster.

As a result, everyone died, but I was still alive.

The sadness of the rest of the life after the catastrophe, seeing a bunch of large and small quack apes appearing in the distance after being electrocuted, slowly came to my heart after realizing that I was safe, the exhausted body finally lost strength and fell to the ground, and the consciousness fell into a drowsy sleep caught.

—————————The dividing line roaring at the mirror———————

"Boss, there seems to be something there."

"Huh? Where?"

Following Chu Yi's guidance, Gaga saw the silvery white not far away.

"It's Quack Ape, hurry up and recite it."

Chu Yi immediately left the team and rushed to the quack ape who fell to the ground, using four tentacles to restrain him behind him, and then Chu Yi ran back to the group of apes.

Seeing the other party's broken right hand in surprise, Quack released his mental power to feel the life reaction of the quack ape.The magnetic field of life is very weak, but as long as it exists, it means alive, which made Gaga slightly relieved.


When he habitually penetrated the mental power into the opponent's brain in order to wake up the quack ape, quack suddenly froze.

"Obviously still alive? Although it is strange that the palm of the right hand is still alive, but the magnetic field of life and various reactions indicate that this quack ape is still alive. Then, why is this?"

In the observation of quack's mental power, there appeared in the mind of this quack ape a living quack ape or animal, something that was almost impossible to appear - the conscious body.

"It's really a great discovery that a conscious body appears in a living individual."

Immediately ordered Chu Yi to continue to carry this precious quack ape on his back. At this time, the identity of the other party has changed from a fellow victim who happened to meet to a precious specimen of consciousness. I don't know what the fainted electric shock will think. (=.=)

As soon as he woke up, he felt that his surroundings were filled with the aura of the same race, especially that powerful aura was not far away, so it didn't do anything aggressive.

A faint voice came out of the electric shock port, and he opened his eyes, seeing that the world was constantly bumping.The tentacle moved and began to recover its strength, and touched the fellow who was carrying him on his back.

"woke up?"

The strange pronunciation was transmitted to the ears of the electric shock, and he couldn't understand the meaning of the other party, but the electric shock could feel the kindness from the same people behind his back, so the electric shock nodded, and then struggled and called to go by himself.

"Don't move, the big boss told me to keep your back and not let you fall."

Obviously, the electric shock couldn't understand Chu Yi's words, seeing that the other party didn't let go of the tentacles, the electric shock's struggle became even bigger.

"Put him down, Chu Yi."


The restraints were loosened suddenly, and he was caught off guard and got an electric shock and sat crookedly on the ground.

"Really, be careful when putting it away, this is an important specimen!"

"Hey, he moved around by himself." Chu Yi smiled unconsciously, looked at the electric shock sitting on the ground, turned around and went back behind Quack.

Struggling to get up, just because of the electric shock that passed out because of running too tired, after a short rest, he has regained his strength.At this time, it discovered that in the walking team, most of the adult quack apes were females who had left the nest before, and that powerful quack ape seemed to be the big leader.

At the same time, some curious female quack apes also recognized the famous broken-arm quack ape.

Soon, I learned about the situation of the electric shock from a Quack ape who knew about the electric shock, and Quack walked towards the electric shock.

No, although the big boss is very powerful, if he goes back like this, he will definitely die a lot, and we can't let everyone die anymore.

Eager mood swings radiated outwards. Under the surprised eyes of Quack and Chuqin, the quack ape ran to the front of the team, barking and blocking the progress of the quack ape team.

"Get out of the way, let's go back."

The leading Quackape seemed very dissatisfied with the action of the electric shock, and stepped forward to pull the electric shock away.

"Wait, stop and rest today, and leave tomorrow."

Some problems were discovered from the performance of the broken-arm Quack ape, which made Quack realize that the nest was probably not safe, so he stopped the moving team.

"Chu Qin, go find some hay, dead wood and meat."


The quack apes, who had gotten used to cooked food during this period, immediately ran away, especially after leaving the calcium carbide mine, because the animal resources became abundant again, both task resources and food resources began to recover adequately.

Gaga, who raised enough evolution points, originally planned to find a safe place after arriving at the northern lair, and return to the editing space to install the energy core again, but judging from the current situation, it may take a while.

"Are you saying that you encountered a double-scythe beetle attack before, and most of them died?"

Quack stood up in surprise, and the quack ape who was talking about it in front of him nodded in confirmation.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Boss, I didn't ask."


Looking at this aggrieved quack ape, quack was speechless.

Night had fallen again, and the light of the flames shone on the surrounding 40 apes, large and small, who were gradually getting used to the flames, as well as the electric shock that was hiding behind a tree watching the flames in fear.

"Meow, is there still a lot of double sickle beetles in the mountain range, and the northern lair closest to the mountain range has become a strategic point?"

"Boss, lair, is it gone?"

Knowing from Quack's actions and words that there might be a problem with the nest, a dozen or so female quack apes who were concerned about the nest looked eagerly at Quack.

"You have to ask him."

Looking up at the electric shock that was hiding far away, the sound of dry firewood cracking sounded from time to time, shaking the heart of the electric shock into confusion.

Why are they not afraid?
The electrocution, which was a little relieved because the team stopped, was very surprised that the quack apes were all gathered around the fire.Even though the feeling of the body has weakened a lot, the electric shock can still detect the dangerous power from the flame, but the fellow clansmen gathered around the flame fearlessly.

At this time, Electric Shock keenly sensed a force gathering in his own consciousness, but he didn't feel the slightest danger, but a warm and friendly feeling, so Electric Shock calmly chose to accept it.

Consciousness is a very strange thing. Whether it is energy or matter or something else, Gaga, who has been a conscious body for a long time, can't tell himself.However, when contacting this group of consciousness staying in the surviving body, Gaga found that he had a little resonance with this group of consciousness.

Unknowingly, the consciousness body in Quack's body began to slowly emerge from the physical body.

"Not good, will you die like this?"

Discovering the changes in the body, according to Gaga's observations all the time, the emergence of consciousness out of the body means death, but the appearance of the electric shock refuted this conclusion.

Not daring to take risks, at least not now, Quack made a decisive decision and immediately disconnected the mental power connected to the consciousness of electric shock, and the consciousness just produced also retracted into the body in an instant.

"How is this going?"

"Boss, are you alright?"

Looking at Quack who stood there for a while, Chu Qin put down the cooked meat and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, let's continue eating."

Temporarily putting aside the doubts in his heart, Quack asked a female quack ape who knew about electric shocks to pass a small amount of cooked meat to electric shocks, and then ate it on his own.

What is the main consciousness?What is consciousness?
(End of this chapter)

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