Spore Story

Chapter 1048 Slow Pumi Garcia

Chapter 1048 Slow Pumi Garcia
The Pumi Garcia Council and the Temple Council received reports from the front at almost the same time, a brand new individual civilization, and it is a cosmic civilization that has not yet been defined in the middle and early stages of cosmic civilization, and has not even been in contact with other civilizations in the universe. The shock brought to the current Star Alliance will definitely not be small.

Obviously, this is far stronger than Pengzu himself guessed.

Of course, the Pumi Garcias themselves were the first to react, but in a society where more than one person knows a secret, it is never a secret. In just a few months, the news spread quickly to many Star Alliance civilizations. middle.

Pumi Garcia without a sanctuary is an ordinary high-level cosmic civilization, which is almost the consensus of the universe.

So soon, when the Pumi Garcia Council and the Holy Church were still arguing about how to deal with this race, and even the Holy Church was still strongly opposed to Pumi Garcia's integration of friends out of its own rights, Several other high-level cosmic civilizations in the Star Alliance have already responded first.

As a result, when the monitoring troops of the river system where the Double Moon Star is located found that several other high-level civilizations had reached the size of the main fleet, but they were called explorers. When the news spread that they entered the river system, they were still chattering Finally all the people shut up.

"They are invading, we should immediately announce the territorial claim of the river system!" Is the order of your speech reversed?

"In any case, we must send the fleet over immediately!"

"That's what you say, but the Holy Church is not very willing."

A slightly more stable congressman stepped forward: "The leak of news was predicted a long time ago, but whether they know the route is still unknown. At least for now, we have already made contact with that friend, even if it is an individual So what about civilization? We now have a sanctuary, and we are no longer the weak individual race of the past!"

"Do you mean to be tough?" Another congressman asked rhetorically.

"I didn't say that," the steady MP hastily retorted.

Everyone can clearly see the current situation. An individual civilization that has been in contact with the Pumigarcias and is fighting the Zerg, but is located in an independent river system, is a natural ally no matter how you look at it.

But for those advanced civilizations that lack individual combat power, there is no need to say more about the fragrant steamed buns. No matter who they are, they will scramble to absorb them into their own systems.

Relying on the advantage of being the first to contact, the Pumi Garcia people thought that everything was safe, but now they sent an official mission a step slower than others.If others were allowed to sign the formal agreement first, that would be enough to make all these congressmen step down.As for the tough treatment, it would be fine if no other race knew about it at the beginning, but now... a fool would do this.

"In any case, sending a delegation immediately is the top priority. At least we can take the opportunity to see what this friend is like."

Finally, someone put forward a constructive suggestion, and other members of the council also spoke out in an attitude of showing their faces, wanting to say a few words about this major event that may be second only to the church's joining the Pumi Garcia tribe.

Obviously, the long discussion on a small issue is probably caused by the congressmen's mentality of leaving a name in history.

But at this time, the door of the parliament hall was suddenly pushed open.

Everyone stopped their movements and turned their heads to look at the guy who dared to interrupt the councilor's discussion at this moment, but then fell silent.Because, it was a tall and strong man in a gold silk robe, with a long face and a long head, which was very different from the Pumi Garcia in appearance, but any Pumi Garcia knew the existence of the other party's identity—the elder of the church .

After nearly [-] years of development, the Holy Church is not only the original individual race that integrated into Pumi Garcia, but also many people from the Pumi Garcia tribe and some members of the scattered small civilization at the bottom.

However, the high-end power of the Holy Church has always been controlled by the real Holy Church family. It is not that they hide it for themselves. After 1 years of hiding, the Pumi Garcias who are smart enough will take it out.However, due to individual differences, unless genetic adjustments are carried out to achieve racial transformation, the Pumigarcias' temples will never be able to achieve the devastating fighting power of the real temple family.

Therefore, even after 1 years, the Templar clan is still an absolute high-end combat power and political influencer in Pumi Garcia.

But at this moment, everyone was still discussing the issue after all, so when the elder walked to the speaking position, a congressman stepped forward in due course.

"Elder Tara, good day, may I ask why you are here?"

"Good day, this congressman, it's actually not that important." Elder Tara stood casually by the podium, his pupils emitting a glimmer of light swept across the crowd, and quickly disappeared under the hood of his robe: " I'm here this time because I'm just interested in the individual civilization called 'Peng' that you discovered, so I want to ask when your delegation will be formed. When the time comes, I want to hitch a ride, haha. "


A group of congressmen couldn't help but wonder in their hearts. If it wasn't for the obstruction of the church, this damn delegation would have been ready long ago.

"Hehe, the old man also knows the dissatisfaction in everyone's hearts. Those children are indeed not very sensible. No, the old man is the only one who goes out in person. As for now, the old man will not disturb you, go outside and have a few cups of tea and wait for you to make a decision .Ahem, I’m old, I don’t know how long I can drink this drink from Al.”


Ten minutes later, the parliament passed the resolution of the assembly delegation almost unanimously.

The delegation will be led by an ordinary congressman, but in fact, everyone knows that the old hitchhiking guy is really making the decisions.Moreover, no one dares to say that the guy is really old, because as far as the Holy Church family is concerned, up to now, no one has died of natural old age in the records.

These, no one said it, no one even dared to think about it.

Because, the psychic ability of the high level of the temple is also one of the reasons why they have to accept each other.

At this time, Shuangyuexing was not aware of the reality that everyone was looking at, and was still engaged in the anti-aggression war that was drawing to a close.

Even Sigu and others sitting in the Pumi Garcia mothership never thought that the discussion in the parliament would be so difficult, but in the end they immediately reached a consensus because of a word from the elders of the temple.Not to mention, there is a fleet completely beyond their imagination at this time, which is rushing here, just like going to a market.

Several Pumigarcias sitting on the bridge of the mothership were still enjoying the battle of the friends.

"The combat effectiveness of a battleship of the Heavenly Punishment class is comparable to a main gun in a capital ship. According to the development of the Pengzu, the idea of ​​expanding the size of the warship to assemble the flagship should soon come to mind. At that time, the Pengzu will appear It is a weapon that can compete with the main battleships of our family in terms of combat effectiveness," the adjutant commented.

"Indeed, it's not difficult," Xi Gu nodded.

But no matter whether the Friends have developed weapons that are as powerful as Pumi Garcia's main battle weapon, they all have a fatal flaw, that is, population, which makes it impossible for the Friends to have a fleet comparable to Pumi Garcia.

But moving closer in another direction, they don't need such a huge fleet.


"That kind of dangerous mental shock platform, to be honest, I don't see how they will develop weapons, after all, it is not a route we are familiar with," the adjutant said immediately.

This made the others a little silent.

"Let's talk about something else," Xi Gu thought for a while, and then changed the topic: "It's really interesting to talk about their core base."

"Indeed, rapid deployment, rapid expansion, fusion of fully automated machinery, cannon fodder weapons, and high-quality weapons. Come to think of it, everyone sees something from it?" The adjutant looked at the other two.

"Zerg base," was the female staff officer's answer.

"Pumi Garcia Colonial Ship," was Sigurd's answer.

For the two answers, the adjutant gave a positive evaluation.

"In fact, whether it's the core base of the friends or our colony ship, now that I think about it, maybe they all come from the base concept of the Zerg." There were no outsiders present, and the adjutant didn't care to say, "My family The fact that the best technique is to learn from the enemy they belittle' has a serious impact on extremists' racial pride.

Not enough. The three people here are obviously not such people, so although they were a little upset about this, they didn't refute it.

At the same time, the battle on Bai Yue's side was a different scene.

It is said to be different, but it is actually because there is no ups and downs on the side of the brood.

When the battle started, Baiyue's troops began to gather a large number of troops without any technical content, and then with the Blue Moon and Shuangyuexing Command Group as the core, they mobilized the troops that had already occupied more than half of Baiyue to attack the other half of Baiyue. The swarm base launched a full-scale assault.

The three main space fleets assigned to Baiyue turned into weapons of mass destruction after several special raids by the ground forces destroyed most of the low-orbit defense facilities, and used orbital bombing to attack the surface of the Zerg. The bases are combed over and over again.

So when the land troops arrived, basically only scattered Zerg were left waiting for them.

In this way, what really affected the progress of Bai Yue's battle was instead the troop's marching speed.

As for the underground...

From the very beginning, it can be said that the underground of Baiyue has belonged to the robot army of the core base of the Pengzu. The Zerg can't move at a depth of more than [-] meters underground, and they are looking for death if they go in.

Under such a reality, it is not difficult to imagine why the Zerg commander would give up any hope for the battle on Bai Yue's side.

Therefore, even though it has a huge resource reserve, Baiyue's resistance is not as strong as that of the brood.When the friend troops on the side of the brood had just finished landing and cleaned up the low-orbit Zerg, the friend troops here on the Baiyue side were still marching, but they had already wiped out most of the Baiyue Zerg base all the way. .

At this time, regarding the Baiyue troops, the core elders of Chu Qin even confidently gave a complete recovery timetable, and after a little research, people will find that this timetable is completely planned according to the marching speed.

This is a kind of confidence, not arrogance.

Because in the next time, everything will develop like the schedule.

When the time advanced to the third day, that is, when the time to complete the remaining distance of Baiyue at the marching speed arrived, the friends also officially announced that they would clear all the Zerg bases on the Baiyue side on the bright side.Among them, the space force has harvested most of the building destruction numbers, while the land forces have harvested all the territory recapture numbers.

Afterwards, the task of Baiyue's troops officially shifted to clean up Baiyue, expand the scope of Baiyue's core base, and adjust the distribution mode of the existing core base to develop in the direction of industry.

As for the three main fleets in space, except for one that will be stationed at the airport built in the low orbit of Baiyue in the future, the other two will fly towards the mother nest and the transition point respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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