Spore Story

Chapter 1053 The Story of the Rabbit and the Butterfly

Chapter 1053 The Story of the Rabbit and the Butterfly
Thank you for the rewards of 'The Wind Appears on the Track' and 'The Story of the Starry Sky'~\(≧▽≦)/~
Although pets are well-behaved and cute, they cannot understand more things due to problems at the brain level.Therefore, they often make some actions to tear the books and cause unnecessary losses.So, while pets are very popular among friends, the library prohibits them from being brought in, regardless of any guarantees.

"Sorry, pets are not allowed in the library." The receptionist looked at the rabbits and butterflies beside Kong Huan in embarrassment, pointed to the side and said, "Kids, you can leave them in the pet area so that they will find them there." A lot of good friends."

"No, Xiaoyun and Xiaoling can only be my friends," Kong Huan said stubbornly.


Facing the sudden prank, the receptionist who didn't know it obviously sweated a little about the possessiveness of this cute-looking kid with a bow tied on his tail, and then thought about it and proposed: "But, bring Bunny and Butterfly will get hurt when they enter the library, and they have been playing with you for a long time, so let’s leave them here for a while to rest now.”

"No, I'm Youshen, I will protect... oh!"

"Okay, don't make trouble."

Unlike passers-by, the parents of this family are very aware of their son's childlike personality.Now all the exclusive pets are pretending, but they just want to tease the receptionist sister in front of them.At this time, there were still many people queuing behind, and the parents obviously would not let the illusory behavior go.

So, as a last resort, the net rabbit and hell butterfly were released into the park.

People would not take away pets with owners for no reason, not to mention these two can be regarded as the most advanced pets of the friend clan, don't worry about Kong Huan, the parents usually know the cleverness of these two little guys, and at the same time they are at ease in their own strength.So under the relieved expression of the receptionist lady, the family of three entered the library.

On the other hand, the two pets who were 'abandoned' were obviously unwilling.

"Damn it, who made the 'no pets allowed', I want to let him know how powerful we are!" Xiao Lingyun waved her short front paws and complained to the Hell Butterfly on the branch in front of her.

"Forget it, just wait here, it's only a few hours," the Hell Butterfly fluttered its wings boredly, responding to the rabbit's complaints.

After a few minutes……

"No! I'm so unwilling, I want to go in too!" The little rabbit spread his legs and began to jump forward.

But soon, under the boring gaze of the Hell Butterfly, a cute pure white rabbit was carried back into the park by a lady receptionist.

Then the next moment, a certain rabbit turned around and rushed inward again, unwilling to be reconciled.

Of course, it didn't take long for her to be picked up by her ears, caught out again and thrown into the park lawn.

Then, she turned around again...

Lost again...

one more time……

"This idiot," finally, Chu Ling couldn't stand it any longer. She waved her wide butterfly wings to cover her compound eyes. With an expression that she couldn't bear to see, she glanced at a certain ⑨ rabbit that was thrown out again.

"Ah! If it wasn't for Kong Huan saying that he can't use his abilities, I would have been in the mouth long ago!!"

"you idiot!"


The rabbit that was thrown to the ground by the butterfly's wings rubbed its cheeks (the paws were too short to touch the head), and looked at the butterfly floating in the air with an uneasy expression.After realizing that the other party's wings were not moving, he immediately shouted: "Ah, foul, don't use your thoughts to say it, have you forgotten all the illusory words?"

"Idiot, Void Fantasy just said that it cannot be discovered, and it didn't say that you can't use your mind power in places where no one is around."

"Really?" Xiao Lingyun suddenly realized, but then complained: "Then why did you hit me!"

"Are you an idiot? How could the rabbit beat the library receptionists without using your thoughts?" Chu Ling reminded with the expression of a commentator: "So, if you want to go in, the best way that is……"

"What?" Rabbit's eyes lit up.

"Of course, if you become a human, then you don't have to worry about blocking it at all?" Butterfly looked down at the thoughtful white rabbit with a contemptuous gaze, but was ignored by the other party.

"So that's how it is, it's amazing!"

Then the next moment, the shape of the rabbit twisted and turned into the aura appearance of a human.

But before he was proud, a butterfly wing hit a certain rabbit again... Ah no, the top of a certain girl's head.

"What are you doing again!" This time it was a human hand, so it easily touched the forehead that was hit.

"Are you an idiot? Take your ears back!"

"Oh," the long rabbit ears retracted between the hair and the tentacles.

"There's also a tail, although it's a bit short, don't show it to me!"

"Hehe," the tail disappeared in an instant: "It's all right now."

"It should be...but it's strange," Chu Ling, who was still a hell butterfly, flew around Lingyun a few times, and said hesitantly, "I still feel something is wrong."

"No," Xiao Lingyun turned around and looked at her body.

Except for Yiren's wings, everything else looks similar to the thirteen or fourteen-year-old children of today's Pengzu, and anyone who looks at it will know that it is a beautiful embryo.As for the wings, the energyized Wingmen seldom reveal them now.

"By the way, size!" The Underworld Butterfly, who suddenly realized it, didn't explain much, but her figure changed automatically.

A moment later, a cute girl about two years old with a pink appearance appeared at Lingyun's feet.

"Hahaha, so small!" Ling Yun, who was about thirteen or fourteen years old, looked at Chu Ling who was not as tall as her waist, and resolutely lay down on the ground and laughed wildly.

"Hmph, what are you laughing at, you idiot," Chu Ling glanced at the girl on the ground contemptuously, and put the wings representing the consciousness of the butterfly master behind her into her body, and after checking that there was no problem with her body, she was satisfied nod.

Afterwards, she stepped on the back of the street girl, stepped on it, and walked towards the library gate.

After the heel was caught by Lingyun, he explained it contemptuously.

"Don't forget, Kong Huan now has a two-year-old appearance. If we went to find him with a thirteen or fourteen-year-old appearance, we might be taken by others," Chu Ling added proudly after passing Lingyun : "So, if you want to persist, just watch me looking for empty fantasy to play alone, oh hehehe!"

"What! So there is still this point! Mistake!"

……After a few minutes……

The receptionist looked at the two little girls in front of her with a lot of pressure. The cute appearance, coupled with a cold and majestic one and a lively and sunny temperament, made her want to pounce on them and hug them. into the bosom.However, the unintentional power of the two girls made her, a soul-level, dare not look directly at them, so she couldn't think of any blasphemy.


"Now people can go in, hmph, let me tell you that pets are not allowed in!"

Resolutely ignoring the strange, clumsy-looking little girl with white hair, the receptionist looked at the slightly mature black-haired girl beside her... Ah no, little girl?loli? , this should be my sister: "little sister, where is your family?"

"Hey, don't ignore people!"


Tacitly ignoring the aura in the bluffing, Chu Ling declined the receptionist's proposal to take them to find their family members, and dragged Lingyun who was still shaking her fist at the receptionists who had thrown her out of the rabbit costume. Yun, swept through with mental power, and soon discovered the location of the emptiness.

"Come on, stupid bunny."

"Who dares to say that we are fools!"


(End of this chapter)

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