Spore Story

Chapter 110 An Ape

Chapter 110 Is it an ape (top middle)

"So hungry!"

so hungry...

swim swim swim
i am a small cell
Although it has no eyes, it is a small cell that can feel the empty world.

Hey, there seems to be food in front, a lot of food, great!

Eat, eat.

what!Great pliers!

Quack woke up from sleep, "What!"

Several dim lights flashed in front of the root of the tree where Gaga was, and before he knew it, Gaga seemed to be surrounded by something.

"Damn it, is it really a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by a dog? I can kill the main consciousness of an epic creature!"

Immediately stood up, mobilized the current in the body to flow throughout the body, emitting a light blue light to frighten the surrounding black shadows.One of the great benefits of the energy core is that it can send out a strong current with almost no time to accumulate energy.

However, with an unnatural trembling of his body, Quack found helplessly that his energy was running out, and in addition to the multiple falls on his body, and his bones were still a little unstable... In short, he couldn't do strenuous activities.

"Sinai! If we hadn't promised 8051 not to use energy at this time, we would have killed you all with a mental impact!"

Leaning your body against the tree trunk will at least eliminate the possibility of a sneak attack on your back.

The black shadows outside seemed to be still wandering, as if they found their prey standing up straight and became vigilant, these shadows stopped their possible attacks, and the situation froze here.

Time passed little by little, and the night became darker and darker.

"Damn it, there are two moons, but now none of them come out!"

Finally, the night was completely dark, and Gaga could only identify the enemy by his voice.

Uncontrollably moving his feet, Gaga felt that his legs were getting more and more painful.

"How long have you been standing?"

Neither the enemy nor the enemy made any moves, and Gaga began to feel a little unconfident.

"Could it be that I'm an enemy, after all, the night covers up too many things."

He moved his body carefully, but there was still no movement.

A flash of lightning flashed across, and a glimmer of light seemed to appear in the boundless darkness, but it quickly disappeared.And taking advantage of this flash of light, Gaga carefully scanned the surroundings, but still found nothing.

"Meow, even if I try my best today, I still have to go to sleep in a tree."

Unable to bear this kind of torture, Quack stood up with the severe pain. While discharging electricity from time to time, he paid attention to his surroundings; while using his tentacles and limbs together, he began to climb up the trees behind him.

Although the trees were slippery, Gaga finally managed to safely land on a branch more than five meters above the ground thanks to its strong bounce and the length of its tentacles.

"It should be fine now."

Leaving the dark ground, Gaga realized that most of the moonlight was blocked by dense trees. At this time, Gaga, who had a glimmer of light, felt a little more secure again.

"Go to sleep!"

————————The dividing line is flying with the night———————


Stretching his whole body, Quack looked at the sunlight shining on the ground through the gaps in the trees, "The night is finally over."

"I must go back today, meow, this is too much torture for the ape."

Cautiously standing up from the branch, Quack felt his body, and seemed to have recovered a little bit, but it was still far from the best state.

Looking at the branches not far away, Gaga suddenly thought of something funny.



In the quiet woods, there was a sudden strange roar, startling a bunch of timid animals.

Although the body is unable to move vigorously due to bone injuries, the tentacles without bones have recovered completely.

At this time, Quack completely adhered to the behavior of the tentacle creature, swinging on the branches between the trees with the tentacles entwined, like a monkey in the mountain forest, jumping over giant trees one after another.

The lightning-like speed, coupled with the tension of having to keep an eye on the branches ahead, made Gaga feel that the fear and cold of the night were completely driven away.

"Hey, sure enough, you need to use this method to move your mouth and teeth in the woods... ah!"

It suddenly dawned on him that the woods had already swung to the end, and he lost his point of strength, so Quack jumped into the air with a scream, and then smashed into the grass with a long tail sound.

"This...is...extreme joy begets...sorrow!"

Feeling the aggravated injury again, it was close to the pain from the last time he faced the Big Mac, Quack moved his fingers with difficulty, but what he brought to himself was boundless pain.

"Now I can only move with my tentacles."

Really tenacious!
At this time, Quack finally completely transformed into a tentacle creature, and the four tentacles tremblingly supported the heavy body on the ground.

Looking around carefully, Gaga did not find any trace of the river.

"Meow, the mountains don't all look the same, so how do we find them!"

The strength of the tentacles could not support Gaga to run around, aiming at a rock with a higher terrain, Gaga dragged his body with the tentacles to move a little bit towards the rock not far away.


The sky is still blue, and the white clouds are still clean.

"This is something magical, is it a cloud?"

Quack, lying on the rock and looking at the sky, suddenly found that there seemed to be something haunting the clouds.

"How could there be living things in the clouds? Could it be an aircraft!"

Suddenly, I felt that the situation was very serious. If there was an aircraft at this time, it would not mean that the Shuangyue star appeared at this time, a civilization that the Quack apes could not match at this time, or it meant that an alien civilization had detected the Shuangyue star. For Quack But they are all great threats.

But after carefully looking at the things haunting the clouds, Gaga breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like some kind of creature."

It has a translucent shape like a jellyfish, but its body is very huge. Although it is only the size of a palm when viewed from the ground at this time, as long as you think about the height of the clouds, the size of this animal is terrifying.

"How did it fly so high?"

Not the threat of civilization, Quack had the leisure to look at this animal again, but soon, several more came out of the cloud.

I don't know if they are intelligent, but in Quack's sight, several large jellyfish-like floating creatures are connecting with each other with tentacles-like limbs, and then they withdraw from the cloud little by little.

"There are so many."

In Quack's shocked eyes, cloud jellyfish appeared one after another, but when the team formed by tentacles fully appeared, the number had increased to more than 20.

Then, these more than 20 cloud jellyfish are connected first, forming a ring and floating in the sky, slowly drifting with the waves (wind) under the blowing of the wind.

"We're dizzy, what kind of world is this! Forget about fire-breathing monsters, and now even giant floating creatures have appeared." (You yourself are one of the problem creatures. Pika~Qiu=.=)

At this time, there were several friction sounds of grass and trees in my ears.


Turning his head with difficulty, under Gaga's puzzled eyes, three small scavengers appeared around Gaga, and then surrounded the rock. Obviously, the other party found the motionless Gaga.

"Hey, here comes the food."

Immediately, the four tentacles spread out and fluttered around the body, and then Quack remained motionless like a dead body.

The three dinosaurs looked at Quack suspiciously, as if they felt a little threat from this huge (relatively) body, but they were still wandering after not eating for a while.

"Little guys, don't hesitate, seeing our delicious... er... food, you can't miss it!"

A small dinosaur seems to be a bit more courageous, I saw it retreating two to three, and slowly approaching Quack step by step. This speed made Quack feel depressed and wanted to rush directly, but his heart was more than enough and his strength was insufficient, and his seriously injured body could not achieve Quack's goal. The wish at that time, so now I can only continue to exercise Quack's patience.

Finally, during the time when Gaga could usually eat five pieces of cooked meat, the little dinosaur finally covered the distance of a little more than one meter.

But it can't attack yet, because the little dinosaur just reached the tip of Quack's tentacles on the ground, and Quack's tentacles are straight on the ground, "I knew it, I rolled it up and put it down, maybe I can cosplay it snake."

Regardless of what Quack was thinking, the little dinosaur finally walked into Quack's tentacles under the expectant eyes of the other two little dinosaurs.Then, it kicked at Quack's tentacles.


Gaga, who has been a high-level predator for many years, never thought that this day would come, but he had to do a full set of acting. Although he was very dissatisfied with the actions of the little dinosaur, Gaga still endured his discomfort and did not control the tentacles. The dinosaur kicked a short distance.

"The strength is too weak!"

In his heart he despised the strength of the little dinosaurs, but Quack didn't want to think about the epic creature-level muscles that his own race used now.

I don't know if he heard Quack's suggestion in his mind, but this little dinosaur wagged its tail and smashed its long tail on Quack's face.

"Ah! I can't help it!"

Once again, I did a few "violent" exercises such as biting and roaring around Quack, and found that the little dinosaur that was still unresponsive to Quack became more and more unscrupulous. At this time, the other two little dinosaurs finally came towards Quack.

"I didn't expect that one day we would use ourselves as bait to hunt."

After pretending to be chic, the four tentacles suddenly waved in the terrified eyes of the little dinosaurs. Then, before the three little dinosaurs could react, the tentacles bound the necks of the three little dinosaurs respectively, and then strangled them. Tighten, tighter, tighter...

As the lightning flashed across, Quack finally remembered the electric attack that he had not forgotten, and wiped out the three poor half-dead prey that had been strangled.

"Does this count as abuse? Forget it, it's all about eating anyway."

It's been a long time since I tasted raw meat, and now I feel the familiar feeling of raw meat flowing through the mouth and esophagus with blood, and I can't help but think of the animal that I have been doing this for billions of years.

"Civilization, civilization, what is your limit?"

"The same species, how can we find 20% of the same species? When will we find such a big planet!"

PS: Thank you for the cloud jellyfish provided by book friend Huomu =w=
(End of this chapter)

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